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September 20, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-20

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f 6


Tonight: Cloudy and cool,
low around 500.
Tomorrow: Cloudy, chance of
rain, highs around 680.

One hundredjf ve years of editoriallfreedom

September 20, 1996

4T s s. : k. ..i

'U' execs made secret deals
Duderstadt offered salary bonuses to top administrators

By Jodi S. Cohen
and Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporters
It's no secret that former University President
James Duderstadt and the Board of Regents oper-
ated under strained relations.
But regents say Duderstadt should not have kept
secret the compensation agreements he made with
top University officials before he stepped down as
Employment letters outlining the agreements -
including yearlong leaves of absence at full salary
and "administrative supplements" after returning
to the faculty - were obtained yesterday through
a Freedom of Information Act request.
While regents say they should have known
about the agreements and faculty members call the

benefits "overly generous," Duderstadt says there's
"nothing unusual" about the arrangements.
"I have a number of people who reported to me.
There has to be some kind of agreements about
what their role is," Duderstadt said. "These are
generally confidential."
Regents say details of the agreements should
not have been withheld from the board.
"I think it's an abuse of the president's power to
enter into compensation deals that the board is not
aware of," Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R-
Ann Arbor) said yesterday, following a closed ses-
sion of the board's monthly meeting.
The executive officers who made arrangements
with Duderstadt provide a virtual who's who list at
the University, and include: interim President
See DEALS, Page 2

"There has to
be some kind of1:
about what their
role is. These are
- James Duderstacit
Former University president

Jackson to drop
by dorm for
informal talks

Jennifer Harvey
y Staff Reporter
Rev. Jesse Jackson is going back to
college this weekend.
The one-time Democratic candidate
for president will be visiting a
University residence hall and holding a
"rap session" with a group of student
leaders before speaking at Hill
Auditorium on Monday.
Jackson is coming to campus for four
days to speak with students about the
*portance of political activism in an
election year. The trip is part of
Jackson's voter registration drive.
Jackson is scheduled to speak about
the impact of voting at 1:15 p.m. on
Monday. Student speakers will precede
Jackson, beginning at 12:30 p.m.
"There's quite a bit of energy," said
John Matlock, director of the Office of
Academic Multicultural Initiatives and

"It's not about where you're from, but
where you're going to be when you get
out (of college)," she said. "This tour is
about enforcing who you are, being
informed about why you should vote and
about what can happen if you don't."
Matlock said voter registration tables
will be set up outside Hill Auditorium
on Monday, in addition to music stands
and student speaker venues.
The visit demonstrates Jackson's
belief in the importance of younger vot-
ers, Matlock said. He said 18- to 24-
year-old voters historically show a very
low voter turnout.
"Sometimes (political parties) don't
even fool with the 18- to 24-year-old
vote." Matlock said.
Michigan Student Assembly
President Fiona Rose, who will intro-
duce Jackson on Monday, said she is
looking forward to his visit.
"Jesse Jackson has long been a cham-

Jim Hadley, a Transportation Services employee, exhibits the engine of the University's latest electric car. The vehicle runs on
30 nickel-cadmium batteries for up to 70 miles of highway driving and 55 miles in the city, but takes 10 hours to recharge.

New U'

car powered by

Fraud case
may fuel
By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
The investigation of the alleged
fraudulent use of an alum's social secu-
rity number may further fuel the
University's recent decision to elimi-
nate the use of the numbers for student
Associate Vice President for
University Relations Lisa Baker said
yesterday that the University has
already planned to stop using a stu-
dent's social security number for iden-
tification purposes.
"The University did recently make
the decision to discontinue them for
identification purposes," Baker said.
"Steps have been taken for this process,
and it'll take a few years."
On Wednesday, Stacy Latocha, who
graduated from the University in
August, said she was notified by the
Department of Public Safety that her
social security number and other per-
sonal information were obtained by a
former student employee of the Office
of the Registrar and used to apply for
an Ameritech calling card.
Officials from the Department of
Public Safety and the FBI confirmed
they knew of an ongoing investigation
into the matter but would not comment
on its details Wednesday.
Baker said in a statement yesterday
that the University could not "comment
on the specifics of the investigation
because it is ongoing," but that the
University believed the incident was
Baker said the University has a
three-tiered security system in the
Office of the Registrar, which includes
a password-protected user ID and
secure ID card.
Baker said the password for the user
ID is changed every month, and the
secure ID card is changed every
minute, which goes beyond the require-
ments of the Family, Education, Rights,
and Privacy Act.
Ann Arbor lawyer Joan Lowenstein
said yesterday that FERPA does not

organizer of
ople are very
excited about it."
F r e m o n
Hendrix, director
for the
campaign in
Michigan, said
Jackson can
spread the
Democratic mes-
e to a select
upof voters.
"Jesse touches
a segment of our

the Jackson visit.

