4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 28, 1996 be diguan ?atig 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors NorABLE QuOTABLE, 'We cheat. We give racial preference knowingly while we say that we do not.' - Prof Carl Cohen criticizing the University's affirmative action plans SHAKING THE TRE Matchingyour 4 I Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily ROM THE DAY Strings attached State should not prevent same-sex benfits Ml T WIMSAT MoOIuE's DLEMMA ff The state Senate Appropriations Com- mittee voted last week to cut funding to public institutions - including the Univer- sity - equal to the amount of money that the institutions spend on benefits for same-sex domestic partners. Since the University re- cently approved such benefits, this action represents a financial attack against the Uni- versity. Moreover, the vote is a foolish at- tempt to impose Lansing's false morality on public institutions throughout the state. A few weeks ago, Gov. John Engler's budget looked promising for the University; it signaled a new commitment to higher edu- cation funding. Last week's vote demon- strates that the optimism of February may have been premature. Regent Dan Horning (R-Grand Haven) is one of the most vocal supporters of the bill. His support and mes- sage of intolerance should concern the Uni- versity community. Furthermore, any cut in funding for the University is troubling, re- gardless of the political strings attached. However, the political strings are the most troubling aspect of the proposed legislation. The senators weighed in on the wrong side of the issue - homosexuals deserve treatment equal to that afforded to heterosexuals. The husbands and wives of employees usually share in the employment benefits - such as health insurance - of the workers them- selves. Since homosexuals cannot legally marry, they are often denied this protection. Employers who do not offer benefits to same- sex domestic partners are thus discriminat- ing against homosexuals, denying them the "rights" that are assumed for heterosexuals. Progressive employers, such as the Univer- sity-which have extended these benefits to homosexuals - are leading the way to a more enlightened society. It is troubling that reactionaries in Lansing are fighting the posi- tive trend. The coercive nature of the pending legis- lation is just as troubling. The senators are entitled to their opinions; however, they should not try to impose their thinking on the University. Even if Lansing disagrees with the personnel practices of the University, it still must recognize that the University - along with the state's other public universi- ties - is an autonomous institution. According to the state constitution, the authority for operating the University is granted to the Board of Regents - whose members are elected on a statewide ballot. The Appropriations Committee's vote last week was an attempt to micro manage the state universities in orderto impose the closed- minded agenda of some legislators on the state. Fortunately, the legislation must clear many hurdles before it becomes law. Even then, it would be subject to probable court battles. In the meantime, the University should be strong in its opposition to the legislation. The message from Ann Arbor should be loud and clear - the University will not be black- mailed into adopting the reactionary agenda of the legislation's supporters. # 0KORY py j o-IFVu FUf T RE~ F R\ r nt/4 LETTERS TO TH EDITOR Assaulting the ban U.S. Senate must not repeal gun law O nce again, special interest groups have brought their finances to bear on Ameri- can politics. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to repeal the ban on assault weapons - in what is a clear tip of the hat to the Washington gun lobby - last Friday. The bill now moves on to the U.S. Senate, where legislators should let common sense prevail and vote down the bill. In 1994, the U.S. Congress voted to ban assault weapons as part of Clinton's crime bill. At the time, Democrats controlled Con- gress and the American people overwhelm- ingly supported it. Although the Republicans now control Congress, the American people still want the ban. To his credit, Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) has pledged not to bring the bill to the Senate Floor, and President Clinton is promising a veto should Dole be overruled by a filibuster. Both leaders should be com- mended for their positions. The bill was brought to the floor in haste last week, but the gun lobby was ready for action. Proponents of the bill to repeal the ban are taking a three-pronged approach. First, they claim the 1994 legislation did little or nothing to lower violent crime involving guns. In addition, they argue that since crimi- nals perpetrate crimes, more stringent sen- tences should be enacted in place of the assault weapons ban. Finally, they say the ban should be lifted so American citizens could purchase assault weapons for home and self defense. The opponents of the ban, however, have a better argument. They say the 1994 ban has decreased the number of assault weapons on the streets and has led to a decrease in crimes. In addition, they say the move reflects the growing disparity between Washington val- ues and American values. Moreover, they cite the measure as a clear sign of the insidi- ous influence of the Washington gun lobby. Friday's vote is another example of the National Rifle Association trying to control the struggle over gun rights. While the mea- sure was supported by members of both par- ties, it is clearly Republican in origin. Repub- licans who received extensive campaign con- tributions from the NRA