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February 20, 1996 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-02-20

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 20, 1996 - 3

Crime rate
dropped in 1995
,.According to the Ann Arbor Police
.epartment's annual crime report, the
Vtal crime rate in the city dropped 4.78
,percent from 1994.
The largest decline from 1994 was in
the number of assaults. In 1995, 892
reports of assault were filed - a de-
crease of 12.8 percent.
Robberies numbered 133 - a de-
cline of 11.8 percent.
However, AAPD reports a 4.9-per-
.cent increase in rape incidents and a 16-
percent increase in burglaries. More
man 1,000 burglaries were reported in
95. -
According to the report, four
people were murdered in Ann Arbor
-last year.
ATM thief steals more
than $8,000
A stolen wallet cost one victim more
than $8,000.
The Univeristy Department of Pub-
c Safety reports that a wallet, contain-
ing the victim's ATM card, was stolen
during the last week of January.
Since then, the thief has used the
ATM card at machines around Ann
.Arbor to withdraw money from the
victim's money market account.
Two withdrawals of $500 each were
r-ade from the ATM at the Adminis-
trative Services building on Greene
DPS has no suspects.
-Rowdy racketball
players removed from
-CCRB court
A staff member at the CCRB called
DPS to remove disorderly racketball
players from the building Friday
According to the DPS report, the
.ibjects were "being rude, belligerent
and verbally abusive.'t
DPS reports the players were upset
due to a misunderstanding regarding
court reservation times.
The subjects left without incident
upon the arrival of DPS officers.
DPS responds to
marijuana users
* The words "violation of controlled
spbstances" appeared in at least two
DPS reports over the weekend.
,DPS officers responded to calls at
Bursley Hall and East Quad to in-
-vestigate incidents involving mari-
juana. The two incidents, which oc-
curred Friday and Saturday respec-
tively, turned up no illegal sub-
umpers vandalize car
*A guard called DPS to report two
'people jumping on the roof of a vehicle
in the staff parking lot next to South
DPS identified the two suspects as
University students.
The vehicle sustained no noticeable
damage and was returned to the owner.
tolen goods reappear
4cross the street
A thief did not quite finish the job at

West Engineering last week.
DPS received a call late Thursday
'Rght from a student that had his back-
pack and jacket stolen from the fourth
floor of West Engineering.
A DPS officer located the stolen
goods later that night across the street at
-ast Hall, formerly known as East En-
a= Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Sam T Dudek.

National group fights for rights of 'twentysomethings'

By Marisa Ma
Daily Staff Reporter
In the view of Jennifer Klein, the interests of48
million Americans are not being represented.
Klein, the founder and president of the National
Association of Twentysomethings, said she be-
lieves her organization fills that void. NAT was
formed to promote and support millions of Ameri-
cans whose ages range from 18 to 29.
"There are many organizations and associations
and there was not one I saw that ... (covered) all
the issues and interests of twentysomethings,"
said Klein, who formed NAT last November.
Klein said that for a $10 annual membership
fee, the association offers many services that gradu-
ating students need, such as a discounted health
insurance plan and job networking.
"Once you graduate, you are now not covered
by family insurance," Klein said. "Often (employ-
ers) don't offer insurance in the first six months.
You should never go without."

Michigan Student Assembly President Flint
Wainess agreed on the need for cheaper health
insurance for his generation.
"Twentysomethings are one of the largest groups
uninsured in the country," Wainess said.
"Twentysomethings want the insurance, but can't
afford the investment ... and they don't think they
are ever going to need it."
LSA first-year student Jennifer Dreger said she
would find the discounted health coverage useful.
"It's good in between jobs or (if you are) still
looking," she said.
NAT also created a nationwide job resource
center, through which members can send resumes
and request information on specific jobs in differ-
ent regions of the country.
Dreger said she would be interested in a resume
"(For) most people who graduate, that's their
main focus - locating a job that they want and
(that) meets their needs," Dreger said.

