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April 02, 1996 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-02

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 2, 1996 - 4

Vandal attack
store, hide in
The Ann Arbor Police Department
detained two youths Saturday night in
connection with a robbery at Bill's Mar-
ket on Packard Street.
AAPD officers were called to the
grocery store to apprehend five youths
who were taking items from the store.
According to an AAPD report, the
teen-agers entered the store and
walked around talking. Some of the
ths walked to the front counter
and began to ask a clerk questions
while one youth stuffed objects into
his jacket.
The store's owner, who was also
present, caught the thief and escorted
him out of the building, along with the
other subjects.
When the ownerre-enteredthe build-
ing, the youths yelled at the owner and
j rk and broke the glass door to the
At that point, the clerk went outside
and grabbed the suspect that smashed
the door. The other youths kicked and
punched the clerk until he was forced to
let go of the suspect.
The subjects fled the scene and headed
toward campus. The men from Bill's
Market followed the youths to
McDonald's on South University Av-
APD officers were notified that the
ects were at the restaurant and took
two youths into custody. They were
later released to their parents.
The clerk at Bill's Market sustained
minor injuries and didnot require medi-
cal treatment.
Woman threatens
doctor with knife
A woman pulled a knife on a doctor
Sunday at Mott Children's Hospital.
The Department of Public Safety
reported that the woman was at the
hospital for treatment for her injured
Due to possible child abuse, DPS ran
a warrant check of the woman's boy-
friend and discovered he was wanted by
the Detroit Police Department for a
jevious crime.
he woman was apprehended by DPS
and her boyfriend was arrested and held
at DPS offices on Kipke Drive.
Detroit police picked up the subject
and began an investigation into charges
of child abuse.
Pretrial hearing
delayed in Lujan
urder hearing
In order to authorize additional psy-
chiatric evaluations, the murder and
arson trial against LSA sophomore
Crystal Lujan was delayed last week.
Lujan and Ann Arbor resident Dale
Lipke face several charges in connec-
tion with the murder of a Sumter Town-
ship man and multiple arsons last Sep-
The pretrial motions were originally
Weduled for Jan. 12, but have been
delayed several times.

Student receives
threatening phone
A Bursley Hall resident notified DPS
on Friday that he had received threaten-
Scalls on his answering machine.
. The caller, who said his name was
Cecil, reportedly told the victim, "You
better pay up or you'll be sorry."
The subject left anothermessage say-
ing, "We're gonna get you, we know
where you live." .
The victim claims he does not recog-
nize the caller's voice nor does he owe
anyone money.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Sam 1'. Dudek.
0 ALIANZA - Latino Organization,
weekly meeting, 764-2837, Trot-
ter House, 1443 Washtenaw
Ave., 7 p.m.
Q Cleptomaniacs and Shoplifters
Anonymous, weekly meeting,
913-6990, Friends Meeting
House. 1420 Hill Street. 8 p.m.

By Alice Robinson;
Daily Staff ReporterJ
The sound of frantic typing buzzes in the air.
Easily audible conversations are going on all
around, and the printer just decided not to recog-
nize a command.
A bad dream, or a night at Angell Hall?
Next year students may spend less time in dreaded
computer labs and more time on a personal computer
intheirrooms, thanks to ajoint venture with Microsoft
Corp. and Zenith Data Systems.
Microsoft and Zenith will join with the Univer-
sity this fall to provide "Z-stations" - IBM-
compatible computers that are already connected
to the campus network - to students at a dis-
counted rate.
"We're going to be able to deliver systems that;
will be readily and easily connectable to Univer-+

'U' join in new technology effort

sity of Michigan campus systems," said Gene
Lambert, Director of Higher Education Marketing
for Zenith, the company that will provide the
computers for the project.
"They'll already have all ofthe necessary software
for it to be hooked up" to the University's network,
said Doug Van Houweling, dean of academic out-
reach and director of the University's Information
Technology Division.
Just how simple will it be?
Van Houweling said that to connect the new
PC's to the ITD network, students will "just plug
it in and follow a few steps."
Most residence halls equip all rooms with Ethernet
outlets, allowing for easy accessibility to useful cam-
pus technology. However, students still must go
through a complicated process to have programs like
e-mail and Wolverine Access at their fingertips.

