Senate GOP aims at roads gverhaul LANSING (AP) - As if raising the gasoline tax weren't hard enough, ma- jority Republicans in the state Senate are pushing a sweeping plan to shakeup the entire transportation policy in Michi- gan. The legislation would clear the way for ditching the state Transportation Commission, repeal the basic funding hula for transportation money and allow counties to eliminate their road commissions and raise their own gas taxes. But the controversial bills face as many potholes as they're designed to fix. Although Gov. John Engler wel- comes soni of the changes as consis- tent with his view of government ac- countability, many local officials and e lawmakers oppose the proposal. his takes place against a backdrop of continuing debate over whether to raise the gas tax to generate more road money, and state House moves to tackle the transportation problem. State Transportation Director Robert Welke said Thursday he expects Engler to recommend a hike in the state fuel tax later this year. He said it was likely to occur in the "lame duck" legislative session, after the election but before the of the year. The Senate package is in an appro- priations subcommittee, and is slated to begin moving to the full Appropria- tionsCommittee soon. Its sponsor, Sen. Philip Hoffman (R-Horton), is catching flak at the center of the controversy. "Every county road commission in the state hates me," he said. "We are taking the key for the transportation system from the transportation bureau- Ocy. "We are after getting greater effi- ciency in transportation services," he said."I'm coming to grips with the fact the roads are crumbling. What we're trying to do is give them tools." Hoffman, chairman of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on trans- portation, has held hearings on the leg- islation. He has told road officials there simply isn't enough support in the Leg- ture to raise the 1 5-cents-a-gallon gas tax any higher. "There may be a time to raise the gas tax but I'm not willing to do it first," he said. The Michigan Daily - Monday. Aoril 1. 1996 - 5A ,. . ,. b,.......,. ..., ....J , p .. .......,. .. . i Forum focuses on electing minority representatives MARGARET MYERS/Daily Clean streak David Date washes windows at Suwanee Springs Leather on a sunny Saturday afternoon on Liberty Street. Tinr io IF hold Selimar onV1ln By Kate Glickman Daily Staff Reporter As the 1996 national and local elec- tions approach, community members met Saturday to talk strategy on how to get more minorities elected to govern- ment. Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.) delivered words of wisdom to political hopefuls who attended the Political Action Forum at Washtenaw Community College looking for re- sources and information. "In planning a political career, you do the same thing someone planning a business career would do," Smith said. "The men do it, and (women) are faulted for not doing it." Christina Montague, a county com- missioner, spoke about her experience running for local government as "a woman, not a professional politician." Montague said she ran for office be- cause she wanted to fight for those in her community who she viewed as underrepresented. To others interested in a political office, Montague advised, "Have a de- fined message, know the issues, learn about the office you want to run for and give it your all." The forum, in addition to discussing how to get more African Americans elected to office, also addressed ways to mobilize the black community to the polls. "We're allowing ourselves to become discouraged and disillusioned," Smith said. Smith said that if more people came to the polls, "the conservative tide" now in control of the House and Senate would be eliminated. People could "flip this whole process on its ear," she said. The group discussed different ven- ues to attract voters to the polls. While programs like Get Out the Vote help, many community members regis- ter to vote but never get to the polls on election day, Ann Arbor resident Dwain King said. The forum suggested providing child care near polls, forming car-pools and educating people on how to get absen- tee ballots if their workplace is too far from poll sites. Making voting convenient for work- ing mothers and people who work far from home is being tackled by vote-by- mail legislation, which is currently be- ing debated in Lansing. Smith said she has been pushing for vote-by-mail legislation for years, but it has yet to pass because lawmakers fear the impact of the new voters that would be recruited. Smith remained confident, however, that the legislation would pass soon. "This was very exciting," said Shawn Mason Spence, chair of the National Political Congress of Black Women. "We