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April 05, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-05

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2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 5, 1996


Continued from Page 1
new technology and "social disruption
and psychological suffering." Prof.
Chia-Shun Yih, who served on
Kaczynski's dissertation committee,
said there is no evidence of this attitude
in the mathematical work Kaczynski
completed at the University.
"There is no connection between the
violent bombs and the work he did on
his dissertation," Yih said.
After a short career at the University
of California at Berkeley, Kaczynski
disappeared from the field, Yih said.
"I was surprised and dismayed that,
after so many years of education given to
him at the University and at Harvard, that
he would show his ideologies that way."
Duren said Kaczynski didn't strike
him as suspicious or "pathological,"
despite his quiet and meticulous nature.
"If he is the one that they are looking
for, (a change) must have happened at
Berkeley, but that is pure conjecture,"
Duren said. "If he is guilty, he is a very
different person thanthe person I knew."
Duren said the faculty may not have
been aware of the articles Kaczynski
published independently duringhis time
at the University. Kaczynski released at
least five studies between 1965-1969,
mostly focusing on boundary functions.
Kaczynski cited and thanked Uni-
versity mathematics Prof. George
Piranian in several of the articles.
Kaczynski was a student in Piranian's
second-year class dealing with com-
plex variables.
Piranian said if he had been asked in
1967 if he thought Kaczynski could
commit the bombings, "I would have
given a categorical no."

Peter Duren (left) and George Piranian answer questions during a press
conference at the Bentley Historical Library yesterday.

Officials find
mass graves
in Bosnia
SAHINICI, Bosnia-Herzegovina
(AP) - U.N. investigators yesterday
stacked up rows of blindfolds on a
muddy hillside, powerful evidence that
beneath them lay the victims of an eth-
nic massacre.
The dozens of blindfolds, strips of
cloth mostly in dark colors, support
survivors' accounts that up to 7,000
men were slaughtered by the Bosnian
Serbs who overran the Muslim enclave
of Srebrenica last summer.
In Bosnia's first spring thaw in
peace after four years of war, investi-
gators are spreading out in pursuit of
human remains and other physical
evidence to back up such accounts.
What they find will be used by the war
crimes tribunal in the Netherlands to
prosecute those responsible.
Other mass graves dot Bosnia -
Bosnian Serbs have excavated more
than 100 bodies near the western town
of Mrkonjic Grad since Saturday. The
Serbs say the victims apparently were
killed by Croats.
But Srebrenica appears to be the site
of the worst massacre of the war, and
the fields around it have come to sym-
bolize the horror of Bosnia's ordeal.
Survivors say that after July's fall of
Srebrenica, Bosnian Serb fighters
loaded the men into trucks and brought
them to a school gymnasium near
Sahinici, 35 miles southeast of

Freemen sit down with negotiators
JORDAN, Mont. - Sitting on folding chairs on a dirt road, the besieged
Freemen met with negotiators yesterday for the first time in the 11-day standoff.
Four Freemen met for about an hour and a half with four negotiators at the edge
of the fugitives' compound. At least one of the negotiators meeting with the
Freemen was a federal agent, but the identities of the other three could not be
immediately confirmed. The identities of the Freemen representatives were also
One of the Freemen did most of the talking, occasionally standing, walking
around and waving his arms. Reporters were kept about a mile away, but the
negotiations could be seen clearly through binoculars and telephoto lenses.
Freemen in a pickup truck parked about 100 yards away watched the meeting
closely. Federal agents did the same from another vantage point, and a surveillance
plane circled overhead.
When the meeting ended, the Freemen packed up the chairs and went back to the
ranch house on the 960-acre farm. The negotiators drove past about a dozen TV
crews and reporters without stopping to comment.
However tentative, it was the first sign of a break in the standoff that began with
high tension March 25 when agents arrested two Freemen leaders. The tension l
dulled into routine.

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Although University faculty at apress
conference yesterday discussed only
the mathematical concepts of
Kaczynski's work, it is a discussion of
"ideologies" that connects the
Unabomber to mail bombs sent across
the country in the past 18 years.
Investigators have linked the
Unabomber to a bomb targeting Uni-
versity psychology Prof. James
McConnell in 1985. Psychology Prof.
Charles Morris reaffirmed past suspi-
cions reported in The Michigan Daily
that the Unabombermay have disagreed
with McConnell's book "Understand-
ing Human Behavior" and his genetic
"(Behavioralism) takes the view that
human beings are largely controllable,"
Morris said. "The Unabomber may have

taken that as an offenseto his philosophy."
An essay published by McConnell in
"The Behavioral Therapist" touched on
another plank in the Unabomber's Mani-
festo. McConnell encouraged professors
to "practice what we preach" in behav-
ioral modification studies in order to
"improve the acceptance of academic
psychology by the general public."
The Unabomber criticized univer-
sity professors for their conformity and
"leftist" philosophies.
Greg Stejskal, director of the Ann
Arbor FBI, said the local office has
been working extensively on the case
for more than a month. Stejeskal said
the case, centered on Kaczynski, is still
under investigation.
- Daily News Editor Josh White
contributed to this article.

