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February 16, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-02-16

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onight: Mostly cloudy,
ow around 15.
omorrow: Mostly cloudy,
hance of snow, high 39%


One hundred/yie years of editorzilfreedom


February 16, 1996

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y Will Weissort
aily Staff Reporter
The Michigan State Senate approved
bill Wednesday that bans cities from
equirin'g public employees to live
ithin their city limits - leaving a
ocal lawsuit in possible limbo.
The suit, filed by third-year Univer-
ity Law student Jon Polish, charges that
ity Council violated Ann Arbor's
harter by hiring Detroit lawyer Abigail
lias as the new city attorney. Polish
laims that the contract violated the city
harter because it allows Elias at least

say new bill will not affect case against A2

Senate says cities can't make residency requirements

one year to move here after taking over
city attorney duties. Elias is scheduled to
start work as city attorney April 1.
Tom Weider, the attorney represent-
ing Polish, said the approval of the
residency rules bill will not affect the
way he intends to handle the suit. "(The
bill) passed one house, it hasn't passed
the other - so what?" he said. "It is a
possible new law and that's all it is."
Bruce Wallace, the attorney repre-

senting Ann Arbor in this case, said he
too did not plan to mention the pro-
posed bill in his arguments.
"I don't think I need that law,"
Wallace said. "It just shows that these
kind of residency laws are old fash-
ioned and unnecessary."
Polish's case has been inactive since
Feb. 9, when the city responded to the
suit by saying most of its claims were
unfounded. The city also called for the

dismissal of the case.
The case will become active if either
side's attorney files motions that would
require the suit to be reviewed by ajudge.
Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon
said she did not support the proposed
residency rules legislation. "Let indi-
vidual cities determine their own posi-
tions on this issue based on their own
individual needs," she said.
Sheldon said Ann Arbor was unique

because it was both professional and
mobile. She said that good transporta-
tion made it easy for professionals to
live in one city and commute to work in
another city. She said she believes it is
unfair to require public employees to
live in the city.
But Sheldon said she would want
employees who head city department§
to live within city limits.
"Department heads need to feel the
effects of city services first hand," she
said. "For that reason they need to live
in the city."

City Case
A bill that passed
the State Senate on
Wednesday bans
cities from requiring
public employees to live within
their city limits.
Third-year Law student Jon
Polish's suit against Ann Arbor
claims the city could not hire
Abigail Elias as city attorney if
she did not live here.
Elias, who lives in Detroit, may
not have to move if the bill is
signed into law.

oung poet
8peak to
y Kate Glickman
Staff Reporter
iver Huston does not like dental
ams. She loves her body. And she
recently performed a stand-up cor-
dy }show as a woman living with
Huston, an activist and poet, looked
like anyone of the almost 100 students
in the U-Club at the Michigan Union
last night as she spoke about her busy
life and her struggle with AIDS.
uston found out she was HIV-posi-
tive just before finals during her senior
year at Hunter College
in New York city.
She took a blood test
because her new boy-
friend suggested it, but
she did not expect or
consider the possibility
of a positive test.
"The woman said
'looking at yourhistory
y 've got a few good years left,"' she
said. "I just lost it."
And then Huston got angry. She said
in the five years she attended Hunter
College, there was not one program on
AIDS, not one poster, nothing.
"I have two real passions," she said.
"One is to help people living with AIDS
and the other is to help you guys."
Body image and appearance plagued
lton for much of her life and she
said she said she wants to help women
love all of themselves, even their
cellulite. '
Huston said the first thing she did
after the positive test was come to terms
with her body and "learn to find beauty
in reality."
"I stopped criticizing myself ... and
got on with all the wonderful things in

GOP hopefuls throw
fire in pre-N.H. debate

Dole, Buchanan haggle over taxes
and trade as eight GOP hopefuls
square off before Tuesday's primary
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.)
and Pat Buchanan had several crackling exchanges over
taxes and trade last night as eight Republican presidential
hopefuls offered competing conservative agendas in a debate
five days before New Hampshire's pivotal primary.
Looking to revive his troubled campaign, multimillionaire
publisher Steve Forbes said he had made a mistake airing
negative ads. Yet in the next breath he labeled Dole a tax-
raiser and raised ethical questions about the financial deal-
ings of former Tennessee Gov. Lamar Alexander.
Firing back, Alexander demanded that Forbes release his
tax returns. "That is a diversion," Forbes said, refusing to
Campaign tactics also were a hot topic, beginning at the
outset when Buchanan and Alexander lashed out at Dole for
launching ads critical of their views. Later, when Forbes was
lamenting his negative ad barrage, Dole joked that he knew
the reason: "too much money."
While they sparred over the tone and tactics of the cam-
paign, the candidates were in broad agreement over why a
Republican president would be better than a second Clinton
term: the budget would be balanced, taxes cut and reformed,
more power shifted to state and local governments.
With New Hampshire's primary looming Tuesday, Dole
and Buchanan are in a tight race for first place, and some new
polls suggest Alexander's third-place showing in Iowa last
week has him inching up. Forbes has fallen in recent days
from challenging to first to fighting for third, and hoped the
debate would halt his slide.
There was a spat over negative tactics at the outset, and
them a period of calm as the can'didates said replacing
President Clinton was critical to enacting a conservative
GOP agenda. But when the subject turned to the economy
and trade, Buchanan and Dole had several short but pointed
"Pat is off on this isolationist kick," Dole said at one point.
At another, he said "Pat has gotten carried away tonight" and
turned to his rival and said, "Had a bad day?" Earlier