got a lot of information in a small period of time." Spence, who organized the forum, said the event offered people achanceto evalu- ate their own role in politics and plan "where they would like to see this go." ® Attendence low; audience members say they were forced to go By Ann Stewart Daily Staff Reporter An unexpectedly small audience of about 40 fraternity members gathered yesterday at noon for the first Inter- Fraternity Council Seminar on Violence Against Women. "There were those who got some- thing out of it and those who didn't. It seems like a lot were forced to be here," said LSA first-year student Ben Wolf. Speakers said they were disappointed by the sparse audience. Most of the audience were pledges or new mem- bers of campus fraternities. The semi- nar was held in Auditorium 4 of the Modern Languages Building. "The numbers were few but we did have around two-thirds of all fraterni- ties represented," said IFC Vice Presi- dent of External Relations Dan Levin. The seminar opened with a statement by Joyce Wright, training and education coordinator for the Sexual Assault Pre- vention and Awareness Center, in which she tried to get responses from the audi- ence about statistics on sexual assault. Wright said in her speech that 65 campus rapes were reported to SAPAC last year, adding that 15 of those alleg- edly occurred in fraternities. The seminar also included a film de- picting a date rape situation and a speech by a Wayne State University student who was raped by a WSU fraternity member. David Garwin of the Alternatives to Domestic Aggression Program said he was disappointed in the turnout, and that he expected to be speaking before hundreds of students. "There should have been more ofyou today," Garwin said. "But it's 'no big deal.' If violence against women was a big deal (to men) it wouldn't happen." A discussion following the presenta- tions drew a lot of audience participation and revealed much about the attitudes of some fraternity members toward date rape. "The questions were indicative of the reasons forthe seminar," Levin said. Fraternity members questioned Wright, Garwin and the survivor about many elements that they often called "gray areas," including the use of alco- hol by both parties, and ambivalence about how consent is construed. Many audience members said they felt the panel was biased against men. "The questions weren't uncommon. When people learn about violence against women they often try to find reasons or rationalizations for why this happens," Wright said. The seminar ended with suggestions on how to make changes. "You're being recruited today. We've got work to do in terms of how we view women in this society," said moderator Greg Harden, special adviserto athletics. Fraternity members said they also saw value in having the seminar. "I think it's important, especially in the Greek system, to be aware and to take a stand against something that's obviously a problem on campuses everywhere," said Josh Brayer, an LSA junior. Does waiting in line bug you?, I . ,, We have all the services to get you in and out FASTI * Automated machines that collate and staple * Report bindingwhile you wait port " Canon Color Cpies in minutes bindin * Overheads before class begins n Sp\h irchSt (33) .. 0 Ship U PS with 990 color copies use FANS contInued from Page 1A Department say the crowd varied from to 1,000 people at various times d locations during the traveling cel- ebration. AAPD officer Martin Morales, who was patrolling South University on a bicycle, said the crowd was well-be- haved. "It's a good crowd because it's so- ber," Morales said during the celebra- tion. "The basketball crowd was bad because it was drunk." Celebrations in previous years for ,* basketball team were marred by violence. In 1992, three arrests were made and police used tear gas to break up the crowd. After the 1993 Final Four, 13 were arrested for malicious destruction of property, assault and re- lated crimes. AAPD Sgt. Pam Wyess said no inci- dents were reported. She credited the good behavior to the time of day. *The daytime atmosphere helped control the crowd," she said. "Night- time makes it easier to go nuts." Wyess said AAPD called the Michi- gan State Police and the Washtenaw County Sheriffs Department to help monitor the crowds. Steve Mourad, owner of Touchdown Cafe, said the crowds were not prob- lematic. "Everybody got excited, got up and W lauded and everybody stepped out- s etojoin the crowd," he said. Mourad said more than 200 people watched the game at Touchdown Caf6, but no one caused any problems. Morales added, "Most of the crazy fans are at Cincinnati right now." L 0' London $249* \r CALL DOMI 761-=1E111 1031 E. Ann at. 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