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December 09, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-12-09

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Tonight: Mostly-cloudy, low
around 280.
Tomorrow: Cloudy, chance of
rain, high around 430*.

One hundred siCx years of editoralfreedom

December 9, 1996

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M' captures
win, 62-6 1
By Will McCahill
Daily Sports Editor
The Michigan men's basketball team
received a holiday gift yesterday in the
form of a huge 62-61 victory over
Duke in Durham, N.C.
With the seventh-ranked Wolverines
trailing, 61-60, and just over 30 sec-
(onds remaining in the game, Duke
biard Trajan Langdon turned the ball
over to Michigan's Maceo Baston.
The Wolverines brought the ball
down the floor and called a 20-second
timeout. Michigan moved the ball
around the perimeter before junior
guard Travis Conlan gave it to sopho-
more center Robert Traylor at the free-
throw line.
Traylor found an open lane, taking a
couple steps before jamming home the
Jning basket with 6.2 seconds left.
The 10th-ranked Blue Devils were
unable to get a shot off in their last pos-
session, as senior guard Jeff Capel lost"
the ball in traffic as time expired.
The Wolverines were able to finish
the second half on a 16-3 run despite
having their best player, junior forward
Maurice Taylor, foul out with more
than 10 minutes left in the game.
The victory was as exciting for stu-
*ts as it was for the team.
LSA senior Emily Miller, who has
followed. the Michigan-Duke rivalry
closely over the past few years,
watched the game on TV on the ground
floor of the Michigan Union.
"I can't even study now, I'm so excit-
ed," Miller said. She said she went to
the Union intending to keep an eye on
the game while studying, but the ten-
sion of the close contest and the large
wd it drew to the TV made that
mewhat difficult.
"Everyone was cheering and clap-
ping and screaming," Miller said. "It
was pretty intense."
LSA first-year student Matthew ;
Neagle was similarly exuberant about
the Wolverines' triumphant visit to
"Michigan really pulled it out there
at the end," Neagle said. "A lot of peo-
* thought Michigan was overrated. Robert Traylor h
"But by beating Duke without match-up agains
Maurice Taylor in the game, they really played the last 1
showed that they deserve their rating." For more comple

Serbian court to
deny vote fraud

Los Angeles Times
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - In a major set-
back, opposition forces said yesterday that
Serbia's highest court has turned aside their legal
challenge to President Slobodan Milosevic and
decided to let stand alleged election fraud.
Opposition leaders vowed to widen their fight
to unseat Milosevic following the ruling, which
has not been announced officially by Serbia's
Supreme Court. The Belgrade Electoral
Commission, which had filed a similar challenge
to Milosevic's annulment of municipal elections
won by the opposition, announced late yesterday
that its appeal had also been rejected.
Politicians and students staging their 21st day of
street demonstrations said they were not surprised
that the court had sided with
Milosevic, and they pro-
nounced themselves more
determined than ever to see an
end to his authoritarian
"We want the protests to 4
spread to as many cities in
Serbia as possible," said
Zoran Djindjic, president of
the opposition Democratic
Party. "This is an enormous Djindjic
investment in the future.
Never before has there been a single unified
protest in 20 towns in Serbia; never before have
we attracted so much international attention."
Approximately 42 protesters have been arrest-
ed, according to opposition lawyers. Several of the
arrested were held incommunicado, the lawyers
Yesterday, the effigy sat slumped in the corner
of the headquarters of the Zajedno (Together)
opposition coalition as thousands of demonstra-
tors rallied outside.
Milosevic and his proxies have told Western
officials that they will not use force to break up the
demonstrations. But Milosevic has used tactics
both subtle and overt to intimidate and undermine
the opposition.
State-run television, which routinely broadcasts
interviews of residents complaining about how the
protests disrupt traffic, resumed its tough talk last
night, accusing Zajedno leaders of subversive
attempts to destabilize the nation and mislead the
"All of this is obviously a big farce intended for
the foreign media," state television said. "They
have finally shown their hand and have proven that
their aim is to destabilize Serbia (and) to compro-
mise it before the world."
Milosevic is also seeking scapegoats in an effort
to defuse the most sustained challenge to his
authority he has ever faced. He has fired officials
See BALKANS, Page 2A

