4- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 18, 1996 c be £id~igrtn tail 420 Maynard Street -,Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors rinless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily: editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Where c aedit is due NOTABLE QUOTABLE,, I wanted to be a voice for students.' - Thom Brooks, a member of the group "entity," which staged the projected clock on the new Lurie Memorial Carillion on North Campus - the second bell tower: JIM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST HILLARY, WE SHOULD TAKE A 13REAK FROM TH E CAMPAIGN AND NAN, GUO UTWI T OUR OLD FRIENDS A6AIN... UNDER ONE RooF LETTERS TO THE EDITOR _ Credit hours should reflect workload s students weave their way through the enough credits. A University, the workload tends to grow For example, political science concen- ,and the difficulty of classes increases. trators must take 24 credits in political sci- These harder classes are worth less credits erice, plus two additional classes in a relat- than the lower-level classes. Students across ed subject. However, most of the upper- all academic disciplines suffer from this level political science classes are worth only hindrance and would like to see the policy three credits. Often, this forces a student to change. The University should rework its take more political science classes simply credit system to make the workload and because they aren't worth enough credits. A :course difficulty reflect the number of cred- narrow focus prevents students from its each class is worth. branching out to a lot of other subjects once Currently, the number of credits each they begin their concentration programs. In vIass is worth tends to represent the number the end, the students lose. of hours that the class meets per week. As the cost of tuition continues to soar, However, it does not consider the amount of students are becoming increasingly worried homework that the course requires. Often, a about paying for their education. The first-year student, who is taking four class- University's current credit system adds to :es at 16 credits, has much less homework this anxiety. Because upper-level credits do than a senior taking four classes worth 12 not reflect the amount of time a student will credits. Yet the upper-level students are not spend on the subject, students who must rewarded for the extra work; instead, they work while going to school could end up face unnecessary annoyances that could staying for an extra semester or two, in easily be prevented if the University would order to complete graduation requirements. restructure the system. Restructuring the system will not be too Moreover, the current credit system can difficult. The University should solicit the hinder a student's academic exploration. opinions of students and faculty. Professors Many first-year students do not know what could give an honest assessment of the they will concentrate in when they first workload and difficulty of their classes. arrive on campus. Usually, they take a van- Student input would enhance the profes- ety of introduction courses in a wide range sors' evaluation. Then, credit numbers of subjects. Once they begin their concen- could be assigned based on the workload tation programs, they often have to take an and expected difficulty. The reform would :extra class and/or an abundance of classes only benefit students, but would not harm 4i.ithin their concentrations because the the University - it should be enacted as credits for upper-level classes are not worth soon as possible. Walkout Clinton officials protest welfare vote arlier this summer, President Clinton - in a grandiose election-year fence- straddling show - signed the Welfare Reform Act into law. The bill angered many, with its five-year lifetime limit on federal aid. The law includes work require- ,ments that may be financially difficult or impossible for people with children. Clinton supporters and liberals everywhere attacked the bill, complaining that it was unfair to families, and most specifically, to children on welfare. Clinton puzzled many of his most steadfast supporters when he signed a bill so unfriendly to the traditional Democratic Party platform. The surprise, confusion and anger even infected Clinton administration insiders, and last week culminated in the resignation of two top Clinton aides. Peter Edelman and Mary Jo Bane - both assistant secretaries at the Department of Health and Human Services and senior officials on welfare policy - announced their resignations last Wednesday. They said they had deep reser- vations about the direction of welfare reform under the Clinton administration and that they would rather leave their posi- 'tions than take a role in carrying out man- dated cuts. News of the departure was particularly shocking to Clinton; Edelman and his wife, Marian Wright Edelman of the Children's Defense Fund, have long been adamant public supporters of his presidency. Bane also dedicated several years of loyal service to carrying out Clinton's plans for welfare reform - but could not have conceived that the plan would include such drastic cuts. Perhaps Edelman's and Bane's resigna- tions will sound an alarm in the Oval Office. When otherwise loyal and enthusi- astic aides quit, it sends a negative message to the president about his agenda. He is alienating his party, betraying families to whom he promised relief and slowly bow- ing to the GOP and its anti-welfare