2 The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 27, 1996
High court hears
claims of racism in
dnig charges
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - The Supreme
Court heard arguments yesterday in a
case involving whether federal pros-
ecutors are targeting blacks for drug
trafficking charges, a question that arises
"against a backdrop of national debate
over how stiff prison terms for crack
cocaine fall disproportionately on
In a tense hour of give-and-take,
the justices appeared wary of forcing
the government to explain its charg-
ing practices without preliminary evi-
dence showing that black and white
drug defendants are treated differ-
If a black defendant seeks to allege
"selective prosecution," Justice David
Souter suggested, he should offer evi-
dence of the experience of white drug
"I would have thought if there is
selective prosecution," said Justice
Stephen Breyer, "lots of examples"
would exist.
Five Los Angeles defendants have
claimed they were singled out in 1992
for federal prosecution on charges of
operating a "crack house." They claim
prosecutors are steering black sus-
pects into federal court and white de-
fendants into state court, where a
guilty verdict can mean less than half
the prison time.
Yesterday's case tests what sort of
evidence is enough to raise a legiti-
mate claim of selective prosecution
and require the government to pro-
duce information relating to charging
Lower courts ordered such produc-
tion of documents, known legally as
"discovery," based on a showing that of
the 24 federal crack cocaine cases closed
by the Los Angeles public defender's
office in 1991, all involved black de-
Continued from Page 1
absentee system or a vote-by-mail sys-
tem for as early as 1997.
Secretary of State Candace Miller
(R-St. Clair Shores) had voiced ini-
tial approval of the legislation. Liz
Boyd, Miller's spokesperson, said
Miller "has spoken positively about
the concept of mail-in elections."
However, Boyd said the idea is pre-
mature, due to the decentralized na-
ture of the state voter registration sys-
"We currently have over 17,000
organizations maintaining separate
voter files for about six million regis-
tered voters (in the state)," Boyd said.
She said Miller feels the development
Continued from Page 1.
politically moderate man who sup-
ported the Middle East peace process.
"He liked Arafat," said another
cousin, who also asked not to be iden-
tified. "I don't think he believed in
(the militant Islamic group) Hamas."
Hamida had lived in the United
States for about 20 years and was an
American citizen, his cousins said.
Family members said he was single
and worked in a grocery store until he
left for the Middle East.
A State Department spokesperson
in Washington said U.S. officials had
not confirmed that Hamida was a U.S.
citizen but that they were operating
on the general assumption that he was.
U.S. Embassy officials in Israel found
that Hamida had rented his car using
an American passport, whose number
they obtained. But the State Depart-
ment said the number was not yet in
its system of computerized records.
Meanwhile yesterday, Israelis
mourned their dead, lighting memo-
rial candles to those slain Sunday,
observing a minute of silence in
schools and streaming by the thou-
sands to Har Herzl national cemetery
for the funerals of nine soldiers and
three civilians.
Due to Sprint
early deadlines for
Publication Date
Monday, March 11
1"iesday, March 12
Wednesday, March 13
Break,, there will be
he following publications:
Wednesday, February 28
Wednesday, February 28
Wednesday, February 28
of a statewide qualified voter file,
now in the works, will be needed in
order to have a successful mail-in
voting program.
The project to compile voter records
has been initially approved by the state
with a $7.6 million appropriation.
Smith said she is optimistic about
the Senate's reception of her legisla-
tion today and is happy to hear of
Miller's approval. "With that vote of
confidence behind the system from
the secretary of state, at least the ad-
ministrative arm is saying 'this is do-
able, this is good, this is something
we need to do if we want election
participation by every citizen in the
Smith's efforts last December to
introduce similar legislation were de-
feated by the state Senate.
Continued from Page 1
will affect the Code system.
"My concern for the time being is,
what if a Code case comes up and we
don't have the training?" Savic asked.
With panelist reapplication occurring
in April, Savic said it may be impracti-
cal to go through extensive training for
panelists who may be available for less
than two months.
Along with saying panelists may
receive more training Antieau said
she is not concerned that some panel-
ists have said they oppose the Code.
"I'd rather have a panelist who has
a reasonable skepticism about the
whole process than someone who is
gung-ho to be a jurist," Antieau said.
"In the past, the history has been that
when students are in a hearing with
other students, they're very, very care-.
Antieau also said she thinks students
need to remain at the center of the
arbitration process. "It's their commu-
nity, and I think students are the people
who ought to be talking about appropri-
ate behavior in the community," Antieau
Novick said he was "heartened" by
Antieau's remarks, and Savic said they
may indicate an ability for anti-Code
students andtheadministration to"find
some middle ground and help some
Continued from Page 1
tion Systems teaching assistant, a com-
puter consultant and a programming
analyst at the University have provided
opportunities to work with web pages
and sites, he said.
But many other students find setting
up their own businesses a difficult task.
Engineering senior Diganta Saha
worked for Web Elite as a graphic de-
signer and said he feels more comfort-
able working for a service.
"You need to have a lot of initiation
to try to start your own company," Saha
said. "I wouldn't go out and do it myself
because it has a lot of legal hassle. You
need an idea. You need a drive. You
need to contact a lot of people."
LSA junior Matthew Wright, Habra's
partner and a student at Colorado Uni-
versity, said he was happy that Habra
took care of contacting the clients and
all other tax and business issues be-
cause he did not like to talk to people
and work with the financial aspects.
