4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 22, 1996 ale £irchrigun &ig 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. R.AIMI Editorial Page Editors .. Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials ref lect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. A l other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY On shaky ground Code resolution panelists are ill-prepared "NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'This is a goofy way to nominate a president.' - Political science Prof John Kingdon, commenting on the US. system of presidentialprimaries MATT WMSATT MoolE's DEMMA r~ - 4 1~ LETTERS To THIE EDITOR nce again, Code of Student Conduct implementation has hit a snag - this time, a potentially crippling one. Internal disputes among the members of the Student Resolution Panels-the so-called 'juries' of Code proceedings -threaten the stability of hearing process jurisdiction. Panelists are complaining of insufficient training and power-mongering among some members. Most important, many have expressed fun- damental disagreements with the principles of the Code itself. Student panelists also noted the uncon- vincing leadership that currently governs Code proceedings - an observation that should strike fear in the hearts of all who face charges under the Code. The internal dis- putes between panelists illustrate in living color the inherent flaws of the University's new disciplinary system. These flaws have plagued the Code since implementation, and will continue to hinder proceedings unless officials take self-correcting measures. - The origination of the conflicts can be partially blamed on the hasty and ill-planned recruitment of student panelists. At the be- ginning, of the semester, each of the University's schools was responsible for se- lecting a total of 60 students required for the panelist pool. Several schools reported re- cruitment difficulties-student governments were busy with other projects and could not dedicate an appropriate amount of time to the selection. Other schools did not have student governments or any other central organiza- tion to mediate recruiting. Many complained ofthe time crunch caused by deadlines. As a result, schools were forced to forgo the full application process for many potential pan- elists. The repercussions of this move were pre- dictable: The students on The Student Reso- lution Panels are partially evaluated, reluc- tant, and hastily and poorly trained. In the future, substantial improvements in recruitment methods will be necessary to ensure adequate resolution panels. Schools must have more time to recruit, evaluate and select panelists. The applicationprocess must be followed. Above all, Code officials must design more sufficient training programs, based on knowledge of the proceedings. As Ben Novick, panelist and RC senior, said, "The training was utterly inadequate ... be- cause the officials of the Code are still unsure of how this Code works." The panel's problems signal bad news for anyone facing a hearing - if Code officials are ill-prepared and student panelists are fighting among themselves, who is left to determine justice? While it is too late to select a new pool of panelists for the current term, the administra- tion must act quickly to remedy the blunders. Supplementary training sessions are a good start. Panelists must understand that the role they play is not to be abused or taken lightly. Likewise, students' doubts must be respected and not held against them - Code officials would be wrong to exclude dissenters from their place on the panels. The best these officials can do is relieve some of the stress they created - and make sound decisions about how to steady this shaky structure. One for the price of two Chang should not be tried under the Code A multiplicity of disciplinary systems does not guarartee justice. It does not guar- antee a more civilized society. It does not guarantee charged citizens a fair trial. In fact, an increased number of disciplinary systems will ultimately detract from the justice sys- tem as it stands in America today. The Uni- versity adopted the Code of Student Conduct despite this. Now Code officials must learn to recognize Code-appropriate situa- tions. They must also rec- ognize inappropriate situations and keep the Code from interfering where it does not belong. Such an interference will impede the state and fed- eral courts in their legiti- mate pursuit of justice. Such is the case in the current allegations fac- ing Rackham student Kei Chi Chang, the man ac- 4"IriV 'I'wt Chang couldbe punished twice for one crime. The University's frustration with the al- leged crime is justified. Chang possesses more than 560 books and many art reproduc- tions -literature he claims is his own, but the evidence indicates otherwise. The art- work and literature are rare and valuable, and University library officials are understand- ably upset. Donald Riggs, dean of Univer- sity Libraries, said, "It might be impossible to reconstruct many of these volumes." J18110However, although Chang's alleged crime is disturbing and frus- trating, the University still must step back and allow the courts to / handle the issue. Unfor- tunately, administrative indications point to prob- able Code proceedings. JOSH WHITE/Daly With recent internal Code disputes and lead- ership troubles, the Code is currently not an effective tool for justice. Moreover, the lack of case precedents - a substantial concern since