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March 11, 1996 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-03-11

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 11, 1996
Christopher warns
China at'risk
a exercie


WASHINGTON - President
Clinton has ordered a second Navy air-
craft carrier group to join one already in
the waters near Taiwan as tensions
mlount between China and Taiwan,
sources said.
The dispatch of the second carrier
group comes as Secretary of State War-
ren Christopher warned China yester-
day that the military exercises it is hold-
'ihg in the Taiwan Strait are "unneces-
sarily risky" and "unnecessarily reck-
less" and that belligerent actions against
Taiwan would have "grave conse-
Pentagon officials said yesterday that
the aircraft carrier USS Independence
and three of its battleships were ordered
Saturday to move to within about 100
miles of the Taiwan Strait.
" Administration officials said the Pen-
tagon will announce today that the
nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS
Nimitz and five or six accompanying
stips will arrive from the Persian Gulf
a few days before Taiwan's March 23
presidential election.
' Christopher declined to say what
the battle groups would do. "We're
concerned to make sure those forces
... are in a position to be helpful if
.they need to be," he said on NBC's
"Meet the Press."
On Friday, China began testing
guided missiles within 30 miles of Tai-
wan. China ratcheted up the regional
tensions Saturday when it announced it

dontlnued from Page IA
college decisions.
Melissa Ksar, of Troy, said her son
,Jamal has applied to five universities.
With her oldest son already at the Uni-
versity, financial aid is a necessity for
the family.
"It really concerns me because (Jamal
has) been offered positions to play foot-
ball at several schools," Ksar said. The
4decision "will depend on whether he
gets financial aid from the schools."
Jamal said his first choice is
Kalamazoo College, but the $25,000
tuition may prevent his attendance.
"I'd like to be decided right now, but
Fm waiting for what (the schools) say,"
said the Troy High School senior.
- University spokesperson Julie Peterson
said the federal problems leave the Uni-
versity with little choice but to wait for
Last week, Peterson said, federal pro-
cessing systems were accessed for in-
#ormation with which to start calculat-
*ig the aid requests for nearly 12,000
Jniversity students.
"Normally, 10,000 forms are ready
(at this time) ... last week there were.
pnly 1,300 (forms available)," she said.
Peterson said the University's Office
vfFinancial Aid will do its best with the
limited information available.
"Our staff will have a time crunch,"
she said. "They're going to scramble,
but they're willing to do that."
Harper said that if the problem be-
comes serious enough, universities may

would hold live ammunitionwargames
in the strait that will run until March20.
National security adviser Anthony
Lake, in an appearance yesterday on
ABC's "This Week With David
Brinkley," said that "if there are acci-
dents" in the military exercises, China
"will be held accountable. And wehave
also said that if they attack Taiwan,
there will be grave consequences."
Several U.S. officials said the admin-
public assurances that it does not intend
to use the military exercises as a cover
for invading Taiwan, a self-governing
island that China considers to be a prov-
ince of China. "We have no evidence"
to suggest the exercises will lead to
conflict, one official said, "but we want
to be prudent."
Another official described the deci-
sion to move the carrier task forces as
an effort to deter any Chinese
adventurism. The U.S. ships and planes
will "monitor the activities" of Chinese
forces and "ensure that the stated pur-
pose (of the military exercise) remains
the actual purpose."
U.S. officials have no plans atpresent
to sail the U.S. vessels through the
Taiwan Strait, seeing no need to con-
duct such a maneuver at this time, sev-
eral officials said. The Nimitz and four
escort vessels sailed through the strait
in December in a maneuver that U.S.
officialsdescribed as sending a mes-
sage to Beijing to refrain from military
action against Taiwan.
consider extending deadlines for hous-
ing and admission to accommodate stu-
dents who depend on financial aid.
"I don't think the University will be
unique in that respect," she said, adding
that schools are already considering
pushing back the May I deadline.
LSA senior Maya Waleson said that
in her four years at the University she
was dependent on financial aid.
"I've had to do wait until I got my
award notice every year before I would
register for fall classes to ensure I could
continue at the University of Michi-
gan," she said.
Although she will graduate in May,
Waleson said she is concerned for other
students. "I think it's very detrimental
to our educational process."
Michigan Student Assembly Rep.
Andy Schor, who chairs MSA's Exter-
nal Relations Committee, said students
need to make their anxiety known to
Washington legislators.
"We can keep calling the Depart-
ment of Education and tell them that
we're pissed," he said. "If we keep
calling ... they'll (work faster) so we'll
stop bugging them."
"The later you know (if you got aid),
the less time you have to figure out how
you're going to get by," Schor added.
Butts said that the federal govern-
ment is sending out computer software
to many high schools to inform people
of the problems students may be facing.
SNRE sophomore Mona Hanna, chair
of Students to Protect Financial Aid,
agreed that students need to be active.
"All we can do is pressure the federal
government to work faster."

