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November 26, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-26

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It I a


Tonight: Chance of snow. Low
of 15*.
Tomorrow: Partly sunny. High
of about 34°.

One hundred siv years ofedtornWfreedom

November 26, 1996

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plans to
reach out
to deans
4 Former head of Law
School says deans are
playing smaller roles
By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
ven before he was named the 12th
University president, Lee Bollinger
said he wanted to bring the voices of
deans into the decisions that rule the
Bollinger's desire to give the deans a
larger role could alter the University's
governance and power structure.
"Deans are the crucial layer in the
administrative structure for decision-
making in the University," Bollinger
in an interview last week. "It is
dessary for the president and provost
to draw them in as much as possible for
discussion and decision in University-
wide policies."
The deans oversee individual
schools and colleges. They are
responsible for the management of
budgets, along with other activities
that range from fund-raising to work-
ing with faculty.
tSA Dean Edie Goldenberg said
ans can offer perspectives about
the way faculty think about issues.
She said she has not spoken with
Bollinger about his comments
regarding the role of the deans and
doesn't know what - if any - struc-
tural changes he has in mind for
University operations.
"I suspect that he is interested in
having more fac-
ulty input and
'E he views the
deans as more in
touch with fac-
ulty perspective
than are execu-
tive officers,
simply because
deans interact
with a wide
range of faculty Bollinger
a regular and
quent basis," Goldenberg said.
In an Oct. 24 interview with the
Board of Regents, Bollinger said the
power of the deans has declined in
recent years. He said this is a trend that
should be reversed.
"The core of this institution, the
administration heart of it, is the deans,"
Bollinger said.
Edward Gramlich, dean of the
School of Public Policy, said there
been a slight move away from the
t uence of deans in recent years,
but not in a terribly destructive way.
Gramlich said Provost J. Bernard
Mlachen consults with deans often,
but that the deans still could play a
larger role.
"They are out there, in much more
constant communication with students,
faculty and staff alike, than are the peo-
ple in the Fleming Building," Gramlich
e1. "Nothing against those in the
Fleming Building, but I think deans can
bring a new and helpful perspective on
Machen - who served as Dentistry

dean before becoming provost - said
deans have a major administrative
responsibility at the University, with
more influence than deans at almost all
other institutions.
"I think that the deans have a
ng role at the University and con-
e to have a strong role," Machen
said. He said he has tried to bring
deans into the decision-making
process, and that many decisions are
made at the level of schools and col-
leges as well as in the Fleming
Administration Building.
Former President James Duderstadt
was dean of the College of Engineering
prior to becoming provost, and then
iversity president. Duderstadt said it
would be beneficial to build stronger
ties between the president and the
deans - but added that there are draw-
"One also has to be very careful
not to undercut the authority of the
.,.vnct" nr ian+ caicl "In a

Faculty pay
raise jumps



Increase tops administrators'

Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), speaker of the House, addresses the Republican Governors Conference in Grand Rapids yesterday.
Gingrich discussed the importance of education and values in American life.
Governors plan polc
with Republican leadersf

By Jodi S. Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
For the first time in recent history,
average salary increases for faculty this
year were greater than those of top
administrators, according to the annual
Faculty and Staff Salary Record
released yesterday.
The administrators' merit increase of
4.1 percent went down from last year's
5.8-percent raise. Faculty received a
4.4-percent increase, which is 0.4 per-
cent higher than last year.
"I think it's clear that the increases to
top administrators being less than the
average faculty increase reflects a con-
scious decision by (interim President)
Homer Neal and the executive officers
to keep our increases in line with facul-
ty increases," said Walter Harrison, vice
president for University relations.
Former University President James
Duderstadt, who has returned to the
Engineering faculty, tops the list with a
salary of $263,451.
Lee Bollinger, who was recently
selected as the next University presi-
dent, will earn more than any other
employee in the report with a starting
salary of $275,000.
Other top-paid employees include
Neal; Mark Orringer, head of thoracic
surgery; and football coach Lloyd Carr,
who earns $257,500.
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg, who
ranks as the highest-paid female
employee with a salary of $199,000,
said it's important that faculty salaries
remain competitive with faculty at

Top 5 'U' Salaries
Numbers in hundreds of
competitive in faculty and staff
salaries," he said.
"The increases are all in the same
ballpark," Harrison added, comparing
those of faculty and administrators.
The reported salaries include money
paid from state appropriations, tuition
and revenue. They do not include funds
from other sources - faculty may get

