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April 10, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-10

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Un t

onight: Partly cloudy, low
around 350.
Tomorrow: Cloudy, chance of
rain, high around 630.

One hundredfive years of editoridlfreedom

April 10, 1996

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Carr suspends Griese
QB arraigned on felony charges for breaking window


By Barry Sollenberger
and Ann Stewart
Daily Staff Reporters
Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr sus-
pended quarterback Brian Griese indefinitely
yesterday after the sophomore was arrested
and charged with malicious destruction of
property of more than $100 - a felony.
Griese was arraigned yesterday on the
charge, which carries a maximum penalty of
four years in prison and a $2,000 fine.
"I have met with Brian and with the
team," Carr said in a statement released by
the Athletic Department yesterday. "You
have to realize that an incident such as this

only time it will be announced what it was is
when it's lifted. It's in place until lifted by the
coach. If there are any (other penalties)
placed (on Griese), it will be done by the
Griese has currently been barred from
spring practices. Griese and other Michigan
football players were unavailable for com-
ment yesterday.
According to the AAPD report, Griese was
taken into custody by an officer who heard
the sound of breaking glass and turned to
observe Griese running from bouncers out-
side Scorekeepers.
The report said Griese had been celebrating

has an effect on the
entire program, not
just on one individ-


Ann Arbor
stated that

We will handle
any added
measures in-house"
- Lloyd Carr
Michigan football coach

Griese had been
arrested after break-
ing a window at
Scorekeepers, a
sports bar on
Maynard Street. The

Easter with friends at
the bar and was
intoxicated. He was
asked to leave when
Scorekeepers man-
ager Eric Rogers saw
him "causing probe
lems" by exiting and
enteringthrough fire
exit doors.
The report stated
that Griese tried to
re-enter the bar and
by locking the door.
quarterback, Scott
Griese outside.

G0 member Christopher Barnes plays the bagpipes on the picket line outside of the LSA Building to
mtertain other strikers yesterday.
M ediaion follows 2-
~Iywork stoppage

report said Griese was intoxicated at the time
of his arrest.
At his arraignment, Griese stood mute
when asked how he would plea, the report
said. Paul Gallagher, Griese's attorney, said
silence is entered as a plea of not guilty.
Gallagher had no comment on how Griese
would support this plea.
According to the Athletic Department's
statement, the situation is being treated as an
alcohol-related incident under the
University's Student-Athlete Policy on
"In accordance with the student-athlete
policy on alcohol, we have indefinitely sus-
pended Brian Griese. Remember he is a mem-
ber of the Michigan family. We will handle
any added disciplinary measures in-house."
Carr said in the statement.
Special Assistant to the Athletic Director
Keith Molin said the length of the suspension
from the football team is unknown.
"It's indefinite," Molin said. "I expect the

Loeffler said in the report that he was
pushed by employees of Scorekeepers. He
reportedly screamed at them saying, "I just
had surgery. Don't push me."
Once outside, Griese continued to try to get
inside the bar despite Loeffler's pleas of,
"Come on, man. Just forget about it. Let's go,"
the report stated.
Griese then broke the window, causing
damages later determined to be more than
$800, according to AAPD Sgt. Phil Scheel.
It is still unknown how Griese broke the
glass, but he had cuts on his hand, the report
At his arrest, Griese allegedly told AAPD
officer Gerald Tacey that he should be "home
right now."
"I'm not a bad guy. I got mad and I broke
out a fucking window" Griese said, according
to the report.

employees responded
Another Michigan
Loeffler, accompanied

A 5-by-7-foot window outside Scorekeepers
was boarded up early Sundaymorning after
Brian Griese allegedly broke it with his hand.
In the statement, Athletic Director Joe
Roberson said he supported Carr's decision.
"This is an unfortunate incident," Roberson
said. "I have discussed the student-athlete
policy on alcohol with Coach Carr and I am
in full support of his proposed action of disci-
Griese was released following .his arrest
Saturday night until the value of the window
cpuld be determined. He was arrested again
yesterday and arraigned.
A preliminary hearing for Griese will be
held at I p.m. on April 17.
Griese is the second Michigan quarterback
to be arrested in an alcohol-related incident in
the past year. Freshman Scott Dreisbach was
arrested for trying to purchase alcohol with a
fraudulent ID on May 25, 1995, at an Ann
Arbor party store.
Molin said these two incidents do not point
to an alcohol problem within the Michigan
football program.
"I think it would be a mistake to say that
this is reflective of the program," Molin said.
"This is reflective of a problem in society."

By Anupama Reddy
)aily Staff Reporter
Members of the Graduate Employees
Organization spent yesterday - the second and
'inal day of their work stoppage - picketing,
narching and chanting.
The administration and the union are sched-
uled to meet again at the bargaining table today,
but this time there will
a a state-appointed
nediator to facilitate I know
she talks.
GEO spokesperson absolute f
Pete Church said 90
ercent of thesunion's ,00 mom
membership did not
each classes Monday teach.
and yesterday.
'W e represent 1,600
graduate student
~tractors), and our
mbership is 1,200' Church said. "I know for
m absolute fact that 1,000 members did not
Kim Clark, assistant to the vice president for
Jniversity relations, said the administration did
iot plan to calculate the number of students, pro-
'essors and GSIs who did not attend classes.
"We don't have numbers," Clark said. "What
we've heard back from various department heads
s that classes generally met."
essie Flynn, a part-time LSA student, said she
s impressed that GEO picketed even in cold
"I was at a rally," Flynn said. "There have been
ons of people who have been picketing even
hough it's been freezing."

