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September 25, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-25

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2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 25, 1996


Congress passes
inigration bill

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The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - After months of
division over the issue in their own
ranks, congressional Republican yes-
terday pushed a major immigration-
refbrm bill through a panel of House
ahd Senate negotiators without a con-
troversial amendment that would have
allowed states to end free public educa-
tion to illegal immigrant children.
The action cleared the way for the bill
to be sent to the floors of both houses as
early as today, greatly improving
chances for the measure's final passage
before the end of the current congres-
sional session.
The move presented President
Clinton with a new political dilemma in
his running duel with Republican pres-
idential candidate Bob Dole over immi-
gration, especially in California, where
the number of illegal immigrants is a
contentious issue.
Clinton had previously threatened to
veto the bill if it contained the educa-

tion amendment sponsored by Rep.
Elton Gallegly, (R-Calif). With that
amendment removed, the White House
appeared to back off the veto threat, but
a spokesperson said Clinton was not yet
ready to endorse the measure without
further modification.
If Clinton decides to sign the bill
against the advice of many congres-
sional Democrats, he risks further
alienating a base of support that he has
already angered by his recent signing of
the welfare bill. If he vetoes the bill, on
the other hand, he will give the
Republicans a potentially powerful tool
to use against him in his re-election
campaign, especially in California,
where illegal immigration is estimated
to cost state taxpayers $3 billion a year.
"Removing Gallegly is a big step in
the right direction," said Rahm Emanuel,
a presidential adviser on immigration
matters. "They've removed the key
objection the president had in the legis-

Firm convicted of bribing Espy
WASHINGTON - A federal jury convicted a major California agricultural coop-
erative yesterday of illegally showering former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy with
nearly $6,000 in gifts, including meals at fancy restaurants and an all-expenses-paid
trip for him and his girlfriend to the U.S. Open tennis tournament in New York.
The guilty verdict against Sun Diamond Growers, one of the nation's biggest fruit
and nut producers, is the first conviction for independent counsel Donald Smalt
Appointed two years ago to investigate Espy, Smaltz has been accused of stretchi
his investigative mandate to pursue companies with ties to President Clinton.
A smiling Smaltz, obviously emboldened by the win, used the verdict not only
to validate his work but to lambast lobbying in Washington. "I think it stinks," he
said. "I think it's a disgrace what goes on here. I think if the average man on the
street at 4th and Main, or Omaha, Nebraska ... knew how these agency heads are
sometimes feted by lobbyists that they would be very, very much disturbed."
The lead prosecutor in the case, Theodore Greenberg, took an even-tougher
stance, describing lobbyists as "merchants of corruption ... who must be stopped"
Smaltz is aggressively pursuing other companies that dealt with the Agriculture
Department, including Tyson Foods Inc., the Arkansas poultry producer whose lob-
byist, Jack Williams, was indicted last week for allegedly lying to investigat4
about gifts to Espy.

President Clinton is greeted by United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-
GhalI at the U.N. In New York yesterday.
C11nton vows to end
U.N. leader's re1gn

COntnued from Page 1
students and teachers to the
University for a two-week enrichment
"We're excited about sharing our
expertise with students and teachers
across the state;' said mathematics Prof.
Phil Hanlon, the program's director.
"We're trying to excite students about
math and trying to show teachers new
Hanlon said the program will use
most of its $171,000 grant for scholar-
ships and to continue yearlong outreach
to the camp's alums. The goal is to get
a student and a teacher from every
county in Michigan, he said.
"It would not have been possible
without that seed from the provost to
get the camp off and running" Hanlon
said, emphasizing that the University
has a responsibility to give back to the
general community.
The Poverty Law Center plans to
gear its $400,000 grant toward poor cit-
izens in Michigan, said Law School
Dean Jeffrey Lehman.
The center will help legal-services
attorneys provide direct legal repre-
sentation in family, housing and pub-
lic benefits to low-income clients.
The center will offer training,
research support and technological
."It will provide direct service to
some of our citizens and it will also
offer students another opportunity to
provide supervised legal services on a
volunteer basis," Lehman said.

