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March 29, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-03-29

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2 -The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 29, 1996


U.S. announces anti-terrorism plans

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WASHINGTON (AP) - An emer-
gency plan to ease Israel's restrictions
on Palestinians on the West Bank and
Gaza was adopted yesterday and an-
nounced by the Clinton administration.
Israel will permit construction mate-
rial and Egyptian trucks to pass through
checkpoints so that people in hard-
tressed Gaza can get back to work.
citrus and other exports from the terri-
:ories will be shipped to the outside'
world from Israel and Jordan.
- Secretary of State Warren Christopher
-4nnounced the plan at the opening of a
vo-day conference of 27 nations called
4prevent terrorism in Israel.
-The plan, which also includes an
emergency meeting of donor nations to
e called in the next few days, responds

to parallel pleas from European allies
and the Palestinian Authority to con-
sider the impact of the security mea-
sures taken by Israel after a series of
deadly suicide bombings.
Christopher telephoned Israeli Prime
Minister Shimon Peres and Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat to obtain their ap-
proval before making the announcement.
He also called Prime Minister Gro
Harlem Brundtland of Norway to re-
quest the emergency meeting. Having
played a pivotal role in arranging the
1993 mutual recognition of Israel and
the Palestine Liberation Organization,
Norway heads a group that coordinates
economic assistance to the West Bank
and Gaza.
Referring to the campaign against

terrorism, which had been billed as the
main topic of the conference at the State
Department, Christopher said: "We
must restore an environment in which
negotiations can again move forward
and agreement can be reached."
"The merchants ofterror" be defeated,
but also "we must find ways to support
the Palestinian people as they, too, suf-
fer the consequences of the Hamas
bombings," he said.
Peres had responded to the spate of
terrorism by blocking entry to Israel of
most Palestinians from Gaza and the
West Bank. All four suicide bombers
who killed 58people and wounded doz-
ens of others had slipped through, rais-
ing questions in Israel about Peres' will-
ingness to depend on Arafat's Palestin-


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ian Authority to stem terrorism.
Seeking election in May, Peres also
cracked down by blowing up the homes
of the families of suspected or convicted
Palestinian terrorists and authorizinghun-
dreds ofarrests, including many Palestin-
ians who had been released from prison
by the Israeli government.
Arafat's Palestinian Authority
claimed the Israeli measures had thrown
60,000 people out of work and were
costing the territories $6 million a day
in lost wages and trade.
The Clinton administration initially
held firm in supporting Israel and in-
sisting the emphasis should be on curb-
ing terrorism. But Europeans echoed
the Arabs' anger, and the thrust of the
conference shifted dramatically.
Continued from Page 1.
Former Shin Bet chief Carmi Gilon
was named directly responsible and his
failure was compared to that of the
army chief before the 1973 Yom Kip-
pur War when Israel was caught un-
aware by Arab forces.
Gilon, who ironically was the Shin
Bet's top expert on Jewish radicals and
had warned of a growing danger from
Israel's extreme right, was looking for
warnings "instead of pre-empting and
being ready," the committee said.
It said the agency failed to adequately
share with police and bodyguards the
intelligence it had about Jewish right-
wing extremists who wanted Rabin dead.
Many of the bodyguards and police
at the rally did not know of assassina-
tion warnings, it noted.
The report recommended that police
and the Shin Bet better coordinate events
where senior officials had to be pro-
tected and that intelligence information
be better distributed.
It also said Gilon did not closely
supervise his division heads, giving
them too much autonomy.
Gilon stepped down in January, im-
mediately after the slaying of Yehiya
Ayyash, the No. I Islamic terrorist
wanted by Israel. The assassination,
widely attributed to Israel but never
acknowledged, was seen as an effort to
restore some of the agency's luster.
But it appeared to trigger the recent
series of revenge attacks by Ayyash's
followers. Four suicide-bombings
claimed by the Islamic militant Hamas
group since Feb. 25 killed 62 people in
Israel, leaving the Israeli-Palestinian
peace process in disarray.
Gilon accepted responsibility yester-
day but said the commission did not
adequately acknowledge the difficul-
ties of preventing attacks by Jewish
Rabin was killed by Amir, a 25-year-
old law student, as he left a Tel Aviv
peace rally and headed toward his wait-
ing car. Amir passed two bodyguards as
he walked up to the prime minister and
then fired three bullets.
An amateur video shows Amir stand-
ing next to several police officers, who
did not seem to question his presence in
the supposedly secure area. There were
reports the officers assumed Amir was
a Shin Bet agent.
The three-member commission,
headed by former Supreme Court Chief
Justice Meir Shamgar, was appointed
by the government after the killing. It
held 61 meetings, heard 72 witnesses
and published 214 pages of findings as
well as a secret, 118-page annex deal-
ing with Shin Bet methods.
Strict security measures are now en-
forced for ministers, some of whom
have received death threats. The mea-
sures prevent them from mingling with
the public during campaigning for the

