eather onight: Mostly cloudy, low 0% omorrow: Mostly cloudy, igh 30'. It U ti One hundredjfve years ofeditorialfreedom Thursday March 21, 1996 So rx ^ ION a oposal estructures tudent fee, rograims curie Mayk aily Staff Reporter Student activities fees and program ing would be restructured and con- olidated under a recent proposal by ichigan Student Assembly Presiden lint Wainess. Wainess' proposal consolidates the tudent tuition fees for MSA, the Uni 'ersity Activities Center, WOLV tele Sn station and WCBN radio station nder one fee and creates a genera tudent programming board for the niversity. Vice President for Student Affair aureen Hartford said the program ing board would help to centraliz ecisions and evaluate programs. Sh >ffered to designate the Office of Stu lent Affairs' discretionary funds to he board for allocation to studen thought it was a good idea - so uch so, we would put our discretion ry money in student affairs into the po nd let that control that too," Hartfor aid." The board, consisting of representa ives from MSA, UAC, Minority Stu ent Services, the Dean of Students ffice, and several others, would bot Ian, fund and evaluate campus-wid rams. Wainess said the programs tId include core events, such a elcome Week and Homecoming, an d hoc projects such as MSA's lectur eries. "It would charge a body to determine hat core programs should continu ndatwhatlevel they should be funded, te said. Revenue from the consolidated fe vould be distributed among the organi .ations according to a formula agree by the groups, Wainess said. Th ee would be negotiated with the Uni ersity Board of Regents by the MSA resident each year. Waines said the proposal would al ow students to both track where thei oney goes and assure that it is used fo orthwhile programs. "It's a great thing for students to fin ut where people's money is going," ness said. he amount requested by the assem ly would determine the starting poin or the proportional fee allocation ainess said. The actual proposal, how ver, would represent a unanimous de ision of the groups. "MSA would not have sole control, aid WCBN general manager Terr Lorber. Hartford said the proposal would b more effective plan than the curren em of charging separate fees. he plan would more effectively di ect the available time and money, sai Frank Cianciola. "Student organizations on this cam See FEES, Page 2 -L 1 0 I4 t y e Soet F B s O r n r r s h. s~ ~~ OlvrSoe irco fsm d- most acclaimed and controversial f e of this era, spoke to a packed Hill A torium audience last night. Stone, whose recent films inc e "Natural Born Killers," "Nixon" ""JFK," spoke about his life as a f maker and the media's influenc e society. - "This evening is going to be a d paranoia and betrayal and danger e death," Stone said, playing off his - egade image. Stone said he began to questionr thority at a young age. During a 1 - hood trip to France, he said he r struck by the country's state of d r concerning its leaders' collabor with the Nazis. I "The vast majority of people " been neutral, and in some ways laborated with the Germans," Stone - Stone also said growing up in t I 950s during the McCarthy hear S and the Communist witch hunt - vided a backdrop to his later view - "It's very funny, being ac c of being paranoid all my life, w tthis was the way we were rais y he said.y Stone, whose irst success as a d e tor was in 1986 with the Acad t Award-winning "Platoon,"saidthe was based on largely autobiograpl - material. He described the sense o d tion he felt at its success. "It was a wonderful high, as go - it gets to be," Stone said. "The rev A were goodandthe boxoffice wasgc d tin hefeltat is sucess I , °. . ., s , , q a . f f, ', ., _, t B } r 1 11 .-I ". 1 7- - -.- -- I 'l- -77!7 .-Wil- 7 -V=,-.!F--M - 7MM -7-77 7 .7, -MA7,17-jr IZ--MAM.' ,Y °; . ! ; . .. v: -, 3 ; , 11 S t I I '.e F F 3. y * "2 d4I A snowstorm marred the first day of spring in southeastern Michigan, blacking out more than 100,000 power customers. The storm blew snow into two- foot drifts and caused at least one fatal crash. Conditions were windy but clear in much of the state. But the southeastern corner of the state was hit by snow just as spring began at 3:02 p.m. Left: In the Arb yesterday, locals Tony Dwyer, Geoff Grisdale and Marc Van Volkinburg (far left) sled down one of many paths available. JOE WESTRATE/Daily ,,-4,. r, V . " . s ., ,. .yt . ., rr e Lik on 'paranoia,' media hype Sessions continue on GEO contract By Anupama Reddy Daily Staff Reporter Members of the Graduate Employees Organization have not ruled out striking despite their plans to enter into mediation with the University on April 10. "If the contract isn't signed, the fight is still on," said GEO President Scott Dexter. "The fight can include work action, like a grade strike." GEO and University members spent yesterday's bargaining session extend- ing contracts to April 1 and discussing proposals about wages and international graduate student instructors. Both parties have also debated on whether the University should pay in- ternational GSIs for their three-week summer training and give them free housing or health benefits. Gamble said the University was not responsible for incoming international GSIs who have not actually taught classes. "They come to the United States and take this training," he said. "The reason we can't write them into a contract is because they aren't covered by the con- tract." GEO Bargaining Secretary Mike Sell said international GSIs were covered by the contract as soon as they were hired. "For international GSIs, a conditional offer of employment is unethical and possibly illegal according to our con- tract and the law," Sell said. Dexter agreed. "People are employ- ees as soon as they receive and accept their hire. It is the same for American GSIs who accept a job in April and do training in the (summer)." Gamble said the matter fell under the jurisdiction of the individual schools' deans. "The deans agree it's serious anc they want to look into it because (inter- national GSIs) are graduate students, Gamble said. "It's two sides looking at a problem from two different angles." The Michigan Employment Relations Commission appointed a familiar face tc both sides Tuesday. State mediator Charles Jamerison was assigned to the last contrac mediation between the two parties. Gamble said the purpose of