While the grants will help start new
programs such as the law center and the
math camp, existing programs also will
receive funding.
A two-year grant to the Center for
Learning Through Community Service
will be used to expand the Alternative
Breaks Program.
About 350 students travel to 30
states through the Project Serve pro-
gram. With the additional money, the
program will add five sites each year
and will fund more students' travel
An 8-year-old program from the
University's dance department also was
chosen. The Detroit Outreach Project
sends faculty and graduate students to
work with high-school dance students
in Detroit.
"We are very pleased with the oppor-
tunity to re-invigorate the program,"
said Bill DeYoung, the project's direc-
DeYoung, an associate professor of
dance, said some of the money will
be used to reinstate the Youth
Intervention Program, a project that
uses dance to help at-risk middle-
school boys.
"It was really a terrific experience for
them," DeYoung said. "A couple of the
young men have gone on to the High
School for Performing and Fine Arts in
DeYoung said the funding will help
the dance department stay connected
with Detroit.
"We are really proud of what we are
able to do,' DeYoung said. "Now we
can just do a little bit more.'

Los Angeles Times
Clinton yesterday repeated his adminis-
tration's determination to block Boutros
Boutros-Ghali from a second term as
U.N. secretary-general, but supporters of
the embattled leader said he would not
withdraw from his fight to keep the job.
Clinton and Boutros-Ghali conferred
privately for 15 minutes and discussed a
host of world issues. But they omitted
the matter everyone else at the United
Nations is talking about: the U.S.
pledge to use its veto if necessary to
defeat Boutros-Ghali.
Asked if the veto had been discussed,
Clinton told reporters it had not because
Boutros-Ghali "knows our position is
firm and will not be changed."
White House spokesperson David
Johnson elaborated, saying, "It is clear
to the secretary-general that our deci-
sion to seek a new secretary-general is
irrevocable. There is no doubt in the

secretary-general's mind that we will
exercise our veto."
Asked if the United States intended
to renew its offer - rejected by
Boutros-Ghali months ago, then with-
drawn - to extend his term for one
year, Johnson said there will be "a new
secretary-general in 1997, the first of
the year."
U.N. spokesperson Sylvana Foa said the
two leaders, in their "business-like ses-
sion," talked about turmoil in Burundi,
refugees in Zaire, African development
and the problem of focusing public atten-
tion on the world's trouble spots.
The session came only three months
after the Clinton administration first
said it would employ its Security
Council veto if necessary to defeat
Boutros-Ghali's bid for another five-
year term. That declaration has stirred
up much U.N. resentment against the
United States and bolstered the once-
sagging popularity of Boutros-Ghali.

Clinton hints at
Whitewater pardons
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton's refusal to rule out pardons for
his former Whitewater partners raised
storm warnings yesterday. Some
observers said a Whitewater pardon
would cause as much outrage as
President Ford's act of clemency toward
Richard Nixon.
Clinton was noncommittal when
asked Monday about a potential post-
election pardon for Jim McDougal, his
former wife Susan McDougal and for-
mer Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker. He
said he would review such requests
"after there's an evaluation done by the
Justice Department"
But that was enough to arouse strong
reaction from Republicans.
"It would be an unprecedented use of
the pardon power when you pardon
someone who is involved in a matter in
which you yourself are being investi-
gated," said Joseph diGenova, who was
U.S. attorney for the District of
Columbia in the Reagan and Bush-
administrations. He said it could be

grounds for impeachment and "would
doom his presidency - doom it, no
matter what his other accomplish-
"There would be a storm of outrage
and indignation," agreed Robert
Goldwin, a constitutional scholar at
American Enterprise Institute.V
Nerve gas exposure
tested by Pentagon
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon
has obtained a computer model from
the CIA to help ascertain how many
troops may have been exposed to
sarin nerve gas during the destruction
of an Iraqi weapons depot in 1991,
spokesperson said yesterday.
The Defense Department has begun'
warning about 5,000 Gulf War veterans
who may have been near the depot that
they could have been exposed to nerve
gas when U.S. troops destroyed
weapons on March 4 and March 10.
The soldiers believed they were
destroying conventional weapons
belonging to Saddam Hussein.

