8A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 21, 1996 NATION/WORLD House passes controversial umigiation bill . The Washington Post WASHINGTON - The House of Rpresentatives voted yesterday to give sttes the option of denying free public education to the children of illegal im- migrants. The vote,on the second day ofdebate ot a controversial immigration bill, came after House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) made a rare floor speech urging members to support the measure, an amendment sponsored by Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.). The amendment passed 257 to 163. A vote on the overall bill is expected this week. The provision, which opponents de- nounced as unconstitutional, appears certain to revive a controversy over the legal and moral basis for refusing edu- Technique detects Alzheimer's 'bad spots' BOSTON (AP) - For the first time, brain images have captured the insidious destruction of approaching Alzheimer's disease in people whose thinking and memory are still rich and vigorous. Combining brain scans with careful genetic screening, doctors can actually see bad spots inside the brain that are the all-but-certain early stages of the devastating illness. This latest innovation means doctors may be able to diagnose Alzheimer's more than a decade before it actually starts to steal its victims' mental powers. "Accurate and early detection of Alzheimer's disease has been a goal for many years. This study shows it is pos- sible to do that," said Zaven Khachaturian, director of the Alzheimer's Association's Ronald and Nancy Reagan Research Institute, named for the disease's most famous recent victim. Many experts, however, caution against screening for impending Alzheimer's disease in completely healthy people because no one can pre- dict precisely when the disease will start - or do anything to stop it. The new technique is part of a whirl- wind of research that over the last three years has brought doctors much closer to understanding and perhaps even treating Alzheimer's disease. All of it stems from the surprise discovery that a gene impli- cated in heart disease also appears to be involved in most Alzheimer's cases. Dr. Eric Reiman and colleagues from Good Samaritan Regional Medical Cen- ter in Phoenix began with a blood test for the suspect gene and coupled its results with a form of brain imaging called positron-emission tomography - PET for short. They published their results in today's issue ofthe New England Journal of Medicine. The gene is known as apolipoprotein E, or apo E. It comes in three varieties -apo E-2, E-3 and E-4. It turns out that the E-2 version of the gene protects people from getting Alzheimer's, while -4 makes it start at a younger age. The risk from E-3, the most common apo E gene, falls in between. Bill says states may deny immigrants free education cation, health and social welfare ser- vices to illegal immigrants. In 1994, Californians overwhelm- ingly approved a ballot initiative, Propo- sition 187, to do just that, but it was immediately tied up in court. Last No- vember, a federal judge in California declared key parts of the measure un- constitutional on grounds that the au- thority to regulate immigration belongs exclusively to the federal government. Moreover, a 1982 U.S. Supreme Court decision struck down a Texas law that would have stopped illegal alien chil- dren from attending public schools. While the likelihood of new legal challenges may limit the immediate practical effect of yesterday's vote, the amendment's approval marked the first time a key component of Proposition 187 has been accepted at the congres- sional level. The amendment says that the right to a free public education "promotes vio- lations of the immigration laws" and "creates a significant burden on states' economies." Therefore, it adds, "states should not be obligated" to provide education to illegal aliens and can check immigration and other documents to determine whether a child is in the country legally. Gallegly said the measure would not apply to the U.S.-born children of ille- gal aliens. In promoting the amendment, Gallegly argued that allowing illegal immigrant children to attend public schools has encouraged illegal immi- gration, with "devastating" effects for the U.S. education system. "Just because someone has busted through the door, that does not entitle them to the contents of the home," he said. "Illegal immigrants belong back in their country of origin, and we should do everything we can to encourage them to embrace that simple idea." Backing those arguments in his floor speech, Gingrich said, "Offering free, tax-paid goods to illegals has increased the numberofillegals." He added, "This used to be the land of opportunity - now it's the land of welfare." Gingrich said the nation should be sending the message: "Come to America for opportunity. Do not come to America to live off the law-abiding, American taxpayer." Rep. John Bryant (D-Tex.), a co- sponsor of the immigration bill who is running for his party's Senate nomina- tion, argued that emergency medical treatment and childrens' education tra- ditionally have been exempted from sanctions. Calling the Gallegly amend ment "extreme" and "absolutely ille- gal," he said its adoption "would b tragedy." He asked, "Why would we want a population of children in this country to not be in school?" In a subsequent floor speech, Bryant sharply criticized Gingrich for helping to pass what he described as a "deal- breaker" amendment that would cause President Clinton to veto a bill contain- ing it. He called Gingrich's interven- tion "very partisan" and "not befitting the office of Speaker of the House." Court: '90 census to stand despite racial undercounts A Chinese surface-to-air missile being launched during joint air and naval exercises held by China's People's Liberation Army in mid-March in the East China and South China Seas. *d r China ties to iate voters with footage of weaponry The Washington Post WASHINGTON - By a unanimous vote, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the federal government need not statistically adjust census figures to com- pensate for the undercounting of blacks, Hispanics and other minority groups in the nation's cities and along the border. The decennial census figures are of great consequence because they are used, among other purposes, to draw congressional districts and to calculate federal funding to states. The U.S. Conference of Mayors im- mediately criticized the decision as undermining "the fair and just distribu- tion of political representation ... espe- cially now, in a period when demo- graphics