2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 18, 1996
Debate commission says 'no' to Perot
'g 0
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a deci-
sion cheered by Republicans, a non-
partisan commission recommended
yesterday that Ross Perot be denied a
spot in this fall's presidential debates
because he has no realistic shot at win-
ling the White House. An outraged
Perot vowed to sue.
Still to be seen is whether excluding
Perot would hurt his presidential
prospects by denying him a stage or
give him new ammunition to argue
against the two-party system.
The Commission on Presidential
Debates said its purpose in recom-
.mending the exclusion of Perot and
Reform Party running mate Pat Choate
was to provide a forum for candidates
"from whom the American people
actually will choose the next president.
"Participation is not extended to
candidates because they might prove
interesting or entertaining," said the
panel of five Democrats and five
Republicans, which has played host to
the fall debates since 1987.
Choate denounced the commission
process as a "corrupt little game."
Republican Bob Dole's campaign,
pinning its come-from-behind strategy
on a boost from the debates, hailed the
"They assume there was no realistic
chance that anyone but myself or the
president would be elected," said Dole,
campaigning in Arizona. "I'm pre-
pared. We're ready to go."
The Clinton campaign, which thinks
including Perot would help its cause,
called the ruling regrettable and
pledged to continue to push for Perot's
inclusion in ongoing talks with the
Dole team.
"I enjoyed having him in there in
1992," Clinton, campaigning in
Michigan, said of Perot. "I'm not
afraid of any debate."
The commission's non-binding rec-
ommendations in recent elections have
served as the starting point for negoti-
ations between the presidential cam-
paigns. Negotiators for the Clinton and
Dole campaigns met in private yester-
day afternoon to discuss the number,
timing and format of the proposed
The commission has recommended
one vice presidential forum and three
presidential debates, with the first to
be held Sept. 25 in St. Louis.
Russell Verney, national coordinator
of Perot's Reform Party, rejected the
opinion polls say they favor his inclu-
"There may be an adverse reaction,"
said White House deputy chief of staff
Harold Ickes.
"Martyrdom is not what we're seek-
ing," Choate shot back at a news con-
ference. "Office is what we're seek-
Verney said the Reform Party would
file suit by Friday in U.S. District
Court in Washington against the com-
mission and individual officers of the
panel, asking them to use more "objec-
tive criteria" in deciding participation
in the debates. But election-law
experts dismissed any such suit as
"What is the legal right that Mr.
Perot claims he has? I'm a little hard-
pressed to come up with one," said
attorney Jan Baran, who represents
mostly Republicans. "There's certainly
a political point, but I don't see any
legal point."
Verney said the party also would ask
the Federal Election Commission to
suspend a limit of $50,000 on Perot's
contributions to his own campaign so
the Texan can tap his personal fortune
to finance his candidacy.
Racism claim limited in Simpson trial
SANTA MON ICA, Calif. - A judge made the civil trial a tougher battle fo O.J
Simpson yesterday, allowing testimony about domestic violence and limiting hi
ability to claim a racist frame-up led by Detective Mark Fuhrman.
The frame-up claim carried the day at Simpson's murder trial, but Superio
Court Judge Hiroshi Fujisaki decided to bar discussion of Fuhrman's allege
racism unless other testimony makes the detective's motivation an issue.
In a day of rulings favoring the plaintiffs in the wrongful death lawsuit, thej4
also refused to bar testimony on domestic violence in Simpson's marriage wit]
Nicole Brown Simpson.
Simpson won one big victory, permission to show jurors videotaped testimon:
from Dr. Henry Lee, the scientific expert who helped win his acquittal on crimina
charges of murdering Ms. Simpson and Ronald Goldman.
But Fujisaki said he would not allow Lee to expound on how Los Angeles polici
could have collected more evidence.
"This is not a case of malpractice," the judge said. "Whether or not additiona
evidence could have been collected is not the point. The point is whether evidenc<
collection inculpates Mr. Simpson or not."
