4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 18, 1996 a1te £irbtgi n &Idg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG. Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY Pomp & circumstance Students should set tone of graduation NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'if they lose their e-mail privileges for a day or two, that's too bad.' - ITD Associate Director Laurie Burns, discussing the possible consequences for sending unsolicited e-mail MATT W IMS ATrTMOOKIE'S DILEMMA I ( ~i~l \\ (D NE WS1 Al' *f wIL L BE 4.A YiN' oFF1 e MY P/ f Dor noW N5/Z/A#G Y ANoIHER zoooo .E'LL 8E HFAVINA4 UP SooN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR magine getting up in front of 5,000 peers and spectators in Michigan Stadium to ,give parting words of wisdom. This year's student commencement speaker, Marian Fiona Bouch, will do just that. She said of her speech, "I ask people to consider what it means to graduate at the U-M." Many students complain each year about the commencement speaker choices. The University Board of Regents selected Spelman College President Johnnetta Cole, who is considered a black woman pioneer in higher education, to speak at this year's commencement ceremony. Apparently, the student body would rather have President Clinton, or even the Unabomber suspect, who is a Michigan alum, to make the cere- mony more interesting. The graduating senior who is selected to speak at the ceremony is closer to the stu- dents than the commencement speaker. Bouch was selected by a committee consist- ing of two. students, two staff members and one faculty member. The makeup of the committee was problematic - there was not enough student input. A committee to decide what speech will mean most to stu- dents should be made up entirely of stu- dents. Not only does the University need a stu- dent commencement speaker committee - it needs to define what it wants from a grad- uation ceremony. What's more important: the graduation speakers or the beach-ball party on the field? Depending on the answer, the choice of speaker could be very different. Students must decide whether they would prefer a campus leader, a ran- dom - but enthusiastic - student, or a moving speaker. If the answer is all of the above, then they may need to conduct a more thorough search for future speakers. Former Michigan Student Assembly President Flint Wainess said, "(The admin- istration) select(s) speeches that essentially say 'Go Blue' and are conformist, status quo speeches." If that's what the students want, so be it. But on such a memorable day, they may want to hear something a lit- tle more relevant to their lives, past and future. Whatever students decide, it is important that the commencement ceremo- ny retain a student speaker. Commencement is a ceremony for students; it's appropriate to have at least a portion of the event led by a student. Graduation marks a beginning and an end. A student speaker needs to reflect seniors' hard work and talent over the past four years, as well as the crowds' mixture of fear, excitement and nostalgia. The only way to ensure this type of a speaker at graduation is to have a diverse student committee choose the speaker and set the mood. Farewell to the Daily Editors' note: This letter was not initially run in its entirety; it is being run again to restore its original intent. TO THE DAILY: I have been an avid read- er of the Daily for four years, over which time it has evolved from a big liberal mass of pulp to, um, basical- ly the same thing. At this time, however, the Daily is recovering from a political attack that is being fueled by multiple elements on this campus. So I figured that, as a final service to the Daily, I could suggest a few ideas to develop your integrity and enhance your ability to enlighten the student body: 1) 1 think Kate Epstein is the best of your columnists this year. She is unique in that I can parse her columns and usually find some decent thought and information among all the gobbledegook (in this case, feminist dogma). Monday's column ("Behind the migraine myth") about migraines is an excellent example. For Epstein. I would rec- ommend locking her in a room with a stereo playing Tammy Wynette's "Stand By VIEWPOINT Your Man" over and over again. Then maybe her evi- dent sentiments would at least soften a bit. (Sorry.) Farewell, Daily. MICHAEL R. WHEATON ENGINEERING SENIOR A national language? TO THE DAILY: This is in response to "Linguistic Diversity: Court must strike English-only amendment," (4/1/96). It is essential for immigrant-built nations to move carefully when addressing issues sur- rounding linguistics. In Canada, we have traditionally viewed our integration of immigrant communities as adding a new, distinctive piece to our cultural "mosa- ic. Immigrants are encour- aged to maintain their ethnic identities and add them to the national identity. They are asked to learn one of two lan- guages: English and French. Canada's current national unity crisis is centered around two "founding nations" (although our First Nations people smile at this): a French nation and an English nation. Revisionists believe the English imposed this union on the French. Hence, we have a movement pushing for an independent Quebec. The francophones are not resisting assimilation. If the United States chooses to enshrine English as its official language, then it should be viewed as a desire to have a common language. Askingz citizens to speak English does not have to mean that they give up their mother tongues. On the West Coast of Canada, for exam- ple, we have large communi- ties of immigrants from vari- ous Asian cultures. Our schooling is done in English. However, we have courses in Chinese, Japanese and Punjabi in a recognition of the strong presence of these languages in our