4-The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 10, 1996 Ue lrkiittnu &l j 420 Maynard Street RONNIE GLASSBERG Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and managed by ADRIENNE JANNEY students- at the ZACHARY M. RAIMI University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. ROM THE DAILY Passing the gave NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'We have to let the process take its course. I hope the issues in the negotiations can be resolved as quickly as possible.' - Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit), expressing her opinion about GEOs work stoppage, which occurred yesterday and Monday Jim LASSER SHARP AS TOAST The life and times of one ' LAsTWDnTCH APPEAL Of ! /' _ - --- T I.' r _____ ____ _____ ____ ___ t IN CS SCOF ,._.. New MSA leadership will N ext week, the Michigan Student strength Assembly will hold its annual chang- While th ing of the guard - the term of President voting,i Flint Wainess and Vice President Sam chair int Goodstein ends. They will hand the gavel to future si president and vice president-elects Fiona actively, Rose and Probir Mehta. Rose and Mehta tunity to are at a crossroads - they have the poten- member tial to create a forceful, positive student Besi voice on campus or to revert back to the sentativ partisan bickering that often plagued the power t assembly. on a dai The assembly attempted to tackle many allocatio issues last year, such as student health care the man reform. However, time constraints, a failure MSA fu to cultivate student interest and unexpected and Stu activities - like University President verge u James Duderstadt's decision to resign and fee." Th the subsequent presidential search - left arate en many issues unresolved. Herein lie the ciency a challenges Rose and Mehta face. dent gro One of the most pressing issues is the In ad selection of a new University president. The proposa bulk of this process likely will occur during childc the summer, when few - if any - students Univers will have a chance to voice their concerns the prog about the proceedings. Though the current have anf assembly worked to appoint student repre- child ca sentatives to the search committee, it's not Over enough; Rose and Mehta must do more Rose'sa than simply keep abreast of .the search. studentR They must stay connected with the student more th representatives and voice student concerns platform for the person that will most likely lead the were ele University into the next century. ages oft One of the greatest duties that Rose will Their pr bear is to provide student representation to dents w the administration. Rose and Mehta must provide make obtaining a full student regent a top with the priority, to give students the maximum rest of t face challenges and validity to their elected voice. he position most likely will be non- it needs to be more .than a silent the same room as the regents - the tudent regent needs to be involved with the board and have the oppor- make its voice heard as any other of the board. des being the chief student repre- es, Rose and Mehta have substantial o shape policies that affect students ly basis, mostly in the area of fund on. This year, Wainess proposed that y separate student fees - including ands, University Activities Center dent Communications - all con- nder one comprehensive "student e fee would be allocated to the sep- tities. This could create better effi- nd prevent inequities between stu- Dups. ddition, a student-approved ballot 1 will allocate new fees to create a care program. MSA and the ity need to work out the logistics of gram quickly. Many students would easier time remaining enrolled with re assistance. rshadowing the other issues is and Mehta's challenge to increase awareness of MSA. It needs to be han another bullet, on a campaign n, as in the past. Rose and Mehta ected by one of the smallest percent- the student body in recent memory. rimary task is to reach out to stu- ho have little interest in MSA, and substantial results. If the duo, along rest of MSA, can achieve this, the heir tasks will be easier. Il f1 t r' / LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dying with dignity Federal court strikes ban on assisted suicide The red-hot issue of physician-assisted suicide splashed across news pages and television sets once again last week when a federal appeals court in Manhattan struck down a New York state law that banned such suicides. The decision comes on the heels of another appeals court deci-. sion in California last month that struck down a similar law in Washington state. As more and more physician-assisted suicide laws come under judicial scrutiny, the Supreme Court should finally agree to decide on the issue - and legalize such procedures in every state. The New York case began a few years ago, when three physicians and their patients sued the state for the right to die. All three plaintiffs had terminal illnesses. In 1994, a federal district judge would not grant the patients' and their doctors' request, but the plaintiffs continued to push. Then, last week, in a decision of broad implications, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan voted to overturn the federal district court's decision, thereby legalizing assisted suicide in New York. The three patients since have died; the physi- cians and their lawyers deserve commenda- tion for continuing the legal fight. In their decision, the judges posed sever- al rhetorical questions that touched upon the key issues at the center of the assisted suicide debate. They wrote, "What interest can the state probably have in requiring the prolongation of a life that is all but ended?, ... And what business is it of the state