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April 17, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-17

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One hundredfve years of editorialfreedom

April 17, 1996

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Rose, Meh
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
After more than four hours of debates, goodbyes
and parting poems, the Michigan Student Assembly
gavel officially changed hands last night.
MSA President Fiona Rose and Vice President
P bir Mehta were officially sworn in as the
mbly's new executive officers, following the
first half of the assembly's annual "in-out" meet-
In their last meeting, former MSA President
Flint Wainess and Vice President Sam Goodstein
offered parting thoughts as their reign came to an
"People will look back on Flint's era much more
fondly than people involved with it do," Goodstein
said. "Ninety percent of the things Flint and I have
e ... have nothing to do with Tuesday night
T etings."
Wainess said Rose's election is a "parting gift"
from the students.
"The person replacing me in this seat is highly
capable," Wainess said.

ta take gavel; Mic Party retains nile

After the traditional passing of the gavel, Rose
took the reins of the new assembly for the second
half of the evening.
With new members filling the seats of departing
or graduating veteran representatives, continuing
members offered advice and encouraged the as-
sembly to make a commitment to remain non-
Mehta challenged assembly members to be "non-
partisan on the assembly, but partisan everywhere
else - partisan for the students."
The orientation meetings for new representatives
last week helped them to feel comfortable at last
night's meeting, Mehta said. Rose and Mehta intro-
duced newly elected students to assembly protocol
and campus issues, as well as a few current MSA
"The 'new' meeting ... went smoothly. We had a
good, respective debate," Rose said. "This student
government means business."
LSA Rep. Ryan Friedrichs, a new member on the
assembly, said the Rose-Mehta administration has
already taken steps toward the nonpartisan assembly

encouraged by old and new members.
"Probir and Fiona are already trying to distance
themselves from the daily operations of the Michi-
gan Party," said Friedrichs, a Michigan Party mem-
Outgoing independent Engineering Rep. Bryan
Theis took the nonpartisan vows a step further in the
first half of the meeting and asked assembly members
to participate in an "electronic town hall on the MSA
confer" discussion about the relevance of political
parties at the University.
"I'd like the students to discuss whether the advan-
tages of having parties outweigh the disadvantages,"
Theis said.
Theis invited all representatives and students to
comment on his research about political parties on
item 48 of"MSA-Talks."
Also during the first meeting, MSA members de-
feated a resolution that criticized The Michigan Daily's
coverage of the recent theft of 8,700 newspapers and
that encouraged MSA's minority affairs commission
to ensure minority students' views are accurately
portrayed in the newspaper.

Former Michigan Student Assembly President Flint Wainess hands over the gavel
last night to new MSA President Fiona Rose.

ASHINGTVON (AP) - The five-
r federal limit on prosecuting most
crimes other than capital offenses means
state officials may ultimately control
whether a Unabomber suspect faces
trial in attacks that occurred years ago.
"Federal prosecutors face potentially
serious statute of limitation problems,"
said Jay Stephens, former U.S. attorney
for the District of Columbia.
Of the dozen Unabomber attacks that
occurred more than five years ago, none
*ld have brought the federal death
penaltyanyway. A 1985 bombing killed
a man, but there was no federal capital
punishment at the time.
The Unabomber, if convicted of ei-
ther of two later killings, could face the
death penalty because that punishment
was restored to federal law in August
Besides the three deaths, 23 people
I e been injured in the string of bomb-
ls that began in 1978.
To allow for federal prosecution in
attacks that happened more than five
years before indictment would require
the involvement of a conspiracy or of
racketeering or criminal organizations,
not the act of a lone assailant, attorneys
Details ofthose earlier bombings may
well be used as evidence of a pattern of
behavior to bolster cases that can be
Aught, said Edward S.G. Dennis Jr., a
rner assistant attorney general in
charge of the Justice Department's
criminal division.
Theodore Kaczynski, who was taken
into custody two weeks ago from his
remote Montana cabin, has beencharged
only with possession of bomb compo-
nents. He has not been charged in any of
the 16 attacks authorities suspect of the
man dubbed the Unabomber.
*'he older attacks include the Dec.
I1, 1985, bombing death of 38-year-
old Hugh Scrutton outside his com-
puter rental store in Sacramento, Calif.
There was no effective federal death
penalty when Scrutton was killed. But
since California has no statute of limi-
tation on homicide, the state could still
try a Unabomber suspect in that death.
The two lethal Unabomber attacks
that might bring federal capital punish-
nt were the deaths of New Jersey
ertising executive Thomas Mosser
on Dec. 10, 1994, and of California
Forestry Association President Gilbert
Murray in Sacramento on April 24,
In older cases in Utah, federal pros-
ecutors may have avoided the statute
of limitations problem. They are re-
ported to have filed a sealed indict-
ment years ago in connection with
* Unabomber attacks there, in 1981
and 1987, naming the assailant only
as "John Doe."
Specific enough charges might have
stopped the federal statute of limita-
tion from running in those attacks,
said Dennis, who is also a former U.S.
attornev in Philadelnhia and is now



