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February 21, 1996 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-02-21

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Expelled student
sues Vanderbilt
A sophomore engineering student
expelled for cheating is suing Vanderbilt
.1, iversity for $22 million. The lawsuit
ased on the fact that the student was
tip, allowed to review the evidence
against her before her appeal to the
school's review board.
The student, Nancy Geraldo, was ac-
cused by her Civil Engineering 180 pro-
fessor of tampering with two graded ex-
ams andturningthem in forhighergrades.
The professor said Geraldo cut, cop-
ied and pasted new answers onto the
,eats and falsified the grade marks.
raldo allegedly changed exam scores
of 57 and 69 to 87 and 93.
WSU residence hall
institutes lockdown
The hall government of Washington
State University's Wilmer-Davis resi-
dence decided last week to enacta stand-
ingl24-hour lockdown.
embers ofthe hall government said
y made the decision to boost hall
safety and draw attention to growing
problems with thefts and vandalism in
the hall. They said about $4,000 worth
of damage has been done this semester.
They said they have had to replace
tables, loveseats, rugs and numerous
exit signs.
Vanderbilt prof. sues
r $1.5 million
A Vanderbilt University assistant
professor is suing the university for
$1.5 million. She said she was unfairly
relieved of her duties after she testified
qgainst one of her superiors in the Ger-
man department in a 1993 sexual ha-
rassment case against him.
Prof. Sabine Cramer advised the stu-
dents making the complaints against Prof.
Helmut Pfanner to take their complaints
an investigating university body.
Vanderbilt recently did not renew
Cramer's teaching contract.
The students accused Pfanner of mak-
ing harassing phone calls, repeated re-
quests for dates, touching, tours of his
:oxne including his bedroom, promises of
jobs and threats of stipend non-renewal.
Pat Pierce, a Vanderbilt administra-
tor; said the university will not release
any disciplinary actions taken against
anner because it is a private univer-
AccordingtoCramer's lawsuit, Pfanner
was put on paid leave for a year and then
allowed to return as a full professor.
UI-students check out
lepers for safety
"The University of Idaho recently be-
gan making "beepers" available for its
dents to check out at the campus
a ry.
The beepers are intended to deter
assault on campus by emitting signals
*a more than 150 decibels. The univer-
-sty instituted the program as a safety
precaution for students walking alone
at night.
The devices can be checked out for a
period of 24 hours free of charge.
The university's administration chose
tem beeper system after deciding escort
tem and blue-light phones were too
cstly for the school's budget.

r - Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jennifer Harvey.

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 21, 1996 - 3
MSA ends'non-
cisis,' rdrects
fimds to BPC

Poking around
.SA senior Ron Fritz helps put up barbed wire for artist Richard Kelman's installation of a prison cell to accompany the
Prisoners' Art Exhibit in the Rackham Galleries. The exhibit opened yesterday and was followed with a reception.

History 1.
speaks on
By Carissa Van Heest
Daily Staff Reporter
Standing room was difficult to come
by yesterday at Rackham Amphitheatre
as John Shy, professor emeritus of his-
tory, gave the LSA 20th Distinguished
Senior Faculty Lecture on "The Revo-
lutionary Impact of War, 1780."
Shy, a member of the University's
history department for 28 years, de-
voted much of his career to the history
of war in conjunction with the history
of early America.
"From a lifetime ofresearch I present
my argument," Shy said.
Shy, who recently retired from the
University, said he believes war is some-
thing that affects everyone.
"In a way, all of us, simply by living
through this extremely violent century,
have been doing involuntary personal
research onmy subject-war," Shy said.
Shy argued that although the subject of
war has fascinated humans for countless
years, many people - including histori-
ans, university communities and the gen-
eral public - neglect to consider war's
"War has, and continues to have, an
enormous impact on those who engage
in it or are touched by it - impact on
economics, on politics, on social struc-

rf. emeritus Shy
i Revolutionary War

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Sti
ended the "non-BPC
After a month of de
cial status ofthe Budg'
mittee, which
funds student
groups on campus,
and the responsi-
bility of BPC chair
Matt Curin, the as-
sembly defeated a
motion to recall
Curin and passed
a resolution redi-
recting funds to the
"This teaches a
lesson not just to indi
to the assembly as a v
Rep. Fiona Rose. "Me
more effective chair n
bly as a whole will be
"It was a vote ofc
saying I've been do
Curin said.
LSA Rep. Probir1
the recall, but said a
will support the assen
retain Curin.
"MSA will remain
BPC chair," he said."
spoken - I support t
The assembly's p
the committee began
when MSA Vice
Goodstein voiced co
committee's diminisl
accused assembly me
BPC and its chair of c
issue within the asser
"The only one wh
ibility and MSA's cr
ardy is Sam," CurinS
Following the vot

