icr an
onight: Mostly cloudy,
Nhance of snow, low 18°.
omorrow: Partly cloudy,
snow likely, high 29°.
One hundredfve years ofeditorialfreedom
March 1, 1996
By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
On the eve of spring break, members
f the Graduate Employees Organiza-
'ion and the University have agreed to
further extend negotiations to March
In yesterday's bargaining session,
G MO members suggested focusing on
Comic proposals, including wage
hiid benefits proposals.
Members of both sides agreed the
decision would accelerate signing anew
contract, but admitted that extensive
negotiating still remains.
"It's a good sign," said GEO Presi-
dent Scott Dexter. "We're not com-
pletely done talking about non-eco-
nomic problems, but we feel like we've
made good progress.
"We want to carry that (progress)
io economic proposals."
University chief negotiator Dan
Gamble said the union's suggestion was
"I came away from the table tonight
with a very positive impression from
the union," Gamble said.
Though a final deadline has not been
set for signing a tentative contract agree-
ment, both GEO and University bar-
ing team members recognized a
time pressure.
"Traditionally, the union has a need
to sign as soon as possible - no later
than the first of April - because the
union needs time to get ratification of
its members," Gamble said.
Dexter said an April 1 agreement
would be difficult without substantial
talks on a wage proposal, which has
only been recently raised.
It would be wonderful to have a
tative agreement by April 1, contin-
gent on the membership ratification,"
he said.
Dexter said signing another contract
extension depended "largely on the
quality of (March) 13's discussions.
"So (it will be) one session at a time
wie do sin another extension," he
GEO and the University agreed yes-
1ay to hire an affirmative action liai-
s n to a previously determined joint
;ommittee on affirmative action. The
liaison would be a GEO member hired
as a graduate student staff assistant and
supervised by the dean of Rackham,
Dexter said.
US. set to guard
Cuban memorial
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - Determined to head off
another deadly confrontation between Cuban war-
planes and unarmed civilians, President Clinton
yesterday ordered the Coast Guard to escort an
armada of Cuban exile aircraft and boats to a
memorial demonstration this weekend for the pi-
lots shot down off the island's coast last Saturday.
Clinton directed the Coast Guard, with U.S.
Navy and Air Force planes standing by to add
military muscle, to prevent a Cuban attack on the
exiles - while also making sure the demonstra-
tors do not penetrate Cuba's waters or airspace.
"The president has approved a strong warning
to the Cuban government not to violate basic
norms of international conduct," White House
spokesperson Mike McCurry said in announcing
Clinton's decision. "We will not tolerate the loss
of American lives."
But he added: "Unauthorized entry by U.S.
aircraft and vessels into Cuban territory is pro-
hibited, and firm legal action will face those who
violate this prohibition."
The president's decision, reached after a se-
ries of White House meetings, is intended to
make sure that members of the Brothers to the
Rescue exile group will be able to conduct a
peaceful and dignified memorial tomorrow hon-
oring four of the organization's pilots who died
when Cuban warplanes blasted their two tiny
Cessna aircraft from the sky.
The U.S. government and the Brothers group
insist that the downed planes were not in Cuban
airspace at the time; the Cuban government
contends that they were.
Although Coast Guard ships and aircraft do
not carry armaments capable of combating Cu-
ban warplanes. McCurry said, Clinton "is confi-
dent the Pentagon can ... make sure that the steps
he's outlined today are effective." He did not
elaborate, but the aircraft carrier Enterprise and
its battle group are operating off Puerto Rico.
U'students, to
attend servce.
By Ann Stewart
Daily Staff Reporter
Eleven students participating in Alternative
Spring Break plan to attend a memorial service
in Miami for the four American pilots downed
by Cuban military fighter planes last weekend.
LSA junior Rolerto Pando, a leader of the
Alternative Spring Break Miami site, said the
Cuban American National Federation isencour-
aging students from around the country to attend
the public tribute Saturday at 5 p.m. in Orange
Bowl Stadium.
"Everybody in the group is excited," Pando
said. "What surprised me is the way they are
bringing everybody together."
Alternative Spring Break is a campus organi.
zation that allows students to travel to different
parts of the country and perform community
service during spring break.
Pando's site is scheduled to go to Miami
where they will aid Cuban refugees in conjunc-
tion with Casa del Balsero, a group that takes
donations of food and clothes for Cuban rafters.
Cuban exile organizations invite the general
public to the memorial service, that will honor
the pilots who were members of Brothers to the
Rescue, also an exile organization.
This is the second year Miami will host an
Alternative Spring Break site specifically to aid
Cuban refugees. Last year's site members flew
with Brothers to the Rescue pilots.
The group of University students plans to
begin the 24-hour drive to Miami this afternoon.
See ASB, Page 2
We're outta here
Damien Bajnath and Crystal Steed wait outside the Michigan Union for the Commuter bus.
New hands to conduct 'M' Marching Band
By Allan zikson
Daily StaffTReporter
After months of searching for a permanent replace-
ment for Gary Lewis, the Michigan Marching Band on
Wednesday announced that Kevin Sedatole will be-
come its new director effective this August.