for cease-fire
in Mideast

Lending a helping voice
Members of the a cappella group 58 Greene raise their voices last night at Not Another Cafe on South University.
From left to right are Gary Castaneda, Roxanne Hoch, Susan Holmes, Claudia Toth, Madeline Neri, Alvin Borlaza, and
Samir Gupta. The group sang to raise money for cancer research. A large crowd filled NAC, each paying $3 for
admission to the event.
WETDW wsuspends uer'accounts

By Ann Stewart
Daily Staff Reporter
Students who use mass e-mail to ad-
vertise summer sublets may find them-
selves temporarily without an electronic
The Information Technology Division
is cracking down on e-mail misuse by
temporarily suspending the accounts of
students who send unsolicited mass e-
mail on University computers, said ITD
Associate Director Laurie Burns.
"They're not supposed to send unso-
licited e-mail -either to one person or
a group. That's not within the scope of
our intended use," Burns said.
Burns said misuse of e-mail could re-
sult in a short suspension ofa student's e-
mail account. A student would be warned
at least once before any action is taken.
"We need to get people's attention, and
if they lose their e-mail privileges for a
day or two, that's too bad," Burns said.
A violation could result in permanent
suspension of the account, though this
action has not been taken so far. How-

ever, several students have lost their ITD
account privileges for one or two days.
Burns said increased misuse has af-
fected bandwidth and mailing capacity.
"It slows things down, just like mail
to Santa at Christmas slows down the
postal service," Burns said.
Students have used the University's
network to transmit summer sublet ad-
vertisements, complaints about campus
organizations and publicity for events.
But Burns said not all students appre-
ciate receiving these messages.
"(It's) unsolicited, invasive, annoy-
ing, unwanted," Burns said.
Josh Henschell, an ITD systems spe-
cialist, said he and his co-workers find
the floods of mass e-mail used for ads,
petitions and "propaganda" from stu-
dent groups to be a nuisance.
"We get tons of that crap, and it's
really annoying," Henschell said.
Another systems specialist, Mik
Zolikoff, said many users get e-mail
addresses from classes and use them for
other purposes, such as advertising.

ITD's User
"... To respect the intended usage of
systems for electronic exchange.
you shall not send forged electronic
mail, mail that will intimidate or
harass otherusers, chain messages
that can interfere with the efficiency
of the system, or promotional mail
for profit-making purposes."
"It's free. It's quick. Anybody has ac-
cess to it," Zolikoff said. "I just delete it."
The move to suspend accounts rein-
forces ITD's policy for user responsi-
bilities, which states that students must
refrain from sending e-mail that intimi-
dates or harasses other users, or promo-
tional mail for profit-making purposes.
"We're sort of stepping up the use of
existing policies, policies that have been
in place for a long time," Burns said.
- Dai/v News Editor Michelle Lee
Thompson contributed to this report.

