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January 17, 1996 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-01-17

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 - 3

MSA votes to postpone GEO support resolution

Txas A&M
rofessor accepts
Abe for grade
t Texas A&M student turned his art
rofessor in to campus police after the
rofessor, JoseMartinez, saidhe would
coept $100 in lieu of the student's
issing final portfolio. Martinez later
owered the price for an 'A' to $50.
Texas law enforcement officials pro-
ided a taping device that the student
ore during a meeting with Martinez.
fter Martinez accepted an envelope
Saining $50, police arrested him on
:Wges of bribery.
Martinez wasjailed, but laterreleased
n his own recognizance. He has plead
ot guilty to the charge and resigned
rom his position at the university.
entral Conn. prof.
admits sex offense
A Central Connecticut State Univer-
Snusic professor was arrested for dis-
oerly conduct in November after a fe-
$i student accused him of masturbat-
in during their private tutoring sessions.
'Th arrest warrant indicates that the
professorallegedlyimasturbated in front
Wfthe student eight times. The student
old police she had not complained be-
fore-because she was "distraught.".
The professor admitted to engaging
'n the behavior with the female student
a others. He agreed to a program of
c iseling and community service. The
professor's lawyer said the professor
didnot know his students were aware of
his actions.
Pitt fraternity
ordered to disband
The University of Pittsburgh admin-
istration has ordered the campus chap-
t f Zeta Beta Tau to disband after
tine~f the fraternity's first-year mem-
bers were caught taking pictures of fe-
malestudents in a residence hall shower.
The incident, according to campus
police, occurred as part of a scavenger
hunt in which the members had to re-
turn with a photo of a naked woman.
The photographers were arrested and
convicted of harassment and trespass-
ing. The fraternity is appealing the orderto
d and on the grounds that the penalty is
t sdvere.
Students massage
to benefit charity
Students studying to be physical
therapy assistants held the fifth annual
"Massage-a-thon" at Genesee Commu-
nityCollege inBatavia,N.Y. last month.
The students said they put their fin-
4 to work to raise money for charity
and relieve their peers from exam-time
stress. They charged students $3 for 15
minutes of massage. They charged pro-
fessors, college employees and com-
munity members $5 for the same ser-
The students raised $350 and used
the money to make a van wheelchair-
accessible for a handicapped man.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jennifer Harvey.

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
When the Graduate Employees Organization
continues negotiations with the University admin-
istration Friday, it will be without the official
support of the Michigan Student Assembly.
In order to allow representatives to review GEO
proposals, the assembly voted to postpone its de-
cision on a resolution of support for the organiza-
tion. Proposed by Rackham Rep. Ray Robb, the
resolution would support GEO in its negotiations
with the administration and encourage the Univer-
sity to reach an agreement by Feb. 1, when the
current contract expires.
Although most members of the Students' Party

voted to consider the proposal at last night's meet-
ing, Michigan and Wolverine party members voted
to table the resolution for a week.
Rackham Rep. John Lopez called the motion a
political act denying instructors the support that he
said MSA and its constituents owe them.
"I don't know how many people are going to
have the time to read the proposal in the next week
if they haven't even touched it yet," Lopez said.
Time is running out for MSA to declare its support.
Negotiations began Oct. 31, and GEO's current
contract expires in two weeks.
"We're feeling a bit of time pressure right now,"
said Robb, a GEO member. "We'd rather have the
students with us than without us."

Lopez agreed: "I'm afraid GCEO will not have the
support of MSA when it completes negotiations."
The arguments for postponing a vote on the
resolution are valid ones, said MSA Vice Presi-
dent Sam Goodstein. Goodstein said members
should not be expected to vote on a resolution
before they read the proposals it would support.
"I don't think the position of MSA has a great
impact," Goodstein said.
He added that MSA resolutions do not carry
enough weight to warrant rushing a resolution
through an assembly unfamiliar with the issue.
Rackham representatives, however, disagreed
about the impact that an MSA resolution may have.
"If GEO can go to the administration and say

'We have the support of students, of LSA and
MSA,"' Robb said, "(they would have) more
bargaining power, more bargaining chips."
The University has addressed less than half of
GEO's resolutions in 2 1/2 months of negotia-
tions, he said.
Robb and Lopez compared the University's
situation to one at Yale University, where teach-
ing assistants were recently on strike.
When the Yale administration did not respond
to a group of graduate instructors who wanted to
form a new organization, the instructors withheld
theirstudents' grades forlast semester. The strike,
however, ended Monday with instructors relent-
ing to the Yale administration.