ideals. This election year has seen some odd displays of party-line crossing - Dole toyed with a concession to abortion-rights supporters, angering conservative Republicans and ultimately weakening his showing. Clinton risks the same fate even among moderate Democrats if he continues to sign such uncouth legislation. He would sell out his party platform for a kinder image among Republicans and maybe a few more votes in November. America's welfare families - and especially the children - are losing to Clinton's ego. Last Friday, in a statement to his staff, Edelman said: "I have devoted the last 30 years to doing whatever I could to help in reducing poverty in America. I believe the recently enacted welfare bill goes in the opposite direction." Likewise, Clinton's legislation is going in the opposite direction from his campaign promises of four years ago. In trying to woo the GOP, he is losing faith among members of his own party and even among his loyal employees. Let this be a lesson to Clinton as he continues down the campaign trail. Kudos to Edelman and Bane for stand- ing by Democratic Party convictions - perhaps a loss so close to home will pack a powerful punch to Clinton's policy-making. DOMA does not ban same-sex marriages To THE DAILY: Your recent editorial on the "Defense of Marriage Act" misrepresents the intent of the legislation ("Holy Disunion," 9/16/96). It does not, as you state "effectively ban same-sex marriages." Instead, as this quote from the bill makes clear, states cannot be forced to recognize a same-sex marriage recog- nized in another state:s"No State, territory, or posses- sion of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, pos- session, or tribe respecting a relationship between per- sons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relation- ship." Nothing in the bill pre- vents Hawaii, as it seems likely to do, from recognizing a marriage between two per- sons of the same sex. It sim- ply says that no other state must also accept that mar- riage. This is a very heated topic, and you do not serve your readers effectively by giving them misleading, prej- udicial information. DAvID H. EPSTEIN UNIVERSITY ALUM United States should hand over its 220 years to Great Britain TO THE DAILY: Once again our nation is being rocked by the annual presidential elections. As I look over the two major parties platforms, Democrat and Republican, I cannot help but notice that both parties lack any address of one of the key issuesfacing America today. Namely, our place in the world and why we should be re-united with Great Britain. Ever since the Rebellion, the United States as a nation has existed as an attempt at a great experiment. What has been given to the American people over the years has been the right to vote, a right the population. Therefore, it can be said Americans do not care who runs their government, only that they can maintain the right to complain about what- ever their government does. In addition, when it comes to foreign policy, the United States in no way has shown any more responsibili- ty than a child with a shotgun We wield our military power over every other nation on Earth, demanding total obedience to our whims. Any nations that strongly oppose us, we do battle with, using all means of attack, be it trade wars, cold wars or even "hot" wars. Because of the citizenry's lack of concern and our gov- ernment's inability to act with responsibility or restraint, it is time for a massive change in the United States. Therefore, we the Monarchist, call upon the United States to surrender control over its foreign policy to Great Britain. As a nation-state we would maintain control over our domestic policy, and all laws and rights currently enacted by the government of the United States would still hold. But all decisions on the use of military force, (bar- ring immediate territorial self defense), trade policy and foreign relations with and against other nations should be handed over to Great Britain once and for- ever. Why Great Britain? For a variety of reasons. This nation has the closest set of laws and traditions to those currently held by the United States. Great Britain is the nation that originally founded the United States, and is respon- sible for the education and upbringing of all of our "founding fathers." Also, Great Britain. many times over, has shown a willingness to help other nations and accept the responsibility that comes with military might - to use that might carefully and with discretion. Although Great Britain is not the best of nations in the world, and has its own mis- takes and failings, it has shown itself to be a nation far better suited to hold a power- ful role in world affairs. A few simple facts will make this apparent. In both World Wars, Great Britain was prepared to fight to defend its allies far sooner than the United States. Great Britain, although a conqueror, over time gave up its own empire in the face of world pressure. Great Britain, since 1945, has proven itself to he a reliable and halanced Trotter House celebration promotes intolerance TO THE DAILY: Sunday I heard loud- speakers blaring and music playing off in the distance. When I went outside, I saw a goings-on of sorts at the Trotter House. Although I live across the street and half a block down from there, the noise was not that bad - from where I was. I couldn't imagine being next door and trying to study. For the cele- braters to accuse the annoyed of racism is totally out of bounds ("Spirit