media- tion is to speed up the contract talks. "A third person can get in there anc help us out," Gamble said. "Normally mediation is called for by one side or the other when they are at impasse. It' a step to get past the impasse." Sell said mediation is "the tough par of the fight. The membership is getting antsy." "No one wants to go into mediatior because it isn't fun," Sell said. See GEO, Page 2A f the ilms udi- Iude and ilm- e on bout and ren- au- boy- was enial ation had col- said. the rings pro- s. used vhen ed," irec- emy film hical fela- od as fews ood." , Stone said the film helped soci- ety come- to grips with its involve- ment in Vietnam, a release he said had been contained "like scorpions in a bottle." He also said America would have fought a similar war in Central America in the 1980s, had the Iran-Contra scan- dal not come to the surface. Stone said he is fearful of what he described as the country's tendency to forget and fabricate its own recent his- tory. "The Gulf of Tonkin was a wholly manufactured incident that 20 years later was proved to be a hoax," Stone said. "And the journalists believed it." When "JFK" was released in 1991, Stone said he felt the sting of the news media's bite. The film, which depicted an elabo- rate conspiracy working for the assassi- nation of President Kennedy, drew fire for his interpretation of the killing. "The price to pay is that I became the object of much criticism, partly from the political press," he said. "They (the press) want to make the news. They want to tell you what to think, what is fit to think." He warned of the media's growing monopoly on information. "I lived through this whole thing, where you watch the media go one way and then the other," Stone said. He described the press as "a vast beast that just sniffs where the wind goes." Stone encouraged upcoming gen- erations to question authority and so- cietal norms. "The '80s, and so far the '90s, have been an age of repression, JOE WESTRATE/Daily Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone muses about movies and politics to a packed house at Hill Auditorium last night. an age of conformity.... I look to the newer generation because that's where the brains lie, that's where the hopes lie." Students in the audience gave mixed reactions to Stone's ideas. "I think his personalizing history is very good, because that's how we expe- rience everyday events," said LSA jun- ior Kristin Smith. "It gives you a feel for the emotions he felt and the struggles he had," she said. Kinesiology senior Phil Daman said he was "disappointed" that in his speech Stone portrayed his work as fact instead of "the vision of one particular interpre- tation." "His truth is no more fact than that of anyone who he discounts," Daman said. "As a filmmaker, he should take history only as his definition of history." eynote speaker iecries violence By Laurie Mayk Daily Staff Reporter The risks are too high, and so are the expectations, said women's activist and author Evelyn White. White's speech last night focused on black women as sexual assault victims, survivors and prevention activists, kicking off a celebration of Rape Prevention Awareness ek and the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention ter's 10th anniversary. "For every three white women that are murdered, there are 12 black women who are murdered," White said. "Black women are being killed by design." Although White noted that "all blood is red," she stressed that men and white women are less likely to be raped, attacked or abused. "It is the lives of girls and women that are limited ... and rearranged because of violence," she said. Physical violence is not the only or the worst offense emitted against black women, she said. We have to deal with institutions of psychic violence as well ... both the super- and sub-human images that society holds of black women." White said society has trapped black women with ste- reotypes of drug-addicted, unwed mothers and expecta- tions of strong and powerful professionals. Either way, she said whites accuse black women of disrupting the TH E P, Bosnian war lingers for 'U' students By Alice Robinson Daily Staff Reporter For Ahmed Halilovic, dreams do come true. Bad ones. "This is like a terrible dream for me," said the Sarajevo native and Engineer- ing first-year student about the break- up of his country. "As of now, I don't have a place to return to." The homeland he and his family fled four years ago no longer exists. Under the Dayton peace agreement reached last November, the state of Bosnia will be composed of two sepa- rate regions-a Bosnian-Croatfedera- tion and a Bosnian Serb republic. A multi-ethnic central government will be mostly symbolic, with the Croatian AIN OF Bosnian government- Serbs Croat federation CROATI A Sava RIver B0SNIA6 6 SZ VIN Srebr hica " Sarajevo 0 5Q miles w YGO (Motenegro), 50 km . AP GRAPHIC the United States to stay with relatives. For a time, Halilovic's family was afraid they would be forcibly returned to Bosnia, like many refugees. His aunt was not so lucky. "One of my aunts was in prison in a town called Prijedor," he said. "The town was occupied by Serbian para- military forces from the beginning of the war." Prijedor is located in north- west Bosnia. EMORY "Maybe I've been really fortunate that no one in my family has been rape( or murdered," he said. A beautiful day For students with Balkan roots, lin- gering scars are all that remain of th{ drawn-out conflict that once seeme( out-of-control. "It's different when you hear stories and different when it happens to some- one you know ... when it's people yoz visited and stayed with," said LSA jun- ior Olga Savic, who lost a Serbian-aur and uncle to the fighting four years agc "Itwasa beautiful sunny day. I waseatin corn flakes, and I was shocked to read tha they were killed," Savic said. The death. were listed in her church paper. "The Ustasa rounded up Serbs ai killed them. This man reported my aur and uncle - we don't know why. The; were taken to a camp and held for fou days, then released. That day they wer found dead," she said. "All ofmy friends have been drafted, said Engineering sophomore Bori .Kokotovic, a Serbian who moved her from Belgrade when he was 10. Hi father and grandmother live i- , ' ,. JOE WESTRATE/Daily Evelyn White speaks at Rackham last night for SAPAC's rape prevention month.