U' student,crs
survivor, to return to.
Colombian home

DETROIT (AP) - The Michigan
college student who survived ajet crash
in his native Colombia will be cared for
by a full-time nurse at his parents' home
there, according to a relative.
Mauricio Reyes, 19, may be released
from a Colombia hospital in the next
two weeks, his cousin, Santiago
Dorronsoro, told The Detroit News in a
report yesterday.
Reyes, 19, a sophomore at the Uni-
versity ofMichigan-Dearborn, will have
a hospital bed, a wheelchair and 24-
hour nursing care at his parents' home
in Cali, Colombia, Dorronsoro said.
"His back is stable and he's doing
better. The doctors have said he could
go home," the cousin said.
Reyes, of Southfield, was one of four
survivors of the Dec. 20 crash of the
American Airlines jet in the Andes
Mountains near Buga, Colombia. An-
other 160 people died. including a 9-
year-old New Jersey boy whose re-
mains were found Sunday.
Rey=s' family has delayed plans to
take him to Miami to undergo back
surgery and will monitor his recovery
at home, Dorronsoro said. Reyes can-
not walk, but doctors believe he might

His back is
stable an he's
doing better. The
doctors have said,
he could go
- Santiago Dorronsoro
Plane crash victim's cousin
be able to walk with crutches soon, the
cousin said.
"That's why we don't know if he'll
have surgery," Dorronsoro said. "He's
doing much better. It's like amiracle...
"He's pretty optimistic about how
he'll do in a few months. He thinks he
will be going back to school in the
spring or the summer. That's what he
thinks. We don't know yet."
Reyes was traveling to visit his father
and brother at the time of the crash.
Investigations into the crash are still

House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Gov. John Engler help U.S. Rep. Dick Chrysler (left) raise money in Lansing yesterday.
ingrich: Without budgerceot
GW fi bugtfuinding may be c%.ut 25 perceV,nt

LIVONIA (AP) - House Speaker
Newt Gingrich said yesterday that Con-
gress may continue to fund the federal
government at 75 percent of last year's
level if no budget agreement is reached
with the White House soon.
Gingrich made the comments after a
speech to the Economic Club of De-
troit. He said Republican leaders have
been discussing options since reaching
an impasse with the Clinton adminis-
tration last week.
"If we don't get a budget agreement,
we will go to a very tough continuing
resolution, probably 75 percent of last
year's amount, saving about 25 percent
towards a balanced budget," Gingrich
said. "We will then have targeted ap-
Under such a plan, Congress would
fund those areas of the government it
feels are necessary and let those it dis-
likes run out of money and wither.
"We start targeting specific compo-
nents ... where we would have all the
rest of the government gradually shrink
as a way of starting to take a step to-
wards a balanced budget," he said.
Gingrich said the prospect of reach-
ing an agreement soon was "somewhere
between dismal and very bad." He said

We start targeting specific
components ... where we would have
all the rest of the government gradually

Flusinig residents say
no to 'fast food joints'

shrink... .


- House Speaker Newt Gingrich

huge policy differences" remain over
spending priorities, tax relief and the
extent to which welfare, Medicare and
Medicaid should be overhauled.
The speaker said he planned to meet
with Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole
in the morning and that they would be
available to talk to the White House
later today.
"We're prepared to go back ifthe Presi-
dent has anything positive to offer, but we
don't want to be props for a charade."
Gingrich said failure to reach an
agreement could cause long-term dam-
age to the economy.
"I am very worried that if we do not
get a budget agreement, and interest
rates start back up, and if we do not get
tax relief for businesses and tax relief

for the middle-class working Ameri-
cans, that we will have a much higher
likelihood of sliding into a recession."
The luncheon audience ofabout 2,500
business executives and their guests
gave Gingrich an enthusiastic recep-
tion, with three standing ovations.
Outside the banquet hall, about 300
protesters representing unions, striking
Detroit newspaper workers, and advo-
cates for the elderly and handicapped
carried signs and shouted anti-Gingrich
slogans. They said Gingrich's policies
would hurt families.
Gingrich entered through a back en-
trance and avoided the protesters. He
referred to them only once,calling them
"misinformed" in response to an audi-
ence auestion after his sneech.

