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December 09, 1996 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-12-09

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 9, 1996-- 3A

LAW prof.
honored for
child advocacy
fficials at the National Association
of Counsel for Children recently hon-
ored Law Clinicial Prof. Donald
Duquette for his work as an advocate
for children.
NACC named him a winner of its
1996 Outstanding Legal Advocacy
Award, which is "given annually to
individuals who have exhibited excel-
lence in the field of children's law,
advocacy and protection," NACC
~ijecutive Director Marvin Ventrell
said in a statement.
Duquette opened the Law
School's Child Advocacy Law
Clinic in 1976 and serves as the
clinic's co-director.
He has been a member of Gov. John
Engler's Task Force on Children since
1992 and has been co-chair of the State
Bat of Michigan's Task Force on
Children since 1993.
At the Law School, Duquette also
administers the three-year, $1.5 million
Kellogg Foundation grant for the
Families for Kids Initiative.
Beijing photo
exhibit opens in.
Rackham today
Life in the streets and narrow alleys
* Beijing is recorded in the pho-
tographs of Anna Drallios, an exhibit
opening today in the University's
Rackham Galleries. Drallios is a
Rackham student and a graduate stu-
dent instructor in the School of Art
A resident of the Chinese city from
1995-96, Drallios has focused her
exhibit on the residents of traditional
-ighborhoods, called "hutongs,"
Wiich are disappearing with Chinese
"Laowai! An Old Outsider in
Beijing," will be on display in the
Rackham Galleries through Dec. 18.
Located on the second floor of the
Rackham Building, the gallery is open
fronm 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekdays and
Satudays from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Admission is free.
*EW offers
scholarships to
returning women
The Center for the Education of
Women has applications for CEW
Scholarships for women coming back
to the University as students during
1997-98 academic year.
'EW Scholarships for Returning
Women are awarded to undergradu-
ate, graduate and professional school
students who have had an interrup-
tion in their education sometime
between high school and the year
they return to school. Applicants
should be persuing "a clear eduation-
al goal" at a University of Michigan
branch, and part-time students are
MEW Scholars will receive awards
r aiging from $1,000 to $4,000, with
an additional scholarship of $11,000
oftrod to one student.
Abpvoximately 30 students are cho-
sn Bach year.
fpplications are available at CEW
avi must be completed and returned by
Jan. 15. Students may pick up applica-
tion forms at 330 East Liberty St.. or

miy call 998-7210 for more informa-
Break ends early
for MBA students
While regular University classes for
next semester meet for the first time on
Wednesday, Jan. 8, all winter term
graduate business and accounting
classes will meet beginning Monday,
Jon. 6.
The early start is for all graduate stu-
nts in the Business School enrolled
in the MBA program and applies to all
classes, day and evening.
Undergraduate BBA classes will
begin with other undergraduate classes
on Jan. 8.
Classes for fall term 1996 officially
end tomorrow.
k Compiled from Daily staff reports.

Student auditors
check pollution
in industries

Sachin Kheterral, a second-year medical student, collects money as part of the Galens Medical Society annual fund-raising
drive. The group, which is comprised of 120 members, usually raises more than $70,000 for Washtenaw County charities.
Students,, residents dnt

generously during

By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
Residents of Ann Arbor donated gen-
erously to the Galens Medical Society
and local children during the 69th annu-
al Tag Days, which took place Friday
and Saturday.
"Ann Arbor is a wonderfully gener-
ous community," said Dr. David Rosen,
an honorary faculty member of the stu-
dent-run society. "I had a ball."
Although all
the money hasn't 0
been counted yet,
members said the You r
drive consistently
raises more than surprIse
$70,000 for,

"It was a pretty enjoyable experi-
ence'" Dittmar said. "It's a good thing to
do over the holiday."
Tag Days Czar Karl Nicles, a fourth-
year medical student, said the society
was grateful for all the donations.
"I think we even did better than last
year," Nicles said. "We got a lot of con-
tributions from everyone."
Pravene Nath, an M.D.-Ph.D. fourth-

year student, said the
e kind of
d by the

event was a suc-
cess, with only
a few minor
problems that
were expected.
"You always
have a few
minor glitches
to work
through Nath
said. "We
learned some
things this year
that we can use

