4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 15, 1996 l e aichtgatt tilu 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'MSA is like a spoiled child right now. And when you have a spoiled child, you spank it and put it to bed.' - Michigan Student Assembly Rules and Elections Committee Chair Paul Scublinsky MATT WIMSAT MooiE' s DILEMMA Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. A ll other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAilY Educationa borrowing MDS coursepack ruling a victory for students K(EEP KIL LING EAI4 oTHNP% ovm Totis LIr'fLE 131kROA TP o~f LNDALL IN 'THE NAtAE OF '1'lS "THING CALLUO.. RLIGKJN Ifs, IHAT RIGNT' S mall businesses won a victory this week, as the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Ap- peals ruled in favor of Ann Arbor's Michigan Document Services. The copier no longer has to pay royalties to Princeton University Press, Macmillan Inc. and St. Martin's Press charges for copyright fees could be consid- ered extortion - students gain knowledge from coursepacks, notprofit. Publishing com- panies should not charge royalties on small portions oftheir product, especially when the materials are used for teaching purposes. As a result of the decision, coursepack prices will probably decrease now that copy- L RTTET LETTrERs TO THE EDTOR for duplicating copyrighted coursepacks. The outcome reinforced community unification to win a fight. Students and profes- sors signed more than 350 affi- davits in support of MDS - which the judges said influ- enced their decision. Students in Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky, also can thank Jim Smith, owner of MDS. His persistence in this case greatly benefited universities. Publishing houses may ap- peal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, an unneces- sary and probably useless step. Currently, two federal courts opposing rulings affecting the material in MATT WIMSATT/Daily ing centers do not have to pay publishing houses unneces- sary royalties. Furthermore, University professors will now have access to a wider variety of materials - texts prohibited by publishers can, be included in future coursepacks. Overall, stu- dents pay less and learn more, professors have more avail- ability to materials and copy centers will not fold by pay- ing publishers unnecessarily. Publishers make a small fortune by overcharging stu- have issued copying and selling of coursepacks on university cam- puses. However, the latest ruling is an expan- sive 30-page decision that cites the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 as its foundation. The decision held a solid two-thirds vote in favor of the verdict, and should stand up in a Supreme Court challenge. Coursepacks are used primarily as substi- tutes for putting a book on reserve - not as a substitute for purchasing the book. There- fore, publishing houses will not miss profits from textbook sales. In fact, publishers' dents for their textbooks. If students must accept textbook prices, the publishers must accept the court's decision. One Saline-based manufacturer said academic publishing ac- counted for 30-35 percent of its $31 million in sales last year. The loss of these royalties will not cause bankruptcy. For students, how- ever, any money saved on coursepacks could be used for other expenses, such as tuition. Coursepacks are an important part of the University, but they are often overpriced. Students, faculty and local businesses were able to lower that cost. Now it's time to work on textbook prices. Censor all pornography TO THE DAILY: The editorial written on Feb. 6 as a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board concerning Internet "censorship" ("Indecent Proposal: Communications bill launches 'Net censor- ship")argued that banning pornography on the 'Net "inhibits freedom of speech." I disagree with this view and believe it is altogether proper for pornography to be banned from the 'Net considering its harmful consequences. Laws already exist that prohibit various forms of pornogra- phy. Thus, saying that with this bill "lawmakers added a clause to the First Amend- ment of the Constitution," is misrepresenting what freedom of speech means. In the modern university "open-mindedness" seems to be revered above all else, but only if that openness shuns absolute standards of truth. Did this nation become great because its Constitution says that "citizens should be free to express what they wish," as the Daily has written? Or, in this pluralistic society, do we still believe we are "one nation under God," and that real freedom inherently implies responsibility? Some may argue concerning this issue of pornography on the Internet that it cannot be perfectly enforced or we are just trying to protect people from themselves. What do we stand for as a nation'? Are we going to stand by and watch the society continue into the abyss of immorality, or are we going to try to make a difference? Finally, regarding the consequences of pornogra- phy, consider these words from the sixth chapter of Galatians in the Bible, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what hie sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction, the one who sows to please the Spirit from the Spirit will reap eternal life." MICHAEL GERHOLD RACKHAM STUDENT Daily gives Mehta too much press TO THE DAILY: It took me almost 30 minutes to find Probir Mehta's name in Thursday's (2/9/96) issue of the Daily, but I diligently searched until I found it, for I knew it would be there. Must the Daily mention Probir every single day? As a general rule, when something is a running joke at East Quad (home of Probir), MSA (job of Probir) and at The Michigan Daily itself (periodical of Probir), it has probably gone too far. I know Probir, and I like him as just as much as anyone. But enough is enough. Contrary to popular belief, the M in MSA does not stand for Mehta. My advice to you is to get a more diversified opinion of the proceedings of MSA. There are other people in it, you know. I sincerely doubt that you will lose any readers as~a result of this. Truth be known, it is the crossword which lures us in, and we will continue to remain faithful to it, with or without the "Find Probir's Name" game to further deter us from our studies.- ANITHA CHALAM LSA JUNIOR SHAKUNG THE TREE Out with the pink, bring in the cobalt blue V alentine's Day, my first year at Michigan: Two packages ar- rived at my dormroom-both were huge heart-shaped chocolate chip cookies. My roommate's heart had a red icing message: "All my love." My heart was from the same guy, and it said, "Men suck? "'.. .