LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 12, 1996 - 3 Regents head to Dearborn for monthly meeting Agenda, regents predict light meeting with low turnout DPS discovers graffiti on several campus uidings While students were away from Ann Arbor for spring break, vandals painted the town red ... and blue and green and yellow. 'The Department of Public Safety re- ported nine separate incidents of graf- fiti vandalism across campus during the past week. Twice the illegal artists vandalized st Quad, the C. C. Little Building and the Fletcher carport. Both racial and sexual messages were painted in East Quad. Swastikas were found in the fourth floor stairwell of Anderson House and DPS reported that graffiti "sexually oriented in na- ture" was found on approximately a dozen office and classroom doors in East Quad. @1ther locations on campus also marked by vandals: I at the C. C. Little Building a silver circle was painted in a first floor bath- room; the word "killa" was painted on the hood of a car at the Fletcher car- port; * the words "turtle down" adorned a back door of the Museum of Art. rsonists light up ulletin boards While some vandals used paint as weapons, another group oftrouble-mak- ers fought with fire last week. DPS reported two fires that appeared to be set intentionally. Both fires were lit on bulletin boards. A North Campus bus shelter fell vic- tim to fire last Tuesday night. DPS V orted no major damage to the bul- in board at the site and only the papers and advertisements were burned. Early the next morning, a bulletin -board in West Quad was discovered in flames by Housing Security. Officers extinguished the flames with a fire ex- tinguisher. The Ann Arbor Fire Depart- ment was called to the scene to ventilate the-area. Uospital cafeteria robbed Hungry thieves robbed the cafeteria at University Hospitals three times last week, DPS reported. On March 5 the subject, a 39-year- old.man, attempted to take food from the cafeteria. He was confronted by hospital security and forced to pay for e meal. On Thursday a man walked out of the cafeteria without paying. The man was caught, but a warrant check showed he was not the same culprit from the ear- lier theft. The next day, the cafeteria was robbed once again. A man stole some pizza and soda pop. He was later found on the second floor with only the beverage. DPS re- ported the man was the suspect from the Earch 5 incident. Thief strikes DPS office Even those who try to protect against crime are not immune to it. DPS reported that a microwave oven was stolen from the DPS offices on Kipke Drive. The microwave was lo- ted on the second floor of the department's main office. - , -Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Sam T. Dudek. By Jeff Eldridge Daily Staff Reporter The agenda of the March meeting of the University Board of Regents carries a lighter load than past meetings. The board's business meeting Friday will be affected by the absence of three members - Regents Laurence Deitch (D-Bloomfield Hills), Shirley McFee (R-Battle Creek) and Nellie Varner (D- Detroit) will all be gone. On Thursday, the regents will meet at the University's satellite campus in Dearborn. The board convened at the Flint campus last fall. "Each year, the regents go to the Flint campus and the Dearborn campus," said Associate Vice President for Univer- sity Relations Lisa Baker. "This is one of the opportunities for the regents to meet with faculty, staff, students and community leaders." Baker said the meeting's location did not affect its agenda. Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R- Ann Arbor) described the upcoming Dearborn meeting as "more of an in- formation day" than a business meet- ing. "I'm looking forward to the intellec- tual property issue presentation (Vice President for Research) Homer Neal is doing," Newman said. Newman said the Dearborn meeting helps foster a closer relationship be- tween the regents and the campus. "It's an opportunity for the campus to get to know the regents," she said. "It's an excellent idea. It's too bad we don't spend more time there." A vote on the changes in the regents' bylaws governing the Athletic Depart- ment was originally intended to be presented by Vice President for Uni- versity Relations Walter Harrison in February. The vote was later moved to March Newman, who gave birth