Viva Italia!
The Fellini film festival begins tonight at the Michigan Theater with a
showing of the late-legendary director's 1974 film "Amarcord." The
event runs through next week with the screening of a different film
each day. Don't miss this special cinematic occasion. Showtimes and
admission prices vary.
March 22,1996
CIVshuns violence, keeps on moving
ly Colin Batos Revelation. Arthur and Sammy decided it would be music and that'sjust what it is. We got called sell-outs
laily Arts Writer fun andjoined in.GuitaristCharlie came from Cleve- all year ... I don't care anymore. ... I've become
With all the focus on "punk" musicthese days, CIV land to join the band as well. The single, "Can't Wait disgusted with people labeling themselves so much.
as already attracted a little bit of attention. Their One Minute More," went so well that the members of ... OK, I listen to Pearl Jam so I'm supposed to wear
ATV hit "Can't Wait One Minute More" has been the band decided to concentrate full-time on this Doc Martens and shorts and grow my hair long ... I
lastered all over the place, but this single does not project. And CIV was born. Walter Schreifels pro- listen to classicalso I'll wear a big powdered wig and
ven begin to describe the band's true talent. duced the debut album, "Set Your Goals," which was knickers ... what's that all about?"
CIV has only been together for a little more than a released on Atlantic Records. Even though it would seem as though as some are
'ear, but its members have been together for more than CIV's members had played on many of the more digging into the past by trying to revive New York
,ears. Around 1986, groups like significant indie labels at vari- City hard-core, Arthur disagreed and said things have
outh of Today and the Cro-Mags 1 ous times, and when asked why changed. "I think it's a lot healthier, the New York
ounded a movement of hard-core CIV didn't go the indie route, scene now.... It's not a hard-core scene, it's not an
nusic in New York City, which was civ Arthur explained: "A couple of alternative scene, it's more likea music scene. I like
pposedtotheold punkstandards of ! labels made offers and we de- it a lot better now ... because I hate nostalgia and the
runkenness and violence. This was St. Andrew 's Hall cided if we were gonna do this idea of glorifying the past -- it's giving up. I like the
he straight-edge movement, which March 8, 1996 full-time, a major label is really idea of constantly going forward. That's what life is
dvocated ideals of pacifism, and -- the only way to go ... nothing about ... to keep moving."
rug-, alcohol- and meat-free lives. against indies. When (Atlantic) CIV does keep moving ... all over the stage. They
Gorilla.Biscuits was one of the pioneers of this signed the band it was understood that they would be rocked St. Andrew's Hlall harder than any time I can
novement and one of the most influential bands at laissez-faire and they would give us the money to do remember. After some early fun was provided by the
0ime. The group included Walter Schreifels ofthe the record ... we had full creative input ... it was a warm-up bands AlligatorGun and BrutalJuice (whose
ow-defunct Quicksand, as well as three of CIV's dream scenario." only talent seemed to be the lead singer's ability to
nembers: lead vocalist Civ, bassist Arthur and drum- "Set Your Goals" is a hard-core assault on the crush an apple with his forehead and play with it the
ner Sammy. senses: 17 songs in 31 minutes, which range from the whole set), CIV took the stage.
Gorilla Biscuits released "Start Today" on Revela- poppy "Set Your Goals" and "Can't Wait One Minute The almost full-capacity crowd.jumped and skanked
ion Records in early 1989, and shortly after, it de- More," to the rage of "Do Something" and "Et Tu from the opening belt of "So Good, So Far ... So
ided on a mutual and graceful retirement. Arthur Brute?" Arthursaidthat"the style ofmusic is, I would What?" through almost every song on "Set Your
alked about the end of Gorilla Biscuits. think, a graduation or continuation of what Gorilla Goals." Even when CIV played a new song, "Social
"(Schreifels) knew when to call GB quits ... before Biscuits would have done." The lyrics are all very Climate," the crowd went nuts.
t became a mockery," Arthur said. "GB had become positive, something Gorilla Biscuits was also known In between songs, lead singer Civ was as animated
joke and it wasn't the band that it was ... it was for. as ever, telling about CIV's debut live performance
r ingon its laurels. I was a part of that band and I'm Arthur shunned the notion that they might be naive: (at St. Andrew's, no less) anid encouraging the kids to
lyproud ofthatit wasone ofthefewbands that did "Not to say that everything's perfect - we're not a dance, skank and circle pit, just like in the old days.
bow outgracefully." bunch of morons with rose-colored glasses." This The setended withthe Gorilla Biscuit classic,"Sitting
When asked about the whole straight-edge move- album has received a lot of critical acclaim, and CIV Round At Home." This was to the delight of all the
nent, Arthur replied, "I was totally into it ... but like has hence been dubbed "the revivers of New York old-school kids in the crowd, who stirred the pit into
tnything else,it kindakilleditself. Andtheelement of hard-core," a label which Arthur shrugged off as "not an absolute frenzy.
violence came in and I disappeared for a while ... I even important anymore." CIV is definitely having fun, and doing it in a
didn't want to do (that) anymore. ... You grow up." Arthur had something to say about the labeling of positive way. With the violence left home and the
CIV was formed in 1995, when Schreifels and Civ different kinds of music: "I'm really suspicious of music to make the kids happy, CIV provided one of
tarted talking about doing a seven-inch record for terms like 'hard-core' or 'alternative', you know, it's the best concerts this reviewer has ever attended.