Tag Days
esting things thrown into the buckets
each year," Rosen said.
Nath said people have contributed
tangerines, oranges and coins from
around the world.
Whatever members of the Ann Arbor
community donated, Dittmar said they
were more than willing to give.
"You're kind of surprised by the gen-
erosity," Dittmar said. "The people you
don't think will donate, donate."
Dittmar spent four hours of his 12-
hour shift inside University Hospitals,
and the other eight hours on the Diag.
First-year medical student Jon
Wilensky said some people gave two or
three times.
"People really supported, just like I
expected it would be," Wilensky said.
Nath said the total raised during this
year's Tag Days has not been tallied yet
because mail contributions are still
coming in.
To contribute to Tag Days, mail
money to: Galens Medical Society,
Room D4206-MPB, PO. Box 0718,
1500 East Medical Center Dr., Ann
Arbor, Ml 48109. Checks can be made
out to Galens Medical Society.

By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
University Engineering students are
hoping to learn more about their disci-
plines by cutting costs at manufacturing
firms as auditors in the University's
Industrial Assessment Center.
Students involved in IAC travel to
manufacturing firms located
throughout southeastern Michigan
and northern Ohio to conduct one-
day, on-site inspections to ensure that
industrial equipment is being used
At the end of the inspections, stu-
dents give initial recommendations to
the plant managers, which are followed
by 40- to 50-page detailed reports eight
weeks later.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of
Energy, the IAC has performed more
than 75 audits of regional automotive
plastics, food processing, printing and
chemical firms since it started at the
University four years ago.
Thirty other universities participate
in the program nationwide; the
University center is the only program of
its kind in Michigan.
"The objective of the project is to
help small- and
which don't I was
have in-house
expertise, to reat dea
reduce energy
and pollution ' {ad tho
production," hadth
said mechanical_
en gi nee ring Chemical
Prof. Arvid eng
Atrea, director
of the center.
Atrea emphasized the importance of
students getting practical experience in
the business world to complement their
academic education.
"It's quite exciting to come up with
ideas on how to save money and then
realize it," he said. "In the long run,
the students get educated in this area
- they get practical experience so
when they go out to work, they are
conscious of these aspects. It's a big
The undergraduates, who receive
hourly wages for their involvement in
the program, are supervised by faculty
during the inspections, but Sridhar
Kaza, chemical engineering senior, said
he was given more independence than
he expected.
"As an undergraduate engineer with
IAC, I was given a great deal more
responsibility than I had thought," he
said. "It is very interesting to visit the
local plants. I see the many problems
that these plants encounter and usually
don't notice:'
David Reid, chemical engineering
senior, agreed and said the program is
an excellent opportunity to apply class-
room knowledge to real-world techni-
cal problems.
"You get a chance to use the things
you learn in class. It gives you valuable

inspections at 30
given a
31 more
bi iy than
- Sridhar Kaza
r,.-.nr e. nnn

real-world experience' he said. "You
have a lot of freedom to work as long as
you can come up with ideas and use
calculations to prove them:'
Atrea said the demand for the
inspections stems from a lack of
experienced technicians employed at
small firms that receive orders from'
large firms that choose to outsource
their production.
"Jobs in little companies are going
up because that is the most efficient
way of operating for larger firms, but
the problem is that the little companies '
don't have the expertise the big compa-
nies do" he said.
Atrea said one explanation for the
recent concurrence of low unemploy-
ment levels and large corporate layoffs is
that many of the workers are actually
transferred from larger to smaller firms.
"Unemployment is going down, but"-
big companies are laying people off"'
he said. "This is because big companies'
don't want to do little jobs and they
farm them out to little companies.'
Mechanical engineering Prof.
Michael Chen, IAC co-director, said
the DOE fixes the number of IAC

per year, and that
while most of
the businesses
the group audits
are sought by the
IAC, certain
firms that have
heard of the IAC
will request to be
"At the begin-
ning of the year
we write letters


Washtenaw generOS
County youth
care organiza-
tions. Third-year
Many of the
group's 120
members shared Rosen's enthusiasm.
M.D-Ph.D. third-year student Kurt
Dittmar said he was pleasantly sur-
prised by the community's generosity
during his first Tag Days experience.