he did not support Curin's recall. The
attention focused on BPC, however,
udent Assembly will have positive implications for the
crisis" last night. assembly, he said.
bate on the finan- "I don't regret at all doing what I did.
et Priorities Com- It was necessary to focus attention,"
Goodstein said.
"I don't think
I don't think anyone who is on
MSA will forget
anyone Who iS on this happened."
LSA senior
MISA will forget Jonathan Free-
man, a BPC
this happened" member, spoke in
- Sam Goodstein support of the re-
call. Freeman,
MSA vice president who is running
for MSA presi-
vidual chairs, but dent on the Students' Party ticket, said
whole," said LSA that although Curin did not do a poor
att is going to be a job as chair, he did a poor job of"articu-
iow -the assem- lating any kind of message during this
e strengthened." non-crisis."
confidence in me "This is not a fiscal issue. This is not
ing a good job," a fiscal problem. It's a question of ac-
countability of action," Freeman said.
Mehta supported Rackham Rep. John Lopez, a BPC
fterwards that he member, suggested that if the assembly
nbly's decision to recalled Curin, it must recall the entire
united behind the "There is a crisis of confidence here,"
The assembly has he told the assembly. "When you have
he assembly." problems with Matt, you have prob-
ublic scrutiny of lems with the entire committee."
several weeks ago Lopez's amendment proposal to the
President Sam motion failed.
ncerns about the The assembly passed Curin's pro-
hing funds. Curin posal to move $2,000 from a committee
embers critical of discretionary fund, $200 from the Aca-
reating a political demic Affairs Committee and $700 from
mbly. the Communications Committee to
o put BPC's cred- BPC. Adding this to BPC's current bal-
edibility in jeop- ance will bring the committee's budget
said. to $14,025.16.
e, Goodstein said

ture and on those deep, mysterious quali-
ties that we call culture," Shy said.
Shy particularly focused on the Ameri-
can Revolution and its implications.
A study of that war might enable
people "to find perhaps a more satisfac-
tory approach to all war's potentially
revolutionary impact," Shy said,
Shy was chosen by the LSA Execu-
tive Committee to present the speech.
"They select based on a person's
accomplishments and achievements,
and John Shy stood out," said LSA
Dean Edie Goldberg.
"I was pleasantly surprised to find
out that I was chosen," Shy said.
More than 280 people attended the
lecture, including many students.
"It seems like a new theory," said
LSA junior Andy Schor. "I feel as if I
just sat through something that people
will be talking about in the future."
"He provided different insights into
the American Revolution--it was very
thought-provoking," said LSA senior
Mike Miller.
People said they came to the speech
for a variety of reasons.
"I saw a sign around campus and I
wanted to get involved," said LSA jun-
ior David Sinkman.
The speech generated interest among

Kvorkian's intentions
deemed key to legal case

History professor emeritus John Shy
lectures on the impact of war yesterday
at the Rackham Amphitheatre.
some students to attend more Univer-
sity-sponsored lectures in the future.
"This is the first lecture I've been to
since I've come to the University," said
LSA sophomore Lisa Gewirtz. "I defi-
nitely plan to go to more."

MSA to discuss constitution chages

PONTIAC (AP) - Attorneys sug-
gested yesterday that Dr. Jack
Kevorkian's assisted suicide trial comes
down to one question: Did he intend for
two people to die when he hooked them
up to a carbon monoxide tank?
Kevorkian's attorney, Geoffrey
Fieger, toldjurors in opening arguments
yesterday that the retired pathologist's
overriding concern was to relieve his
patients' "horrendous pain and suffer-
Death, Fieger said, was the only way.
He asked jurors to think what they
would do if they took a sick pet to a
veterinarian and were told the only hu-
mane option was to put the animal to
"The best thing to do is to put it out of
its pain and agony," he said. "Your
intent isn't to kill."
And he said the right to die is an
inalienable one.

"By your verdict, you will send a
message, not only to the world but to
the prosecutor: 'Do not tread upon us,'"
Fieger told the jury.
Assistant Oakland County Prosecu-
torJohn Skrzynski disputed the sugge-
tion that Kevorkian was concerned&ynt
with easing pain. He noted that carbion
monoxide is a poisonous gas that de-
prives the blood of oxygen.
"Carbon monoxide has no medical,
therapeutic value," he said.
The case is expected to hinge on
what some see as a loophole in
Michigan's now-expired assisted sui-
cide law.
It provided an exception for some-
one who administered "medications
or procedures if the intent is to relieve
pain or discomfort and not to cause
death, even if the medication or pro-
cedure may hasten or increase the risk
of death."

