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January 16, 1996 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-01-16

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arch for
y Katie Wang
ai StaffReporter
ey came with banners and signs.
hey came with friends. They came
undled up, and most importantly they
ame ready to march.
About 200 students braved the cold
eather and gathered at the intersection
f South University and South Forest
venues for the annual Unity March
ponsored by the Black Student Union.
"I feel people before me marched so that
can have an opportunity to be at a school
4ahis," said Engineering sophomore
ic hael Terry. "I can show my thanks and
upport for things such as diversity and
eace as they did years ago."
Many of the students carried signs in
upport of unity as they marched down
outh University.
A number of marchers said they were
oncerned about the struggles that lay
head for students of color.
"I'm here today for unity - to re-
116 us that the struggle isn't over,"
aid Ann Pham, an RC junior. "We still
ave a long way to go. This isn't just
bout affirming changes that have been
"Racism is still alive and kicking on
ampus," said LSA senior Monique
arshall. "Ifnecessary we should keep
iarching every week."
Marshall also emphasized that the
arch was not only about the African
rican community, but about all races.
'We'reall standingup foreach other;


The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 16, 1996 - 5A
Hundreds choose to
hon-orKing through
conununity service

By Anita Chik
Daily Staff Reporter
In an effort to continue Martin Luther
King Jr.'s mission of equality, the Uni-
versity held a one-day community ser-
vice project that gave students the op-
portunity to act out his dreams.
In honor of King's life and achieve-
ments, the Office of Academic and
Multicultural Affairs and the Division
of Student Affairs jointly organized the
program to help needy people around
Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Detroit.
The program offered 30 sites for stu-
dents and staff members to volunteer
working for different organizations,
according to their areas of interests.
The program will also hold a reflection
session on Jan. 22 for participants to
discuss their volunteering experiences.
This year 300 participants served
agencies such as the YMCA, Habitat
for Humanity, Bortz Health Care, SAFE
House, Ann Arbor Shelter and Huron
Youth Service.
LSA sophomore Duke Napp, who
helped organize the project, said its
main goal was to involve students in the
community and to increase awareness
of the many community service oppor-
Barbara Maclin, a staff member in the

Office of Student Activities and Leader-
ship, said, "The program allows interac-
tion with people to learn to adapt (to
others' lifestyles) in a couple of hours."
Maclin said the community service
program on MLK Day allowed people
from different backgrounds and races
to come together for equality, helping
those who are less fortunate.
Tim Zisman, an LSA junior who
helped lead the Bortz Health Care site,
said the community service project was
an "eye-opening" experience to intro-
duce social injustice to people.
The goal of the project was "to give a
little happiness to someone else, putting
a smile on people's faces," Zisman said.
Napp said the program is one way to
expose students to various social con-
cerns that are discussed in classes, such
as caring for the elderly and feeding the
hungry, and to act on them.
Cutting grass and cleaning windows
for community centers seem insignifi-
cant in nature, but the service helps
combat various social problems, Napp
RC senior Julie Lubec, who works
with Napp in the organizing committee,
said, "The MLK Day is symbolic. It gives
an opportunity to students - a day off to
do something for the communities."

LSA first-year student Choua Yang helps 4-year-old Grace Chu, as part of Project SERVE's community service program.

that's the way it should be," she said.
Betty Greggs, a University employee,
described the march as "beautiful."
"It was love - you could feel it. It's
all about being together," she said.
Thirty-five students from MacKenzie
High School in Detroit also partici-
pated in the march. Theirteacher, Tonya
Champion, graduated from the Univer-
sity in 1993.
"All the students said they wanted to
march so they can actually do some-
thing with this day off," Champion said.
LSA sophomore Marlon Wardlow
said the march marked an opportunity