The current procedure for connecting a com-
puter to the University's network involves pur-
chasing a modem and loading software from a
connected computer onto a disc, then transfer-
ring it to the computer.0
All but six residence halls supply Ethernet out-
lets, and ITD hopes to have them installed in all
dorms by the fall.
Because of its reputation for implementing new
technology, the University was only one of two
schools chosen to pilot the Z-Station project.
Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh was also
Other features of the mega-PC's include dy-
namic software such as Microsoft Windows 95
and sound, microphone and CD capability.
Zenith and Microsoft researched the technology
needs of major universities across the country and

found schools often have trouble providing enougl
computers for students.
But the University has worked hard to alleviate.
this problem.
"We currently have better computer accessibil
ity than any public university that I know about
but that doesn't mean it can't be improved."Vat
Houweling said.
Nico Angleys, Engineering senior and resider
computer systems consultant for Bursley Hall
said the Z-stations will have an impact on corn
puter labs next year. "Residence computer site
will have less of a load and residence compute
printers will have more of a load" if a gredte
number of students own PC's, he said.
"I think more and more students want to have thei
own computers and they want to have them wort
like the computers in computer labs," he said.

to stay open
for Hash
Bash event
By Will Wissert
Daily Staff Reporter
The Ann Arbor City Council voted 8-
3 last night to uphold a decision by City
Administrator Neal Berlin that denied
the closing of Monroe Street on April 6
for Hash Bash.
In response, the Hash Bash Coalition
plans to file a petition today claming the
street should be closed for safety rea-
sons, said Hash Bash Coalition Coordi-
nator Rich Burkett.
The coalition is scheduled to hold a
public rally on the Diag on Saturday,
April 6, from noon - 1 p.m. It had
hoped to receive a permit that would
block off Monroe Street to traffic so
the rally could move to the street area
in front of Dominick's Restaurant af-
ter an hour of public speeches on the
"If(the coalition) can'tget the crowds
from the University they can't have the
kind of public rally they want," said
David Nacht, the attorney representing
the coalition. "Could this really screw
up Ann Arbor traffic - even Hash
Bash traffic?"
Nacht called the permit decision a
free speech issue.
Councilmember Elisabeth Daly (D-
5th Ward) agreed. "I support their right
to free speech and anyone else's right to
free speech," she said. " don't think
concerns for traffic are important
enough to deny this permit Hash
Bash fills up more streets than just
City Attorney Abigail Elias denied
that the decision on the permit is an
issue of free speech. "The concern here
is the downtown congestion caused
during Hash Bash," she said. "This de-
cision is not about the content of the
group's speech."
Councilmember Patrick Putman (R-
4th Ward) said the coalition could hold
the rally at Fuller Park - three-quar-
ters of a mile from the Diag - instead
of blocking public streets. "I'm a prod-
uct of the late '60s and early '70s and
I've seen lots of people march for ev-
erything under the sun-they marched
a lot further thanjust three-quarters of a
mile," he said.
"Ifthis were a party I could see people
not wanting to walk very far. This sounds
more like a party then a political rally,"
Putman said.
Councilmember Stephen Hartwell
(D-4th Ward) cautioned
councilmembers not to say too much
during the debate of this controver-
sial issue. "If we vote this down they
are probably going to sue us and they
will use our comments against us," he
said. "Let's let the City Attorney
handle this."
Burkett pointed to Hartwell's com-
ment as evidence that the Council's
decision would be overturned in court.
"What they said in there is evidence
that they will lose in court," he said.
"They were speaking their minds and
someone shut them up. There was no
free speech in that council."

Students, computer
users go online for
Internet romances

By Debra Sills
For the Daily
If students were looking for love and
romance, where would they go? The
personals? Touchdown Cafe? A frater-
nity party?
Perhaps the romance is right at their
fingertips - literally. Many college
students and other computer users are
using their modems to find love over
the Internet.
"You get to know each other ... since
you are farther away you get to know
each person better and you tend to con-
nect more," said Steve Jones, an LSA
senior with friends who have met in
This increasingly popular method of
meeting romantic interests and friends
is available to
University stu-
dents through The ,i
real-time com-
puter"talking," as are very
well as computer
conferencing and diSappoii
e-mail. because
many Internet us-
ers say couples
often meet in the aren't me
land of
cyberspace. On especiall
Internet Relay
Chat, a real-time IRCE "
service where
students can con-
verse with other Eng
users, many
people admitted to falling in love

minal Service. The University for
merly provided e-mail access an(
other services through MTS, but the
system has been phased out over th(
past two years. After talking fOr fou
hours over the system, Dudek said h(
and his girlfriend discovered they were
both from the same small town. Then
then set up a time to meet and startet
Two and a half years later, Dudel
says that meeting in cyberspace is be-
coming popular and that he's "startini
to see it more and more."
Despite finding friends over th(
Internet, some wonder whether com-
puter romance is all that it is cracked ui
to be.
"I don't think of it as very romantic,
Dudek said, add-
ing that he know:
Sbtins ofpeople who me
over the compute:
that plan to ge
Erich Neupert
a Canadian resi-
dent, said be is r
cans frequent IRC uses
and that many
types of peopk
use the service. Ir