society. English as as second lan- guage programs must be sup- ported. Individual rights must be preserved, especially in the justice system. The rights of communities to maintain a local working language other than English must be recog- nized. Holding the rights of a United States citizen should not be predicated on fluency in English. MARK MACLEAN UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A taxing amendment Congress must protect its right to levy taxes SHAW NG T TRtEE- Professional tips forfinding an internship as a ranger Summer's almost here, and thet means we get to trade our ho" in Angell Hall for homes in cop rooms in intern- ships across the country. Those of us who got intern- ships, anyway. Although I've had three internships, I decided I wanted to get paid this year, and now I'm looking into being a park ranger in Alaska. KATIE Thereason: I've HUTCHINS gotten 10 rejec- tion letters and 20 "no" responses and five correspondents that:say "we lost your resume - send it again." But for those lucky ones who will be taking off to PSIP softball tournaments in Washington, D.C., or working at so hot-shot business firm. I thought I offer a few tips I learned throughtmy mistakes over the years: Cover your ass, and take the blame. I learned this during an intern- ship in speechwriting a few summers ago. I worked at the Department of Health and Human Services. Another intern and I were writing a memo to the secretary. Both our names went on the memo, and I neglected to realize that it meant I was personally respo9 sible for everything in it. When my boss called me into his office to ask why the hell we wrote such-and-such. I smiled prettily, trying to think of some professional way to defend it. All I could come up with was, "Well, we had a long argument about that point, and Kyu won." He ripped me apart in a polite, but biting lecture about office politics. Always take the blame, even if iO your fault. I cried a lot that night, but I got over it and have since learned that empo- ers will respect .you much more if you allow yourself to be chewed out. Be nice to the other interns. I learned this in the White House, where I was surrounded by pompous Ivy League nerds who thought they were God's gift to Cabinet Affairs. Quite appropriately humble they were, wh the bosses came around, but they we alittle snotty when dealing with me. So I, of course, pulled out my stellar qualification: I may not go to Harvard, but I was a reporter and a production editor for The Michigan Daily. Needless to say, that didn't go over too well, and made for quite an uncom- fortable few months.l Be professional. My White House office was a pretty informal atmo phere. We went to happy hour togeth- er, and tossed balls back and forth with our 23-year-old boss. But that didn't mean we didn't have to be professional. I learned this the day we had little American flags from some event, and we thought it would be funny if I put my hair in a bun and had two flags sticking out of it. Funny, yes. Until Secretary Cisneros walked in. Not only is this guy big and imp4 tant, but he's cute, too. So I jumped up to shake his hand as I pulled flags out of my hair. Not a good first impres- sion. Be honest. This goes a long way. The day Jerry Garcia died, the whole office was busy preparing briefing packets for a cabinet meeting. My boss walks in giving me three more assign- mentsand 200 more copies toado muttered something insulting as was leaving (I can't print it here) and he asked to see me in the hall. I was in deep shit. I had few options, so I told the truth: "Didn't you hear? Jerry Garcia died." With this, I broke down into a new flood of tears and the assignments went to another intern. The honesty thing also comes into play when you're given too many assignments to handle.Bosses love it when you can admit you're no Superwoman. H Be humble. I had this problem at HHS. I had done a lot of research for an op-ed on drug abuse, and the peo- ple at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (whom I fondly called the "drug chicks") wanted to take a look. They ripped it apart. I proceeded to throw a fit, saying I was the one who did the research and worked hard; t drug chicks knew nothing aboutt issue. Thankfully, I was only quietly repri- manded for this. Get to know your boss, and follow up with him after your internship's over. I know too many former interns On Monday, the U.S. House of Representatives fell just 37 votes short of the two-thirds majority needed for :passing a Constitutional amendment. The :proposal would require a two-thirds "super- -najority" in Congress to pass all but the ,post menial tax increases. The amendment -vould have made it virtually impossible for congress to raise taxes. Although it was wise for Congress to reject the amendment, 't is troubling that the vote was close - a mnajority in the House supported the amend- nent and it could be brought back again. The amendment would strike a massive blow to America's economic future, and it constitutes a bold attack on the foundations of the American system of government. The proposal is based on the idea that Iax hikes are undesirable - and thus should "be made nearly impossible. History, howev- er, lends little credence to this argument. Without the ability to raise taxes, the United States could never have ended the Great Depression. Victory in the Cold War would have been a pipe dream. Social Security and Medicare would be novel proposals, and nothing more. Today, politicians would not be dis- cussing plans for a balanced budget on America's terms - they would instead be dealing with a fiscal crisis of unprecedent- ed proportions, since the current budget deficit would be two to three times its pre- sent size. The proposed amendment wisely allows for exemptions during wartime. However, America