to appreciate the activism of the civil
rights movement.
"This constantly reminds me of what
my forefathers did to get me here," he
The marchers gathered at the steps of
the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library,
which was renamed yesterday by the
Alliance for Justice as the "Helen
Chavez Graduate Library."
BSU Speaker Sherise Steele ad-
dressed the crowd and urged them to
"Keep King's dream alive and to keep
expanding it."
Other speakers for the Alliance also

addressed the crowd, including Johnny
Su, former chair of the United Asian
American Organizations.
"A person is measured not in terms of
what he or she says - but by what he or
she does," Su said.
Although Steele said she waspleased
with this year's march and the unity it
reflected, she said that she sometimes
thinks about not having a march.
"A lot of people can march, chant and
then go home and feel real proud,"
Q# - - n A ' - n . . n --4.".1



Steele said. But sometimes we think
that we need to challenge students to
come up with something different."

IInterfraternity Council


y Stephanie Jo
aily Staff Reporter
Academic iea
nembers of the U
o fend their rig
h .ducational

debates need for affnnative action at universities
Klein Patricia Mendoza, of the Mexi
There is a false belief that every job American Legal Defense Fund,
ders yesterday urged .oCarol Hollenshead, director of
Jniversity community in eAmericabeongsto a awhite male." University's Center for the Continu
hts toopportunities in -Trevor Chandler Education of Women, both focuse
arena and the work- the government's failure to provide
University of California director of affirmative action disadvantaged minorities.

d on



IFC Open House


11 am-5pm
at Michigan League Ballroom
IFC Mass Meeting
7pm-1 Opm
at Michigan League Ballroom

More than 200 students and faculty
embers gathered in the Modern Lan-
uages Building to listen to panelists
escribe the problems the University of
,alifornia system has faced in its
truggle with affirmative action.
Sarida L. Scott, a UC-Berkeley law
tudent, spoke on inequality in the edu-
ation system. Last year's repeal of all
ffirmative action programs hurts
tudents, she said, asserting that it was
iotivatedby Gov. Pete Wilson's presi-
ential aims.
Scott said there have been only slow
mprovernents from civil rights cases
ince 1954's Brown vs. Board of Edu-
Scott recalled Martin Luther King
r.'s dream of being judged on charac-
er rather than on skin color.

"Most people wish for that, but the
reality is that that day is not today," she
Scott, a graduate of the University
and a former Black Student Union mem-
ber, urged students to be active and
make their feelings known. She proudly
displayed her shirt that read, "I am a
Boalt Hall law student and support af-
firmative action." The back of the shirt
said, "Qualified. Here to stay."
Panelist Ana Cardonasaidpoliticians
have led the public to associate affirma-
tive action programs with unfairprefer-
Jobs are not awarded to unqualified
minorities through affirmative action,
Cardona said. "That's bad judgment
and had business."

School of Education Prof. Michael
Nettles led the panel and provided a
briefhistory of affirmative action cases,
including the Bakke case, in which a
white student won a discrimination suit
when he was not admitted to a Califor-
nia medical school.
With similar legislation proposed in
Michigan, the panelists said they were
concerned that students be aware of the
Trevor Chandler, executive director
of academic affirmative action and di-
versity for the UC system, displayed
employment figures from 1979 and
1994, illustrating the numbers of whites
in the workplace. "There is a false be-
lief that every job in America belongs
to a white male," he said.

Mendoza noted that only 9 percent of
Latinos graduate from college.
"Are we less capable? I don't think
so. The education gap is because of
unequal distribution of resources."

Winter Rush Beins

4 nuary 22-25
Winter Rush Continues
January 28
Winter Rush 2nd Week
A1 iJmuary 29-30
Winter Rush Continues
6pm-1 Opm
For more information call
Offiefn Greek Life: 663-4505

%ogwg%.q-- %of 1%05 -%Ww% 8-59%.*

I - -

Cordially Invites Students of All Concentrations to the
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January 16, 1996

Office Hours 1:00pm -4:00pm
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Refreshments will be served.
Learn first-hand from U of M grads about exciting
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