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February 26, 1996 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-02-26

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The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, February 26, 1996 - 7B

Women's cagers drop final
two games to ranked foes

By Dan Stillman
Daily Sports Writer
For the third time in four years, the
Michigan women's basketball team has
finished the regular season with one or
fewer conference victories.
The Wolverines (1-15 Big Ten, 7-19
overall) fell to No. 11 Wisconsin, 88-
63, yesterday at Crisler, and to No. 7
Iowa, 74-52, Friday at Carver-Hawkeye
Yesterday, Michigan was over-
matched by the Badgers (12-4, 20-6).
Wisconsin grabbed the early lead,
thanks to its 64.3 percent first-halfshoot-
ing combined with the Wolverine's 34.5
Poor free-throw shooting by Michi-
gan also contributed to Wisconsin's47-
25 halftime lead, as the Wolverines
went 5-15 from the line.
"Personally, I just don't think we can
match up with them," Michigan coach
Trish Roberts said.
Wisconsin junior guard Keisha
Anderson jump-started the Badgers
with her scrappy play, including 14
points, a team-high seven assists and
two steals.
Junior forward Katie Voight led the
Badgers with 25 points, including a
Murray 19 1-3 2-2 1-3 1 2 4
Brzezinski 25 5-8 2-5 3-9 1 2 10
Johns 33 1-9 2-5 2.9 2 4 4
Franklin 40 3-9 6-9 1-6 7 3 13
Kiefer 29 2-4 1-2 02 0 2 6
Willard 15 4-5 46 2-3 1 5 12
Shelman 17 15 1-2 03 0 3 3
Sikorski 13 0-0 0-0 0- 0 2 0
DiGiacinto 5 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0
Poglits 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 01 0
Ross 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 01 0
Totals 200 17-43 16-27 10-39 1226 52
FG%: .395. FTV:.593 Three-point goals: 211,
.182 (Kiefer 1-3, Franklin 1-5. Shelman 0-2,
Murray 0-1). Blocks: 3 (Shelman 2, Johns).
Turnovers: 22 (Johns 6, Brzezinski 4, Murray 2,
Franklin 2, Kiefer 2, Willard 2, Shelman 2,
DiGiacinto). Steals: 6 (Kiefer 2. Murray,
Franklin, Willard, Shelman). Techncal Fouls:
IOWA (74)
Gooden 34 9-15 1-1 1-4 2 1 25
Perry 26 3-4 2-3 2-7 2 1 8
Smith 21 7-14 1-3 4-6 1 2 15
Domond 21 2-7 0-0 3-4 5 1 5
Clayton 16 03 0-1 00 3 1 0
Frese 24 04 3-5 24 2 2 3
Willis 24 4-5 0-3 1-5 0 3 8
Hamblin 12 2-10 2-6 4-5 4 3 6
Koeing 13 1-5 0-0 11 2 3 2
Noll 9 12 0-2 1-2 1 3 2
Totals 200 29-69 9-24 2142 2220 74
FG%: .420. FT%: .375 Three-pont goals: 7-17,
.412 (Gooden 6-9, Domond 1-4, Hamblin 0-2,
Smith 0-1, Frese 0-1). Blocks: 4 (Perry, Smith,
Willis, Noll) Turnovers: 10 (Frese 3, Gooden 2,
Smith 2, Clayton, Willis, Noll). steas:7
(Clayton 2, Hamblin 2, Gooden, Perry,.Frese).
Technical Fouls: none.
Michigan-------.....27 25 - 53
Iowa......................40 34 -74
At: carver-Hawkeye Arena: A: 7,592
Anderson 33 5-12 4-4 0-4 7 2 14
Klapperich 14 4-7 0-0 25 0 5 8
Voigt 37 9-17 1-2 0-3 4 3 25
Cattanach 25 2-3 0-0 0-1 2 2 6
Franke 31 0-0 4-4 3-11 1 2 22
Wiersma 19 2-2 13 11 0 5 5
Hartwig 18 11 24 1-7 1 1 4
Rhodes 10 01 00 1-3 0 1 0
Winkler 6 0-0 2-2 00 0 2 2
Dillon 5 00 0-0 0-0 10 5
Burkholder 1 00 0-0 00 0 0 2
R emer 1 0-0 0-0 0-000 0
Totals 200 33 -714.19361623 88
FG%: .579. FT% .736. Three-point goals: 817,
.471 (Voigt 6-12, Cattanach 2-3, Anderson 01,
Klapperich 0-1) Blocks: 4 (Hartwig 2, Voigt,
Wiersma). Turnovers: 21 (Franke 8, Voigt 7,
Anderson 4, Cattanach, Wink ler). Steals: 3
(Franke 2, Anderson, Vgt). Technical Fouls:

school record-tying six 3-pointers.
In the paint, senior center Barb Franke
sparked Wisconsin with 22 points.
The Badgers stifled the Wolverines'
inside game, holding sophomore center
Pollyanna Johns to nine points and 10
There was some debate as to which
team was responsible for shutting down
the league's top rebounder.
"I thought our guards did a great job
ofcollapsingin on (Johns)," Wisconsin
coach Jane Albright-Dieterle said.
Johns had a different take on the
"I started making really stupid fouls
and started changing my shots," Johns
said. "I think I (shut down) myself."
The game marked the end of senior
Jennifer Brzezinski's regular season
college career.
Despite a difficult first half (3-10
shooting and 1-6 from the free-throw
line), Brzezinski finished strongly to
lead the team with 19 points.
"I think it was putting too much pres-
sure on myself, being it was my last
game," Brzezinski said. "In the second
half I just tried to calm down and con-
centrate on my game. Things turned
around and I started to put the ball in the
Sophomore guard Akisha Franklin,
Michigan's only other double-digit
scorer, netted 18 points.
Friday night, Iowa sophomore for-
ward Tiffany Gooden helped the
Hawkeyes capture their third Big Ten
title in five years, at the expense of the
visiting Wolverines in front of 7,592
Gooden shot 6-of-9 (.666) from 3-
point land and dominated the Wolver-
ines with 25 points.
The Hawkeyes shut down Michigan's
inside game, holding sophomore center

Pollyanna Johns to four points, her sea-
son low.
Michigan failed to make up for its
lack of points in the paint with its pe-
rimeter game. The Wolverines shot a
dismal 2-11 (.182) from 3-point land.
Once again, sloppiness hurt the Wol-
verines as they turned the ball over 222
times, compared to Iowa's 10 turnovers.
Sophomore guard Akisha Franklin
played all 40 minutes, and led Michi-
gan with 13 points and seven assists.
Sophomore forward Tiffany Willard
went 4-for-5 from the field, to contrib-
ute 12 points for the Wolverines.
The Hawkeyes led 40-27 at the half;
and kept the Wolverines at bay for the
remainder of the game.
Brzezinski's final weekend was an
emotional one for her and the team.
"I love every one of(my teammates)
and I'd do anything for them,"
Brzezinski said. "It'sjust been an honor
to play with this bunch of women."
Roberts highlighted Brzezinski's
importance to the program.
"I think Breeze has been the founda-
tion the last four years," Roberts said;
"Her leadership has been the key thing
she's given this team."
Following the postgame press con-
ference, Brzezinski and Johns, shared
an emotional embrace.
"I'm really gonnamiss Breeze,"Johns
said. "When no one else would talk to
me, Breeze would always come to my
room and talk to me. She went througb
the same thing I did with my knee
injury. She taught me how to overcome
certain things."
Now the Wolverines prepare fornexi
weekend's Big Ten Tournament in In-
dianapolis. The winner earns an auto
matic bid to the NCAA tournament.
Seedings and times for the tourna-
ment will be announced today.

Big Ten Standings*

Big Ten
Won Lost

Won Lost

Michigan's Akisha Franklin chases a loose ball in yesterday's 88-63 loss to Wisconsin in Crisler Arena.
Mg ds could learn athngMor
two from Wisconsin's Anderson

Penn State
Michigan St.
Ohio State





18 11



By James Goldstein
Daily Slorts Writer
" Its hope the Michigan women's
baskeball team will keep yesterday's
game in their heads up until this week's
Big Tc Championships in Indianapolis.
An<iet's hope the Wolverines hold on
the memories of yesterday's 88-63
blowout by Wisconsin over the summer
and up until preseason of next year.
The reason why? The Badgers' point
guard geisha Anderson.
Anderson displayedto Michigan, which
bas 6adtrouble all
year wih its point
guard play, what
the "o'e" guard is
ell anuet.r
Tht, numbers
re not spectacu-
ar: 1 4 points,
seven assists, four
rebounds and two
steals. But that
doesnt tell the
story. ,
Justwith her presence on the court and
her Iint guard play, Anderson was the
key the game.
In -the Wolverines' last game of the
season, Anderson dished to her team-
mates at the right times. She penetrated
down the lane and often had a choice of
goingall the way for the layup or pulling
up for he short jumper.
T iQ5-foot-7 junior also put on a defen-
sive show.
Anderson was right in the face of
Michigan's Jennifer Kiefer all game. She
bodied Kiefer and, got her out of her
Ohythm. Anderson slapped away the ball
from behind and quickly drove down the
courtfor easy layups.
Andlerson leads the conference in steals
with?.5 per game. She also set the Big
Ten ason record forsteals in conference
games, with 72. That is a record that