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Bob Dole waves to supporters at a campaign
rally in Tulsa Okla., on Saturday in preparation for the Super Tuesday primary.
Dole co

Halfway through this year's Republi-
can presidential primary campaign, mo-
mentum, finances and organization favor
the front-runner, Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.).
With nine straight primary victories last
week, with 392 delegates in hand, with
most of Super Tuesday's 362 delegates at
stake in seven primaries likely to follow,
Dole has a seemingly insurmountable
"I smell victory in the air," Dole said
Saturday, though he continued to repeat,
"I need 996 delegates." His remaining
challengers also ignore the standard in-
dicators. Neither conservative commen-
tator Pat Buchanan, with his Pitchfork
Brigade, nor millionaire publisher Steve
Forbes shows any sign of slowing down.
Their travel and media messages con-
tinue, and the bitterness among candi-
dates has escalated. Buchanan has
scheduled radio broadcasts in Texas
and plans visits to California, Ohio,
Illinois and Michiganand a bus crusade
across Pennsylvania. Forbes has pur-
chased another barrage of TV advertis-
ing in Florida and Texas.
The upshot: For very different rea-
sons, the three will continue their
slugfest through this week's Super Tues-
day contests in Florida, Mississippi,
Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas
and Louisiana and beyond to the re-
maining 22 state primaries over the
next 10 weeks. Dole is in a position to

sweep the Super Tuesday primaries.
There are already six political corpses
- Republican Sens. Phil Gramm of
Texas, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania
and Richard Lugar of Indiana;
Tennessee's ex-governor, Lamar
Alexander; California Gov. Pete Wilson
and Michigan industrialist Morry Taylor
have all dropped out, having spent nearly
$50 million for a total of 12 delegates.
Rep. Bob Dornan ofCalifornia never
showed much life anyway. Of fhe four
survivors, Buchanan and ex-ambassa-
dor Alan Keyes are fueled by the pas-
sion of their ideas and Forbes by an
inherited estate, and Dole is limited
only by federal restrictions on how much
money he can spend.
Super Tuesday dates to 1972, when
Southern Republicans, seeking more
influence in presidential politics, moved
their primaries to the second Tuesday
in March. As uniform as that wish may
have been, the region now bubbles with
conflicting pressures and interests.
As the candidates focused their ener-
gies on the four largest states voting Tues-
day-Florida (98 delegates), Texas (123),
Oklahoma (38) and Tennessee (38), each
was pursuing a different agenda.
Forbes was proselytizing his "hope,
growth and opportunity" theology of
supply-side economics, featuring the
flat tax. Buchanan said he was trying to
remake the Republican Party in his con-
servative, isolationist, anti-abortion,

Stunt rider killed
while trying to set
airborne record
LAS VEGAS - A veteran motor-
cycle stunt rider crashed to his death
yesterday while trying to break a record
jump over a bridge, narrowly missing a
landing ramp.
Butch Laswell easily cleared the 38-foot-
tall Skywalk Bridge, but when he came
down he was off to the left of the 27-foot-
high ramp by several feet and slammed into
the concrete pavement in Mesquite, about
80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. He was
pronounced dead at a hospital.
"The wind may have been a factor,"
said Police ChiefMichael Murphy. "Ev-
erything was set for the jump and he had
a window of opportunity to jump, but
there was wind, and he was aware of
that. It was his decisiop."
Winds were gusting from Laswell's
right to left.
Laswell had planned to accelerate his
Honda CR500 to 70 mph and soar at
least 10 feet over the bridge to surpass
his previous record of 41 feet above the
ground, according to the Oasis Resort,

site of the stunt. He was to remain
airborne for 120 feet before landing.
Laswell had completed more than
5,000 jumps in 20 years and had a 100-
percent safety recqrd, the hotel said in a
Study: Coffee may
cut risk of suicide
CHICAGO - Women who drink
coffee are less likely to commit suicide
than those who do not, suggests a study
published today.
The author'cautions that the results
may not be significant because doctors
might have told depressed patients not
to drink coffee.
The study of 86,626 female nurs
from 1980 to 1990 found 11 suici
among those who drank two to three cups
of caffeinated coffee per day, compared
with 21 cases among colleagues who said
they almost never drank coffee.
"Coffee drinkers seem to do every-
thing that seems to put them at risk for
depression and suicide, but they are highly
protected," said the study author, Dr.
Ichiro Kawachi of Harvard Medical
School and Brigham and Women's Hq
pital in Boston.

