4 The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 27, 1996 ahje ! ['rrl igFUt 3 ttil 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors NOTABLE QOTABLE 1I think leadership is not something you do to people, like fixing their teeth - it's what unlocks our potential.' -Sen. BillBradley (D-N.J.) discussing the importance of leadership at his book signing Monday night at Borders JIM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Students' for LSA4G T U5ED T-O ErOY DRS5 t. NGCASUAL. AT THE OFFICF-. YEAH, BEPOR.EE THE BOSS S;AV%. 'BRAVE HEAR-F.a Kovacs, Deringer bring Michigan Student Assembly elections MJ.often overshadow another important election on campus - for LSA Student Gov- ernment. This year, three slates are vying for presidency and vice presidency. The parties' platforms are similar, but the candidates are vastly different. Only one slate has the neces- sary experience and skills to lead the body: Students' Party presidential candidate James Kovacs and vice presidential candidate Sara Deringer. Kovacs and Deringer ran for the same positions last year and lost. They earned The Michigan Daily's endorsement then, and deserve it still. While their styles are low-key, and they are less outspoken than their opponents', they possess the necessary experience, lead- ership and ability to effectively lead the gov- 'ernment and represent the students. Kovacs has been on the government for three years. In addition to serving as its treasurer, he has served on nearly all of its committees. He is widely within LSA-SG. Deringer also has served as representative on the body for two years. Like Kovacs, she participated in many committees and served as chief judiciary. Their platform consists of many solid ideas. They advocate the expansion ofcourses that the Race and Ethnicity Requirement encompasses, they plan to fight to keep prac- tical journalism courses in the communica- tion department and they want to create an LSA-SG newsletter for constituents. Not only will these initiatives enhance the government's profile on campus, but they will improve student life as well. Their ex- tensive experience on the body will be a great asset in translating these ideas into tangible results. Dedicated and driven, Kovacs and Deringer are genuinely interested in improv- ing conditions for LSA students. The Wolverine Party, led by presidential experienced leadership candidate Jeff Berger and vice presidential candidate Barry Rosenberg, shows potential. Berger has been a representative since 1993 and Rosenberg since last year. Many of their good ideas - pushing back the drop/add deadline by a few weeks and reforming the credit/workload system - are shared by the two other slates. Their more original proposals border on implausible. They want to award bonuses to Graduate Student Instructors who are good teachers and to reform the tenure system to foster more focus on undergraduate students. Yet the candidates are not sure how the University can implement such reforms. Berger and Rosenberg continually flaunt their connections within the LSA adminis- tration. While such contacts may afford them easy access to decision-makers, it is a trou- bling prospect. They could compromise im- portant student positions in order to maintain such contacts. This would undermine the purpose ofthe organization and lead students to question whose interests the duo represent - the students' or their own. The Michigan Party slate, led by presi- dential candidate Paul Scublinsky and vice presidential candidate Eve Madison, put forth a platform delineating the problems. Scublinsky, an MSA representative, is famil- iar with the organization and issues confront- ing it. Madison is a true outsider; she has never held a position on LSA-SG. While enthusiastic, her inexperience would hamper progress. She's more of a cheerleader than a serious campus leader.However, the pair are the only candidates discussing the need to retrain Code jurors and restructure the jury selection system - despite the election's outcome, the winners should push for this initiative. Vote Students' Party for LSA-SG. i/ LETmERS TO THE EDITOR Vote!s Elections, ballot proposals affect students f traditions hold fast, only about 15 per- cent of students will vote today and tomor- row in the elections for the Michigan Student Assembly and the LSA Student Government. Eighty-five percent of students will not take the time to check a few boxes and make their voice heard. That means the vast majority of students think student politics on this campus do not really affect them. Election after elec- tion the apathy perpetuates itself- and each round the student voice on this campus sounds more and more strained. Often it seems to the average campus dweller that student leaders are a clique of people who sit in their committees and talk about forming new committees. But these leaders also represent students to the admin- istration. A regent, dean or the next president of the University may not have contact with many students other than these student lead- ers. When someone has to lobby the admin- istration about an increase in tuition rates or changes to the curriculum, students must elect a representative to speak in their place. When that person goes to speak on behalf of student needs, the administration will have trouble taking seriously a student backed by a 10-percent vote of the student body. Empowerment is a buzz word thrown around casually these days, but voting is one of the few chances students have to get their voice heard. It's time to take advan- tage of it. Ballot proposals In addition to deciding who will represent the students of the University, this week's tional dollar to be added to student fees for the expressed purpose of making child care services available to students. Most