The Fuhrman ruling may not be too significant because jurors certainly alr
heard abut thoe detective's role through coverage of the criminal trial, Loyola Lay
commission vote as a "very subjective
decision that was made by the
Republicans and Democrats to protect
the two-party system."
Some White House aides predicted
that decision could anger voters and
trigger a backlash against Dole for
advocating Perot's exclusion. More
than 60 percent of Americans in public
Continued from Page 1.
about 53 to 54 percent' he said. The
increase has caused Brown to find alter-
nate housing for additional students.
However, university officials around
the country said they are attributing
their housing shortages more to the
recent increase in the popularity of larg-
er, "big-name" schools.
"When someone gets into a presti-
gious school, be it Brown, or Michigan,
people will be more likely to go to these
schools for the name recognition,"
Thurston said. "In the past, people have
had more options but now a lot more
people are going for name brand."
Bolding, of NYU, agreed that reputa-
tion has a lot to do with the housing
crunch, but said smaller schools may
not be having the same problems.
"The (schools) that have had trouble
finding students in the past are having
even more trouble," Bolding said.
"There are lots of small schools closing,
but the schools with the better reputa-
tions are packing them in.'
University officials said that changes
in residence-hall living may also
account for the nationwide room short-
"I think the increase is a positive
thing," Robillard said. "We're changing
our programs. We're finding these bal-
ances and people are saying, 'Hey, we
want to live here."'
Bolding said that students today are
increasingly more interested in "the tra-
ditional college experience, whereas a
few years ago people wanted to get
apartments and be rebellious."
NYU is constructing a new dorm and
BU is planning to build more housing
sometime in the near future.
"You have to be afraid of over-build-
ing," Robillard said.
Robillard said that his staff has cre-
ated a "very Boston U community" at
its temporary housing sites. Richards,
who lives in one of the sites, dis-
"It's not as much of a community
environment as the dorms," Richards
said. "We can't leave our doors open
and you don't end up meeting as many
Richards said there are about 10
times as many men living in the
Howard Johnson and that there are non-
student guests staying in rooms on her
"It's one thing to say that we can't
play our music loud because there's stu-
dents around, but it's another to say we
can't because there are guests next
door," she said.
Richards said that BU housing
offered to switch her into a residence
hall if a space became available during
this semester, but said she opted to fin-
ish out the semester at the hotel and will
be moved after winter break.
"If I could go back and change this, I
would have preferred to be put in the
dorms from the start, but I'd rather stay
here than move mid-semester" Roberts
said. "It'll be a shock not having my
own bathroom."
School Dean Laurie Levenson said.
Hospitals to test
Cial blood use
WASHINGTON - Trauma patients
rushed to Chicago's Cook County
Hospital soon may awaken to discover
they're pioneers in the search for artifi-
cial blood, as a red liquid that looks like
real blood - but isn't - drips into
their veins.
Doctors at Cook County and 20 other
emergency rooms nationwide later this
fall will begin the first mass testing of a
potential substitute for human blood
involving 850 patients. A competing firm
is seeking government approval to test
hundreds of additional patients.
No one expects these first attempts to
supplant nature. But the hope is that
artificial blood will save lives when
doctors run short on the real stuff.
"If blood is unavailable, and that
does happen, this provides a bridge
until you can get it," said Richard
DeWoskin of Northfield Laboratories
Inc., which is trying to get approval for
tests. DeWoskin expects artificial blood
one day to help in the military, develop-
ing countries and in the "urban battle
field" of inner cities.
There are health risks from the sub
stitute to be tested, Baxter HealthCare'
HemAssist, some scientists believe. I
raises blood pressure through complt
blood vessel changes that Dr. Geral
Sandler, director of Georget
University Medical Center's blot
bank, fears could cause harm.
Board says air bags
harm children
WASHINGTON - Passengersod{
air bags are killing children, federa
safety experts said yesterday. They rec
ommend children ride in the back x
and say that for those up front air
triggered at higher car speeds and wit]
less power may help.
"Unfortunately, sometimes with the
best intentions, you get unintended con
sequences," National Transportatioi
Safety Board Chairman Jim Hall said.