implementation - establish no solid ground on which to build a fair hearing. Given the current state of the Code, it should be kept far from cases that can be more justly tried in the state courts. The University has a vested interest in this case. But the administration must not confuse a vested interest with a right to judgement. Interference in this case would be inappropriate. The case is set for trial in circuit court - a place where guilt and innocence can more lezitimatelv be deter- Basketball fans need enthusiasm To THE DAILY: In the past couple of months I have read a couple of letters dealing with the problems of being a basketball fan for the University. I have to agree with them, the University could take steps to not only make the games more enjoyable for the student fans, but increase the gam's popularity to an all time high. First and foremost, get rid of the alumni and older people sitting in the blue section on the opposite side from where the benches are located. Replace them with students. This will accom- plish two things. One, students, who I agree are the "real" fans, would get better seating. Secondly, the team would get a boost from the greater noise level. The Duke game could be seen as a good example of what I mean. During the game the crowd was one of the loudest I have ever heard, and they kept it up for most of the game. Still, halfway through the second half I saw a family of four leave its seats, which were only two rows from the court. If students were allowed to sit in those seats they would most probably not leave, unless another Purdue type game occurred. When I talk to friends from other power houses of college basketball they explain that fans come out of their games with busted eardrums from all the screaming. Another interest- ing point is that a school like Temple may be an easy target on the road - they seem invincible at home and that is due to the crowd. Finally, take a look at the home conference record so far for Michigan this season. The games they won were on days that the crowd helped boost them to victory. On the losing days, the crowds were not really loud or had it together. This means two things: Either the University should take the initiative and change things or the fans are not good enough. The later I have to doubt after seeing Moonlight Jam and the game against Duke. JOSE ALVAREZ ENGINEERING FIRST-YEAR STUDENT No censors on the 'Net To THE DAILY: difficulty in defining such terms. , The Internet indecency act is the latest attempt of our government to try to tell us what our beliefs should be. The hypocrisy of the bill is very evident. An adult may walk down to the corner store and pick up a Playboy magazine, and yet if that person were to even mention something indecent (as deemed by our govern- ment), they might be facing jail time and fines! One of the big arguments against this is that kids can too easily access this material on the Internet. This is true only if parents are not concerned about what their kids are getting into. There are many software programs that will block out web sex sites, and with online services such as America Online, regulating what your kids see is as easy as pushing a couple of buttons. It should be the parents' responsibility as to what their kids are viewing, and definitely not the government. Don't get the idea that I'm advocating pornography just because I'm defending my rights against a mis- guided Congress (not to mention Bill Clinton). I just don't want to see various other parts of our lives become regulated, because those in Washington think it's in our "best interests." Hopefully, this law will soon be declared unconstitu- tional, and we won't have to worry about Uncle Sam looking over our shoulder at our computer screens. AARON CLEMENTS ENGINEERING FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Swimsuit issue exists to entertain sexist men To THE DAILY: This letter is in response to Michael Rosenberg's column in the Daily ("Sportsmen of the beer salute Sports Illustrated," 2/ 15/96). As a female reader of Sports Illustrated, I find it highly sexist and ignorant for Michael to assume that women don't read Sports Illustrated. Although the majority of Sports Illustrated readers may be male, I think that it is rude to assume that women, because we are women, aren't interested in reading about sports. I disagree with the swimsuit issue on the grounds that if it is a so-called swimsuit issue, why are the women eugenics paranoia To THE DAILY: I wish to criticize Edward Chusid's erroneous analysis ("Science is moving to eugenics," 2/06/96) of B. Bower's article "Gene Tied to Excitable Personality" (Science News, 149(1), p. 4) and refute his exaggerated prophecy of modern science. First, Mr. Chusid's claim that the Science News report - is evidence of modern science's endorsement of eugenics is unjustified. However, the Science News author never proposed that the reproductive freedom of individuals diagnosed with personality disorders be restricted. Second, Chusid's statement that "... human personality's traits ... (are) governed by one gene" is also incorrect. The Science News article states that researchers have identified a "gene that (simply) partici- pates in shaping a specific personality trait" and further adds that "(g)enetics alone does not determine personal- ity." The report's author clearly confesses the limitations of heredity in determining human behav- ior. He does not propose the use of the research findings in ".:. genetically engineer- ing humans," as Chusid unjustifiably states. Third, Chusid is wrong to argue that "curiosity" is4" most responsible ... for all human advancement" because, not only does Harvard University anthro- pologist Stephen Jay Gould suggest in "The Mismeasure of Man" that the "...evolu- tion and structural organiza- tion of (the) brain" - and not curiosity - is largely responsible for the diversity of human behavior, but Chusid fails to cite previous literature to defend his far- reaching but otherwise blind faith in curiosity. Chusid's apocalyptic vision of a future in which modern science will resurrect Hitlerian and Stalinist governments that destroy "curiosity and social development" is representa- tive of his inadequate knowledge of modern genetics, his inability to read scientific literature properly, and his distorted conception of the direction in which modern science is moving. Some of the world's most readers and include men in swimsuits too. KATHY MANN LSA SENIOR Fear of is SHAIUNG THE TREE Adventues in bodybilding ith spring break around the f tcorner, I'm anticipating the possibility of squeezing into a bi- kini, and I've started working out at the Central Campus Recreation Building. When you first walk in, it can be a little intimidating to see all those good bodies that seemingly have full command of every con- traption in the place. I've de- veloped a basic ".-. .- set of rules for survival. The people who really need to be there are not. One thing that stands out are the numer- p ous cute skinny ~~ '' girls who wear KATiE Spandex. These HTHN are the chicks CHINs who travel in packs and know all the cool stretches They also can bounce up and down on a Stairmaster for more than an hour and keep smiling. It's best to avoid them. If you, like me, have an average body, and can't resist the tempta- tion to wear some kind of skintight stretch material, cover yourass. Lit- erally. It's not that hard to find an oversized T-shirt. And if you've ever participated in a 10K run or if your IM team was successful at something, the CCRB is the place to wear the T-shirt. Even if you don't look in shape, people will think you are, or you were and became incredibly ill. I tend to avoid the Gravitron. It scares me. I avoid the Nordictrak because it also scares me. My par- ents have one at home to entertain themselves during the holidays as their children attempt to use it. There's a bit too much coordination involved. If you do find yourself on one of those complicated machines (like the Gravitron or that climbing thing), pretend you know what you're do- ing. Never ask for help or advice - it's the equivalent of a first-year student in South Quad asking for directions to the Michigan Union. You just don't do it. The sign-up lists for machines are optional. Just jump on the damn machine when it's free. Nobody will know you weren't there first unless they've been checking you out, and if they've been checking youdout they're unlikely to kick you off a machine. If there's a big, muscular, scary- looking guy standing over you wait- ing to use one of those arm ma- chines, take your time. Don't let'. him intimidate you. Just because you can't even lift the thing once. doesn't mean you don't have every., right to sit there and think about it. Besides, once he gets on, he won't get off and he'll be making those annoying He-man grunting sounds for the rest of the evening. Early morning on weekdays is far less crowded than the evening. Thisr has two advantages: No need to hunt for a free machine, and it's a good'. chance to figure out the Gravitron and the Nordictrack when nobody's watching. Never, ever, make fun of a karatey class. Once you're finished your aero- bic activity and have freed yourself from the shackles that tie your feet to the pedals of the exercise bike, try - to look like you haven't exerted yourself. Tone down the breathing, wipe off the sweat. You never know who you might see. I've seen two past hook-ups, a love interest and a professor just when I'm wiping my face on my sleeve, gasping for air and hoping there aren't sweat spots on my shirt. One guy actually approached me when I had just dismounted the Stairmaster and was trying to do one of those cool stretches I've seen the Spandex women do. All I could manage in the way of casual conver- sation was a prolonged gasp that sounded something like "I'm in pain." He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I know the CCRB is a really big building, and perhaps I've focused a bit too much on one room. The fact is, I find the various machines in there enough ofa challenge for now, and haven't had the courage to ven- ture much further. I hear there may be an aerobics room, a basketball court or two and a swimming pool. The last thing I want to do is pay five bucksttojump a nd n ,aat fr anhnuur IVrellyU 0II a * d cused of stealing $100,000 in books and artwork from Univer- sity libraries. It is not the first felony charge he has faced this year, or even this semester. Earlier in the winter, Chang was charged with aggravated stalking and harassing a female Eastern Michigan University student for more than a year. The felonies, which eventually were reduced to misdemeanors, were handled by state courts. The University should allow the current allegations to be handled in the same manner as Chang's earlier charges. Administration officials will not say for sure whether Chang will be tried under the Code - but Vice President for Student Affnirs Maureen Hart- t