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan Student Assembly mem-
bers will debate next week on numerous
amendments to the MSA constitutions
submitted by last night's deadline.
The revised edition puts "more ac-
countability in the president's and vice
president's hands," said LSA Rep. Fiona
Although amendments to the consti-
tution have been discussed each year,
the document has not been changed since
1986, LSA Rep. Dan Serota said. The
version passed by the assembly will be
summarized and submitted as a ballot

question for the next month's elections.
"The student government does not
have the power to change (the constitu-
tion) on its own," Serota said.
LSA Rep. Andy Schor, the Wolver-
ine Party's candidate for MSA presi-
dent, suggested the assembly hold a
non-partisan constitutional convention
to revise the document before present-
ing it to the students.
"This document is something people
need to come up with as a unit," he said.
The revised constitution was written
by LSA Reps. Serota, Rose, Probir
Mehta and Paul Scublinsky with the
help of President Flint Wainess and

Vice President Sam Goodstein.
Among the amendments is the cre-
ation of two new executive officer posi-
tions. The chiefofstaffwould be charged
with coordinating the assembly's of-
fices, committee and commission chairs
and chairing the Communications Com-
mittee. The students rights officer would
deal with all potential violations of stu-
dents' rights, as well as chair the Stu-
dents' Rights Commission.
The revised constitution also appoints
the MSA treasurer to chair the Budget
Priorities Committee.
Serota said this amendment was not
made in response to the recent "non-BPC
crisis," but that it may facilitate the han-
dling of similar situations in the future.
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Heather Elmquist was incorrectly named as Erin Elmquist in Monday's Daily.


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What's happening In Ann Arbor today

headlinle is
1February 29


J AIESEC Michigan, general member
meeting, 662-1690, Business
Administration Building, Room
1276, 6 p.m.
J American Baptist Student Fellow-
ship, free meal, meeting, 663-
9376, First Baptist Church, 512
E. Huron, 5:30-7 p.m.
L Connections Support Group, for
women returning to school for
undergraduate degrees, 998-
7210, CEW Center, 330 E. Lib-
erty, daytime connections: 12:15-
2:30 p.m.; evening connections:
7-8:30 p.m.
J La Voz Mexicana, meeting, 994-
9139, Michigan League, Room D, 7
-U Michigan Union Program Board
Meeting, 332-3867, Michigan
Union, Room 1310, 6:30 p.m.
-4 Ninjutsu Club, beginners wel-
come, 761-8251, Intramural
Sports Building, Room G-21,
7:30-9 p.m.
Di Orthodox C~hrstian Fellows~hip. 665~F-

Q "Chinese Village Women as Visual
Anthropologists: A Participatory
Approach to Reaching
Policymakers," Caroline Wang,
sponsored by The Michigan
Inititative for Women's Health, In-
stitute for Research on Women
and Gender, School of Publich
Health, Center for Chinese Stud-
ies and Department of Anthropol-
ogy, Rackham East Conference
Room, fourth floor, 12:10-1 p.m.
Q "Choosing a Major," sponsored by
Career Planning and Placement,
West Quad, 7:10-8 p.m.
Q "Epiphany Evening Prayer," spon-
sored by Lutheran Campus Minis-
try, Lord of Light Lutheran Church,
801 South Forest, 7 p.m.
Qi "Internship and Summeriob Fair," spon-
sored by Career Planning and Place-
ment, Michigan Union, 12-4 p.m.
Q "Internship Success Stories," spon-
sored by Career Planning and
Placement, Michigan Union,
Pendleton Room. 6:30-8 p.m.

Ui "The Social Construction of Peas-
ants In Late 19th-Century Geor-
gia," Ken Church, brown bag lec-
ture series, sponsored by Center
for Russian and East European
Studies, Lane Hall Commons
Room, 12 noon
U "You Can Quit!," sponsored by
University Health Services, pro-
gram to help smokers quit, UHS,
207 Fletcher Street, Room N-
309, 12-1 p.m.
U Campus Information Centers,
Michigan Union and North Cam-
pus Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UM*Events on
GOpherBLUE, and http:/ /
www.umich.edu/-info on the
World Wide Web
U English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, 741-8958, Mason Hall,
Room 444C, 7-11 p.m.
U Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley, 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.

Student ;

Publication~s *Perfect pperttinit for
I f reshpersons and sophomore.!
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