Jennifer Niggemeier, assistant director of Ca-
reer Planning and Placement, said any job search
tool can be helpful. "Resume services in general
can provide a valuable service in certain indus-
tries," she said.
But job-seekers should use caution when using
outside sources for services they can do them-
selves, Niggemeier said.
Engineering junior Brad Singer agreed.
"I've always heard that if you want ajob, you have
to get it yourself," Singer said. "I would probably
take advantage of (the job resource service), but I
wouldn't rely on it. You have to be proactive."
Another of NAT's missions is political activism,
which led to its establishment in Washington, D.C.
"I think that twentysomethings need to be more
involved in their future and politics, and somewhat
have a unifiedvoice-orat least a voice," Klein said.
Toward that goal, NAT tracks and analyzes
legislative proposals, keeps its members informed
of bills and offers a chance for them to speak out.

"For those who were interested, it would be a
good thing if it gives factual, non-opinionated
facts about bills that are coming up," Singer said.
But Singer said he is not politically active and he
would notbe interested inNAT'smobilization efforts.
"It would take a very comprehensive effort to
activate the twentysomethings generation;"
Wainess said. "Polls show that our generation has
less faith in all institutions than any other genera-
Klein said individuals in their 20's should also
be concerned with Social Security, the balanced
budget and the flat tax.
"There will not be enough people paying for
(Social Security), and it will go bankrupt," she said.
Solutions to this impending crisis are being
discussed, Wainess said. "But it won't happen
unless our age group demands it."
Other services offered to twentysomethings
include retail discounts, low interest credit cards
and financial planning services.

By Erin Frances
For the Daily
The Rev. Hans Kung, who drew a
crowd that filled Rackham Auditorium
last night, lectured on the ethics of eu-
thanasia as part of Prof. Ralph Will-
iams' Religion 404 course.
Kung said many theologians argue
that "human life is a gift of God, beyond
our control." But unlike some religious
leaders, 5Kng supports euthanasia rights.
"Life is also a human task - our
responsibility," he said.
In 1983, Kung gave a semester-long
series of lectures at the University that
has now become a book titled "Eternal
Life?" However, last night's lecture
incorporated the ideas of his most re-
cent book: "Dying With Dignity."
In his speech titled "Euthanasia: New
Theological Perspectives on Assisted
Dying," Kung defined the word "eutha-
nasia" as a "good death" or "to die
well," tying it to religious views on
mercy killings.
Kung said most religions reaffirm
the belief that "death is not the end of
everything," and that if we change our
view of death then we can change our
attitudes about dying.
Kung also spoke of "the misguided
view of God in religious texts" that
affects the perspectives on euthanasia.
Many religions, he said, see God as the
creator of life, but Kung also sees life as
a human creation as well.
The theologian revealed the tragic story
of his brother who died after suffering

Assembly debates
affirmative action.

Some faculty members
claim double standard
By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the Senate Assembly
related their concerns about affirmative
action for minority faculty members at
yesterday's monthly meeting.
Profs. Bunyan Bryant and Carl
Cohen led the discussions by arguing
for and against affirmative action.
Then, they fielded questions from the
Cohen, who teaches in the Residen-
tial College and Medical School, ar-
gued against affirmative action pro-
grams that "preferred (people) by race."
He has also recently published a book
titled "Naked Racial Preference" on
this topic.
"To give favor to male or female,
black or white solely based on their sex,
or their race is morally wrong," Cohen
said. "Doingso is intrinsically unfair.
Equality applies to all."
Bryant, an SNRE professor, shared
his experiences as an African American
graduate student at the University. Bryant
said he was denied the right to rent an
Ann Arbor apartment mortgaged by the
University because he was black.
He said racism is now perpetuated
institutionally rather than personally.
"People don't have to practice racism

because institutions do the work for
them," Bryant said. "There have been
institutions working for (whites) to guar-
antee (their) chance of success. Affirma-
tive action is an imperative to ensure
institutional support for all members of
Other faculty members agreed that
racism is an ugly blight on American
history, but they differed on solu-
Bryant praised President James
Duderstadt for introducing the Michi-
gan Mandate and Agenda for Women
Some argued the solution lies in lev-
eling the playing field and educating
others on the nuances of discrimina-
Assembly member Barbara
MacAdam, a representative from the
School of Information and Library Stud-
ies, said discrimination is divided in
three subtle ways.
"First, people say it doesn't exist.
Second, people see it but marginalize it.
Third, they see it but (justify) it in the
context of the majority," MacAdam
Cohen said University faculty mem-
bers uphold a double standard on affir-
mative action.
"(We) give preferences by race anc
sex, but say we treat people equally,"
Cohen said. "I see that as hypocriti-

Rev. Hans Kung speaks about euthanasia at Rackham last night as part of the
"Death, Extinction, and the Future of Humanity" series.

from an inoperable brain tumor. "Is this,"
he asked, "the death that God ordains?"
Kung is a professor at the University
of Tubingen in Germany as well as a
Catholic priest, theologian, and phi-
Prof. Roy Rappaport, director of the
studies in religion department, said that

since Kung has challenged the Catholic
position on birth control and other such
issues, he has also challenged the au-
thority of the Pope.
Rappaport, who attended last night's
speech, said that as a result the Catholic
church denied Kung the right to teach
theology at Catholic institutions.

