4A - The Michigan Daily -Thursday April 4, 1996 cat l E grtjcbt- an tia 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the 'University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M, RAIMI Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DmLY reedom of information 'U' should release athletes' vehicle records NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'The Daily is elitist trash. My grandmother and my mother burn trash.' - LSA senior Alisha Jefferson, burning a copy of The Michigan Daily on Tuesday, during a protest of the paper MATT WIMSATrF MOOKIE'S DILEMMA - - -1+« u AS WEL, IINK ^A 1N PLANTS W -W r AI MLL.' WHAI A N LcoNS ,OI COM M _ ETTERS TO THE ETOR SHAKING TET1RFE Although Jerry The University is once again colliding head-on with a lawsuit as a result of the Freedom of Information Act - this time concerning ownership information for student athletes' vehicles. Earlier this week, Flint disc jockey Dave Barber filed a law- suit against the University because adminis- trators refused to disclose records naming the owners of student athletes' vehicles. Specifically, Barber wanted records for vehicles that basketball and football schol- arship athletes drive. The University denied his request, citing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Barber maintains that the records should be available to the public under FOIA. He is correct: The University may not legally conceal the records under FOIA. They must turn over tle documents. Barber said his interest in athletes' own- ership status was sparked by Michigan bas- kIetball player Maurice Taylor's car accident hi February. Barber contacted Taylor's grandmother - who supposedly leased the 1996 Ford Explorer - demanding specific lease details. When she could not provide him with satisfactory answers, Barber asked the University for records of every vehicle "owned, leased, rented or in any way pos- sessed" by athletes; his obvious implication i. that the University Athletic Department may be violating NCAA rules, which forbid student athletes from driving University- owned or-obtained vehicles. While lack of evidence prevents specula- tion on Barber's implications of University Athletic Department wrongdoing, the university only seems to have fed his fire with its denial. If the University has nothing to hide, administrators should not hesitate in making the automobile records public. Barber's request does not violate rights to privacy under FOIA - hiding behind FERPA accomplishes little. FOIA may only 6 be bypassed in cases that involve students' academic records. Vehicle registration papers clearly do not reveal anything of aca- demic nature, and the University's citing of FERPA is a fallacy. Moreover, the University has a long his- tory of concealing information from the public - including the University commu- nity. For example, one of the most severe problems with the recently adopted Code of Student Conduct is that no student may establish case precedent because all trial information is "protected." University administrators are often reluctant to comply with FOIA, and, in this most recent case, have demonstrated again their unwilling- ness to honor requests for public informa- tion. Furthermore, the University's hypocrisy in zealously citing FERPA, while simultaneously trying to skirt the Open Meetings Act, is reprehensible. All cases paint the University as more concerned about self-incrimination than violation of the law. The University may be concerned about what types of Athletic Department practices are revealed if the records are released. However, evidence of NCAA violations may not exist among the documents. In any case, the University is illegally concealing documents that should be public informa- tion. Automobile registration contains little that could be considered private - and it contains absolutely no academic informa- tion. The University cannot hide behind FERPA in this case. Barber may be targeting student athletes by calling their grandmothers and request- ing information. Barber's or the University's motivation is irrelevant - because both must comply with the law. No matter how trivial the information may seem, the requested vehicle records must be released - whether the University likes it or not. Garcia is gone, Deadheads keep partying At the last Grateful Dead show I 0went to I finally felt like a Deadhead. I sold beer and T-shirts and used the cash to buy my tickets. I set up shop next to a dumpster, made friends (and trades) with the neighbors and ordered grilled cheese -- hand- delivered for a dol- , lar to our designat- ed lot spot. But that wasn't what made the show special. What made that. -- show extraordi- KATIE nary was Jerry HUTCHINS Garcia. He was on fire that night, hitting each tune with a passionate and bluesy' vengeance. Dancing barefoot in the mud with my long skirt rolled up, I felt like I was in heaven, and I looked forward to the4 many shows to come. But they never came - and they never will. Jerry Garcia died last August. That day will never be forgot- ten by Jerry fans around the world who admired his beauty, his comfortable- ness in front of a crowd, his soulful voice and his intricate guitar solos. It will be remembered by those who gathered, shattered in vigils across the country that night.4 Since then, mixed reactions to Jerry's life and death have surfaced. He was praised in many national pub- lications. But some misinformed souls chose to focus on Jerry's unfortunate addiction and not his talent. His fans flooded the Internet with their tears and mournful poetry. Avid admirers like Bob Dylan told us what Jerry and the Dead had meant to them. Bob said, "There's no way to measure his great4 ness or magnitude as a person or as a player. His playing was