Twenty-six child deaths n recen
years are attributed to passenger-side
air bags.
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Continued from Page 2.
-pie everything from (how to use
the) U.S. banking system to making
friends with Americans."
One student said going to school
across the ocean and speaking a new
language is not a challenge.
"We've learned English for so many
years ... in Malaysia we get movies in
English," said Engineering sophomore
Radzis Radzol, adding that it was easy
to adjust to everything, "except for the
Other students encountered surpris-
"The whole system - the way we
study - it's different. Back home in
Singapore we follow the British sys-
tem," said Tricia Lee, a School of
Business junior. "It took a little get-
ting used to - having midterms."
F-W~--- - - -04m
She said that in Singapore, stu-
dents' grades are based on one test
that they take at the end of each
Classmates' behavior may also be
new to those experiencing American
culture for the first time.
"Americans can appear to be insin-
cere," Baldwin said, adding that local
culture is one of the topics she teaches
at international students' orientation
Lee said that although most students
from Singapore speak English fluently,
"In the beginning (my American
friends) were thinking that we were
speaking a different language," because
of the accents.
Students point to the University's far-
reaching reputation to explain why they
came here.
"Michigan's my kind of place"
Radzol said.
Continued from Page 1
University was suggested as a public
place that gives access to a large num-
ber of people.
At 8 p.m. Saturday in the Union
Ballroom, there will be a reception to
inaugurate the LGBPO's anniversary.
Donna Redwing, national field director
for Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation, will be speaking about the
history of the movement.
"It's a real eye-opener. It shows that
in some areas we're just beginning to
take little steps, but in other areas
we've come a long way;' Redwing
"No exhibit could contain it all;' said
Michael Kusek, event coordinator of
GLAAD. "There are even more recent
events which could be included. With
this exhibit, GLAAD would like to pro-
mote positive images of gays and les-
bians in the community."
The exhibit premiered in June 1994
at the Gay Games in New York. The
premier also honored the 25th anniver-
sary of the Stonewall rebellion, which
drew attention to a police raid on
Stonewall, a New York gay bar. Many
consider the event to be the start of the
gay movement.
The tour is sponsored nationally by
GLAAD, The Advocate and Joseph E.
Seagram & Sons Inc., and locally by
All the programs LGBPO will hold
this year are considered part of their
anniversary. Accompanying the exhib-
it LGBPO will hold a program called
"Our Local Heritage' fat 7 p.m. today
in the Wedge Room of West Quad. Two
Flash floods kill
dozens in Sudan
KHARTOUM, Sudan - Surging
waters swept through shantytowns near
the Sudanese capital, killing dozens of
people and leaving thousands home-
less, Sudanese television reported
The floods were the latest to devas-
tate the poor region around Khartoum,
where the White Nile and Blue Nile
State-owned television broadcast
footage of flood damage in the southern
suburb of Mayo, where houses built of
mud had been swept away.
There were no specific figures on the
dead and homeless; television said
dozens had died.
Majzoub Khalifa, Sudan's minister
for social planning, promised prompt
government action.
"We have found water completely
surrounding a number of areas and a
great many houses have collapsed," he
was quoted as saying on television.
In recent months, floods have
destroyed hundreds of homes in central
and northern Sudan, leaving more than
15,000 homeless.
Last week, at least 17 people died i
flash floods in a village north o
Indians promote
rights in procession,
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Somecon
ing from as far away as Alaska, abou
600 North American Indians reaihe
the Pacific port of Mazatlan yesterda
on a procession to promote nativ
American rights and issues.
The Indians' "Journey for Peace A
Dignity" will conclude Oct. 10
Teotihuacan, the site of an ancien
Indian city about 30 miles northeasto
Mexico City, the official Notimex new
agency said.
Tribal members, some marchingpn
others in cars, planned to rest i
Mazatlan, about 530 northwest o
Mexico City, before continuing south t
Teotihuacan. There they will meet u
with Indians traveling from South an
Central America, Notimex said.
- Compiled from Daily wire report
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