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September 17, 1996 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-17

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Buffalo at Pittsburgh, inc. Milwaukee at Baltimore, inc.
New York at Toronto, inc.
NATIONAL LEAGUE Cleveland at Chicago, inc.
Atlanta at New York, inc. Minnesota at Kansas City, Inc.
Los Angeles at Colorado, inc. Texas at Seattle. inc.
San Diego at San Francisco, inc.


September 17, 1996

Carr takes responsibility.
for last-second blunder

By Ryan White
Daily Sports Writer
Still wondering why you nearly had a
heart attack Saturday afternoon? Why
Colorado was given one last chance to
repeat 1994's miracle finish?
"That was a coaching error,"
Michigan coach Lloyd Carr said.
While Carr took responsibility for
clock mismanagement at the end of
Michigan's 20-13 victory over the
Buffaloes on Saturday, it hardly seems
like it was his fault.
According to Carr, offensive line
coach Bobby Morrison radioed down
from the press box that Michigan could
run out the clock, but it was going to be
The problem arose when Michigan
quarterback Scott Dreisbach snapped the
last two plays with "six or seven seconds
left" on the play clock as opposed to only
two seconds left, as he was supposed to.
But that may not have completely
been Dreisbach's fault.
Dreisbach told Carr that on the final
two plays, the 25-second clock was
blocked by Colorado cheerleaders, and
rather than take a delay-of-game penalty,
he snapped the ball early.
All of this led to what appeared to be
a fumbled snap on Michigan's final

offensive play.
"Yes, he did bobble the snap," Carr
said. "(Michigan center) Rod (Payne)
was looking at the clock too, and Rod
knew we weren't supposed to snap the
ball until there was two seconds left.
"Dreisbach stepped up under center
and asked for the ball, and Rod wasn't
ready to snap it."
In spite of everything working against
the Wolverines, Carr insisted on taking
the blame, saying his team "obviously
didn't do enough preparation."
Aside from not quite running out the
clock, there was little Carr could com-
plain about from Saturday's victory.
He felt the punt coverage could have
been better but that the biggest problem
in that area was that punter Paul
Peristeris was out-kicking his coverage.
Carr also would like to see more con-
sistency from Michigan's offense, but
felt that it continued to improve.
He was pleased, however, with the fact
that the Wolverines committed only
three penalties, and that the defense got
to Colorado quarterback Koy Detmer,
knocking him down 17 times.
"I think that is where we won the
game defensively," Carr said.
Now Carr has to focus on getting the
Wolverines ready for a Boston College

squad that was smoked at home-by
Virginia Tech on Saturday, 45-7.
And like last week, when Carr hesitat:
ed to talk about the 1994 game again'
the Buffaloes, he doesn't want to talk to
much about the 1996 game against the
"Now we face the same: situatio.i
where we have to play next week and
everyone wants to talk about last week:
Carr said. "That would be the biggest
mistake we could make."
WILL WINS: Senior nose tackle Will
Carr was named the Big Ten's Defensive
Player of the Week after notching nir
tackles Saturday against Colorado.
Carr and the rest of the Michigan
defense held the Buffaloes to just 70
yards on the ground.
DOUBLE DUTY: Michigan defensive
back Charles Woodson continued his
play on both sides of the ball Saturday.
Not only did Woodson start on
defense, but he did on offense as well -
as a flanker. He is the first Michigan
player since Dick Rindfuss in 1964 to
get extensive playing time both ways. 4
He also had a little trash talk for his
fellow defensive backs, whom he now
faces in practice every day.
"I'm the only DB who can cover me,"
Woodson joked.

MARK dgsIssM'"/Daily
Glen Steele and the rest of Michigan's defense pressured Colorado quarterback Koy Detmer all game Saturday.

'M' women's soccer
opens up against Rockets.

State football on probation


ley Kevin Goldfein
For the Daily
The Michigan women's soccer team
will play its home opener today at 4 p.m.
at Michigan Soccer Field against Toledo.
The Wolverines (2-1), who are coming
off an impressive 7-1 victory over
Eastern Michigan on Sept. 10, have had
a week to prepare and are excited to play
their first home game of the year.
The Rockets are coming off an
impressive 1-0 victory of their own over
Ohio State. According to Michigan
junior forward Ruth Poulin, Toledo fig-
ures to be a formidable opponent.
"(The Rockets) beat a very good Ohio
State team that beat us last year," Poulin
said. "We need to come out with a lot of
intensity early if we want to win."
The Wolverines have had a light
schedule so far this season, playing only
three games in a two week span. That
schedule starts to heat up, however, with
three games in five days and the Big Ten
opener coming up in just over a week.

Toledo fields a tough, physical team this
year. The Rockets, a Mid-American
Conference squad, have proven them-
selves to be a Big Ten-caliber team with
their win over Ohio State.
Unlike Toledo, the Wolverines are
more of a finesse team, but according to
the co-captain Debbie Flaherty, the
Wolverines will be able to match up
physically with the Rockets.
"The key to the game is putting the
ball in the net," Flaherty said. "We have
no problem creating opportunities to
score, we just have to make sure that we
capitalize on all of our chances."
The Wolverines have already been hit
by the injury bug this season - two
returning starters will be unable to play
tomorrow. Jessica Limauro, a sopho-
more forward who scored two goals last
Tuesday against Eastern Michigan, will
be out of action tomorrow due to a bro-
ken nose. The Wolverines will also be
missing Vanessa Lewis who is out with a
possible fracture to her cheekbone.

EAST LANSING (AP) - Michigan State's foot-
ball program was placed on four years' probation by
the NCAA yesterday, but it does not include bans
from bowl games or television appearances..
The NCAA concluded the school violated rules
on recruiting, benefits, academic eligibility, ethical
conduct and institutional control.
In addition to the four years' probation, which
began Dec. 1, 1995, the NCAA also reduced by
seven the number of initial scholarships. Michigan
State can grant to football players during the 1997-
98 academic year. It cut by one the number of
coaches who can recruit off-campus during
December 1996 and January 1997.
The sanctions, announced in a telephone news
conference, are in addition to penalties the school
imposed on itself after investigations by it and the
NCAA turned up the violations.
Michigan State placed its football program on
probation for two years, starting Dec. 1, 1995, fired
its athletics student adviser and reassigned others
connected to the program during the time the viola-
tions occurred.
"Ladies and. gentlemen, the process worked,"
Michigan State President Peter McPherson said.
"The NCAA findings were fair and generally con-
sistent with our investigation. We accept their con-

clusions and we will not appeal the penalties."
The NCAA imposed its own penalties, but it als6
adopted many of the self-imposed Michigan ate
penalties as its own. Among the self-imposed penal-
ties, the university forfeited five wins from the 19941
season; reduced its number of initial scholarships
for 1996-97 from 25 to 23; and reduced its total
football scholarships during the current year from.
85 to 79.
It also already has cut by one the number of foot
ball coaches permitted to recruit off-campus and c
the number of official visits by potential footba
players from 56 to 48 for the 1995-96 school year.
The probes began in October 1994 and centered
around alleged academic fraud. They also focused"
on charges of improper benefits received by'
Michigan State athletes from people who were not,
tied directly to the university, but represented its
The investigations were prompted by former.
player Roosevelt Wagner's charges against the foot
ball program under former coach George Perle
The university has spent close to $1 million investi-
gating the charges and defending itself to t
NCAA. Perles, who was fired in November 1994
and replaced by Nick Saban, was never personally
charged with any violations.

Michigan State, already without the services of tailback
Marc Renaud, was put on probation by the NCAA yesterday.


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M EnergyFest-96
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