May 29 elections.
U El

Criminals n public
housing to be evicted
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton ordered eviction yesterday for
anyone committing a violent or drug-
related crime in public housing, de-
claring a "one strike and you're out"
rule was needed to make such hous-
ing safe.
The president signed a directive or-
dering Housing Secretary Henry
Cisneros to issue national guidelines
for housing authorities to incorporate
the policy through tenant screening and
lease agreements.
The policy means any resident could
be evicted for being involved in a drug-
related or violent crime, or for allowing
a guest to take part in those activities.
Conceivably, a family could be left
homeless by the actions of one of its
"For some, one strike and you're out
sounds likehardball. Well,it is," Clinton
said. "If you mess up your community,
you have to turn in your key. There is no
reason in the world to put the rights of
a criminal before those of a child who
British beef problem
spreads to mainland
BRUSSELS, Belgium-Britain'sbeef
crisis is spilling over to the European
continent, where Germans, Italians and
others fearful of mad cow disease are
shunning even home-grown meat and
sending beef prices plummeting.
Yesterday, wholesale beef prices
were down 50 percent in Paris, and
supermarket sales in Portugal dropped
by 40 percent. Sales were off by 25
percent in Italy, 30 percent in Spain and
60 percent in Greece.
"It's deathly quiet in the market,"
said Hansjoerg Uhl, chief of the main
slaughterhouse in Munich, Germany.
The German farmers' association said
consumerdemand forbeef had dropped
by 30-35 percent.
"I'll probably stick to pork and other
meats for a while at least," said Walter
Schlecht, a school teacher from
Dettingen, Germany, although he con-
ceded: "Like everything else, it will
wear off."
In Dublin, Ireland, wholesale butcher
Declan Gahan said he was worried be-

House Republicans pass line-item veto
WASHINGTON - The Republican-controlled House passed a flurry of
legislation yesterday to finish up the campaign promises made in the "Contract
with America," and GOP leaders hailed their work as a record of accomplishment
that would surely impress voters in the fall.
The frenetic day - and night - of legislative activity reflected the effort by
congressional Republican leaders to repair the damage done to their image whe
their bruising budget battle with President Clinton resulted in two governmenr
shutdowns. Polls showed the public mostly blamed Republicans for that.
"We're going to have an outstanding record," Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-
Kan.) told ajoint meeting of House and Senate Republicans. "When we take a look at
the record, it's going to be probably a do-too-much Congress instead of do-nothing."
At times Dole's commitment to the "Contract with America," devised for the
1994 congressional campaign by then-House Minority Whip Newt Gingrich (R-
Ga.), was questioned by some House Republicans when House-passed measures
languished in the Senate. And Clinton was successful in rallying public opinion
against House provisions that eased environmental regulations and took dramati-
cally scaled back Medicare spending. But yesterday, Dole sought to embrace the

wants to grow up safe."
The policy drew mixed reviews from
public housing residents.
"I think it's outrageous. Peoplede-
serve more than one chance," said
Patricia Williams, 40, a mother of six
who lives in a public housing develop-
ment in southwest Washington.