are rapidly changing and fed- eral aid is rapidly shrinking." Yesterday's case arose after New York, several other cities andcivil rights groups challenged the Commerce Department's decision not to revise upward some cities' 1990 population counts. The department, which is the parent agency for the Census Bureau, had questioned the value of adjusting the figures although it acknowledged that blacks had been undercounted by 4.8 percent, Hispanics by 5.2 percent, Native Americans by 5 percent and Asian Pacific Islanders by 3.1 percent. By not statistically compensating for omissions, New York asserted, the Commerce Department violated minori- ties' rights. ThestatesofWisconsin and Oklahoma entered the lawsuit on the side of the Commerce Department, try- ing to preserve their federal dollars un- der the 1990 count. The 2nd U.S. Court of Appeals in New York ruled for the cities, saying Commerce failed to make a good-faith effort to obtain an accurate population count. The lower court said the secretary's decision was subject to heightened judicial scrutiny because it affected the right to have one's vote counted and had a disproportionate impact on minorities. Reversing that ruling, the Supreme Court said the Constitution gives Con- gress almost unlimited discretion for the census and that Congress has delegated authority to the Commerce Secretary ChiefJustice William Rehnquistwr, "the secretary's decision not to adjust need bear only a reasonable relationship to the accomplishment of an actual enu- meration of the population." He said the Census Bureau had "made an extraordi- nary effort to conduct an accurate enu- meration, and was successful in counting 98.4 percent of the population." Rehnquist said, in 1 99J then-Com- merce Secretary Robert Mosbach fused to statistically adjust e headcount based on its uncertain value and whether it would make the censu better and the distribution of the popu- lation more accurate. Attorney Robert Rifkind, who repre sented New York, said Wednesday tha although his side lost he was heartene by a recent Commerce Department an nouncement that it would use som statistical surveys to supplement po g, lations for the census in 2000. The census became a political issu in the 1992 presidential campaign Democratic politicians, includin Ronald Brown, then chairman of th Democratic National Committee, ar gued that the George Bush administra tion deliberately refused to account fo inner-city residents. But Brown is no Commerce secretary, and in the cou case, the Clinton administration, fended broad commerce discretion the census count. Yesterday's opinion in Wisconsin v City of New York specifically did no address whether the Constitution migh prohibit the government from undertak ing a statistical adjustment in the future The Washington Post BEIJING - In a bristling display of Military muscle and nationalistic ardor before Saturday's presidential election in Taiwan, China's state television yes- terday aired extensive footage of its military exercises in the Taiwan Strait. Against abackground of roaring mis- siles and soldiers chanting their will- ingness to die for the motherland, China displayed its latest weaponry in action with a fleet of target ships in interna- tional waters west of Taiwan. A squad- ron of modern Su-27 fighters fired air- to-ground missiles while bombers re- leased their payloads and warships un- leashed torpedoes. "Imagine Mount Taishan falling on your head," the China Central Televi- sion announcer said as dozens of bombs fell toward their targets in the roiling sea. The rare public display of military might, broadcast across China on the main evening news program, was the latest element in China'spropagandacam- paign to intimidate voters in Taiwan. Last week, the national television network, which is regularly monitored by TV stations in Taiwan, showed four medium-range missiles being fired to targets near the Taiwan coast. If the campaign continues according to script, a final broadcast can be expected later this week, possibly showing an am- phibious landing on the chain of islands of China's eastern coast, where another round of military exercises is under way through March 25. The latest exercises, around Haitan Island offChina's Fujian Province, suf- fered a setback yesterday as fog and rain enveloped much of the coast. The Beijing-financed New Evening Post in Hong Kong reported that most soldiers involved remained in their camps yes- terday waiting for the weather to clear. How much China's military postur- ing will affect the vote in Taiwan's first presidential election will not be known until Saturday. China, which has vowed to invade Taiwan if the island declares independence from the mainland, is hoping the margin of victory of the expected winner, Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui, will be less than 50 percent of the total. Speaking at a news conference in Taipei, Lee said the Chinese military exercises have had the opposite of the intended result on Taiwan's population. "Communist China's military and air and sea exercises not only did not dis- turb our people's minds," Lee said, "it further put together the 21 million people's feeling of strength and unity." The two weeks of military propa- ganda already have had a significant impact on China itself, producing a resurgent wave ofnationalism that could have longer-term consequences than the current flap over Taiwan. After more than a decade of double- digit economic growth that has changed substantially the living standards ofmost people, many Chinese feel their coun- try and its army are worthy of respect equal to China's new economic clout. Some of the new nationalism has taken the form of anti-foreign and anti- American attitudes, particularly after the Clinton administrationordered two U.S. aircraft carrier groups to the area to keep an eye on China's exercises and monitor threats against Taiwan. eidltah n~tuilg THE UM SCHOOL OF MUSIC PRESENTS The Michigan Pops Orchestra Sunday, March 31 at 2pm Michigan Theater Showcasing music from Phantom of the Opera, Beauty and the Beast, West Side Story, Jurassic Park, and works by Copland, Elfman, Tchaikovsky Come hear the University's newest orchestra! i $6 general admission / $4 students, seniors, children Tickets available at the Michigan Union Ticket Office Charge by phone: 763-TKTS Sponsored by: UAC, Programming Grants Council, MSA, LSA Student Government, RHA, Rackham Student Government, KKI/TB Preparing Vessels of Honor at the Detroit Center of Theological Education Wayne State University Campus Accredited M.A., M. Div., D. Min. 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