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March 20, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-03-20

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onight: Cloudy, scattered
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omorrow: Mostly cloudy.
igh in low 30s..


One hundredflve years of editorilfreedom


March 20, 1996

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bole wins Midwes
Election sites report low campus turnout;
senate majority leader put over the top
By Stephanie Jo Klein Buchanan, with a vote total more than voted in the primary.
Daily Staff Reporter the 15-percent minimum, will still re- University political science and com-
After weeks of anticipation, press ceive delegates. munication studies Prof. Michae
coverage and campaign visits, the Dole's Michigan victory, coupled Traugott said primary turnout has beer
Michigan Republican presidential pri- with his other wins yesterday in Wis- low all through the season.
mary finally arrived yesterday - and consin, Illinois and Ohio, brought his "People's interest to vote is related to
voters barely seemed to care. total number of electoral college del- their sense that their vote makes a dif
GOP front-runner Sen. Bob Dole (R- egates up to 996, the exact number ference," Traugott said, adding tha
) captured the state, as many had required for the presidential nomina- Dole's imminent win probably kep
Mected him to, re- tion. some voters out of the polls.
ceiving 52 percent With his presidential bid secure, Dole Packer said the Dole camp woul
of the vote. Conser- has said he is confident and ready for have liked to have seen more voters a
vativecommentator the upcoming election against Presi- the polls, but "when you win, there's
Pat Buchanan re- dent Clinton. not much to be disappointed about."
ceived 34 percent of Katie Packer, executive director of At polling sites around Ann Arbo
the vote. Dole's Michigan campaign, said the and on campus, election officials re
Other candidates campaign organizers are excited that ported very low turnout. As of 5 p.m
who remained on Dole won the nomination and the state. yesterday, only 12 voters had cast bal
the ballot despite "Michigan is important - he lots at the site in Mary Markley Resi
leaving the race in wouldn't have won without it," Packer dence Hall. Only 21 ballots, including
vious weeks Dole said. three absentee votes, were cast at the
I y collected a Low voter turnout in the Michigan Michigan Union polling site as of
fraction of the vote. Alan Keyes, the victory made the win more subdued p.m.
only other candidate still running, gar- than experts had thought. Although 6.3 "Voter registration in Michigan ha
nered 3 percent of the vote, but no million voters are currently registered always beenhigh,"Wittman said, guess
delegates. in the state, state Bureau of Elections ing that the low number of Republican
Michigan's open primary system al- Information Director Bradley Wittman in traditionally Democratic Ann Arbo
lots delegates proportionally, so said only 10 percent of those registered contributed to the small turnout in th

t, captures GOP bid


Perot may enter race


- Y
Ann Arbor election official Ed Taylor leafs through election materials yesterday.
Only 21 voters showed up at his polling site at the Michigan Union.

Perot has agreed to have his
name placed on the presidential
ballot in five states, saying he
would run for the White House
should his Reform Party ask
him to. Perot announced that
he would "give (the race)
everything I have," in the event
of his candidacy.
Other state primaries:
Dole: 58 delegates
Ohio Dole: 61
Wisc ns n Dole: 30

Pauline Norton, an election official
at the Markley site, said the lack of
candidates on the ballot who were still
in the race is another reason for the low
voter interest.
"No one running in the Democratic
party probably helps," she added.

The Democratic Party did not put
Clinton on the primary ballot because
of rules forbidding the party to partici-
pate in open primaries.
Christine Greer, an election official
for more than 14 years, said she en-
countered several students who wanted
See PRIMARY, Page 2

key issues
Elections set for
March 27-28
By WiN Weissort
Daily Staff Reporter
The three presidential slates for LSA-
Student Government point to academic
concerns - such as the restructuring of
the foreign language requirement and
* add/drop deadline - as the race's
critical issues.
All three tickets said they consider
similar issues to be the most important
concerns facing the next president.
"The thing separating the candidates
is not the issues, but the way we ap-
proach them," said James Kovacs, a
current LSA-SG representative running
for president on the Students' Party
ticket. LSA-SG Rep. Sara Deringer is
the vice president on the ticket.
Wihe candidates' main concerns in-
cude expanding the list of available
classes that fulfill the Race or Ethnicity
requirement, pushing the deadline to
drop a class back to later in the term,
improving the quality of LSA graduate
student instructors, increasing the level
of student involvement in governmen-
tal affairs and decreasing the LSA for-
eign language requirement.
"In the past the government has con-
trated on lobbying the dean's office
about academic concerns. We have seen
limited results from that lobbying,"
Kovacs said. "We really think the gov-
ernment needs to change its focus."
Michigan Student Assembly Rep.
Paul Scublinsky, who is running for
LSA-SG president on the Michigan
Party ticket, said LSA government has
to get students and faculty members
more involved in its activities.
'We need to reach out to the stu-
ents," Scublinsky said. "Most students
today have no idea what LSA-SG is.-
we need to get out and talk to students."
Scublinsky said he did not view the
LSA-SG presidency as a step down
from his current position as an MSA
representative. "Only LSA-SG can deal
with LSA curriculum - a curriculum
that effects thousands and thousands of
dents," he said. Eve Madison is run-
g with Scublinsky on the ticket.
LSA-SG's budget chair, Jeff Berger,
is running for president on the Wolver-
ine Party slate with LSA-SG external
affairs officer Barry Rosenberg. Berger
said the government's lobbying had been
successful and will probably continue.