voted for the bill. Unfortunately for the American people, the time has now come for the representatives to pay back their debts to those who elected them. Representatives do not realize that the measure still protects a person's right to carry guns. It is simply an effort to keep dangerous weapons off the streets. Clearly, the assault weapons are designed for one purpose: killing people. Firearms, such as AK-47s, UZIs and Tech-9s are not used for hunting, but for military or terrorist pur- poses. Moreover America's police officers are already out-manned and out-gunned - allowing people to carry assault weapons will dramatically shift the balance of fire- power in favor of the criminals. The measure to repeal the assault weap- ons ban is motivated by insider politics, monied influence and ignorance. Friday's vote is a definitive sign that Washington has lost touch with those it is supposed to serve. 7th grader tells MSA to grow up To THE DAILY: To all the people who write critical letters about my sister, Fiona Rose, I have this to say: My sister is a nice person and a good leader. Even though I know almost nothing about politics, I think it would be appropriate to stop your low- down attacks on Fiona and start behaving like adults. Instead of acting like little children, keep mean things to yourself and respect other people's ways of doing things. AARON ROSE GRADE 7 HURON VALLEY SCHOOL Leadership 2017 is peripheral TO THE DAILY: After being bashed by the Daily ("Vote Michigan Party: Rose, Mehta will provide strong leadership," 3/26/96) for not knowing about the administration's program Leadership 2011 (sic); I, representing the (Geoff Tudisco) and (Adam) Mesh slate for the Michigan Student Assembly, searched to find how accessible this information is to the students. The way the Daily made it to sound, was like it was the campaign's biggest issue and that the student body was actually greatly affected by it. First of all, I ask you as a student, do you know what it is? Secondly, I went and called the MSA office, the Student Council Office, Student Affairs, the Univer- sity Public Affairs office and the Assistant Dean's office, and was told by all offices that no one knew about this program. If this is such a big issue, why can't I find out about it? I am a student at this University aren't I? I'll tell you why. The administration's program has not be advertised to us students. Rather, it is a program that has been advertised to the elected officials to join. It is not an issue. But when interviewed by the Daily it was the first question asked to (Tudisco) and Mesh. They didn't ask why they were running, nor did they ask what is the biggest concern for students as they saw it. Rather, it was asked to them, because they knew there was no possible way they could answer it. The Daily has misrepre- crossed it. Today, you will have a chance to change things. The issues as well as information must trickle down to the students. That is what (Tudisco) and Mesh want. Ironically it seems to me that neither the Univer- sity, the MSA, or the Daily want this. RAFAEL ARRILLAGA LSA JUNIOR Vote Liberty for change To THE DAILY: I found your editorial on the MSA presidential tickets in Tuesday's Daily ("Vote Michigan Party: Rose, Mehta will provide strong leadership," 326/96) rather amusing, and would like to clarify the record on a few issues that were and were not mentioned. The Liberty Party program is one of vision and insight into real change. We have identified real prob- lems with the structure of the Michigan Student Assembly and the way it operates. Unlike the pessimism that we see in the national candidacy of Pat Buchanan the Liberty Party is optimistic. Our plans are based on past and current programs which work, while gutting those that do not. To say that our plan is utopian is a compliment. 1, quite frankly, do not want to have a doomsday view of the future of MSA, and I'm sure the editorial staff of the Daily feels the same way. The keystone of the party is our plan to change the funding structure of MSA from one that is mandatory to one that is voluntary. It is rather revolting to me to see my opposition and the Daily scoff at this idea as being utterly ridiculous. It is revolutionary, true; but ridiculous it is not. Coer- cion, which is currently used to get MSA's funding, breeds ill will. The Liberty Party plan goes one step more, too. The fees for MSA, the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union and Student Legal Services will be voluntary. Students will have the choice as to whether or not they want their money going to these entities. The Liberty Party plan includes a provision for at least 90 percent of the collected monies to actually go to student groups, up from a paltry 37 percent (the current rate). Students will be able to check off the groups that will receive their money, too! We think that this is a great plan, and others should seriously investigate it. is a severe parking shortage on both Central and North Campus, and the party seeks to have MSA vigorously work on this problem and actually bring direct results to the students. The Liberty Party would make much-needed improve- ments within the student governing structure and within the University itself. It is the party's belief that most of these changes would be supported by the student body, and that is precisely the reason we are running candidates in this election and will be running candi- dates in future elections. MARTIN F. HOWRYLAK LSA JUNIOR Students' Party is best choice To THE DAILY: As the Roman writer Lucan put it, "Don't consider anything to be done if anything is left to be done." If any words could