Chinese New Year holiday begins

Students celebrate
'Year of the Rat' in
different ways
By Katie Wang
Daily StaffTReporter ,
Firecrackers exploded intheairin Hong
Kong and Taiwanand dragons danced in
the streets of Chinatown as the Chinese
rang in the New Year yesterday.
There weren't any firecrackers ex-
ploding on State Street, but the campus
Asian American community celebrated
in its own way.
"Usually Chinese New Year is a time
for reflection of the past and a look
forward to the future," said Rex Wang,
president of the Chinese Student Asso-
Engineering Prof. 1-Wei Chen, who

grew up in Taiwan, said he remembers
celebrating the New Year with fire-
crackers and friends, and by putting on
new clothes for the special day.
Chen also said that New Year's was
a sentimental time for his father to re-
member the family he left behind in
China during World War II.
"New Year's Eve dinner was not
always the most pleasant gathering for
him because he felt sad that the family
in China couldn't communicate with
him at all," Chen said.
Yasheng Huang, an associate profes-
sor from China, remembers New Year
celebrations in China as "very political."
"Communist China didn't celebrate
the New Year the way it was tradition-
ally celebrated in Taiwan and Hong
Kong," Huang said. "There was not a
tremendous cultural attachment in China,

it was a very private celebration."
The holiday, which lasts for 15 days,
centers around prosperity, luck and tra-
ditional exchange of lucky red enve-
lopes stuffed with sums of money.
LSA senior Danny Hsaio said he re-
members receiving lucky money not
only from his family, but also from his
mother's co-workers.
"It may not be much, but it's nice
that they're thinking about you," he
The New Year is also traditionally
marked as a day of superstition.
RC junior Ann Pham said although
she is not superstitious, she was alarmed
when she lost her wallet yesterday.
"Losing your wallet is a bad sign,"
she said. "If you lose money in your
wallet, you lose money for the whole

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What's happening In Ann Arbor today


I ALIANZA - Latino Organization,
weekly meeting, 764-2837, Trot-
ter House, 1443 Washtenaw
Ave., 7 p.m.
U Amnesty International, 764-7027,
Michigan Union, Crofoot Room,
7:30 p.m.
U College Republicans, 995-6765,
Michigan League. Room D, 6:30
C Free Mumia Coalition, 913-9538,
Modern Languages Building,
Room B-119, 7 p.m.
U Undergraduate Anthropology Club,
S 668-8537, Michigan Union, Tap
Room, 7 p.m.

of Admissions and Undergradu-
ate Law Club, Michigan Union,
Anderson Rooms A,B, 6-7 p.m.
Q "Education vs. Prisons Panel
Discussion," sponsored by Col-
lege Dems, Michigan Union, Pond
Room, 7:30-9 p.m.
Q "Great-West Employee Benefits
Information Session," sponsored
by Career Planning and Place-
ment, Business School, Room
B1210, 6-7 p.m.
Q "Law School Experience," spon-
sored by Career Planning and
Placement, Michigan League,
Vandenberg Room, 6:10-7:30
Q "Mastering the MCAT on Your
Own," sponsored by Career Plan-
ning and Placement. Modern

Session," sponsored by Career
Planning and Placement, Michi-
gan League, Kalamazoo Room, 7-
9 p.m.
U "Tax Workshop," sponsored by In-
ternational Center, Baits I, Eaton
Piano Lounge, 7:30 p.m.
0 Campus Information Centers,
Michigan Union and North Cam-
pus Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UMoEvents on
GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/~info on the
World Wide Web
U English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, 741-8958, Mason Hall,
Room 444C, 7-11 p.m.
Fk Nn.a...l . 7 cAA 1 Va..I.a


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