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
GRAND RAPIDS - Republican governors and
Washington power players joined forces yesterday to outline
party policy for a "renewed partnership" between GOP lead-
ers in state and federal government.
House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), Senate Majority
Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and various GOP congressional
leaders met with Repubican Governors Association Chair
and Michigan Gov. John Engler on the third day of the RGA
annual conference.
"This session will be remembered
as the rather dramatic expansion of the
working relationship between the gov-
ernors and the Congress," Engler said
after yesterday's sessions.
Lott said the partnership between
the governors and what Gingrichu
called "the implementation
Congress" will be "a more mature -'
relationship" than with "the con-
frontation Congress." Legislators
will listen more carefully to gover- Engler
nors and solicit their advice and
influence on specific issues, he said.
Lott said the governors should be an important part of
oversight projects Congress will undertake to assess the leg-
islation the states are implementing.
"We don't take enough time to stop and take a look at what
we've already passed," Lott said.
Gingrich and Lott put a balanced budget amendment to
the Constitution, which would have to be ratified by the
states, at the top of the agenda for the Republican party.
See GOP, Page 7

GOP talks on solving
'education problem'
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
{GRAND RAPIDS - Republicans have a long way to go
in education policies - and even longer before voters
believe they care - said GOP panelists who spoke yesterday
at the Republican Governors Association annual conference.
"We've got to realize that education is not doing what it
should be doing," said U.S. Senate Majority Leader Trent
Lott (R-Miss.).
Voters don't see Republicans as promoters of education,
said panelist Checker Finn Jr. of the Thomas B. Fordham
"This election did not do real well for Republicans on the
education front," he said.
Judging from the record of the 104th Congress, perhaps
voters were justified in thinking the GOP is weak on educa-
tion, Finn said.
"(The legislature) ended up being against everything and
ended up giving money to everything it said it was against,"
he said. "The Democrats appeared as the pro-education party
and Republicans the antis."
Finn said the Republican party cannot solve "the education
problem" from Washington. Therefore, governors have the
responsibility to turn the trend around with better standards,
tests and a redefined view of public education.
"The solution is at the state level and the local level," Lott

additional income
jobs, while Medical

other universi-
ties. She noted,
however, that
LSA faculty
increases were
lower than aver-
age at 3.1 per-

"Itfs probably a
reasonable salary

from consulting
School employees
may earn rev-
enue from
patients and
coaches may
make money
from television
contracts, for
Prof. Thomas
Dunn, who
chairs the facul-

"I think that - Prof.
it's good that we
try to stay com-
petitive for our
outstanding faculty," Goldenberg said.
"I'm glad the University overall was
able to do so well by the faculty and I
only wish that we in LSA could have
done better."
Goldenberg and Vice Provost for
Health Affairs Rhetaugh Dumas are the
only women among the 15 highest-paid
"That is indicative of the fact that we
still have a way to go," Harrison said
about recruiting women into top admin-
istrative positions.
Harrison said the increase in faculty
salaries reflects a good year for state
appropriations. "We were able to have a
salary program that will help keep us

Thomas Dunn
SACUA chair

ty's governing body, said the reported
salaries "don't tell the whole story."
"There are a lot of bonuses and other
things that are not included," Dunn said.
"What you get is the nine-month or 12-
month statutory-type salary figures."
Dunn said the 4.4-percent average
increase for faculty members is "about
as much as you'd expect in the general
budgetary constraints in Lansing."
"It is probably a reasonable salary
increment:' Dunn said. "It certainly is
not magnificent."
Harrison said the salaries are compa-
rable to other top universities.
"We rank near the top among publics
See SALARIES, Page 3

APEC endorses
tariff reductions

Los Angeles Times
MANILA, Philippines - Eighteen
Pacific Rim governments yesterday
endorsed sweeping tariff reductions by
2000 in the $1 trillion "information
technology" industry and agreed to
push forward with voluntary efforts to
liberalize trade and investment opportu-
nities in the region.
The commitment on tariff reductions
came only after some carefully targeted
personal lobbying by President Clinton
here at the fourth summit of the Asia-
Pacific Economic Cooperation forum,
known as APEC. The forum's foreign
ministers agreed to a similar measure
Saturday but stopped short of commit-
ting to the crucial 2000 deadline.
The endorsement on cuts, made by
the leadrs of Pacific Rim 0onvern-

million jobs nationwide.
The United States, which pushed
hard for yesterday's result, hopes to use
the commitment to win an even bigger
prize in three weeks: adoption of an
Information Technology Agreement
containing similar language by repre-
sentatives of the 123-member World
Trade Organization scheduled to meet
next month in Singapore.
Formal agreement in Singapore
would start the elimination of these tar-
iffs globally, an action that the U.S.
Trade Representative's Office estimat-
ed would give U.S. producers an extra
$1 billion annually either to absorb as
profits or pass on to consumers in the
form of lower prices.
"APEC's endorsement of this
Information Technology Agreement


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