to a baby boy last week, said there were con- cerns that the meeting would have to be postponed because she would not be able to attend. Her absence would have meant only four regents would have been at Friday's meeting, an in- sufficient number to conduct a quo- rum. March Regents' Meeting The meetings will be held Thursday, March IA at 1:30 p.m. at the Dearborn campus and Friday, March 15 at 9 a.m. in the Regents' Room of the Fleming Administration Building. The regents are scheduled to hear reports from Dearborn Chancellor James Renick, Chief Financial Officer Farris Womack and Vice President for Research Homer Neal. I Faculty prepare to change grievance policy, procedures By Anupama Reddy Daily Staff Reporter The debate over the faculty griev- ance policy is scheduled to get a jumpstart at next Monday's Senate As- sembly meeting. Assembly member Thomas Moore, chair of the grievance subcommittee, introduced the eighth draft of the committee's report to the Senate Advi- sory Committee on University Af- fairs at yesterday's meeting. Moore said the two biggest prob- lems faculty have with current griev- ance policies in- clude administra- "A lot o pro fesor they shoal their footJ L__ - MA DIANE COOK/Daily Stea hands John Klausmeyer puts the final touches on the assembly of a Mastodon trackway that is reportedly 10,000 years old. The track was found near Saline, Mich., by University Prof. Dan Fisher. The exhibit Is scheduled to open in April. Bmke strike continues to cause more headaches for Gen. Motors DAYTON, Ohio (AP) - A week- old strike at two General Motors Corp. brake factories further choked the world's largest automaker yesterday, closing nearly half its North America assembly plants and idling thousands of workers. There were indications that talks with the United Auto Workers had stalled. No progress was reported over the weekend, and no new talks were sched- uled, GM spokesperson Jim Hagedon said. United Auto Workers Local 696 President Joe Hasenjager said the strike "could be a long one." David Healy, a financial analyst with the New York-based Burnham Securi- ties, said GM could lose $250 million a week if all of its 29 car and truck assem- bly plants in North America are idled. The automaker earned $6.9 billion in 1995. GM spokesperson Tom Klipstine in suburban Detroit would not comment on a report in the local newspaper, The Oak- land Press, that virtually all of GM's North American assembly plants may have to close by tomorrow if the strike continues. When the strike began, GM had an 82- day supply of passenger cars, and a 79- day supply of trucks, Klipstine said. The vehicle supply is critical in determining how long it would take for the strike to affect consumers. The industry generally considers a 60-day supply ideal. GM has been forced to shut down 13 tors who ignore but it's a the opinions oftheP Grievance Re- - Pro view Board and Senate Asr deans who deny professors' rights to enter the grievance process. "Deans decide who is not qualified to grieve and what is not a grievable issue, (so a solution is) to turn it into the hands of the Grievance Review Board," said Moore, a biology professor and SACUA member. The report is part of an ongoing de- bate that began in September among Senate Assembly members. Faculty discontent over the language of the re- port led to six months of deliberation and drafts of the report. Prof. Thomas Dunn said many people did not understand the protocol of the report, which led to the protests. "It's a document presented for dis- cussion by Senate Assembly," said chemistry Prof. Dunn. "It means it is the faculty's position on it, but it doesn't mean it is written into law. "A lot of professors felt they should F.e put their foot into it, but it's a start of a process - the faculty part." Moore said he was expecting "a mote favorable response" because "the people with the greatest reservations" were apart ofthe grievance subcommittee, but he did acknowledge the possibility of dissent. "There'll be people not happy with (the report)," Moore said. "There area lot of reasons for resistance, but it is a process to correct flaws. "It's been be- fore (the Senate JS felt Assembly) three times. We're hop- d puting they'll deal with (the report) this time." Major changes a ny N, to the report in- cluded substitut- Thomas Dunn ing the word "de- mbly member