House Republicans
back new health bill


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WASHINGTON - Looking forsuc-
cess where President Clinton failed,
House Republicans pushed for passage
last night of legislation to guarantee
access to health insurance to millionsdf
Americans who lose or leave theirjobs.
But the measure contained several
other provisions that drew fire from t1
White House and Democratic critics,
including limits on medical malprac-
tice awards and creation of a system of
tax-deductible, individual savings ac-
counts to cover medical expenses.
House passage would send the bill to
the Senate, where Majority Leader Bob
Dole, the GOP presidential nominee-
in-waiting, has scheduled debate for
next month on a more modest measure
cause his customers "have definitely
turned away from beef."
In Paris, at least one butcher appeared
to be doing better.
"I always come here because the
owner recites the biography of the bee
he's selling me," a customer told t
newspaper Liberation.
Japan approves new
leases or U.S. bases
TOKYO - Ending a battle that pit
vital national interests against passion-
ate local ones, Japanese Prime Minister
Ryutaro Hashimoto signed documents
yesterday forcing local landowners
renew leases essential for U.S. militay
bases on the island of Okinawa.
Hashimoto stepped in to sign the
documents after Okinawa Gov.
Masahide Ota rejected a court order
earlier this week commanding him to
sign the contracts. Ota has said he will
appeal the case to the Supreme Court on
The lawsuit was first filed last De-
cember by Tomiichi Murayama, who
was then prime minister.
- From Daily wire services

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NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell, Megan Schimpf, Michelle Lee Thompson. Josh White.
STAFF Patience Atkin, Matthew Buckley, Jodi Cohen, Sam T. Dudek, Jeff Eldridge, Kate Glickman. Lisa Gray. Jennifer Harvey,
Stephanie Jo Klein, Marisa Ma, Laurie Mayk, Heather Miller, Anupama Reddy. Alice Robinson, Matthew Smart. Ann Stewart.
Carissa Van Heest. Christopher Wan, Katie Wang, Will Weissert, Maggie Weyhing.
CALENDAR: Matthew Buckley.
EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Raimi, Editors
STAFF: Kate Epstein, Niraj R. Ganatra, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Joe Gigliotti, Keren Kay Hahn, Katie Hutchins, Chris Kaye, Jim
Lasser. Erin Marsh, Brent McIntosh, Trisha Miller, Steven Musto, Paul Serilla, Jordan Stancil, Ron Steiger. Jason Stoffer, Jean
Twenge. Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: John Leroi, Brent McIntosh, Barry Sollenberger.
STAFF: Donald Adamek. Paul Barger. Nancy Berger, Susan Dann. Darren Everson, Jiten Ghelani, Alan Goldenbach. James
Goldstein, Jeremy Horelick, Jennifer Houdilik. Chaim Hyman. Kevin Kasiborski, Andy Knudsen, Marc Lightdale, Will McCahill,
Chris Murphy. Sharat Raju. Pranay Reddy, Jim Rose, Michael Rosenberg, Danielle Rumiore %Richard Shin, Mark Snyder. Dan
Stillman, Doug Stevens, Ryan White.
ARTS Kari Jones, Elan Dean Bakopoulos, Joshua Rich, Editors
SUB-EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bernardo (Theater), Brian A. Gnatt (Music), Jennifer Petlinski (Film). T d Watts (Fine Arts).
James Wilson (Books).
STAFF: Coln Bartos, Eugene Bowen. Jennifer Buckley, Neal C. Carruth. Christopher Corbett, Jeffrey Dinsmore, Tim Furlong,
Lise Harwin, Emily Lambert. Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas. James Miller, Greg Parker, Heather Phares. Ryan Posly,
Michael Rosenberg, Dave Snyder, Prashant Tamaskar, Alexandra Twin, Kelly Xintaris, Michael Zilberman.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Jonathan Lurie, Editors
STAFF: Josh Biggs. Jennifer Bradley-Swift, Tonya Broad. Diane Cook. Noppom Kichanantha, Margaret Myers, Stephanie Grace
Lim. Elizabeth LippmanKristen Schaefer, Sara StillmanWalker VanDykeJoe Westrate. Warren Zinn.

COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Editor
STAFF: Matt Benz, Jodi Cohen, Lili Kalish, Jill Litwin, Heather Miller. Matt Spewack.
ONLINE Scott Wilcox, Editor
STAFF: Dennis Fitzgerald, Jeffrey Greenstein, Charles Harrison, Travis Patrick, Victoria Salipande. Matthew Smart. Joe
Westrate. Anthony Zak.





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