Comet Hyakutake
emits eerie X-rays
WASHINGTON - Astonished as-
tronomers have detected mysterious X-
rays emanating from Comet Hyakutake
as it sweeps past Earth toward the sun.
The first X-rays ever found coming
from any comet, they are revealed in an
image released yesterday by a team of
U.S. and German astrophysicists using
the German ROSAT satellite.
The discovery is surprising, the re-
searchers said, because a comet is an
icy ball of dirt, whereas X-rays - one
of the most energetic forms of electro-
magnetic radiation - are most often
associated with gases heated to a mil-
lion degrees or more, such as flares on
the sun, or with violent interactions
involving subatomic particles.
"We had no clear expectation that
comets shine in X-rays," said Michael
Mumma, of NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.,a mem-
ber of the international team that an-
nounced the finding yesterday. "Now
we have our work cut out for us in
explaining these data. But that's the

kind of problem you lave to have."
The team used the orbiting ROSAT
- an X-ray observatory - to observe
the comet repeatedly over a total of six
hours, between March 26 and March
28. The image released yesterday was
taken March 27, as the comet passed
within 10 million miles of Earth.
Study: Altered gene
causes lung cancer
gene found in many lung cancer tumors
appears to play a critical role in devel-
oping the disease that kills 160,000
Americans a year, cancer researchers
said yesterday.
The discovery may lead to newa-
proaches for cancer prevention, s
Dr. Carlo Croce, director ofthe Kimmel
Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson
The gene, named FHIT, is involved
in a number of airway and digestive
tract tumors, and-is thought to work
normally as the vital shield that blocks
the growth of many deadly tumors, re-
searchers said.

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Continued from Page 1
member and LSA sophomore.
Tater said the University had been
"pretty chilled" about allocating the
necessary permits. It will supply elec-
tricity to power a microphone for those
speaking during the hour.
HEMP AZ paid a $600 cleaning de-
posit and $200 for the electricity that
came mostly from funds left over from
last year's Hash Bash.
Organizer Rich Birkett said the
event's attendance is usually heavily
affected by the weather.
"We've had up to 10,000 people in
the past, but the attendance depends a
lot on the weather," he said.
"The number might be down this
year because it's supposed to be cold,
but there are die-hards that will come
no matter what."
Birkett said Hash Bash was more
than just an excuse to smoke pot.
"We're not here to promote any-

thing illegal - that's not what we're
about," he said. "But we think people
should be able to have fun there any-
way they like."
Both Birkett and fellow-organizer
Adam Brook said this year's event
would focus on Hash Bash's history
because of the anniversary.
"It's kind of neat - I'm 28 years old
and this thing is almost as old as I am,"
Brook said.
"(Hash Bash) is a great extension of
your rights. Since 1989 and the hemp
movement, it's no longer just a smoke-
in," he said. "It has become a political
The Bash's headline speakers will be
Chef Ra, cooking columnist for High
Times Magazine, and John Sinclaire,
who organizers called one of the Bash's
"main inspirations."
"It's a happening thing - that's
really what we're all about," Brook
"There are people all over the coun-
try promoting the Hash Bash. It's amaz-
ing how many people show up."



Heeding ho

Kinow of

Student protests of S.
Korean president
escalate in Seoul
SEOUL, South Korea - Thousands7
of college students marched through
Seoul yesterday in rapidly escalating
mass student protests that for the first
time are calling for the ouster of Presi-
dent Kim Young Sam.
The protests - triggered by the re-
cent heart-attack death ofa student dem-
onstrator after he was beaten by riot
police - could hardly come at a worse
time for Kim, whose ruling New Korea
Party is already expected to lose its
parliamentary majority in crucial legis-
lative elections next week. Kim has
been president since 1993.
The sharp turn of campus sentiment
against Kim - who in the 1980s was
revered by college students as a leading
fighter for democracy - is widely
viewed as damaging to the ruling party,
especially among younger voters. The
party was already plagued by a corrup-
tion scandal that erupted several weeks
Protesters rallied throughout the day

yesterday at Yonsei University, around
a coffin containing the body of Roh Soo
Sok, 20. A huge sign by the main cam-
pus gate declared: "Before we bury Soo
Sok, let's topple down Kim Young Sam,
murderer and chief thiefl"
IRA reaffirms vow to
drive British out
LONDON - The Irish Republican
Army quashed hopes of an early cease
fire in its terror campaign to drive the
British out of Northern Ireland yesterday,
a move that renewed security fears head-
ing into the Easter holiday weekend.
Despite calling fora negotiated se
ment to endthe long conflict in Northern
Ireland, the paramilitary group reaf-
firmed its "mandate for armed struggle'
in a statement released in Dublin.
The statement was released befor
Sunday parades that commemorate
1916 Irish uprising against Britain.
The IRA halted its 17-month cease
fire in February and has since targete
London with four bombs that have kille
three and injured scores.
- From Daily wire serv-


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