I - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 25, 1996 (TIle £irigan Da4 flg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan N Y ' RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY' ZACHARY M. RAII Editorial Page Editors NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'Ann Arbor, come on downs Go right down that aisle and registe nw You cannot impact this system unr - The Rev. Jesse Jac kson, i arc / siens die zisle andout the door ofHill uditorUmyesierday Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion oflthe majority ofthe Dailv s editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion oThe Michigan Dailr FROM THE DAILY Th wright to p ~y Registrar must tighten office security p ersonal information is an individual's Education, Rights and Privacy Act. The to keep and only reveal to someone else punishment for violating this act could when absolutely necessary. So, when credit mean a severe reduction of the card companies solicit students all over $350,000,000 of federal funds the campus offering free T-shirts in exchange University receives each year. The possibil- for social security numbers, students should ity could be a reality if Latocha decides to think twice. Students must give their per- file suit and brings more attention to the sonal information to the University when registrar's office faux-pas. they register - they do not In light of the incident, the have a choice. University stu- office should take precautions dents have to trust that the the to tighten the security in the registrar will secure the infor- Office of the Registrar and mation. elsewhere. Currently, the registrar's ' First, the office must office has a serious problem. include background checks in Any worker at the registrar can the application process. Those obtain information - private convicted of crimes - such as information - about any stealing and fraud - should University student. And this not work in the registrar's problem has consequences. office. This is exactly what hap- MATT WiMSAT/Daily Second, the supervisors pened to Stacey Latocha, a must watch their employees recent University alum who lives in more closely so that the incident rate falls to Virginia. A registrar's office employee used zero. Moreover, if students work in the Latocha's birth date, social security number office, they must be restricted from access and mother's maiden name to receive credit to student information. Officials believe and phone cards. Once Latocha graduated, that a student lifted Latocha's information she discovered that she had a mysteriously for profit. poor credit rating - because the University The investigation showed that Latocha's was careless. misfortune was not the only incident of For the University, the ramifications informational theft.The University must could be more dire. The results of the care- tighten its security immediately to ensure less action is a violation of the Family, students' rights under FERPA are protected. 'U must review its pet financial project JIM LASSER 71- i f f A 4 a S f } a 9 I N'T MANY PE F055 PE PR-ES ID~ KNOW 50 IOPL-E W'APNF/T- N TL.LTDEBATES$! r. -V ARZE 2T T -ti 'K H~~ POLI TICA CQONI , F M v A! HUN a F J F LETTERS TO THE EDITOR T he University introduced the M-Card last fall with the promise of simplicity, convenience and a new way of doing busi- ness. One year later, it's time to review this smart card.' M-Card has turned out to be a web of complexity and restrictions - which makes it useless to students. Many do not under- stand fully the M-Card regulations and functions, despite the University's advertis- ing campaign on Ann Arbor buses and the marketing of T-shirts, squeeze bottles and hats. Several campus-area businesses do not accept M-Card. They say that accepting M-Card is "a little expensive" and does not compare with major credit cards in terms of volume. Businesses that accept M-Card establish minimum transaction amounts for M-Card purchases - recouping some of their M-Card-related expenses, such as equipment and training. Similar to the University agreement with Nike, M-Card is another commercialized initiative. First of America and AT&T are two of the University's M-Card partners. Despite claims that students are not com- fortable using M-Card, there are significant problems the Office of Financial Operations should address. M-Card leaves many students frustrated, disinterested and distrustful of merchants and the University. Students usually welcome innovations that help them manage money better. One of the benefits of M-Card is that it offers an additional payment option. Still, many students find M-Card more hassle than help. Among the businesses that accept M-Card, the training of some store clerks to use M-Card is below average. Some are uncomfortable operating M-Card machines - effectively causing delays at the cash register. More problems arise when the M-Card's cash chip feature malfunctions -- leaving students fending for themselves and their money in temporary limbo. Although students conclude that M- Card is more annoying than helpful, thank- fully the University is considering ways to improve M-Card. The card could be stu- dent-friendly if it provided students with a larger selection of retail outlets, allows stu- dents to add more than $50 at one time, and not set a maximum limit on transactions. The CashStripe on M-Card allows stu- dents up to $50 per transaction in case the student loses possession of the card. The low amount is an inconvenience to students who spend more than $50 at a time when purchasing books, clothing and other items. But, the bigger problem is that students cannot