moody, awe- some, sophisticated, hypnotic and sub- tle. There's no way to convey the loss. It just digs down really deep."' It's hard for some to face that we'll never hear another Jerry tune. It's upsetting that we'll never feel that joy as Jerry guides our moods with his slow, gentle voice. What's even harder to deal with is the immense flood of new fans - the neo-hippies - tarnishing Jerry's memory as they buy cheap memora- bilia in Dead aisles at Best Buy stores. Or maybe they're buying any CD they I looked forward to shows to come. But Veto power Clinton must refuse line-item bill Students' lives are their own business To THE DAILY: In a time of increasing technology and innovation, there is one thing that is being greatly overempha- sized. Drug tests. First, let me say that I am not writing this as a support for the use of drugs, but rather for the overemphasis that is being put into drug tests. My question is, if a stu- dent is making theagrade and is a prime candidate for a job opening, why should what the student does in his or her spare time have any relevance whatsoever as to whether or not he or she gets the job? The student is being hired strictly for a job; that's it. If a student managed to graduate while also using drugs, more power to him or her. Why aren't any inquiries made into a student's drink- ing habits? I understand the excessive use of some drugs (cocaine, heroin, etc.) can be detrimen- tal to one's health, but at the same time, some other drugs (marijuana, for example) have never been shown to have long-term side effects. A new form of drug testing should be administered in which only drugs that have been known to be harmful in the long run are tested for. Excessive and frequent consumption of alcohol can havetmuch harsher long-term effects, such as alcoholism, than the constant use of a drug like marijuana. Corporations today have become obsessed with administering drug tests, which in a sense could hurt them since they would be losing a potentially valuable employee just because they used drugs while attending school. Are we expected to be bookworms, to never go out or do some crazy things while in school? College is a place to learn, but at the same time, it is also the last step between young adult- hood and the real world. We are given four years to live the life, to get a quality education while living away from our parents and some students choose to exploit this newfound freedom. It's their choice. And employers should recognize this and realize that the use of some drugs does not nec- essarily prohibit someone from being a successful employee. So, to you employ- ers out there, take a second to look at your hiring practices and requirements. And I will see you at Hash Bash. EMILE BAIZEL ENGINEERING JUNIOR this quote in the article ("Dailys stolen from campus drop sites" 3/28/96). For one thing, nothing at all in the article substantiated this claim. Why Alianza? Because a red car was claimed to have been seen? Does Alianza have a monopoly on red cars? How did a connection get made to Alianza? Why not a Greek organization, a house councilor just about anyone else? I have no idea of what really happened. I am merely basing my questions upon what I read in the article. None of these questions are close to being answered. As far as I'm concerned it was merely speculation. However, the repercus- sions are much more severe. From here on out Alianza will be associated with the thefts, based upon this quote. Even when they're found to have no involvement, the association will remain. Furthermore, few people in the mainstream know any- thing about Alianza, nor its membership. Thus, they probably assume every Latino/a is in Alianza, and since Alianza is "made up of thieves," what does that make us as individ- uals? Do you see where I'm getting at? The continued demonization of people of color on this campus! Racial prejudice may not be as bla- tant as it once was, but repeated occurrences such as these continue to perpetuate the hostile climate on campus for "minorities" and increase ethnic and racial divisions. While fingers are pointed at events such as MLK Day celebrations and Chicano History Week as being divi- sive, it's the subtle actions, such as the comment regard- ing Alianza, that are more dangerous. When it is shared with thousands and thou- sands of people through the media, in conjunction with continual other misrepresen- tations, it consciously or unconsciously ingrains an image of an entire group of people in the minds of others. People need to realize that they must take responsibility for what they say or report. Many innocent people were affected by this article. I am not calling for censorship, just more thoughtfulness in the future. As journalists, you all should very well know the power of words and the media. Then again, maybe that's why the quote was included. DANIEL D. ZARAZUA LSA SENIOR Write a letter instead of stealing the of racism against him and the Daily. I'd like to remind people that Lasser is a satirist - he pokes fun at everything and everybody without exception. That is a satirist's job. If you read the Daily every day, as I do, then you would know that Lasser makes fun of anything that's recently been deemed newsworthy: women, men, minorities, majorities, gov- ernment, politicians, the University and, occasionally, himself. He portrays one point of view one day, and another point of view another day. People need to stop being so sensitive. Instead of taking offense if a group you are associated with happens to be the target of his witty pen one day, maybe you should take notice that the cartoon is saying, "Hey, there are people who feel this way about you. Maybe you should do some- thing and try to change their opinions." Writing a letter to the paper, as many did in