NA*t, :t, REPORT :"Y
Online users shoelittlesupport for porn
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Even his lawyer acknowledges that Bruce Black is a
pedophile who enjoys looking at pictures of young boys having sex.
What lawyer John Bisbee is trying to do is convince a federal judge that the
FBI's "Operation Innocent Images" violated Black's privacy and free speech
rights by snooping on his online swapping of child pornography.
However, few online activists along the electronic frontier are willing to supp
Black, a 29-year-old former Boy Scout worker.
"We certainly don't have a problem with the police investigating people for
child porn," says Stanton McCandish of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
"How they do it can be an issue if they violate people's rights in the process ... but
so far we haven't seen any evidence that the Innocent Images investigations were not
conducted properly."
Prosecutors say a proper warrant was used to seize hundreds of images of child
pornography found on Black's home computer.
Other say the case does raise questions about online privacy. "I think people have
a right to know what the rules are," said David Sobel, a staff lawyer for the Electronic
Privacy Information Center.
U.S. District Judge Harold Baker is scheduled to hear arguments March 18%n
whether to drop the charges against Black.

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Continued from Page 1A
cal significance of the results," Martin
said. "I'd question more the relative
rating of the factors."
Keith Decie, communications direc-
tor at the Business School, criticized
the way U.S. News weighted informa-
"It's a bit ironic that in U.S. News'
reputational surveys we're ranked fifth
by corporate recruiters and seventh ...
by academics, yet we come out 12th
overall," Decie said.
The Business School's graduate pro-
gram was ranked 12th, down one place
from last year. All of the University's
other schools and colleges were ranked
at or above last year's positions.
Despite these criticisms, Martin said
the higher rankings could help draw
more talented students and faculty to
the University, saying that students of-
ten take the rankings into consider-
"The best students want to go to the
best institutions," Martin said. "What it
can lead to is long-term, good faculty.

Good faculty want to go to good
Martin described the connection be-
tween the rankings, students and fac-
ulty as "a self-fulfilling prophecy."
Daniel Atkins, dean of the School of
Information and Library Studies, said
the school's high ranking reflects ef-
forts it is making to broaden its curricu-
lum. Atkins said the school's offerings
will soon include more computer-re-
lated fields, including digital publish-
"It appears that people approve of us
for what we've been and where we're
headed both," Atkins said.
Atkins said he hopes the school's
unique plans will soon give it a rank of
first in the nation.
"This is real national leadership," he
said. "We are producing a school with
no national equivalent."
Baker said the University's rankings
should be viewed in perspective with
the graduate schools' specific offer-
"If we consistently focus on improv-
ing the academic environment and edu-
cation offered at Michigan, the high
rankings will follow," Baker said.

Polls show Israelis
favor Netanyahu for
prime minister
JERUSALEM - After four suicide
bombings in nine days killed 61 people
and made fear the country's primary
political fact, the man known here as
"Bibi" stands poised to become Israel's
next prime minister in the May 29 elec-
tions. Polls show opposition leader Ben-
jamin Netanyahu has overtaken Shimon
Peres is under attack and desperately
trying to regain support for a peace
process that was always fragile, but is
being battered even more by each new
terrorist act.
Netanyahu's newly found popularity
comes from his hard-hitting personal
style and his party's hard-line message,
a combination that has propelled the
rise of this smooth, American-educated
politician, well known to U.S. televi-
sion viewers.
Perhaps sobered by the outcry after
Rabin's death and the accusations that
he helped trigger it, Netanyahu, 46,

has refined his political role since the
bombings. He won praise for a states-
man-like response, calling fornational
unity and refrainirng from the anti-
government protests he urged after
previous attacks.
Inmates use tnnel
to escape prison
ATHENS, Greece - Forty-four in-
mates escaped in the chaos of a prison
uprising in Corfu yesterday after find-
ing an old tunnel that linked the jail to a
nearby school.
Twelve runaways were captur9
soon after the breakout from the maxi-
mum-security prison on the northwest-
ern Greek island, and police were
searching for the others, police said
The identities of the escaped prison-.
ers were not immediately known, a po-
lice official said,speaking on condition
of anonymity.
The prison was one of several in
Greece where inmates have rioted over
the past twio weeks, demanding bet
-living conditions and shorter terms.
- From Daily wire services

The Psychology Peer Advisors Present
Winter 1996
Approaching the Application Process: Writing the Personal Statement,
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Tuesday, March 12 7:00-9:00 pm, 4th Floor Terrace, East Hall**
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the 3rd floor. When exiting the elevator, turn left around the corner to the
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available to direct you to the terrace.

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