of the money would be distributed by the Office of Financial Aid in the form of child care tuition vouchers, and be available to students with children. While the number of students with young children has not been clearly deter- mined, there are more than 2,000 children living on North Campus; this institution has been too lax for too long in making sure that higher education at the University is a viable option for as many parents with young chil- dren as possible. The other three proposals involve MSA task forces and commissions. The first two proposals would give the North Campus and the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Task Forces com- mission status. Making the Lesbian/Gay/ Bisexual Task Force into an official com- mission gives overdue support from the stu- dent assembly to one ofthe most consistently underrepresented groups on campus. It is time that students spoke out with their votes and did something about it. The North Cam- pus Task Force has proved over the past year that its work is not only important to a lot of students who use the forgotten part of cam- pus, but that they can accomplish their goals. They deserve recognition. On the other hand, the Peace and Justice commission, while well-intentioned in the 1960s as a lobbing group against war, has not fulfilled any service for students in quite some time. The ballot proposal, which is just a formality, would eliminate the useless commision. It's just a formality; students no- t nn.m- ther..At-r n itm tof,11vCtei Candidate contradicts her stance TO THE DAILY: Michigan Student Assembly presidential candidate Fiona Rose said in regard to Students' Party campaigning during last year's election that "We spent more time tearing down the assembly and building up ourselves." ("Rose, Mehta to represent Michigan Party on ballot ," 3/11/96). As her running mate during that election, this comment was surprising to me; surprising because Fiona Rose was, in fact, the heart of the very campaign that she criticizes. It also surprises me that any party would knowingly run a candidate for MSA president who would, by her own admission, tear down the assembly, in addition to embezzling assembly monies, selectively follow assembly rules to her own advantage and work for positive change, not for its inherent positive effects on the student body, but rather for its positive effects on her own political agenda. Then again, these are the same qualities of the last Michi- gan Party presidential candidate. So, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised -just ashamed to have run with her. BRIAN ELuOT FORMER STUDENTS' PARTY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Attacks on Rose are unfounded TO THE DAILY: It deeply saddens me that so many people have lined up to attack Fiona Rose. Most of the attacks are personal; it's difficult to attack Rose on the issues. She is one of themost capable student leaders at any campus anywhere. Apparently, the overwhelm- ing majority of students feel this way because few candidates have ever done as well as she has in MSA elections. I wish these people who have made these vicious attacks could see how hard Fiona works. In addition to her classes and MSA work, she works countless nights at Espresso Royale Cafe. Unfortunately, she didn't have $5,000 from her father to spend on the MSA election. I question the motives of Fiona's detractors. Much of it is ex-boyfriend/ex- who attack her would be lauding her competence, her ingenuity and herhhard work. I hope that in the coming days that the personal attacks on Fiona can cool off. No one deserves to go through what she has gone through. JON WINICK LSA JUNIOR Freeman, Savic are dedicated TO THE DAILY: Yesterday's editorial "Vote Michigan Party: Rose, Mehta will provide strong leadership" (3/26/96), reflects a bias, or a personal dispute with Students' Party candidate Jonathan Freeman, and a misinformed view of the tireless and thankless work that Olga Savic has done to support her constitu- ency. To state that "Jonathan needs Olga as a babysitter" is to undermine the credibil- ity of the Daily as a re- spected and well written publication. Such immature journalistic slander is obviously a personal attack on the character of a man who has given and done so much for his friends, his party and certainly the student body. This personal attack lacks objectivity and is certainly unfounded. As a current member of the assembly and as a constitu- ent through much of Jonathan's fall term as representative, I stood in awe and gained a respect for one of the most sincere, principled, altruistic and hard-working assembly members MSA has ever seen. Jonathan's altruism is probably one of the main reasons he was not elected last term; instead of concen- trating on his own personal election bid, he put the work of his party, and that of the assembly first. Jonathan's motion to recall himself was not selfish, nor a political maneuver - rather it was a selfless effort to maintain accountability on an assembly that sometimes loses focus on its main goal: To help students in anyway possible. For example, rJonathan's motion to reconsider buying an expensive computer for MSA. He was more con- cerned that this money should be disbursed among the students and utilized for supporting the initiatives of student groups. With regard to the political slams on Savic, I defy you to find a more actively involved representa- tive on the assembly. In fact, I am willing to bet that you action when she converted MSA's Communications Committee this term into one of the most successful and vital committees MSA has seen in a long time. And she most certainly demonstrated her activism when she lobbied the administration on behalf of the Graduate Employees Organization earlier this term. The assembly