recover money from a lost card. The Office of Financial Operations needs to do more than host student focus groups and a merchant feedback meeting. Financial operations should revamp the M- Card program with the interests of students as their primary concern. Financial operations is in a state of denial. M-Card has failed to prove its sup- posed benefits. The debit card has the unfortunate task of competing with cash, checks, better debit cards and credit cards. The University admitted M-Card transac- tion volumes are 20 percent below expecta- tions and dollars are 30 to 35 percent below. Businesses cannot continue to support a fledgling initiative if they cannot attain spe- cific financial targets. M-Card places more constraints on stu- dents without significant benefits. Despite its weaknesses, students were better off in the days of Entr6 Plus, when food plans could turn magically into book money. The right won the welfare revolution, not Clinton TO THE DAILY: I just read Katie Hutchins' (column) "Vote for Bill: A Democrat's better than a Dole" (9/19/96) and I must admit that I was a little startled by her premise. She says that we need to vote for Clinton because if you take the long view, he'll be best for the country, and hope- fully he'll return welfare to what it was. The problem with this is that welfare as it was is cer- tainly not the best thing for the country in the long run. The welfare system as it was created and perpetuated a culture of poverty and dependence on the govern- ment. There were a lot of prob- lems with welfare, but since Hutchins' main problem is with the cuts in aid to chil- dren, let's look at that. To start off with, much of that money doesn't even go to the kids. It goes for mom's beer and cable. Now, before you brand me as just another mean, mean, mean Republican who makes up stories to make you think people on welfare are awful, let me tell you where I got that information from. This fact, and others I will use, comes from various acquain- tances who are teachers that work with welfare kids. Now, like I was saying before I was distracted these kids come to class in tatters, with- out coats in freezing weather, because their parents are spending the kids' money on themselves. It's a cinch that these kids won't be any worse off with less welfare money. Now I'm not saying this is true in every case, but according to the people that told me of it, it's true in the majority of cases. If you want to dispute this, go talk to some of these people first so you know what you're talking about. Another major problem is that the welfare system, as it was, encourages people on welfare to have more kids. My mom once asked a pair of 10 year old girls what age they wanted to be. Most kids I know would have said 18 or 21. These kids said 14. Why? Because once they were 14 they could have babies and get more welfare money for their families. .That's really what they said - I'm not making this up. Where did they get this idea? From their mother, and from their social worker. What's the problem with this? This way we get more and more neole on welfare. then increased by larry Truman, JFK and Lyndon Johnson. all Democrats. It's time to give the Republican: control. Maybe then we can get a system that solves prob- lems rather than throwing a little money at them to make us feel better for a little while. And as for voting for Clinton, no way. I wouldn't vote for the man even if I were a liberal. Why? le's a weenie: He wouldn't stand up for his convictions and veto the welfare bill because it might cut into his 20 percent lead over Dole. A real leader stands up for what he believes, even if it makes him less popular. Also, I believe that you can judge a man by the peo- ple he surrounds himself with. Just look at all the peo- ple Clinton surrounded him- self with that are now in jail or facing criminal charges. And think of the various < -gate" scandals. You may say that he's only human. (all me old fashioned, but I believe that the leaders of the country should be the ones setting the example. flow can you expect the people of the nation to follow the laws when the people that make the laws don't? And lastly, I have a response to Bakopoulos' vac- uous article ("The right revo- lution is dead," 9 1996). The right revolution is not dead. We won. With the limit on welfare, and the current debate on whether to balance the bud- get in five or seven years. rather than whether to bal- ance the budget at all, the most important battles are won. There are other important issues still coming, and we'll win those too. Viva la revolu- tion. Fits ons To THE DAILY: I w~ould like to take this Opportutnity to stress my sup- porn fr cong ressional candi- date .oe Fizsimnmons (R- Ainn Arbor) Fitzsimn] s is run- n ing fr the k.ngresionao seat in Mi ch igan0s 13 th di s- -trict. Unl~ike his chaibenger U.S. Rep. lnn Rivers (I- Ann Arbor). Fitzsnions emphasizes passing the bal- anced budget amendment and cutini~ icncme taxes to help rev italizwe our eeonomyl\. Fitz'Nimmfons believes in assistin se.