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Continued from Page 1
Serota agreed. "Tonight the assem-
bly did their job and made a budget
everyone can live with,' he said. "Not
only that, but we did it in an efficient
and friendly nature.
But some assembly members had
other ideas about why the budget was
finalized in record time.
"This was the typical party machine
- that's why we got done so early"
said LSA Rep. Andy Schor. "The exec-
utive officers were able to hold some
votes together tonight:'
Not all members' goals were met

with the swift finalization of the bud-
get. Schor said he had hoped to have
money allocated for a task force to
lobby the state government for the cre-
ation of a student regent.
Other members, including Rose, had
hoped to allocate a full $20,000 to
AATU. "I wish we had given them
more, but every cut from somewhere
else is painful,' Rose said.
But overall, both executive offi-
cers were pleased with the assem-
bly's acceptance of a budget
extremely similar to the one they
drew up.
"I think this is a resounding victory
for students,' Mehta said.

Tension arises over
Pacific islands
BEIJING - China and Japan flirted
with conflict over the sovereignty of
uninhabited Pacific islands yesterday as
nationalists from Hong Kong, Taiwan,
China and Japan tried to galvanize the
two governments into action.
China's Foreign Ministry spokesper-
son Shen Guofang warned that "the
Japanese side has a responsibility to
guarantee that it will not provoke any
new incidents in the future"
To back up Chinese warnings, the
Shenyang Military Zone conducted
exercises at an undisclosed location on
Sept. 13 and 14, with the army, navy
and air force seizing and defending off-
shore islands, the Liberation Army
Daily reported on Sunday.
The longstanding territorial dispute
over the eight islands - known as the
Diaoyu islands in China and the
Senkaku in Japan - was rekindled
recently when Japanese right-wing
groups repaired a typhoon-damaged
lighthouse, installed a wooden plaque,
and raised a Japanese flag. Chinese
nationalists in China, Hong Kong and

Taiwan responded with protests against
Japan and calls for the Chinese and
Taiwanese governments to take action to
assert Chinese sovereignty.
deported for spying
DUSHANBE, Tajikistan -
Tajikistan expelled an Iranian envoy for
spying, and Iran reportedly retaliated
yesterday by ordering the expulsion of a
Tajik diplomat.
The Iranian diplomat was deported
last Friday "for activities incompatible
with his diplomatic status,' the Interf
news agency reported yesterday, citing
Tajikistan's Interior Ministry.
The diplomat was caught receiving
confidential information from a Tajik
citizen, the report said.
Teheran in turn expelled a Tajik
diplomat yesterday, the ITAR-Tass
news agency reported. Iran accused the
diplomat of acting "counter to his
diplomatic status;" the report said, cit-
ing Iran's official news agency, IRN
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

Prospective Teacher Education Meeting
Wednesday, October 2, 1996
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Whitney Auditorium
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Call 764-7563 for more information.

Continued from Page 1
eral government."
Democrats have tried to "spend and
tax America to economic prosperity,"
Dole said, a process he said clearly does
not work.
"I think it's time to put the shoe on
the other foot and tell the big spenders
to take a hike;' he said.
Dole said his proposed 15-percent
across-the-board tax cut and $500-per-
child tax cut will spell relief for over-
taxed families.
A balanced budget and tax cuts can
co-exist without running up the deficit,
Dole said. "But (Democrats) say I can't
cut taxes and balance the budget," he
said. "What they are really saying is
that they cannot do it."
Dole also touched briefly on educa-
tion issues, calling for the institution of
"opportunity scholarships." He said his
own experience with the GI bill con-
vinced him of the value of federal sup-
port for higher education. He said his
"opportunity scholarships" would pro-
vide assistance for students from
kindergarten through college.
"We're going to educate these young

people," Dole said. "They deserve it."
Several prominent Michigan
Republicans joined Dole at the meet-
ing, including Engler, U.S. Sen.
Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.) and
University Regent Deane Baker (R-
Ann Arbor).
Engler said that even though Dole is
behind in national voter polls, no one
should count him out.
"Six years ago I was pummeled by an
incumbent (in the polls). They said I
couldn't win," Engler said. "But we
trusted in the good judgment and com-
mon sense of the people."
Engler became the focus of much
attention near the end of the luncheon
during a brief question-and-answer ses-
sion. Engler read one attendee's ques-
tion, asking Dole about the possibility
of Engler being sclected for a cabir-t
position should Dole win the election.
"He'll play any role he wants" Dole
However, Engler said he would not
vie for a position in the Dole cabinet
should Dole defeat President Clinton.
Engler said he believes Dole would
select an outstanding cabinet staff.
"It would be vastly superior to the
Clinton cabinet," he said.


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great scores...

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