Saha said Habra picked home pages
he liked and recruited those students to
work for him. Wright said Habra in-
vited him to become part of his team
through e-mail and introduced him to
the business idea of Web Elite.
While most students learn theories
from classes, many do not gain hands-
on experience or opportunities to apply
what they have learned into practice,
Habra said.
"Most classrooms are geared around
theory rather than putting something
out and creating something," he said.
"Web Elite allows me to incorporate all
my technology skills and even my En-
glish and philosophy background and
interests into one medium. This a way
for me to branch out."
As part of his job, Habra researches
web sites, networks clients, recruits co-
workers and assigns duties to them.
His advice to students who would
like to set up their own online business:
to "always test everything," investigate
the particular area they want to put
online, learn from successful and failed
precedents and "ask people what they
think to get as many perspectives at
"Instead of just learning something,
get involved and apply all the time, as
much as you can," Habra said. "You
can learn more by actually doing some-
thing rather than sitting in a classroom."
Atlanta Braves visit
President Clinton
World Series champion Atlanta
Braves toured the White House yes-
terday and accepted belated congratu-
lations from President Clinton for their
"great season and magnificent World
Series victory."
The Braves, whose first invitation to
the White House last year was canceled
because of the crisis in Bosnia, inter-
rupted their spring training in Florida to
travel to Washington for the two-hour
tour, reception and recognition cer-
"The Braves have shown us the best
side of professional sports, persever-
ance and hard work and a commitment
that has endured over seasons," Clinton
said. "There really does seem to be a
spirit of teamwork that has worked for
this team."
The Braves, who lost the 1991 and
1992 World Series, won the champion-
ship last fall in six games over the
Cleveland Indians. Clinton applauded
their ability to overcome the "adversity
and criticism" that had followed their
two earlier losses.
"Throughout the season you were
dogged by doubts and second-guesses,"
said Clinton, adding, "I can identify
with that."
Killing Fields' Osc&
winner shot to death
LOS ANGELES - Dr. Haing'-S.
Ngor survivedthe killing fields ofCam-
bodia only to die on the streets of Los
Ngor, who won an Academy Award
for his role as a fellow Cambodiari in
the 1984 movie "The Killing Fields,"
was found shot to death beside his
parked car Sunday night in front fs
Chinatown home.
No immediate arrests were iide,
and the motive for the shooting was
under investigation. But the home is in
an increasingly seedy area, and some
neighbors said Ngor may have -been
The coroner's office listed Ngio's
age as 55, although police gave it as 45.
Coalition sues to overturn Internet law
PHILADELPHIA -A coalition that includes computer industry giants Microsoft
and Apple filed a federal lawsuit yesterday to overturn a new law restricting
indecency on the Internet.
The lawsuit seeks to overturn the Communications Decency Act, which
imposes a $250,000 fine and up to six years in prison for transmitting indecent
material in such a way that children could find it on the Internet.
The Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition argues that there are less rest*
tive means, such as in-home blocking software, to protect children or other users
from offensive material.I
"We believe that parental involvement, education and technology provide
far more effective solutions to protecting children than this or any other jaw
could," said Bill Burrington, general counsel for America Online, the largest
commercial Internet service in the United States with more than 4 million
Enforcement of the act has been blocked temporarily by another lawsuit, filed
here Feb. 8 by a coalition led by the American Civil Liberties Union. U.S. District
Judge Ronald Buckwalter said the definition of indecency in the act, signed Feb.
1 by President Clinton, was too vague.
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British PM fends off
challenge from his
own party's right
LONDON - Facing down a fierce
opposition attack and defectors from
his own party, British Prime Minister
John Major put his government on the
line yesterday in an incendiary parlia-
mentary vote over illegal arms sales to
Iraq - and won by a hair.
Major's Conservatives won 320-319
in a vote that undercuts the impact of a
report faulting government officials for
their handling of the arms sales in the
years before the Persian Gulf War.
Major's victory, which spared him
from having to call a vote of confi-
dence, can only reinforce his determi-
nation to remain in office for a full
term and to call elections next year,
rather than this year as his opponents
. In angry debates in the House of
Commons yesterday, the two sides drew
opposite conclusions from the same
report. Major's opponents saw a cal-
lous decision to trade with Saddam
Hussein in defiance of stated govern-
ment policy, and a cover-up to keep the
decision secret. The government's sup-
porters saw flexible decision-making
on the part of ministers working itt the
national interest.
Colombia fghts for
its legal exports
CHIA, Colombia - The people
whose greenhouses yield a year-round
supply of cut flowers for the U.S. mar-
ket fear they may soon fall victim to the
war on drugs.
On Friday, President Clinton;will
announce whether the United Sts
will penalize Colombia for its short-
comings in combating drug-relatedcor-
ruption. If he does, he could impose
import tariffs on the roses, chrysanthe-
mums and carnations grown on this rich
savanna outside Bogota.
With President Ernesto Samper ac-
cused ofusing millions in Cali drug cartel
cash to win the election, no one expects
Colombia to gain the full stamp of'tide
approval, known as certification.
- From Daily wire serc
1996 Teachers' Salaries (average):
i ! ° = 117 -,
" Ann Arbor Public Schools-$49,446
" Birmingham Public Schools-$54,416
" Detroit Public Schools-$45,304
" Grand Rapids Public Schools-$43,999
* Farmington Public Schools-$61,971
" Muskegon Public Schools-$47,424
" Southfield Public Schools-$57,335
" Ypsilanti Public Schools-$49,249
rf_ -
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
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