terminative" for "binding" to avolk the legal ramifica- tions of the latter word and re-directing the motion of a final appeal to the Uni- versity president instead ofthe SAC UA Faculty Hearing Committee. The report was based on the out- comes of 20 documented grievance, between 1983 and 1993. Moore said h.i would have liked more informatior about grievances to increase the accu- racy of the report. "(The Personnel Office) kept20 record available, but we know of five' other missed," Moore said. "We don't knov how many deans turned down (griev- ants). We can only evaluate the circum stances we know and where we've been." From the data of the 20 grievances, i. took an average of 201 days betweei the request for a Grievance Reviev Board and its actual formation. Then the board required an average of 37( days to reach a final decision. AP PHOTO Lattle Slusher (left), president of the United Auto Workers Local 913, shakes hands with Local 696 member Larry Baron at GM's Sandusky, Ohio, plant. One week of films and discussions on how the global economy is affecting women and society around the world. Don't miss! Free and open to all - Tonite featuring: North American assembly plants and six parts plants since the 3,000 members of Local 696 walked off the job at Delphi Chassis Systems in Dayton on March 5. Another 11 of roughly 200 GM parts plants in North America have been af- fected, with some workers being sent home but production continuing. In all, about 55,000 workers have been idled by the strike. The Delphi Chassis workers struck over safety and job security issues. The plants supply brake systems and parts to nearly all of GM's assembly plants. The major issue in the dispute is outsourcing, the production of parts by outside plants or companies. The union fears it could permanently cut jobs at the Dayton plants. Hagedon, based in Dayton, said GM sometimes must buy less expensive parts from outside sources. "We don't see how we can sell cars competitively if those cars aren't made with parts that are priced competitively," he said. "The Business of Hunger" - A striking portrait of how int'l agribusiness generates hunger around the world. The impact of cash crops and export agribusiness policies on communities in several countries are analyzed in this film. Maryknoll Films - 28 min. "Hell to Pay" - A moving and politically sophisticated analysis of the int'l debt situation seen through the eyes of women in Bolivia, the poorest country in Latin America. Anderson & Cottringer - 52 min. Correction Due to a printing error, the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament bracket appeared in the wrong color in yesterday's Daily. -What's happening in Ann Arbor today J Panel discussion by: Alma Chand (Intl debt, Phillipines), Kammy Korot (School of Nat'l Resources, Senegal), Aimee Krouskop (Pueblo to People NGO - alternative trade in Latin America). More info: http://www-personal.umich.edu/-fiatlux/film.html S S . - . . - S Ctc: vera Britto (fiatux@umich.edu) Brazil.Std.Club -Co-sponsors: LSA Std.Gov., Michigan Student Assembly, Int'l Institute, Std.Affairs Program. Council, Rackham Std.Gov., C. Educ.Women, Women's Studies, Inst.Res. Women & Gender, India Dev. Serv., Common Language & Shaman Drum Bookstores GROUP MEETINGS U ALIANZA - Latino Organization, weekly meeting, 764-2837, Trot- ter House, 1443 Washtenaw Ave., 7 p.m. EVENTS U "Adam and Eve of the '90s," lec- ture sponsored by the Jewish Resource Center, 1335 Hill St., 7:30 p.m. U "China: Sino-U.S. Relations," political science Prof. tee Room, 3-5 p.m. U "Hunger, Debt, and Women," the films "The Business of Hunger" and "Hell to Pay" will be shown as a part of the Women and De- velopment Film Series, spon- sored by the Brazilian Students Club, MLB, Auditorium 4, 7:30 - 10 p.m. Q "Moving and Shipping Workshop," sponsored by the International Center, Institute of Science and Technology Building, Room 1114, 4 p.m. "C~vam n Ad .rfain low-income families, call Dan at 996-5954 or Rachel at 995-4701, Hillel, 6:30-8:30 p.m. STUDENT SERVICES U Campus information Centers, Michigan Union and North Cam- pus Commons, 763-INFO, info@umich.edu, UM.Events on GOpherBLUE, and http:// www.umich.edu/-info on the World Wide Web U English Composition Board Peer Tutoring, 741-8958, Mason Hall, DRon, AAP 7-11 n m. 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