>udeknts by protect- maing~ saude ~m nons more affo rdaiLe and wireating~ more opportuniie fo higher edu- cAs a>detadari dent An rb i the past four y ears. I have h ad the chance to wvit ness the mneffectiv e representation ofl Rivers. I am frustrated by her inc'ompetence in protecting education 1undine as w~ell as her \ Oes ageatmst tax cuts for famiies: Spra< is Fi/SiimmlOns5 [or recuegniing the needs of our communl~lity and oIfering a comn -sense naendla. It ruly bel iev cthat - Fitzsimmrons, a suceessfil businessman and activ e conmi muinity leader can prov ide his commtuity with produc- tinc repre.seati i and real leaders.hip an C.ongness- JUL T Cox LSA SENIOR MILER ON TAP The turn of the screw Alcoholics call it "a moment of clarity" I think I had one last night. This entire campus pays tens of thousands of dollars every year to attend our hallowed University. That's a lot of damn money. That kind dough could buy every student on hell of a used con- vertible and a week in Vegas (and frankly, a w hole lot of the K engineering stu- dents could use it). So it got me to thinking, exactly what does that kind of money buy us'? Brace ,PE yourself: squat. JAMES My parents MILLER bought a new washer and dryer from Sears a few years ago. After a few months the washer started making bunny noises, as if it were about to give birth to sev- eral tiny washers. In a matter of hours, the trusty Sears repairman was at o house fixing and apologizing, like broken washer was an insult to our family and if it wasn't fixed immedi- ately and obsequiously, he'd wake up the next morning with Bob Villa's head in bed next to him. All that fuss for a few hundred bucks a month. Lease a car and some dealerships will tow your car to the shop and give you a loaner if you have engine trou- ble. That will only run you a couple or three hundred a month. 1 The average tuition payment is sig- nificantly more than this, especially for you poor out-of-staters. Now think about the amenities we get. One: annoying, desultory book ser- vice. Everybody gets screwed at book time. Now, I realize that the textbook publishers claim that since hey can only sell these books to college stu- dents (who the hell else would want a history of economic systems in pro Bolshevik Russia?) they have to charge higher prices to turn a profit. B~ut $80 for an orgo book'? Since the University bookstores are the only game in town, they can get away with charging prices that would make a Moscow black marketeer wince. My solution'? A little socialist collec- tivism (attention paranoid, humorless libertarians, the address is jame- pnif&umich.edu.). From now on, recommend never buying anoth book from the University bookstores (except Shaman Drum, they seem like a good bunch of guys, as far as price gouging goes). Sell all of your old books to your friends that need them. Swap and trade among your compatri- ots. Use all the book exchanges to their fullest. I want a book system so incestuous that it makes the British royal family look like a nunnery. them charge whatever they want foT books. I refuse to have my intelligence insulted any more. Second: the damn dorm cable sys- tem. For those of you not familiar with this piece of accounting chicanery, the University housing system graciously hooks up each room with cable. But here's the really neat part. The cable is already hooked up and running when you get to your room. If you don't want it, you have to fill out a form a have them turn it off, or you'll be charged for it. Isn't that sweet? What a great way to make a little extra money. Break into people's houses, repaint, and then wait on the front porch for payment. Guerrilla capitalism at its finest. I don't mind tuition hikes and the like. People have to get paid and the school needs money to keep thin rolling. But this is too much. TIW makes me think that certain adminis- tration members don't see us as the customers we are, but as a bunch of doltish ripe-sucks with checkbooks. "~Hey, why not'? They'll pay for any- thing. Let's put hot tubs and satellite hook-ups in each room, without ask- ing. Oh wait! Even better, let's make them pay to have them removed if they don't want them! These kids are great, we'll be shipping the money out here in boxcars! Wheeeeeeee!" My solution: If you don't have a TV or don't want a cable hook up, the University shouldn't charge you for it. What are they going to do? Turn it off? If they are under the impression that they can squeeze every penny out of us, they can squeeze this. It's time to remember that this is a business. The folks that run this place will try to get the most bang outO0 your buck every time. Whether it's making lasagna with last week's triple crown loser or using underpaid over- worked GSI's to allow professors more time for ... whatever it is they do when they're not airing their intellects. If ..r . - , A - t'tln- ..it r- ntrrnt - nn IAN CUMMINGS It urch, RACKHAMn rch' Fitzsi mmons wants to serve the community TO THE DAILY: Because of the power accompanying a government office, few politicians have the character and courage to keep their promises and to place the needs of the com- munity above political gain. Joe Fitzsimmons has charac- ter. Lynn Rivers has a person- al, political agenda. Fitzsimmons believes that we can cut taxes and balance the budget. Rivers, by her position against decreasing the tax burden of the American family, is against economic growth. Rivser: ha forgotten that money To THE DAILY: . As I was glaac eg Overi Noun ''Q&A' feature on for- trer Michigan standout Derrick Alexander (9 23/96), I couldn't help but notice buther one of the SI tnotbail history: A'Ifie Bunch. ., As one of Michigan s priz DB3's. Alfie was the spiritual leader of the Wolverine sqjuad tha went on to capture a convteng victo- ry in the 1993 Rose Bowl. Moreover, :7 was ohten instrumental in getting the crowd in the Big H-ouse into the game, whether by his stellar defensive play, or by his animated celebrations fol- Iowxing strong stands by~ the Michigan "U." Sn Ny :an imagne how disappoinecd was to see his name nmsspceled "Birch" instead of the aroner "B~urch." How TO CONTACT THEM EXECUTIVE FARRIS WOMACK VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 3014 FLEMING