88 - The Michigan Daily - We4t tU. - Thursday, February 29, 1996 0 Mark O'Brien is curator of the University's Insect division at the Museum of Zoology. The University's collection ranks third nationally for universities nationwide, behind only Harvard and Cornell. 0 Float like a The entomology division at the University is home to more than 4 million preserved specimens. Africa, South America, Asia: these are the areas you will experience when looking at the many insects in the Museum of Zoology. From giant grasshoppers to the common housefly, you can get a great sense ofjust * how diverse the insect world is. It's not just butterflies and bees like most people think. The collection's beginnings originated in the early part ofthe century when the museum was formally established as a separate unit of the University in 1913. Over the years since then, the collection has grown significantly through expeditions, generous gifts and exchanges of various sorts. Much of the early success in collection is attributed not only to the curators, graduate and undergraduate students, but also to an association known as the Detroit Naturalist's Club. This group was primarily made up * of businessmen and professionals, mainly entomologists, who had a common interest in nature and collecting. The insect collection covers a broad range of regions in the world. This particular specimen is commonly known as a birdwing butterfly. The species seen here is from India. There is always a continuous flow of work to be done on the collection. Thousands of specimens have yet to be prepared and properly identified; some of these insects date back to 1905. This makes for interesting study on the hopes that researchers might find changes in a species over such time or evens identify a new species: There are still insects yet to be discovered, mainly inhabiting jungles and oceans, Unsorted specimens can be prepared in many different ways, depen- dent on the makeup of the insect. There is dry preparation that may be The Ruthv pin mounted or papered. History Mi Butterflies, moths, been hom' beetles and dragonflies collection are preserved in this construct[ H clubs to help out those young enthusi- astic "buggists." These boxes may help the moms of young insect lovers remain sane by keeping all the bugs in one place. Collections such as the aquatic insects and parasites are preserved in vials and jars filled with fluid containing 70 percent ethanol. Cur- rently there are more than 70,000 vials and jars holding specimens in the fluid range, but as of right now only half of the alcohol range, pri- manly aquatic insects, has been sorted and la- beled. 0 en Natural useum has e to the since its Ion In 1927. The entire Mu- seum of Zoology De- partment is solely a re- search unit at the Uni- versity. This is why many students have little knowledge on the field manner. Small flies and mites can be dry mounted on slides. Along with the sorting of unidentified collections, updating of. old storage drawers has been a continuing job for and collections on cam- pus. But what makes the realm of this population so fascinating is that it en- ables the ordinary person to study, re- search, and go places they have never Ak .0B RWWA I