their displeasure with Lasser's caricatures, is one way of doing this. Stealing half of the papers in circula- tion is not. Yesterday, I picked up the Daily to again see charges of racism against the Daily splashed across the front page. I would like to ask the people charging the paper with racism why they think that the press has only the right to print favorable arti- cles when the subject is a minority, because that is what their actions are saying to me. Please try and change my opinion. Thanks. JEN JUBENVILLE LSA JUNIOR Greek Week deserves coverage TO THE DAILY: We are writing in regard to The Michigan Daily's cov- erage of Greek Week 1996, or the lack thereof. At best, a reader of your newspaper could find an occasional mention of the events sur- rounding one of the largest philanthropic endeavors that occurs each year on campus. At worst, no mention was made of many of the events surrounding Greek Week. Greek Week is our chance to show to the rest of the University community that the Greek system has many merits, and is capable of doing a great deal of good. Thousands of dollars were raised this year for a number of charities, raised by the hard work of the Greek Week steering committee and by the hard work of the mem- they never came - and they never will. -41 or years, American presidents have been using the concept of a line-item veto as justification for their respective inaction on issues, crying, "If only I had a line-item veto, none of this would have got- ten through." Americans should be careful what they wish for. Last Friday, Congress sent President Clinton a bill to create a line-item veto for the president. Support for the measure was substantial in both houses, passing 232-177 in the House and 69-31 in the Senate. The proposed bill would allow Clinton to veto any item in any spending bill that affects less than 100 taxpayers. Such a veto could then be overturned only by a two-thirds vote of both houses. If signed into law, the bill would exist for a period of eight years, at which time Congress would review the leg- islation. America's power balance is in danger. The line-item veto presents a serious shift in legislative power and poses several major problems. First, while the bill is a commendable gesture toward cutting pork spending in congressional legislation, it shifts the power to conduct such trimming entirely too far into the hands of the president. Due to the very nature of a line-item veto - especial- ly in light of a two-thirds majority vote to overturn it - the president would become the spending-bill editor. It would empower the president to alter legislation, virtually unopposed. Unfavorable bills would be Congress would be stripped of its power to counteract the president's agendas. Piecemeal cuts would render Congress a fractured entity, incapable of rallying to overturn legislation by majority vote. Legislation then will have to be written with the president's special interests in mind - not America's interests. Moreover, the bill would present the future dilemma of having a president armed with extra veto power and allied to Congress controlled by his party. Without traditional checks and balances, corruption would overtake the government. Furthermore, a line-item veto in the hands of a president opposed by Congress would create tremendous tension in the U.S. government. The legislative process itself might collapse under the strain of politick- ing, special interests and political agendas. Long-standing programs, such as federal student aid and the National Endowment for the Arts, might easily be cut with one swipe of a president's veto pen, as will valu- able federal defense contracts. The party occupying the Oval Office would have con- trol over who suffers. Clearly, this would give the president too much power. The proposed bill would deal a devastat- ing blow to the traditional American checks-and-balances system. Legislative spending reform is necessary, but not at the cost of the delicate 219-year-old power infrastructure. The line-item veto shifts tremendous power to the president - can find that has "Touch of Grey" or "Uncle John's Band" on it, never real- ly getting the true picture of what the Dead meant. But some continue to trade tapes and mourn about what might have been. And some live in the hopeless hope that the Dead will play together and make that magic again - wishing Jerry would somehow be resurrected. 4 But the word's been out for a while: the Dead as we know them are dead. They won't be playing together in a band - at least not this year. But they'll be making some music, and I have high hopes for the summer - particularly around July, when they are rumored to be hitting the Midwest. The rumor going around is that a group of bands, including Bob Weir's RatDog and Mickey Hart's new ban Mystery Box, will be traveling across the country this summer pulling seven-hour shows in a full-fledged bash tentatively called "Ship of Fools"' Hot Tuna and Los Lobos might also be participating in the festival tour. Bruce Hornsby also will make an appearance. Not only is this guy amaz- ing, but he also satisfies the Dead lover in many of us, fulfilling the Jerry need with songs like "Brokedowr Palace" and "Wharf Rat." Don't expect much excitement from RatDog. They play a lot of cheesy Bobby songs, but it's always nice to see Bob on the stage, because, well, it's Bob. Nobody knows who the other bands will be, but speculation is that David Grisman, Merle Saunders and the Neville Brothers might appear. Will this be a pathetic nostalgia trid for those of us who have nothing bet- ter to do with our lives now that Jerry's dead? Will this be merely a forum for rampant drug use, like the chaotic Rainbow Gathering in Florida? I have faith that it won't. Of course we'll have