Sedatole accepted his appointment from the School
of Music on Monday, becoming the Band's I I th
leader since its inception in 1898.
Current Interim Director Jeff Grogan has accepted an
appointment as associate director of the marching band.
"We made a very wide search and had a strong
applicant pool," said Paul Lehman, senior associate
dean in the School of Music, who spearheaded the
selection process with Music Prof. H. Robert Reynolds.
"Kevin Sedatole is especially qualified because he
is a superb musician and excellent conductor; he is
particularly capable of inspiring our students, and has
a high energy level," Lehman said.
The recipient of numerous conducting awards and
honors, Sedatole is currently, associate director of
bands at Austin State University in Texas.
Sedatole said he is very excited about coming to the
University and working closely with Director of Bands
Reynolds, one of Sedatole's professional inspirations.
I feel like U-M is where real university bands had
their beginnings with Dr. Revelli," Sedatole said.
"There is a wonderful tradition ofexcel lence at Michi-
gan that I want to become a part of and hopefully
enhance. I'd want to continue the innovative show
design that already goes on."
Although the search was conducted by the fac-
ulty, Lehman and Reynolds sought extensive student
input from current marching band members.
Lehman said he believes student involvement was
critical because there is a special relationship between
the band members and the director. "Students perceive
the director and interact with the director a little differ-
ently than the faculty might think," he said.
Second-year Medical student John Schmidt, one
of the six marching band members involved in the
See SEDATOLE, Page 2
2 students to help
pick ombudsperson
cookies on
By Marisa Ma
Daily Staff Reporter
The magic of Thin Mints, Caramel
deLites and Peanut Butter Patties is that
they can cheer up even a grey winter
day during midterms.
Girl Scout Cookie booth sales in the
Ann Arbor area began this week and
Wpus was no exception.
On Monday, Junior Girl Scout Troop
942 paid the University a visit at their
booth on the corner of South University
and East University avenues, the begin-
ning of about three weeks of cookie
booth sales.
Sales continue at the same corner this
College students tend to be very re-
ceptive to Girl Scout Cookies, said
*rjorie McRoberts, the troop leader.
"(Students) say, 'It brings back
memories when I used to sell them,'"
McRoberts said.
LSA senior Santhi Periasamy is one
of these nostalgic former Girl Scouts.
"It was a memorable experience and it
By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's ombudsperson -
an administrative figure who settles stu-
dent disputes and helps students navi-
gate the layers of academic bureau-
cracy - has been without a permanent
appointment for more than a year.
But early this week,
two students were
appointed to serve on T
a search committee toI
select the next .i'As
ombudsperson, and
Dean of Students m e4
Royster Harper said
yesterday the next with m
should be in place
July 1..
"I would love to itegrit
get the search con-
ducted and have a
candidate for stu-
dents in May,"-
Harper said. "I am anticipating a com-
mittee of seven, two of whom will be
Harper said the other five committee
members will be faculty and staff.
Since January 1995, Jennifer Walters
has been serving as the ombudsperson
on an interim basis. Walters formerly
served as the assistant ombudsperson at
Michigan State University.
"The ombudsnerson helos students
resolution, and someone who has a lot
of integrity," Harper said. "Experience
on the University campus would be
great, but not necessary."
Michigan Student Assembly Rep.
Probir Mehta, chair of the Campus
Governance Committee, was respon-
sible for finding two students to serve
on the search committee.
to have
a lot of
- Royster Harper
Dean of students
"We only
had a week to
conduct the
search," Mehta
said. "We tries
to get appli-
cants, but there
weren't many
at all, which i{
a damr
CGC se-
lected MSA
Reps. Olga
Savic anc
M ic ha e
Jessica Doan, 9, a member of Girl Scout troop 942 peddles Girl Scout Cookies on the corner of South University and East
University Avenues, near First of America Bank.
McRoberts estimated the troop would
make about $800 from one day's sales
that would pay for the cookie purchases,
camping trips and provide support to
the Girl Scout Council.
The troop has eight cookie varieties for
.~.- ; nr.~t,,nt-.4af .l~ln a~aIiYY.-
The first-time entreprenuers learn
mathematical skills, too.
"They keep track and record num-
bers," McRoberts said. "They get to
practice and see math in action." She
added that the girls do not often have
tha rhnnop to nrilp INO nnchen
The troop also said they enjoyed meet-
ing and talking with the customers.
Customers' appetites also benefitted
from the transactions.
Explaining her box of Girl Scout
Cookies, Laske said, "I have a huge
seet tooth-"
Nagrant. Savic said the choices were
greatly limited.
"The reason why both students (or
the panel) are in MSA is because we
couldn't find anyone in the larger stu-
dent body pool," Savic said.
Although the Division of Student Af
fairs is attempting to create new source,
for conflict mediation, Harper said the
ombudsperson occupies a unique role.
"There are many more concerns tha