GEO,'U' agree to
mediation of
contract dispute

By Rajal Pitroda
Daily Staff Reporter
After a six-month battle -with the
University administration, members of
the Graduate Employees Organization
and the University agreed to mediation
regarding the union's contract yester-
day, officials from both sides said.
"The idea was suggested by GEO,"
said GEO spokesperson Peter Church.
"A mediator is appointed by both sides of
the parties in conflict. They try to find the
bottom-line arguments and resolve them."
The University and GEO have been
negotiating a new contract since Oct.
31, with the original deadline to sign
the contract Feb. 1. However, that dead-
line has been extended four times, and
now the mediation process is set to
begin on April 10.
GEO President Scott Dexter said the
organization may still strike, depend-
ing on the outcome of the process. "It
all depends on what comes out of me-
diation," Dexter said. "It is difficult to
go to our members and ask them to
ratify a contract that does not represent
our concerns. We have to fight for it."
Both sides have agreed to an order of
two days for mediation, which can be
extended if no resolution is reached.
However, members of GEO would
like to reach an agreement by April 1,
the latest date of contract extensions,
Dexter said. Then mediation, set to be-
gin April 10, would not be needed.
"We always knew that mediation was
a possibility," Dexter said. "It would be
great if we could get it done by April I
and then we can cancel the need for
This will mark the third time the
two groups have undergone media-

tion since CEO's creation. The last
two contracts have been products of
third-party intervention.
The University and GEO have reachec
agreement on approximately 15 of the 31
proposals of the contract, said University
chief negotiator Dan Gamble.
"We still have quite a few proposal
left," Gamble said. "I am very hopefu
of the additional help the mediator car
give us. A third party can see avenues o
agreement that the parties involved can-
The appointed mediator is Charles
Jamerison of the Michigan Employ-
ment Relations Commission, whc
handled the last contract mediation pro-
cess between the University and GEO.
However, Jamerison's decision is no
a binding one -- it is merely a sugges-
tion for the two parties.
"Hisjob is to create a contract that h
assumes both parties are willing to sign,'
Church said. "We are confident tha
mediation will make the issues that we
face a bit clearer."
Dexter expressed the benefits an unbi-
ased party can bring to CEO's situation.
"An unbiased mediator can see ou
views and put pressure on the University
to accept our proposals," Dexter said
"What we have can be very compelling.'
Both parties are optimistic; however.
GEO members are still concerned with
their economic proposals.
"We want the University to consen
to the salary proposals, and the pro-
posal regarding international graduate
student instructors," Church said.
International GSIs are currently re-
quired to attend a three-week training
period during which they are not paid o
given housing or health benefits.

"Judge" Tom Steele, an Ann Arbor hairstylist and American Cancer Society volunteer, reads University histologist John Baker
his "sentence" as part of the Great American Lock Up at the Ann Arbor Busch's Valu land through Friday.
Loc'als locked up to rase money

By Lisa Gray
Daily Staff Reporter
Yesterday the American Cancer Soci-
ety began its 11th Annual Great Ameri-
can Lock Up in the metro-Detroit area.
At two jail sites in Ann Arbor, as well as
several in Macomb, Monroe and Wayne
counties, "con-
victs" tried to
gather money toy
"make bail," as
partofafund-rais- very gen
ing drive to raise_
$800,000 by Fri- o
was very generous," said Debbie Allen
fr.- A A ..nnAronrllinlr hj ,njn_

Volunteers outfit the "arrested" in jail
stripes, take their mug shot and then lock
them in a "cell" where they make phone
calls until they have found enough
pledges to meet their bail. This process
lasts one or two hours for most people.
Department of Public Safety officer

body was
- Debbie Allen
,k Up volunteer

Matt Thompson
was "charged"
with not keeping
his checkbook up-
to-date and had to
earn $500 in
pledges in order to
be released.

$800,000 this year, said Karen Murphy, a
spokesperson for the metro-Detroit area,
"This event continues to grow every
year by leaps and bounds," Murphy said.
This year the two Washtenaw County
jail sites are Busch's Valu Land stores
in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. The "jail"
is set up in the produce section, where
curious shoppers listen to phone calls
for pledges and occassionally volun-
teer their money or time.
In additionto those "arrested"thisweek,
a number of people are part of the Ameri-
can Cancer Society's Most Wanted list.
The Most Wanted people are asked to
raise $2,500. Members of this list are Ann
Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon, Ann Arbor
Police Chief Carl Ent and Washtenaw

"It's a good
cause and most people are willing to
iv " Thrmncan aicd


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