prevails dur- ing festivities," 9/16/96). They, like myself, proba- bly didn't even know who was celebrating next door, let alone care. Diana Dirige's comment (to the Daily) about a hostile environment for Latinos/as at the University may be true, but to say that this was an example was very wrong. Unless racist com- ments were made or other more obvious actions were prevalent, blind accusations of racism do nothing to fur- ther the Latino/a movement. I also have a suggestion for Edward Burnett: Maybe you should complain when the fraternities "do their thing at three o'clock in the morn- ing." And for Katalina Berdy, there is little tolerance for disturbing the peace. If you are annoying me, no matter who you are, I am going to ask you to stop. Celebration of Latino/a culture and fellowship is a wonderful thing. Please don't ruin the cele- brationwith negative publici- ty. TOM Bupp ENGINEERING SENIOR MSA is not a 'Fotomat' government TO THE DAILY: One of the drawbacks to being the Michigan Student Assembly president is that I often have to deal with the unrealistic expectation held by some that political change is an instantaneous transfor- mation. MSA is not a Fotomat. There is no one-hour guaran- teed turn-around on legislation. MSA is a group of highly intelligent, critical thinkers - men and women who wish to make the best deci- sions for their peers. Sometimes, such an abun- dance of opinions means we MnouR ON TAP Republican bullies target the most basic offreedoms U fnless you were blessed with an Edenic childhood, you probat had to put up with bullies. Bullies are people that enjoy picking on folks who have neither the ability nor the inclination to fight back against an aggressor. Bullies usually are binary in nature. meaning they travel with certain favorite whipping boys. JA MES Teams like big MILLER kids and little gimpy non-athletes, shy kids and obnoxious big-mouthed kids, newspa- per columnists and everybody, Republicans and homosexuals. Congress has recently passed a law that prohibitsastates from recognizing marriages obtained by homosexuals other states. I'd like to repeat tha because it sounds vaguely important. (Thank you George Carlin.) Congress has decided. all by itself, that an entire class of innocent people will not be allowed to have one of the most basic rights allowed to everyone else because, near as I can figure, they think gay people are icky. Let's address this point by point, shall we? First: Wow, is this unconstitutionl or what? 1 can't believe they would something that stupid. I can't believe it. I expected more out of them, really. The 10th Amendment states, more or less, that every state must recognize the contracts and licenses of every other state. "Full faith and credit" is the exact wording. So how lunheaded is this? I mean, it says it right there,in black and parchment. This is not like affirmative action or abortion whe conservative legislation has to be re ly creative to evade the Constitution. It seems fairly simple, even to a journal- ist. They didn't even bother to finesse it a little. What it boils down to is that some very loud people (usually miss- ing teeth) convinced their lawmakers that since the thought of two people of the same sex getting it on makes them squeamish, there ought to be a law. How's that for legal theorizing? If we did things like the Bible, we'd grow marigolds in tank cockpits and turn the other cheek so fast it 'd make us dizzy. Second: The jewel in the crown of warm horse manure that is th Republican '96 platform is that st governments are smarter, better and faster than federal ones. The militia movement hasdconvinced many high- ranking Republicans that state legisla- tures can do a lot of things better ian Congress, such as administering wvel- fare. They happen to be right to sme extent here, but this is a flgan ija- tion of this plan. If state governmeets are so much more enlightened than the rest of us, whyrestrict them? Th should able to deal with a handfO ostracized sinners. Right? All of this seems to spring from the notion that giving homosexuals rihts and legal protections will encourage the "gay lifestyle." As if there's an instruction manual and secret haud- shake. Conservatives would love for you to believe that homosexuals are evil. That they really are the horrible little sodomites that warp the -sex proclivities of young children _a break into your house at night and redecorate. They say that.legal protec- tions will encourage gay behavior. Like people turn gay because of the benefits package. "You know, if I come out of the closet, I may be sub- jecting myself to random beatings, job discrimination and social stigmatism. On the other hand, I can get a really neato health plan from my lover's company. Well, I'm sold!" 0 This issue puts two conservative pas- times at odds with each other. One is stealing populist votes by telling everyone their respective legislator is an imbecile. The other is beating up on small and usually fairly defenseless segments of the population in order to garner votes from people with aggres- sion problems. Conservatives would also love you to believe that the opposition to homosexuality Biblical, because think of all the really good things that have been accom- plished in the name of God, like witch hunts, the Crusades and many other really fun wars. But that's obviously a lie. If we all did things like the Bible HOw TO CONTACT THEM EDIE GOLDENBERG LSA DEAN 2522 LSA ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-1382 I