FLUSHING (AP) - Plans to put a
Taco Bell and another fast-food joint at
the edge of a historic district are under
criticism from people who say it would
destroy the Flint suburb's carefully
crafted district.
The drive-through visions of Quick
Sav stores of Flint are "way out of
focus with the general plan," said Jim
Pearson, vice president of the Flush-
ing Area Historical Society. "Most
people are trying to remodel" to bring
back the character of existing build-
Quick Sav has submitted plans to
the city to demolish a gas station and
convenience store and build a 3,000-
square-foot gasoline station with Taco
Bell and another fast-food outlet of
some kind.
Plans call for a fall opening. The
facility would sit at the edge of a busi-
ness district listed on the National Reg-
ister of Historic Places.
Flushing was founded as a village in
1835 and Main Street took on the ap-

pearance of a business district in the
late 1800s. Some downtown buildings
have been restored to appear as they did
in the early 1900s.
There are no drive-through fast-food
outlets downtown, but there are a drive-
in A&W, sit-down restaurants, bars and
a take-out pizza parlor.
Interim City Manager Walt Skidmore
said talks about the proposed business
have gone on for months, and the city
still has many questions.
Mark Shoffer ofQuick Savsaid com-
pany representatives want to meet with
the city next week to resolve any prob-
"This is something so different for
downtown Flushing," he said. "It's new
and the city wants to make sure (it's
Skidmore said city officials are con-
cerned there might be objections to
bright lights and huge plastic signs of-
ten associated with fast-food businesses.
He said he told developers to keep the
project low-key.

Michigan hockey forward Bill Muckalt had 11 goals and 18 assists for 29 points heading into last night's game against
Aa-Fairbanks. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
#LSA senior Andre Hewitt, a West Quad resident adviser, said he knew of few non-minority residence hall residents who
dtt nded MLK Day events. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
What's happening In Ann Arbor today

m . MMM ",

O Armenian Students' Cultural Asso-
ciation, elections/ meeting, 913-
5465, Michigan Union, Watts
Toom 1209, 7-9 p.m.
w AIESEC Michigan, general member
Wmeeting, 662-1690, Business
Administration Building, Room
1276, 6 p.m.
Q La Voz Mexicana, meeting, 994-
9139, Michigan League, Room D,
7 p.m.
Q Nlnjutsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, Intramural Sports
t F Building, Room G-21, 7:30-9 p.m.
C Project Otzma, Informational Meet-
ing, Hillel, 1429 HIll Street, 7 p.m.
Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, men and
women, beginners welcome, 994-
3620, CCRB, Room 2275, 8:30-
9:30 p.m.
0 Taekwondo Club, beginners and
other new members welcome,
7476889, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-
8:30 p.m.

Career Planning and Placement,
3200 Student Activities Building,
4:10-5 p.m.
Q "Anderson Consulting information
Session," sponsored by Career
Planning and Placement, Michi-
gan Union, Pendleton Room, 7-9
Q "FORUM info and Registration
Session," sponsored by Career
Planning and Placement, Modern
Languages Building, Lecture Room
2, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Q "Grad Night at Uno's," spon-
sored by Jewish Law Students
Union, Jewish Medical Students
Association and Jewish Orga-
nization of Business Students,
Uno's, 1321 South University,
9 p.m.
Q "How to Finance a Legal Educa-
tion," sponsored by Career Plan-
ning and Placement, Modern
Languages Building, Room 2011,
4:10-5 p.m.
Q "Israel information Day," spon-
sored by Hillel, 1429 Hill Street,

sored by Department of Chemis-
try, Chemistry Building, Room
1640, 4 p.m.
Q "Rapid Separation of Large Nucleic
Acids by Pulsed-Field Capillary
Electrophoresis," thesis
colloquium, Yongseong Kim,
sponsored by Department of
Chemistry, Chemistry Building,
Room 1640, 4 p.m.
D "The Impact of Woman-Abuse on
Children: Gender Differences and
Risk Factors," seminar, Sandra
Graham-Bermann, sponsored by
The Michigan Initiative for
Women's Health, Rackham Build-
ing, East Conference Room, 4th
Floor, 12:10-1 p.m.
U Campus Information Centers,
Michigan Union and North Cam-
pus Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UM.Events on
GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/~info on the


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