to require the continuation of agony when the result is imminent and inevitable?" The state should have no say in termi- sovereignty. Instead, the government should stay out of these personal decisions. The state, with laws that ban assisted suicide, cause more suffering and pain for patients in the long run. Moreover, assisted suicide allows people to die with dignity. Terminally ill people can escape from an imminently dreadful and painful life to die in peace. Proponents of the ban argue that allow- ing assisted suicide may cause excessive and unneeded deaths. Another concern they hold is that legalizing assisted suicide will open a Pandora's box and anyone looking to commit suicide will have the chance to do it peacefully - an ironic fear, since the right to die is individual. However, choosing to end one's life is a major decision, not one reached lightly. Patients who' seek assis- tance in their suicides usually have suffered for a long time with a devastating illness. Furthermore, most - if not all - doctors will not want to aid a suicide unless the patient is beyond hope of recovering; hence, doctors will not abuse the law. Legalizing the action will not necessarily increase the amount of procedures done - instead, it will make them legal. The issue of doctor-assisted suicide will .not go away. In Michigan, for example, Oakland County prosecutors are currently embattled in yet another trial to convict Dr. Jack Kevorkian for assisting suicides. Public opinion overwhelmingly supports legalizing assisted suicide - legislators should listen to the voters who send them to power. Ultimately, the Supreme Court will have to decide on this issue, and the Court should consider taking up the issue within 8th-grade students wait in line for education TO THE DAILY: Never before have I seen such neglect on the part of a reporter and a newspaper to investigate and research past the end of their noses into a story. I am referring to the story about Ms. Metz waiting in line for her daughter, Liza, to be accepted into Community High ("Local residents reach the end of the Line," 4/2/96). I am so glad so many University students are able to help Metz and Liza. However, had Will Weissert or the editor been interested, there is a much larger and more deserving story to be told here. There was a photographer at the Ballis Building to take a picture, and yet the reporter did not notice a startling fact at the Ballis Building line. Many of the people in line for Community High School are not parents, adults or kindhearted volunteers; they are 8th-grade students. Yes, you righteous, chari- table University volunteers; 8th-grade students taking control of their own educa- tion for their own benefit. These students have missed school for at least two weeks; they have kept up with their classwork, they have slept in vans, tents and cars (left by their parents) in temperatures as low as five degrees. These students have the determination and persever- ance to remain in line because they understand it is their responsibility to be in line if Community is the high school they feel will best accommodate their needs. Thank God their parents are willing to see this as an opportunity for students to show an interest in their own education and allow them the opportunity to become mature young adults. After all, how many University volunteer students will be needed to hold Liza's hand when she applies to col- leges in four years, possibly to be placed on a waiting list? AMY L. HORNBURG SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Theft will catch Daily's attention To THE DAILY: I am a graduating senior and therefore, I have read my The Daily staff was not listening last week, but now that their precious newspa- pers are gone, the staff may be a little bit more willing to examine their attitudes toward minorities on this campus. P.S. I am not from Long Island. AMY BETH KLEIN UNIVERSITY ALUM Censorship music sgreatest geniuses M ozart was borniin 1756. After traveling around Europe on dis- play, as it were, as a child prodigy. Mozart was employed by Archbishop Colloredo of Salzburg. Having r assimilated dur- ing his youthful travels virtually every style of music and being keenly aware of his genius, JORDAN Mozart felt stifled STANCIL in Salzburg. He moved to Vienna in 1781 and took up residence as a free-lance composer. Despite assuring his father that his financial prospects were bright, Mozart did not receive a permanent position from the court until the very end of his life. Although he managed to attract a few pupils, it appears that his financial position was grim, that he had, in fact, little prospect of obtaining any court appointment and that he knew this. Presumably - for it is impossible to say for sure - he was attracted to Vienna because it was, as it still is, "an intensely musical city," where people of every class and rank, from Emperor to chambermaid, were regularly involved in some sort of music-mak- ing or listening. Mozart planned to exploit this situation by performing his own piano music in Vienna, which he excitedly dubbed "Piano-land." Mozart's social circle included enlightened members of the aristocra- cy and the bourgeoisie. He renewed his acquaintance with Cointess Thun, whom he had met during an earlier trip to Vienna. In the period immediately following his move to Vienna, he visit- ed hei house, by his own account, "almost every day." Countess Thun ran something of a salon for enlightened. aristocrats and government officials. One observer noted in 1784 that "everyone with any knowledge and opinion gives (the countess) praise; the Emperor, Kaunitz (the chancellor), English people staying here, often visit her circle." As evidenced