The spoken word
Local poet/rapper/singer Jordan Dowling reads at the Guild House. The
Guild House hosts authors from around the area every Monday night.
Campus reacts to
DAy theft aridles


!: I-

By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
Following last week's theft of more
than halfofThe Michigan Daily's press
run, Alianza has issued a statement in
response to a Daily article that linked
members of the Latino/a alliance to the
"Alianza believes these speculative
allegations to be a component of the
witchhunt against active students of
color at the University of Michigan,"
said the statement, which was issued by
Nora Salas, co-chair of public opinion.
Alianza has hired trial attorney Wil-
liam Goodman to represent the organi-
zation. Salas has refused to comment
further and is forwarding further in-
quiries about the incident to Alianza's
Salas said the organization hired an
attorney because, "The news articles
we read about the allegations brought
up the idea that the Daily was going to
use the information of the anonymous
source and charge someone with a
felony or theft, and (because of) the
implications that it has for Alianza on
campus," Salas said.
The article, which appeared in
Thursday's edition of the Daily,
quoted an anonymous source who
witnessed a group of people taking
the newspapers at Angell Hall last
Q Campus Information Centers,
Michigan Union and North Cam-
pus Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UMeEvents on
GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/-info on the
World Wide Web
Q English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, 741-8958, Mason Hall,
Room 444C. 7-11 o.m.

Wednesday morning.
The source's statement, "There was
a group of people, some of whom
were possibly members of Alianza,
who entered and removed all of the
newspapers," has sparked discussion
on campus. E-mail messages from
various campus organizations that
have been sent to students have con-
tended that the quote, "found this
Latina/o organization guilty of theft
without due process."
The Daily issued a statement yester-
day to clarify the context of the quote.
"The source knew one of the suspects
to be a leader in Alianza, but was unsure
about whether the other participants
were also members of the group," the
statement said.
The University's Department of
Public Safety is conducting an inves-
tigation into last Wednesday's theft
of about 8,700 copies of the newspa-
per. A sign denouncing the newspa-
per as racist, saying, "The Michigan
Daily has been canceled today due to
racism," was posted in place of the
missing Dailys.
Although DPS would not provide
details about the investigation, Sgt.
Kevin McNulty said the investigation
is making progress and that DPS is
"still looking for other people to come
in as witnesses."

Users can tap into this resource on
University computers by typing "irc" at
a Unix prompt. From there, users ex-
plore channels with the names love,
romance, singles, couples and others.
IRC users can send private messages
to others online, and go into private
"chat rooms."
Anyone in the world with access to
the Internet can use IRC.
Confer, a University program lim-
ited to University students, includes
discussion groups to which students
can subscribe. Although the service is
used for classes, it can also be used for
social purposes, and includes groups
for trading jokes and gaming.
LSA senior Stephen Dudek met his
true love through the Michigan Ter-

fY through his opinion.
cbersex is m o
popular than
- Carlos Roche "I don't think
gineering senior there is a lot o
Neupert said. "Maybe some sex talk.
but that's about it."
Engineering senior Carlos Roche, ar
ITD consultant, said IRC and confer are
the most popular services with Univer-
sity students, and agreed that people dc
meet over the University's system.
"It happens quite a bit," Roche said.
warning that, "the meetings are'very
disappointing because expectations
aren't met, especially through IRC"
LSA sophomore Stacie Shermati has
not yet tried to meet people or[ the
Internet, but said she thinks it is agreat
"It seems easy because I know that
a lot of people meet that way,'
Sherman said. "It's a good way tolike
someone for their inner qualities aith-
out their physical appearances inter-

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Q "Practical Training," sponsored by
International Center, International
Center, Room 9,11 a.m.
Q "Residence Hall Repertory
Theatre," sponsored by Hillel and
Housing Division, Couzens Hall, 9
Q "Self-Defense Workshop: For
Women Only," sponsored by
rAPAP Minhicn uInion .u np I

"Last night the Michigan Student
Assembly passed a resolution de-
manding that new MSA President
Kurt Muenchow 'decline the presi-
The resolution passed with 14 yes
votes, 11 no votes, and 4 absten-
tions. Outgoing MSA President Paul
Josephson said that although the reso-
lution is not binding, it reflects the
wishes of the current assembly.
...The resolution reprimands
Muenchow for allegedly knowing

PlanningU0 gettingm
f~o Wha buines shoos lok or
Howto etint BsinssSchol


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