hasn't been broken in over a decade.
"I take a lot of pride in my defense,"
Anderson said. "My defensive effort helps
me on the offensive end. That's just the
type of point guard I am. Wherever the
ball is, that's where I want to be."
She was there.
Whenever the ball was loose on the
floor, Anderson threw her body into the
heap of players and got the ball.
And she did it again in the final minutes
of the first half. There was a loose ball on
the court. Anderson hustled her way back
to mid-court and wrestled for the ball in
the middle of three Wolverines.
Just before Michigan was going to tie
up the ball, Anderson cleverly poked the
ball while seated on the court to forward
Ann Klapperich, who dished it to Barb
Franke for the layup.
Michigan just witnessed the top point
guard in the Big Ten, bar none.
Both coaches agree.
"Keisha distributed the ball very, very
well," Wisconsin coach Jane Albright-
Dieterle said. "You saw who I think is the
best point guard in our conference get the
ball inside and outside to her teammates."
Michigan coach Trish Roberts would
drool to have apoint guard like Anderson.
Too many times this season, the Wolver-
ines have not delivered the ball to the right
people at the right times.
Whether Kiefer or Akisha Franklin has
played the point, both have shown their
Kiefer is hesitant to drive the lane and

dish from close to the basket. Also, she
doesn't have the knack of when to take
the open shot. She doesn't shoot enough.
And attimes on the defense, Kieferdoesn't
show that defensive aggressiveness.
Franklin, on the other hand, has that
intense defensive style. She is on the
opposing point guard like glue. And she
is a purer scorer than Kiefer, but Franklin
lacks that overall leadership.
Anderson doesn't lack anything. Even
when the Badgers were up by more than
20 points for most of the second half, she
still hustled for every loose ball and drove
to the hole with force.
"Any time you've got aspark plug, like
Keisha - she's quick, she's fast - I
think she's one of the biggest differences
on that team," Roberts said. "She makes
that team go."
"She does so many things offensively
and defensively. In my opinion, I think
she's the best point guard in the Big Ten."
Anderson even says all the right things.
"The point guard is the toughest posi-
tion on the court because if things don't
go right, you take all the fault," Anderson
said. "You try to get people around you in
it, and ifthey're not in it, then you feel bad
because you are not doing the job Coach
asks you to do as a point guard."
Michigan,pay attention. You havejust
experienced what a true all-around point
guard does for the team. Anderson brings
out the best out in her teammates. How
about seeing the point guard do the same
for the Wolverines?

6 10
5 10
Q 15

14 11
7 19
4 21

*Sunday's indiana at Michigan State and Northwestern at Minnesota
games were not completed at press time.



Murray 9 1-3 0-0 0.1 0 1 2
Franklin 40 6-12 6-9 1-3 4 2 18
Kiefer 37 3.5 0.1 0-3 4 1 6
Johns 30 2-7 5-10 4-10 2 4 9
Brzezinski 38 6-16 7-12 4-9 0 3 19
Shellman 29 4-13 1-2 5.6 2 3 9
Willard 9 0.3 0-0 1-2 0 0 0
Sikorski 5 0-0 0-0 0-100 0
DiGiacinto 2 0-0 0-0 0000 0
Poglits 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Totals 200 22-59 1934 1636 1215 63
FG%: .373. FT%:.559. Three-point goals: 0-8,
.000 (Kiefer 02, Murray 0-2, Shellman 0-2),
(Brzezinsk 0-1, Franklin 0-1). Blocks: 3 (Johns
3) Turnovers: 17 (Franklin 4, Johns 4, Kiefer 4,
Shellman 3, Brzezinski, Murray, Willard).
Steals: 9 (Franklin 4, Shellman 3, Brzezinski,
Kiefer). Technical Fouls: none.
Wisconsin .............47 41-88
Michigan ............25 38 - 63
At: Crisler Arena; A: 1,246

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