- Kurt Dittmar
medical student

to improve next year.
Rosen said that what ends up in the
collectors' buckets is not always what is
"We always have a variety of inter-

Dominican culture celebrated

veeringseir to companies
who fit the pro-
files," he said. "Generally, we solicit
them or they find out about us and ask''
to be audited:'
According to DOE statistics, the IAC
program saves individual firms
between $40,000 and $50,000 each per
year. Typical sources of inefficiency are
poor usage of compressed-air powered
equipment, faulty calibration of fur-'
naces, using chemical solvents to wash
parts when water could be used and
allowing excess heat from furnaces to
escape without being utilized.
Chen said the savings gained from
the IAC inspections are especially sig-
nificant in today's cost-cutting business
"It's gotten very competitive;' hq
said. "Right now, $40,000 to $50,000.,
comes into the balance sheet.'
But Chen added that because many
firms are so busy, they don't have the
time to seek inspection or consulting
services and implement the group's rec-
"Business is booming," he said.
"They're (the regional small and medi-
um-sized businesses) so busy that they
can't afford to spend time with us -
they can't even afford to save money."
Atrea said positions in the IAC are
open to all Engineering students, but
preference is given to those with good
grades and strong communication skills.

Students hold event
as part of Immigration
Awareness day
By Ann Stewart
Daily Staff Reporter
Chances are, if you live in America,
your ancestors were immigrants.
To remind students of this fact, sev-
eral campus groups sponsored a
Dominican Cultural Celebration on

Saturday night
A w are n es s
Event coor-
dinator Dana
McAllister said
she hoped stu-
dents would be
enlightened by
the experience.
they'll see how
the majority of

in recognition of
that someo
from their
came here
another co

A crowd of close to 70 students
gathered in the small classroom
available at Lorch Hall, some even
spilling into the hall, to enjoy the
contributions of immigrants from the
Dominican Republic.
McAllister said she was pleased with
the unexpectedly large turnout and the
interest of students.
LeMoione stayed to enjoy the festiv-
ities with students, many of whom she
had seen at El Salto.
She said she
was happy to pro-
vide for the
forget event.
"I am so glad
oane they (picked) me
to bring the
food," LeMoione
Sfrsaid. "As for my
experience in the
iuunf uy if United States,
~~EESEJEhow can I say, I
na McAllister got everything I
t coordinator dreamed."
While partak-
ing of arroz con guandules and chichar-
ron de pollo with dulce de coco for
dessert, students listened to Latin music
and danced when there was space.
Students said they enjoyed the food
and a chance to celebrate a variety of
"It's the classic food," said School
of Public Policy sophomore Tanus
Saad. "This is the first time they (had)
an event (for Dominicans)."
After getting their fill, many of the
students gathered in Lorch Auditorium
for a premiere of the Angel Muniz film
"Nueba Yol," a comedy about the expe-

riences of a Dominican immigrant to
New York.
Students said the film, shown in
Spanish with English subtitles, was
"It was really cute, and l like
Spanish so it was kind of interesting,"
said LSA first-year student Carrie
The event was sponsored in part by
Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs,
Alianza and the University Activities

immigrants are'Ev
and just trying to look for better
opportunities," McAllister said.
McAllister said the event would edu-
cate students about the struggles of
immigrants as well as counter a "back-
lash against immigrants."
"Sometimes (immigrants) are seen as
lazy and sucking up resources,"
McAllister said. "People forget that
someone from their family came here
from another country."
The celebration featured Dominican
food courtesy of El Salto restarants of
Detroit. Restaurant owner Maria
LeMoione is an immigrant from Santo


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