College Dems head for
N.H. to support Clinton
By Lisa Gray
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the University's College Democrats will
be traveling to New Hampshire this weekend to join
hundreds of Democrats in kicking off President Clinton's
campaign for re-election.
Seven members of the College Democrats will join 24
students from the Michigan State University College
Democrats for the 12-to 14-hour trip to New Hampshire.
"This is a really great way of getting involved and
seeing the process first-hand," said Jae-Jae Spoon, presi-
dent of the College Democrats.
Once in New Hampshire, the College Democrats from
Michigan will join students from Brandeis University,
Boston College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Bates College, Colby College, University of Vermont,
Brown University, George Washington University, Ameri-
can University and others from around the nation.
Although Clinton is not facing a primary opponent in
New Hampshire, the College Democrats will be assisting
in telephone and other campaign work to prepare the state
for Tuesday's primary as well as for the elections in
"We're basically going to be working to get Democrats
out and voting," Spoon said.
College Democrats are looking forward to aiding the
president in his re-election, Spoon said.
See DEMS, Page 2
yesterday, Buchanan's campaign chairman took a leave of
absence because of a report linking him to white supremist
and militia groups.
Returning fire, Buchanan said Dole had supported tax
increases, a point raised later by Forbes, too.
Inside: Larry Pratt, Buchanan's campaign co-chair, resigns
after reports link him to right-wing extremists. Page 2.

River Huston, who has the AIDS virus, speaks at the U-Club in the Michigan Union
last night in front of a crowd of students and members of the community.

this world.
"You all can be sex-goddesses of the
world," she said.
Displaying different forms ofcontra-
ception, Huston talked about having
safer, more creative sex.
"I've made it fun and I've integrated
it into my life," she said andjoked about
initiating the use of protection: "I'll get
the love glove on honey."
According to Huston, sex has two
purposes, procreation and pleasure. She
said too often people use sex for other

reasons, like to feel better about them-
"Our world is so insular, we are so
isolated," she said and "sometimes I
just need someone to hold my hand."
Before Huston finished speaking,
she reminded the audience that some-
one in the U-Club listening that night
was probably HIV-positive and did
not know it.
"I've seen it too many times," she
said "And they look like you, and you,
and you."


State Senatoi
Ann Arbor f4
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
State budget priorities and higher
*cation funding are scheduled for
debate in Ann Arbor, rather than in
senate chambers tomorrow.
Following the release of Gov. John
Engler's 1996-97 budget, members of
the State Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee are scheduled to hold a hearing
on campus tomorrow as part of their
information gathering across the state.
State Sens. Joe Schwartz (R-Battle
Creek) and Jon Cisky (R-Saginaw) and
Oka Wheeler-Smith (D-Salem Twp.)
wi I hear testimony from University
representatives regarding the state's
higher education funding.
The committee is visiting "to listen
to testimony about the governor's pro-
posal, which this year of course, is a
very good proposal," said Walter
Harrison, vice president for University
Harrison said Schwartz, the chair of
higher education subcommittee,
scheduled four hearings around the state
to hear testimony from various educa-
tional associations and state and inde-
pendent colleges.
Tomorrow's meeting at the Michi-
gan League is the committee's first

rs to come to
or hearing

'U' Hosts Hearing
Universities and educators are
scheduled to respond at a public
hearing to Gov. John Engler's budget
proposal at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the
Michigan League's Hussey Room.
Considering Engler's 4.4-percent in-
crease in higher education funding and
several other incentives, the University
will benefit from the budget proposal,
asserted Andy Schor, chair ofthe Michi-
gan Student Assembly External Rela-
tions Committee.
Schor and SNRE Rep. .Karie Morgan
are scheduled to testify at the hearing.
"If this is the governor's budget, we
hope the state government stays this
favorable - don't stray," Schor said,
describing the theme of the testimony
he plans to present.
Although University representatives
have made pleas for more funding or
education programs at similar hearings
in the past, Harrison said this year's
testimony will be different. President
James Duderstadt and Provost J. Ber-
nard Machen will address issues sur-
rounding the University's undergradu-
ate education and the capital outlay -
"the money that the state and other

Board meets
in closed
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
A shortened version of the Univer-
sity Board of Regents' monthly meet-
ing was closed to the public yesterday.
The board met with John Forsyth,
executive director of University Hospi-
tals, and University General Counsel
Elsa Cole.
"There was a legal opinion to discuss,''
said Regent Andrea FischerNewman (R-
Ann Arbor), who would not comment or
the content of the discussion.
The meeting also began late due to a
funeral service.
Members of the board attended the ser-
vice ofPeg Molin, the wifeofKeith Molin.
special assistant to the athletic director.
Peg Molin was the former president o
the University's Ann ArborAlumniClub
The meeting's late start postponed
discussion on changes to the Athletic
Department bylaws. The discussion i
now planned for March's meeting.
Yesterday's meeting was also ca
short when no one showed up for the
public comments session.
The regents will reconvene in the Re-
gents' Room at 9a.m. today to address the
proposed 1996-97 residence hall rates.
The rest of the agenda, which Presi-
dent James Duderstadt said should no~

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