Diplomats host parallel
talks in Israel,
Lebanon, Syria
The Washington Post
TEL AVIV, Israel - American diplo-
mats conducted parallel negotiations in
Israel, Lebanon and Syria yesterday seek-
ing to win agreement on a U.S. cease-fire
proposal to halt the intense six-day-old
Israeli offensive in Lebanon.
The draft truce, conveyed to the three
governments Monday and discussed fur-
ther yesterday, was said by Israeli and
Lebanese officials 4
to hew closely to
Israel's central de- There
mands at the start
of its assault last difficulty
Among its pro- accepting
visions are said to
be a guaranteed currentA
halt to rocket fire
from Lebanese
territory into Leanese
Israel's northern
Galilee region, an
end to attacks on Israelitroopsin south-
ern Lebanon from civilian population
centers nearby and a resumption of Is-
raeli-Syrian peace talks that were cut
off by Prime Minister Shimon Peres
last month.
As diplomats pursued their search
for a cease-fire, Israeli helicopters and
warplanes kept up their onslaught
against targets in Lebanon. At the same
time, Lebanese guerrillas fired more
volleys of Katyusha rockets into north-
ern Israel, continuing a cycle of attack
and counterattack that has killed more
than 30 people since last Thursday, all
of them in Lebanon and most of them
Lebanese civilians.


g it in its
- Rafiq Hariri
prime minister

Five civilians, including a 2-year-old
Lebanese girl, were killed yesterday in
rocket attacks on Lebanese guerrilla
offices and installations in the southern
Beirut suburbs, reports from Lebanon
Israeli gunships also loosed a rocket
barrage at the house of a radical Pales-
tinian guerrilla leader, Col. Munir
Makdah, in the Ein Hilweh refugee
camp near Sidon. The attack, the first
against a Palestinian target in the cur-
rent offensive, wounded Makdah's 2-
year-old son and two of his bodyguards,
but he was away and unhurt, according
to Lebanese police quoted by news


Neither the text
of the cease-fire
proposal nor full
details of the ne-
gotiations were
made public. But
sources said
agreement is at
least some days
away, suggesting
more such attacks
are likely.

Among the most important ques-
tions is Syria's willingness to extend
its guarantee to the cease-fire terms,
as Israel demands and the draft ac-
cord suggests.
Because Lebanon and Syria have no
diplomatic relations with Israel, the
seven-paragraph document was pre-
sented as a written statement of the
U.S. government's "understanding"
of mutual obligations to be assumed
by the governments involved in the
Middle East's last active Arab-Israeli
war front. Israel's central antagonist in
Lebanon, the Lebanese Shiite Muslim
Hezbollah movement is not represented
in the talks.

Nursing semors organize bone marrow drive to fight cancer

By Erena Baybik
Daily Staff Reporter
By organizing a bone-marrow drive yesterday
in the Michigan Union, Nursing seniors Ellen
Gavin and Stephanie Perrett made Ann Arbor the
only Michigan city represented in Because I Care,
a worldwide organization for bone marrow and
blood drives.
The drive began as a community nursing project
and expanded to international proportions. "It's
an international event because we joined up with
the Because I Care Organization, which has rep-
resentatives and sponsors in the United States and
five other countries, including France and Italy,"
Perrett said.
Every year, Because I Care sponsors an interna-
tional bone-marrow-drive month, and helps reg-
istered cities advertise and organize drives.
"Ann Arbor is such a diverse community that

"Cancer doesn't differentiate between ethnic
groups, so all of these ethnic groups get it and they
have nothing to be matched with," Perrett said.
"Out of 4,000 bone-marrow transplants done by
National Bone Marrow Program since 1987, 357
have been done for all of those groups combined
because there's nobody to match to."
One of the main goals of yesterday's drive was
to raise the numbers on the register and to educate
people about bone-marrow donation. "I've lived
in Ann Arbormy whole life and this is the first time
I've ever heard of a bone-marrow drive here,"
Perrett said.
"I donate blood all the time - this is just an
extension ofthat," said LSA seniorJennifer Bissbis,
who gave blood yesterday to register for marrow
Prospective donors fill out a health history form,
review it with a nurse. nick un a donor card with


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