Police allegedly
beat protester
The Washington Post
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- A 21-year-old stu-
dent protester who was arrested for carrying a sty-
rofoam effigy of Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic in prison garb was severely beaten while
in police custody, his mother said yesterday, in the
first alleged instance of police brutality in 21
straight days of protests against Milosevic's regime.
Ljiljana Bulatovic met her son, Dejan, for 30
minutes yesterday and said he had a broken nose
and a bad back after police allegedly beat the
him on Friday. She quoted her son as saying
police shoved a billy club up his anus, forced
him to stand naked for several hours in a freez-
ing room and clobbered his head and back while
they held him in custody at Belgrade's central
police station.
On Saturday, Bulatovic was sentenced to 25
days in jail for carrying the effigy of Milosevic,
she said, and assigned a cell with no bed and a per-
manently open window. "My boy has asthma," she
added. "He looks bad, his face is bloody. I don't
know why they did this to him. They called him an
enemy of the state."
The alleged beating of Dejan Bulatovic last
week came a day after Milosevic gave in to
Western demands to allow Belgrade's last two
independent radio stations to resume broadcasting
less than 24 hours after he shut them down.
Serbian officials said the beating, while not neces-
sarily ordered by the president, could not have
occurred without his tacit support.
The maneuvers - one conciliatory, the other
tough - are vintage Milosevic as he confronts
the largest and most sustained challenge to his
nine year rule. On the day Bulatovic was sen-
tenced, for example, Milosevic met with Kati
Marton, the president of the New York-based
Committee to Protect Journalists and wife of
Richard Holbrooke, the architect of the Dayton
peace plan for Bosnia. During that meeting he
told Marton he would not order violence to be
used against the demonstrators and signed a doc-
ument promising to respect independent media in
The document summed up Milosevic's tenden-
cy, as one diplomat put it, to "confuse us all on
purpose." Marton scribbled out a statement that
committed Milosevic to supporting "a free press
in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the
right to publish and broadcast without censorship
freely here." Milosevic crossed out "without cen-

its the game-winning dunk with 6.2 seconds remaining on the clock during yesterday's
t Duke in Durham, N.C. The game was a victory for the seventh-ranked Wolverines, who
10 minutes of the second half with their best player, junior Maurice Taylor, on the bench.
ete coverage see SPORTSMonday, Page LB.


signed the document and handed it

Alum, Calif. state
Len. Hayden to
speak on activism

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
One of the University's most cele-
ted activists is coming home today.
niversity alum Tom Hayden, a
California state senator and human
rights activist, is expected to bring his
message back to Ann Arbor today when
he stops in town for a book signing,
reception and a speech on the "Evolution

relevant today, Mehta said.
Hayden is interested in higher educa-
tion as a state and federal issue, Ellison.
said. "He's still got a real keen eye for
higher education public policy,"she said.
Hayden gained fame as one of the
founders of Students for a Democratic
Society, an activist group on college
campuses during the 1960s. His work

with SDS eventually

of Activism" at
the Michigan
Union, spon-
sored by the
Su d e n t
"I've want-
ed to bring
Tom Hayden
to campus for
some time," said

"He still continues
his activism, albeit in
a different arena."
- Probir Mehta
MSA vice president

led Hayden to
Chicago for
the 1968
where he
became one of
the "Chicago
Seven" - a
group arrested
d u r i n g

face real
By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
Bursting into concerts at Hill
Auditorium and games at Crisler Arena
on a moment's notice to deal with
everything from heart attacks to drunk-
en blackouts, an emergency medical
team is always on hand to take control.
It's not an episode of "ER." This
team is a group of students.
Until recently, the University was
unprepared to handle health emergen-
cies that often occur at campus events,
and as a result, students created the
Michigan First Aid Stations service to
provide immediate medical care at cam-
pus functions in emergency situations.
"This is a new service to protect
groups and the University in case
something would happen," said LSA
senior Lowell Schmeltz, founder and
director of MFAS. Schmeltz is also the
founder and former president of the
Emergency Medical Services Club.
"There are University events with
(thousands) of people, but there is no
safety plan. We are there to provide
direct emergency medical care,"
Schmeltz said.
Schmeltz stressed the opportunity
MFAS offers in hands-on experience,
citing that the group has transported at

Anne Marie Ellison,

chair of MSA's Student Rights
Commission. Ellison said she hopes the
former student leader will "light a fire
k er some of my fellow students in
s of getting active on some issues."
Although the political climate on
campus today is not nearly as volatile as
when Hayden served as editor in chief
of The Michigan Daily and was active
in student government in the 1960s,
Ellison and SRC have pushed the cam-

protests that week.
Hayden has since taken a different role
in the political process, becoming a state
senator in California and returning to
Chicago this summer as a delegate to the
1996 Democratic National Convention.
"He still continues his activism,
albeit in a different arena," Mehta said.
Hayden has focused his recent ener-
gies on environmentalism and his
recently published book, "The Lost
Gospel of the Earth." Hayden will be

Martha Cook resident Rachel Franzese escorts former University President James Duderstadt and his wife Anne during the
annual dinner following the University Musical Society's performance of "Messiah."
Messiah dinner caters to 'U'
brass, musical 4performersa

By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
While streets outside shone with hol-
iday lights and snow-glazed sidewalks,
the residents of Martha Cook took part

concert attendees. Last night, guests
included former University presidents
and regents.
"This is one of the great University
traditions," said former University

same." However, she pointed out one
difference that involved the large artifi-
cial tree in the Gold Room.
"We had a tree when I was here, but
it was a real tree," Smith said.



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