needs leaders like Jonathan and Olga who are not afraid to take control and offer vitality, fresh ideas and a genuine heartfelt desire to work for students. If the Daily can classify their efforts and examples as "rhetoric," then apparently the Michigan Party has nothing to say at all. Of course that is what we would expect from past precedents, now isn't it. MICHAEL NAGRANT LSA REPRESENTATIVE WOLVERINE PARTY Rose has integrity TO THE DAILY: Fiona Rose is no Stalin ("Rose lacks integrity," 3/20/ 96). Stalin was a ruthless dictator who killed countless Russian peasants. Perhaps it is true that Fiona is almost as intimidating as Stalin, especially to her opponents. After all, she is a very tall, intelligent and talented woman. But the fact is that there is no reason for anyone to be comparing her to a dictator and murderer. Rose has put a great deal of time and energy into the Michigan Student Assembly, as well as her current campaign. It is ridiculous to question her supreme dedication, unrelenting commitment and highly mature sense of responsibil- ity. Rose is one of those rare individuals who just seems born to lead. She has a political nature; she is trusted, respected and admired. People like her. But Fiona also has the humility to recognize that with the admiration of her fellow students comes a responsibility to them. She wants to help improve the quality of life of all students here at the University, which is precisely why she is running for president of MSA. She has been able to help do so much as a member of MSA that she realizes as president, there is even more she could do. Beyond this, I think we need to recognize that mudslinging, insults and blatant exaggerations are no way to critique or question a political opponent. None of us will ever be able to take LAsT-DrcH APPEAL How could Congress be so ... dumb? I n their latest bout of inanity, House Republicans voted on Fri- day to repeal the ban on 19 types of assault weapons. True, some Demo- crats voted for the repeal, and some Republicans voted against it. But this was a Republican measure, and we can take it as further evidence that the Republicans, by and large, are simply too dumb to run the country. In saying this. I am guilty of a lowering even w n further the levelx of our nation's public dis- course, but when we look at what the crazies did,' JORDAN it becomes clear ..JRA that dumb is the STANCIL only way to de- scribe it. First of all, huge majorities of the public support the ban on assault weapons. Secondly, the repeal of the ban is unlikely to be passed by the Senate, and certainly would never be signed by the president. So, besides not accomplishing what they want, these shrewd mas- ters ofthe political chess game have allowed themselves to be tagged with a highly unpopular vote.Maybe they don't even want to hang on to Congress this year. However, when one considers the role of the National Rifle Associa- tion, things make a little more sense. According to The New York Times, Republican leaders rationalized their action based on the fact that they had promised the NRA a vote on the issue. Maybe it's a coinci- dence that the NRA is a major con- tributor to Republicai campaigns, but I suspect otherwise. Still, I think there's more to the story than just corrupt politics, al- though there's plenty of that too It isn't just money from the gun lobby that keeps the gun control debate alive. The worst part is that some of 'these congressmen actually believe that everybody has the right to own an assault weapon. Why? How could anybody be so ... well ... dumb? Rep. Gerald B. H. Solomon (R- N.Y.) spoke in favor of the repeal. He said, "My wife lives alone five days a week in a rural area in upstate New York. She has a right to defend herself when I'm not there, son. And don't you ever forget it." With this remark, Solomon con- jured up images of the strong fron- tier woman, ready to fight all com- ers even when herman is not around. And thus exists the fantasy world where the true gun-lover lives. It is a dangerous world, where lone indi- viduals, geographically and spiritu- ally outside the reach of a protective government have to fend for them- selves, eat or be eaten. It's a world where a man protects his family, and when the man leaves, he tells his oldest son to "look after your mother." Thiseis the same mindset that makes little boys (but for some rea- son not little girls) say, "Cool!" when someone gets blown away on the movie screen. The problem is that too many men appear to have carried this attitude into adulthood, even into Congress. Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) is aman who grew out of the boyhood belief that violence is cool. His was a voice of reason in Friday's floor debate. "Target shooters have a right to weapons, but an Uzi oran AK-47 has no legitimate purpose in the civilian population," said Hyde. It is unclear how anyone could disagree with that statement. Of course, the gun lovers like to bring out their legalistic arguments. "It doesn't matter whether people should have these guns," they'll say. "The point is that the Constitution gives us the right to bear arms, and if the government takes that away, who knows what will be next?" But the Second Amendment gives the people the right to bear arms only for the express purpose of main- taining a "well-regulated militia." The gun lovers rely on their own personal, abridged version of the amendment, which says simply that the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed. That's be- cause they're not interested in mili- tias or in things that are "well-regu- lated." They are interested in - fascinated by - this paranoid idea of everybody protecting himself or herself. After a man was shot to death in Texas during an argument over a w 10 A IS oS I I d I I