CIV is happy to be part of the new and improved New York music scene.
Entertainment includes:
3:30 Indian Classical Dance
3:40 Classical German Songs
3:55 Thai Student Association
Ponglang Dance
4:20 Folk Dancing and Music
from Turkey
4:40 Bichini Bia Congo
Friday, March 22
3:00 - 5:00pm
Sample food from
around the world
15 countries represented
Various Artists
Music From and Inspired by
'he Motion Picture
"Dead Man Walking"
olumbia Records
irector Tim Robbins' kick-in-the-
film about life on death row has
tlready made an impact on the public's
ocial conscience. What may go unap-
preciated, however, is the film's musi-
cal companion piece that continues the
dark flow of emotions where the film
eft off. Some of the music industry's
rue story tellers were given a rough cut
>f the film and left to weave music
troundthefeelingsthefootage inspired.
album that ensued is as melancholy
powerful as the film itself.
Bruce Springsteen's "Dead Man
Walkin"' is a whittled-down acoustic
ook into the mind of a death row in-
nate contemplating the "pale horse"
he'll soon ride. The Boss' gravelly,
everyman vocals might have jumped
traight from the mouth of the film's
nain character, Matthew Poncelet.
Mary Chapin Carpenter's soaring vo-
Is might bethe softer side ofthe same
e in her own "Dead Man Walking
A Dream Like This)."
Lyle Lovett's "Promises" and Steve is a more bluesy, knee-slapping tune.
Earle's "Ellis Unit One" are also spare The fast wisdom, one might say.
on fancy instruments and long on hon- And speaking of wisdom, we come
est, guitar-plucking storytelling. Earle to Johnny Cash. Eye for eye/Heart for
especially crawls under the listener's heart ... Tooth for tooth/Someone said
skin with his tale of a death row guard what is truth?" Cash drawls in an al-
pleading in a Tennessee drawl for the most sing-song tune, nudging not-so-
lord to "sweeeeng low" and carry him gently at those that have become too
away from the horrors of execution. comfortable eating their"fundamental-
Suzanne Vega ist pie" lately.
seethes in theruin- Good old Johnny.
bling "Woman on The ever angst-
the Tier,"and Patti ridden Eddie
Smith's haunting ! /Vedder also teams
wail flows above , up with Pakistani
themusictothesi- quwaali singer
lent place a pris- Nusrat Fateh Ali
oner takes his last Khanfortwoofthe
steps in "Walkin' album's most
Blind." Michelle haunting songs.
Shocked's "Qual- Although lie does
ity of Mercy," on Lyle's tiny. No wonder Julia left himI not sing a word of
the otherhand, isa English, Khan's
soulful, percussion-driven jam question- tortured wail (much like Vedder's) tran-
ing just who deserves redemption in the scends language boundaries and heads
eyes of the lord. straight to the heart. "The Face of Love"
Of course, what would a good com- and "The Long Road" bring a different
pilation album be without a few tunes type of spirituality to an already emo-
from the thundering Tom Waits? "The tional album.
Fall of Troy"is theslow brand of Waits' Robbins cannot be credited with the
unique wisdom. "It's the same with talent of the artists who spread "Dead
men as with horses and dogs / nothing Man Walking's story through their
wants to die," Waits growls over soft music.They weresomeoftheindustry's
guitar, bass and clarinet. "Walk Away" greatest long before Robbins donned
his director's cap. What he can be cred-
ited with, however, is a vision. He saw
the power of his film and knew the
musicians who could bring a voice to
his visual experience. And that alone,
my friends, deserves an Oscar.
- Kari JTones
Martha Cook Building
906 South University (next to the Law Quad)
to the Public Free Admission
If you are a healthy. 18-50 year old male, and your weight is between 110
and 220 pounds, you may qualify for a medication research study.
You must not have a history of: You must not:
" Ulcers " Take daily prescription medications
* Allergies to Aspirin or Ibuprofen
Payment for completing this study is $2,422.00.
For more information, please call Ann or Barb at (313) 996-7051,
Mon. - Fri., 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis, Community Research Clinic,
2800 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
7th Annual Spiritual Seminar at UM
Sponsored by Students In Christ
March 22-24
Speaker: Dr. Patrick Mead, Morgantown, West Virginia
Friday, 7:30pm- "Something Is Out'There"at
Modern Language Building, rm. B110
Saturday, 3:30pm- 'f'The fReiabi yotfWlie'Bilte"
* at the Pond Room, Michigan Union
7:30pm- "'Diragons and'DinSaurS"at
the Pond Room, Michigan Union
Sunday, 8:30am & 10:30am- "The frSt Cause" at
the Church of Christ, 530 W. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor, across from
Pioneer High School
For more information, call Shone Brooks at 668-6734, or call 662-2756.
Student Rush Tickets - Second Balcony
$6 with student ID while they last!
Student Rush Tickets available at the League Ticket Office,
Wed., Thurs., & Fri. 10 AM-6 PM and
1 hour before the performance at Hill Box Office