prepare for
,Earth Day,
By Heather Miller w
Daily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor residents Gene Darnell
and Kevin Newman stand at a table
covered with nature books, leafing
through the pages.
"I'm deciding between a cheetah and
an electric eel," Darnell said.
1But Newman has already decided.
f'I'm going to be a mudskipper," he
d. "It's just the coolest thing. It can
breathe on land or in water."
15 people who participated in a mask-
making workshop at the YMCA yester-
day in preparation for the All-Species
The parade is scheduled to be held
April 21 in celebration of Earth Day,
iwhich is April 22. Parade participants
4s in animal or plant costumes.
"It's a parade where people dress up
as their favorite species," said Lisa Yee,
endangered species organizer for the
National Wildlife Federation's Midwest
"(The parade) is a celebration of the
diversity of life," she said.
One of three mask-making workshops
was held yesterday for people planning
to participate in the parade. Supplies,
i luding cardboard, feathers and col-
d paper, were provided and partici-
The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 18, 1996 - 5A
Regents rename 2
schools to clarify
roles, purposes
Trevor Mallett, 6, gets his face plastered In the shape of an eagle for the All-Species Parade at a costume-making workshop
held at the Ann Arbor YMCA yesterday.
pants were asked to give a $5 donation.
A majority of the participants made
plaster masks. After the face is covered
with lotion and vaseline, plaster strips
are placed across the face. In about 15
minutes, the plaster dries and the mask
can be removed.
At the workshop, 6-year-old Trevor
Mallett waited while his parents cover his
face in the plaster to form his eagle mask.
"It feels a little wet," he said.
Later, when his parents removed the
mask, Trevor smiled. "That's cool," he
Across the room, Newman covered
Darnell's face in plaster as well. Darnell
finally decided to create a viper fish.
"It's indescribable," Darnell said of
the feeling of plaster on his face. "I can't
say it's like something else because I
haven't had something like this before."
But not everyone decided to make a
mask from plaster.
Five-year-old Noah Linsk decided to
make an eagle because, "It's my favorite
animal that there is. It can fly."
But his mask will be constructed from,
"We're going to skip the plaster and
make attachments like beaks and
wings," said Ann Arbor resident Elena
Takaki, while she cut a beak from a
paper towel tube.,
"I'm going to make tail feathers too,"
Noah added.
Two more workshops are scheduled
to be held March 31 and April 14. Both
workshops are scheduled to run from 2
to 3:30 p.m.
By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
Two University schools have shed
their former titles in an effort to move
into the future.
From now on, the School of Informa-
tion and Library Studies will be known
as the School of information. The School
of Art will be called the School of Art
and Design.
The changes were approved at
Friday's meeting of the University
Board of Regents.
Daniel Atkins, dean of the School
of Information, said the name change
signifies the ef-
fort his school isu
making to be- Ie w
come more com-
Atkins said the s
school will con-
tinue to offer pro- undemlta
grams that train
students for li- technoI
brary skills, while
adding more tech- ogania
no logy-based d
programs. aspet &
The School of M"
I n form at io n' s
new offerings in- School of Ir
dlude human-
computer interactions, digital publish-
ing, organization and information sys-
tems, and archives and records man-
"The new programs will create gradu-
ates that will be hired by all sorts of
companies," Atkins said. "We will be
graduating students who understand
both technological and organizational
Allen Samuels, dean of the School of
Art and Design, said it is important to
draw a distinction between students
working in fine arts and those preparing
for a corporate setting.
"Corporations don't want to work
with artists as much as they want to
ind both
gicaI and
- Daniel Atkins
nformation dean
work with designers," Samuels said.
He said the change of names is intended
to draw "a respectful distinction" be-
tween the school's disciplines.
School of Art and Design junior and
Michigan Student Assembly Rep. Ryan
LaLonde said he supports the name
changes. He said the only possible draw-
back from the new name could be that
"people might forget that design is still
Provost J. Bernard Machen said the
changes have been analyzed through-
out the University.
"This action has been thoroughly dis-
cussed through-
ill be
out the academic
Machen said.
Samuels said
only one faculty
member resisted
the renaming' on
grounds. Atkins
said some faculty
members at the
School of Infor-
mation vjere con-
cerned about the
renaming, but
that it was a
Greek Week kicks off with male pageant
By Christopher Wan
Daily Staff Reporter
A fish that jumped through a ring of fire and a
d play of"solo synchrmnized swimming" were among
10 performances for the talent contest that thrilled
the audience with hilarity.
'But in the end, as the judges tallied up the scores
for all the contests, it was LSA sophomore Greg
Roslund, of Beta Theta Pi fraternity, who bagged
the Mr. Greek Week title with his tickling perfor-
mance on the piano.
The opening ceremonies ofthis year's Greek Week
as well as the contest were held yesterday at the Power
Center at 7 p.m.
"Basically (Mr. Greek Week) is a talent competi-
, like a spoof of Miss America," said LSA sopho-
i re Kathy Wolters, who organized the event with
her sorority Alpha Delta Pi.
The evening commenced with the shirt-and-tie con-
test where all 21 contestants from various fraternities
paraded on stage in their best outfits.
The next item featured the Michigan Dance Team,
which dazzled the audience of about 750 with two fast
and upbeat dances.
The second round was the hero contest where each
contestant imitated their favorite "hero." Personifica-
tions of a wide variety of well-known characters
included Hulk Hogan, Bruce Lee, RuPaul and even a
Marilyn Monroe who sang "Happy Birthday" to a
poster of John F. Kennedy.
Following the intermission was a performance by
The Friars, a University a capella group that delighted
the audience with three songs, including one that
allowed for audience participation.
The talent contest narrowed the 10 finalists to five,
and in the last round each of the five finalists had to
dress up in homemade togas and answer an im-
promptu question.
The Mr. Greek Week contest was the first of the
many Greek Week events that will take place through
March 27 all over campus.
"Greek Week is a 10-day multimedia extrava-
ganza," said LSA senior Greta Grass, the chair of
Greek Week.
"It's 10 days full of crazy competition," Grass said.
Among the activities planned throughout the week
are the Jell-O jump, a hula-hoop contest and a pie-
eating contest, she said. Many of the contests are
sponsored by local businesses, and the festivities end
with thousands of dollars in donations to charities.
"Greek Week as a whole donates to five local and
one national philanthropy," Grass said.
All proceeds of the Mr. Greek Week contest will go
to the Ronald McDonald House.
unanimous deci-
sion once it was understood that library
studies will still be represented.
President James Duderstadt said the
School of Information's new name fits
its changing curriculum.
"This action is the result ofa recog-
nition that unprecedented change in
the use of information is reshaping
personal activities, community and
organizational practices, and national
and global institutions," Duderstadt
The national magazine U.S. News &
World Report recently ranked the
School of Information second in 'the
nation. It has 300 post-graduate stu-
Hill Auditorium
University of Michigan
Wednesday, March 20, 1996
7:30 pm
Greek Week
LSA-Student Government
Michigan Student Assembly
U-M Program in Film & Video Studies
' t'ifdti;at6:?:::i:iUr'i;:::i ::77T.