by this com- ment, the social, cultural and intellec- tual worlds of the government, the aristocracyaand the bourgeoisie over- lapped to a certain extent during the 1780s. Mozart 's life began with little hope of earn- ing a living in music. m SHANNON N. WOOD h LSA SENIOR arms al JAP' column offensive TO THE DAILY: Kate Epstein's piece in Monday's Daily ("Crossroads of oppression: The JAP," 4/8/96) was extremely offen- sive. While seemingly written with the intention of dis- pelling a damaging ethnic stereotype, it actually perpet- uated it. I'm terribly sorry if Epstein grew up feeling con- tempt for people based on their geographical origin (the suburbs) or the clothing they wear. Calling it "fairly legiti- mate" to resent people because of their greater mate- rial- fortune is nonsense. So is the implication that the disparity among income levels is more obvious at the University than in other places. So is the notion that women are the only con- sumers in this nation. And no one, not the women of Long Island or anyone else, is a good target for scapegoating. A common target, maybe. But good? I beg to differ. I take issue with statements like, "We all hate the women of Long Island because ...r they're rich." Include yourself, Kate, but do not think you can speak for all people. Also, contrary to Epstein's belief, not all Long Islanders are Jewish, even if there is a large Jewish popu- lation in New York. Nor are all Long Islanders rich. (While I'm at it, I might add that not all rich people are "refined.") And although Jews may have historically been accused of monetary greed, this is not to say that we actually are greedy. I will not go into a long explanation of the reasons Jews were forced into moneylending occupations for many centuries, but it is important to make a clear distinction between stereo- type and reality. The editors of the Daily should also know never to presume that one's readers share one's assumptions. I certainly agree with Epstein that "so long as we accept the hidden presence of misogyny and anti-Semitism, they are perpetuated." But I am dismayed that she (did not have) the discretion to realize that her words directly TO THE DAILY: While the stolen edition of the Daily was one of the darkest moments in free speech at this campus ever, Friday, March 29's was one of the brightest. I applaud the Daily for taking the coura- geous stand in favor of the First Amendment. Too often, the feckless are intimidated by the wolf criers of racism. They are afraid to be called racist so they appease any illegitimate activity. Racism is a legiti- mate problem. But, flippant hyper-exag- geration mocks legitimate claims. Certainly racist views exist at this university, but it is not a racist institution. If it were, who would go here? Unless someone can produce Duderstadt at a Ku Klux Klan meeting, we should believe the best of people. Are we going to create an environment where anyone who cries racism, whatever the merits are, can have dic- tatorial control? Are we going to let the arrogant few profess to "represent" their communities? A university is a pillar of academic freedom; of often tumultuous thought and con- troversy. It's where young people sort out their values, their goals and their beliefs. Nothing should stand in the way. Do not appease those who robbed us all. JONAThAN WINICK LSA JUNIOR Bowen's reviews are well written TO THE DAILY: I am writing to say how much I enjoy Eugene Bowen's music reviews and writing in general. I would also like to tell the editors that I miss L. Kenyatta Spence's articles a great deal. Although it has been a couple of years since he was published in the Daily, I still miss the depth of thought that went into his unique brand of social com- mentary. With him, the Daily was a much better, more thought-provoking publica- tion. It would be great to read his work again. C Mozart was also acquainted with the master of Zur wahren Eintracht, Ignaz von Born. Born was a mineralogist and, for a while, a writer. He wrote an anti-clerical pamphlet "which painstakingly classified the various orders of monks on the evolutionary scale, in the hitherto unfilled space between the higher apes and man." As master of Zur wahren Eintracht, Born used the funds of the lodge to support writers and musicians, includ- ing Mozart. Politically, Born does not appear to have been anything other than a supporter of enlightened abso- lutism, and after the emperor's consol- idation order, he left the lodge. On religious matters, however, Born appears to have been somewhat more radical. "Happy we are, honoured Brothers, to think of the Freedom and Equality of natural law as the true foundation of our honorable Lodge, and that in our free and spiritual republic we have no Pope." Mozart, who was thoroughly devout in both sentiment and practice, proba- bly would have been uncomfortable with such opinions. In a letter, he wrote about the cen- trality of the ritual of worship in his relationship with his wife, Constanze: "... for a considerable time before we were married we had always attended Mass and gone to confession and received Communion together; and f found that I never prayed so fervently or confessed or received Communion so devoutly as by her side; and she felt the same. In short, we are made for each other; and God who orders all things and consequently has ordained this also, will not forsake us." When his wife became ill just before they were married, Mozart prayed for her recovery and pledged to God that he would compose a celebratory mass if his prayers were answered. This was no idle promise. Mozart wrote: "Concerning the vow. it is quite true ... I have really promised it in my innermost heart, and A l