describe the attitudes toward MSA of Jonathan Freeman and Olga Savic, it would be these. They are not content with a few projects here and there. They are not simply going to stand on a few issues that have some kind of mass-appeal. Freeman and Savic not only actively search out issues that students feel are important, they write these things down with the sole intention of doing everything in their power to achieve them. The platforms of the parties may not seem too drastically different. But as Fiona Rose so eloquently put it, "The differences between the parties are the people involved." However, that view swings both ways. What she is essentially saying is, "Hey, screw the issues and focus on the people." With that attitude in mind, I must choose Freeman and Olga because I believe that not only do they have the experience in dealing with campus institutions, but they really do care. Since Fiona has forced me to make up my mind on the basis of personality and not politics, I have to take a closer look at everyone who is running. The determining factors for me have been consistency, integrity and vision. Olga and Jonathan have not taken the easy way out. They have not sacrificed the cause for the immediate goal. They did not bail on their parties. In Probir's defense, however, I must admit that his circumstances were rather extenuating. He beliefsyst emto yourpmctice of those beliefs B ecause college is a major iden tity-forming stage, religious tur- moil is pretty likely to occur. If you disagree with me, tell that to the Moonies, the Scientologists, The Way Interna- tional and several a Ii == Y other non-main- stream religions that actively try to recruit kids on col- lege campuses. Tell that to the . K commune that tried to recruit me at a Grateful Dead KATIE show withpeanut HUTCHINS butter and jelly sandwiches and the promise of long, fun and enlight- ened hours riding in a camper with 20 of my closest friends.4 Tell that to the valid and valuable psychic hotlines and the people who offer to read palms, Tarot cards and past lives on campuses across the country. Tell that to all the people walking around with "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" or "The Tao of Pooh" who now con- sider themselves experts on far-East- ern philosophies. We no longer embrace these theo- ries without skepticism. The negativ- ity associated with hippies and beat- niks seeking an enlightened view of the world has scared many from look- ing into the beyond. Perhaps this is why the Church of Scientology has retreated somewhat from its religious image in favor of a more scientific base. No longer does it tell you that youwere once a thetan, a god-like creature with telekinetic and telepathic powers, unhindered by human flaws, such as the common cold and less imperfect vision. Rather, the church focuses on self- help, improvement ofwork and study habits, seminars, books, tapes and programs that make you live a better life. Ever see the "Dianetics" flyers in virtually every University build- ing and coffee shop? That's the work of the Scientologists, praising the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard and urging you to buy the book. Never mind the guy once said the best way to make a lot of money is to start your own religion. It often recruits people with a free "personality test," a survey consist- ing of questions about your life and social relationships that - not sur- prisingly - seem also to ask how easily you'll be brainwashed. (E.g. Do you like to follow the crowd o form your own path?). As the dutiful rebellious Catholic, I took the Scientologists up on the of- fer and was told via line graph that there are significant flaws in two as- pects ofmy personality. I laterlearned that everyone is told they have flaws. And the best way to get rid of these and become god-like is to shell out a lot of money to get better. I was told that psychology was be- ing phased out - which kind of bummed me out because I was plan- ning to major in psychology - and that this new, enlightened science was more able to help people out. The money is spent on auditing sessions, in which you get hooked up to an E-meter (a crude lie detector) and are put into a trance so you can go back to childhood memories and get rid of your personality flaws. These sessions are meant to cure you of your engrams, which are the conse- quence of the evildoings by the ga- lactic emperor Xenu, who is now banished to some mountaintop some- where. It all makes a lot of sense, consider- ing Hubbard is an accomplished sci- ence fiction writer. But what doesn't make sense is that our favorite idols we obviously wish to emulate - John Travolta, Nicole Kidman, Kirstie Alley and Tom Cruise - are ardent Scientologists. But not everyone believes in Xenu's evil powers. Some like to concen- trate on Tarot cards and past lives. So not only have I been told I used to be a god-like creature, but I also used to be a waitress in Ireland who died during childbirth. I'm not saying Xenu, Tarot powers and palm reading are invalid. They might have some merit. But-justas those neo- Zen Buddhists who read hip books and know nothing about the true nature of the philosophy - many ofthe followers are unaware of the basic tenets behind them. .J I EDrTORs' NOTE Due to circumstances beyond our control, The Michigan Daily did not reach all ofour readers yesterday. In light of this, we would like to reaffirm our support for the Students' Party candidates for LSA-Student Government. Presidential candidate James Kovacs and vice presidential candidate Sara Deringer have the right combination of experience, vision and nracticality to effectively lead LSA-SG.j p kI