has often needs to meet challenges with tax increases when at peace. Moreover, this amendment not only would spell doom for the American econo- my in the 21st century, it would do more to undermine the basic premises of the gov- ernment than any previous Constitutional amendment. Perhaps the most important privilege extended to Congress by Article I of the Constitution is the right to "lay and collect taxes." The framers of the Constitution envisioned that the mainte- nance of federal taxation would be subject to majority rule, like almost all other con- gressional business. A few extraordinary congressional powers - such as presiden- tial veto overrides and the power to impeach - are limited by the need for "super-majorities." However, the power to tax is not an extraordinary power. It is, in fact, the most basic congressional power. To undermine it would be a fundamental blow to America's system of government. The proposed constitutional amendment is clearly the result of political calculations - the vote came on the federal tax return deadline in an election year. Apologists for the representatives who supported the amendment call it a harmless election-year gimmick. But a vote to amend the Constitution is one of the most serious and sacred votes that a member of Congress can cast. It is repugnant that congressional Republicans held this vote as a campaign stunt - it was as if they were trying to write their sound bites into the Constitution. If this amendment were adopted, the results would be disastrous. If this Congress does not want to raise taxes, it does not have to raise taxes. However, it is arrogant for today's Congress to ensure that future Congresses cannot raise taxes either. The amendment would undermine America's economic future; it would constitute a pro- found attack on the Constitution's design of the federal government. The votes cast in support of the amendment were brazen acts of irresponsibility that the public should not soon forget. Black, white and gray: The future university BY SAMUEL GOODSTEIN AND FLINT J. WAINESS Garrison Keillor, in his weekly radio broadcast from Lake Wobegon, is fond of say- ing that his is a community where everybody is a little bit above average. As the last chapter of our undergraduate lives at the University is writ- ten, we realize that we too can say this about ourcommunity. It is a community that we have been integrally involved in for the last four years, first as edi- torial page editors of the Daily, and until this week as presidentdand vice president of the -Michigan Student Assembly. We graduate com- fortable that we have done what we can to shape the past and present University; butas we sit down and try to assess the future of our community, we cannot help but be startled by the weight of the chal- lenges that lie ahead. It will require being more than a lit- tle above average to meet the challenges of a generation. The challenges of our gen- eration are not exactly the same as the challenges facing this great university; but par- allels abound, and our diagno- sis of the status quo applies as much to problems sprouting inside of our ivory walls as it does to those rooted in the larger society. Along the way to diagnosing these problems, abstract target of institutional racism, as the speech in our classrooms is dumbed down by thought police clamoring to label all dissent "racist," as those that disagree with the politics of campus publica- tions seek to counter them not with speech but with petty acts of theftbwe are pes- simistic. Yet we are optimistic, because we see those that have been disenfranchised for so long finally able to secure the promise of higher learn- ing; we see classrooms that finally tell the story of a diverse American history, departments that teach sub- jects as variegated as Jewish, African American and Chicano history. We are opti- mistic because we recognize that even the evils of political correctness result, as George Bush told University gradu- ates at 1991 commencement ceremonies, "from a laudable desire to sweep away the debris of racism and sexism and hatred." Challenge No. 2: The Information Age. As automa- tion continues to cause unem- ployment and economic inse- curity; as computers replace community; as the dominant form of communication becomes the faceless, voice- less e-mail, we are pes- simistic. We are the "World- Wide Web generation," but will the human element be available, transcending politi- cal, social and geographic boundaries. A wired nation, where schools and libraries allow the have-nots the same opportunities as the haves, where no entity - not the University nor Congress - has the capability to attempt. to regulate our interactions. Challenge No. 3: Liberal arts curriculum. As our liberal arts colleges within the University increase the num- ber of requirements with little vision for what sort of educa- tion these requirements should provide in the aggre- gate; as a broad liberal arts education providing students with the tools to function in a multifaceted workplace is replaced by a curriculum that allows students to take only narrow courses dealing with their own ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds; as the University develops innova- tive educational approaches such as living/learning com- munities but can think of no better way to make them accessible than to mandate them, we are pessimistic. But how can our optimism not shine through as we see first-year students finally able to interact with professors in small seminars, a University that admirably refuses to fol- low the nationwide trend away from a core curriculum, in search of a misplaced How TO CONTACT THEM HOMER ROSE GRADUATE STUDIES ASST. DEAN MEMBER OF THE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER SELECTION COMMITTEE