Flynn said she supports GEO but had to cross
a picket line to attend class.
"I felt bad about crossing a picket line, but I
had no other way of getting the information."
Church said the walk-out should show the
administration and the mediator that GEO has
strong support from the University community.
"We hope the University will look at the

Commencement protesters to use
free speech argument in case

for an

act that
ibers did not
- Pete Church
GEO spokesperson

impact we've had and
can potentially have if
they don't settle on a
contract this week,"
Church said. "The
mediator is going to
look at the contract
issues, not specifically
address work stop-
page, but he's also
going to judge the
strength of our mem-

Provost J. Bernard Machen sent a letter April 1
to faculty members and GSIs about the progress
of GEO negotiations.
"The mediation process that is scheduled to
begin on April 10 will provide a new environ-
ment in which we hope to be able to resolve the
final differences that remain," Machen wrote.
The administration and GEO announced
March 19 that both bargaining teams would par-
ticipate in mediation today and tomorrow.
Charles Jamerison of the Michigan Employment
Relations Commission was appointed as the state
Church said GEO had hoped to sign a contract
before mediation because the mediator is
See GEO, Page 10

By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
A hearing will be held later this month to
determine whether charges against protesters
arrested at Winter Commencement will be
Department of Public Safety officers
arrested 12 people, including some students,
as the protesters chanted "Solidarity forever
... The union makes us strong" during the
presentation of an honorary University degree
to Detroit Free Press Publisher Neal Shine.
The protesters were arrested in December
for disturbance of a meeting.
But the protesters, with the help of five
lawyers working pro bono, are fighting the
charge, contending they were exercising their
First Amendment rights. The hearing will be
held April 25 in Washtenaw County's 15th
District Court.
"They were not engaged in any type of ille-
gal activity," said Douglas Mullkoff, an Ann
Arbor attorney defending the protesters. "The
conduct they engaged in is protected by the

First Amendment. It is also conduct protected
under U-M's Standard Practice Guide (on
Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression)."
The University guide states that ... pro-
testers must not interfere unduly with com-
munication between a speaker or artist and
members of the audience. This prohibition
against undue interference does not ...
include various expressions of protest, includ-
ing heckling and the display of signs (without
sticks or poles), so long as such activities are
consistent with the continuation of a speech
or performance and the communication of its
contents to the audience."
On March 25, the defendants filed a motion
for summary disposition to dismiss the
charges based on the demonstrators' free
speech rights.
"Commencement has historically been a
forum for public protests," said one of the
defendants, who did not want his name used.
"We were exercising our rights to free speech
and free political expression."
The demonstrators, who included Graduate

Employee Organization members and striking
Detroit Newspapers employees, stood on the
third balcony of Crisler Arena during the
Assistant prosecutor Joseph Burke said the
prosecution plans to file a response to the
defendants' motion for dismissal.
"You have a right to free speech, but not the
right to bother people while you are doing it,
Burke said yesterday.
Mullkoff said the protesters should not
have been arrested.
"DPS should have been better informed of
their own practice guide. and standards,"
Mullkoff said. "It seems obvious that the real
reason they were arrested was because of the
content of their speech."
The University's Civil Liberties Board has
denounced the arrest. They have asked the
University to work to drop the charges.
"We believe that the arrests were unwar-
ranted and excessive and that there should
have been no prosecution for 'disturbing the
peace,"' the board said in a written statement.

signs booksr

Clinton signs long-sought
line-item.veto legislation

By Jeff Eldridge
)aily Staff Reporter
After remaining silent throughout the O.J.
Aipson trial, Robert Shapiro is speaking out.
The lawyer who assembled "The Dream
[eam" of defense attorneys in Simpson's trial
appeared at Borders Books and Music yester-
lay to sign copies of his new book, "The
Search For Justice"
Shapiro told The Michigan Daily that the

WASHINGTON (AP) - In a dramatic shift of
purse-string power, President Clinton yesterday
signed a line-item veto bill sought by presidents
since Ulysses S. Grant. He promised unprece-
dented scrutiny of "the darkest corners of the fed-
eral budget."
Opponents accused Congress of surrendering a
precious piece of its constitutional prerogative to
spend the people's money. Federal employees
immediately filed a court challenge.
Tipping his hat to Republican and Democratic
predecessors, Clinton kept four pens used in the
signing and dispatched them to former Presidents
Reagan, Ford, Carter and Bush - all of whom
1 - i A i a _ 1- -.:

ing credit. "It will help put Washington on a
pork-free diet," Dole said yesterday.
Clinton, who seldom used the line-item veto as
Arkansas' governor, noted that 43 of the nation's
50 governors can carve away at budget bills.
"They have used it well and without any upsetting
of the constitutional framework," Clinton said.
Under the new law, presidents can sign spend-
ing bills and - within five days - cancel spe-
cific items, including appropriations, narrowly
targeted tax breaks covering 100 or fewer people
and new or expanded entitlements.
It does away with a requirement, in place since
the nation's founding, that a president must
ar .r nn rc:or sricotin: n t A nt -; Yaa


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