"There's quite a
bit of energy.
People are very
excited about it"
- John Matlock
Director, Office of
Multicultural Initiatives

pion of civil
rights and repre-
sentative govern-
ment," Rose said.
"His example is a
reminder of the
role each of us
can play in our
with commitment
and strength of
Rose said his
visit should be a
m e a n i n g f ul I

electricity, onigrnal design

voters that are extremely important to
the Democratic party" he said. "We're a
very diverse party. We have a very big
umbrella and we invite a lot of folks to
stand up under that umbrella.
"He's going to swing through the
state hitting some very important pock-
, of votes,' Hendrix said.
Jackson's "Get Down with the Vote"
tour is sponsored in part by the
Washtenaw County chapter of the
Rainbow Coalition.
Christina Montague, an organizer of
the Rainbow Coalition, said Jackson
will bring a crucial message to students.

experience for a number of University
students. "Especially in an election
year, it's important that students
remember the importance of being
active in the political sphere," she said.
Matlock said Jackson plans to visit
various southeast Michigan churches
during his visit as well. He will also
travel to Detroit for a meeting with
Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer.
Stops at Eastern Michigan University,
Wayne State University, Oakland
Community College and several local
high schools are also scheduled for
Jackson on Monday.

New vehicle with enhanced design
to join U' fleet of rental cars
By Matthew Rochkind
For the Daily
It's not the next Hertz, but a recently completed electric
vehicle will join the fleet of rental cars at the University
Transportation Services.
Last year, Engineering students developed a car that used
both electricity and natural gas. The natural gas fuel has now
been phased out, and the car is completely electric.
The transformed Plymouth Neon was originally donated
by Chrysler Corporation to Engineering students who would
develop a car that used alternative fuels.
Jim Hadley, an Transportation Services employee, phased
out the natural-gas part of the system. Hadley said that even
with all the safeguards, the natural-gas element "was a time
bomb waiting to go off."
The Engineering students used the facilities at
Transportation Services to complete the project, and when
they were done, the car shifted into the hands of Pat
Cunningham, manager of Transportation Services, said
he's been interested in electric vehicles for five years, and
will now let members of the University community rent the
electric car.

"It's prototype stuff, one of a kind," Hadley said. "I can tell
you there is not another Neon like this anywhere in the
Yet there are other electric vehicles out there. Cunningham
said that every major car company is currently working on
one. All electric cars have similar features.
The cars run on 30 nickel-cadmium batteries, weighing
800 pounds, which will support up to 70 miles of highway
driving and 55 miles in the city. Then they need to be
recharged for 10 hours.
"They don't have a long operating range between charges,"
Cunningham said. "But that's not a disadvantage for us here
at the University because our vehicles don't go that far in a
given day."
The electric vehicle comes complete with a heater, radio
and dual air bags. The electric power system is also safe from
"Measure this against a gasoline car, and this is really
much safer," Cunningham said of the car. He said he believes
electricity is a valid fuel alternative.
"Electric will be the (type of vehicle) that is the most
viable," he said. This is based on issues such as fuel avail-
ability, safety and maintenance.
In many areas, the electric vehicle is a viable option for the
See CAR, Page 3


Students plan 'peppy' Parents Weekend

By Marc Llghtdale
Daily Staff Reporter
Students all over campus have been
urged to "Follow the Maize and Blue
Road" and that there's "No place like
the University of Michigan."
No, Toto, this isn't Oz - the Student
*umni Council designed the slogans to
courage students to participate in this
year's Parents Weekend.
"We wanted something upbeat and
peppy," said co-chair Anne Meyerson.
"It's saying come to the University of
Michigan, it's a great place, there is a
lot here for you."

Events Scheduled For Parents Weekend

9 4 p.m. today: Faculty tour leaves
from the Alumni Center.
0 6:30 p.m. today: Pep rally at the
Cube with Michigan Marching Band.
N 1:30 p.m. tomorrow: Tailgate
party at Track and Tennis Building.
Pashman. "It's nice to see them, but I
don't miss them that much."
Meyerson said 1,400 to 1,500 fami-
lies are expected to turn out - slightly
less than last year's 1,700 families.
The lower expected turnout stems

* 3:30 p.m. tomorrow: Michigan
football takes on Boston College at
Michigan stadium.
0 9 p.m. tomorrow: Comedian
Steven Wright to perform at Hill
"I am not that psyched. I get to wake
up with a hangover and confront my
parents," he said.
The Student Alumni Council has
assembled an impressive line-up of

will have the opportunity to hear a lec-
ture from renowned English Prof.
Ralph Williams.
The festivities continue this after-
noon with faculty demonstrations at the
planetarium and the hydraulics lab in
West Hall. The pep rally, which will be
held at 5 o'clock tonight at the
Michigan Union, features head football
coach Lloyd Carr and the captains of
the football team along with the
Michigan Marching Band.
The vendors on Main Street, South
University Avenue and State Street will
stay open until midnight on Friday to



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