- My guy situa tion was so pa thetic that my roommate's love interest felt sorry , forme andsent me a Valentine's Day gift too. I brought my cookie into the k hall, threw it KATIE against the wall HUTCHINS and stamped on the shattered pieces, grinding them into the beer- stained carpet. My answer to his question was clear. Valentine's Day hasn't improved since then. This year, my gift came two weeks early. My love interest (if you can call him that) dumped me over des- sert at Seva and bought me a bottle ofsparkling water as compensation. A bottle of sparkling water? It's a cute bottle - a unique dark blue color. But water? This is the latest event in one of those on-again, off-again, platonic then non-platonic relationships many ofus are involved in through- out our college careers. For those who are single and spent Valentine's Day wallowing in drunken misery, weird relationships are typical. Our love stories are se- verely dysfunctional. One person is desperate to find love and someone; to cuddle with on weeknights; the other is interested in a one-night stand. We never like someone "that way" unless we're sure they don't like us. What is it that is so self- destructive about us that we push away our most arduous suitors in favor of the unattainables? Many engage in the struggle for dates for Valentine's Day, the idi- otic and tortuous Sweetest Day, date parties and Friday nights. In all the emotional messes we create, we end up missing out on what might be. some ofthe best experiences life has to offer. What does all the game- playing amount to when - after four years-we discover that we've accomplished nothing? All ourmarks of success in life are based on tangibles that reaffirm our self-esteems: The relationship, the grades, the good body and the clean room are all marks of achievement that we can point to and say our lives are OK. But simply having someone to call your significant other doesn't cut it. Just as straight A's - al- though nice - don't indicate that we really know anything, having the best possible boyfriend or girl friend doesn't mean they bring qual- ity to our lives. But hideous events like Valentine's Day pop up and make us feel inadequate in our so cial development. So let's ban it. Ban the pink cook- ies, the red hearts, the roses and the candy. Hell, let's ban the Relation ship altogether. Think ofall the time we'd save - no more phone calls (or waiting for phone calls), no more hours-long laments to our friends about how we've been mistreated. No more prettying up or planning. We can simply live and love those who happen to be around. The bottle of sparkling water I received as I picked at my vegan cocoa cake might be more symbolic than it first seemed. Its dark electric blue color is the same hue as the mysterious waters of the Chinoyi. caves in Zimbabwe. A tiny lake is buried in a maze of caves, and the way the light hits the water gives it an iridescent glow. That glow - 'and the feelings it evokes- have amazed tourists for years. It also connects them, as each person is touched in a slightly different way by the overwhelming aura. Every person walks away from Chinoyi with a new perspective, and a connection to those who inhabited the caves hundreds of years before. Perhaps our dysfunctional relation- ships can have significance in the same way. We're all ultimately seek ing something similar, and the weird experiences we have in love and. loss teach us something new about ourselves. Touching each otherjust briefly is I 0 Sound bitten Republican slate reflects overall poor choices A s the balloons and banners, sound bites and blue suits indicate, the primary sea- son has arrived. Republicans poured mil- lions of dollars into Iowa last week - an airwaves blitzkrieg - with a mere 17 per- cent. Was the impersonal media campaign- ing responsible for the record low turnout, or is it the abundance of charismatic vision among the candidates? Both seem to have played a part, along with the role of money within the primary process - a system that is now in dire need of reform. Steve Forbes raised the stakes by spend- ing his millions on the airwaves and dimin- ishing the impact of handshakes and town meetings. But his use of television's and radio's encompassing scope to introduce, reinforce and virtually drown the field back- fired. Forbes reaped only 10 percent of the vote. Calls for a spending cap that first arose with Ross Perot's campaign resurfaced with Forbes. Yet no amount of money will win a race if the ideas are poor. Negativism and the impersonal nature of the sound bite cast the superficial glow oftelevision upon the candi- date. Money, as Phil Granun has discovered, will not win an election; it will only keep the candidate in the race. The meager offerings, the courtship ofthe elusive moderate vote and the need for a cohesive Republican vision threaten to splin- ter the party and its ability to select an elect- able - much less formidable -- opponent to the Democrats. President. Clinton, in com- parison, appears powerfully presidential. The ensemble presented thus far seems empty. Trying flannel practicality, didactic states- manship or isolationist conservatism, candi- dates have failed to tantalize or invigorate the electorate. Though it is early, voters are searching for the candidate of movie lore, the assured calm hero - the role Colin Powell declined. Politics has become pro- hibitively expensive and bitterly distaste- ful despite its lack of substance. The mix has effectively screened out countless quali- fied candidates before they had the chance to run. The mercurial moderate voter seems to be searching to make an informed and confident vote. Americans need real discussion of is- sues, not meaningless media phrases, to cast educated votes. Access to equal, untainted television time blocks for all registered candidates might provide each presidential contender a forum to fully air ideas. Media spin would be some- what circumvented. The sound bite would no longer dominate voter decision. Contenders would be evaluated not by their ability to group funds but for their ability to articulate vision. The perennial desire to vote "none of the above" has lingered too long. Candidate se- lection deserves a more careful process. Un- til an open and complete debate in each state is implemented, voter disenchantment - and apathy - will continue. LETTERS POLICY The Michigan Daily welcomes letters from its readers. Alllettersfrom University students,faculty andstaffwill be printed, space providing. Other materials will be printed at the editors'discretion. All letters must include the writer's name, school year or University affiliation and phone number. We will not print any letter that cannot be verified. Ad hominem attacks will not be published. Letters should be kept to approximately 300 words. We reserve the right to edit for length, clarity and accuracy. Longer "Viewpoints " may be arranged with an editor. Letters should be sent via e-mail to daily.letters@ umich.edu or mailed to the Daily at 420 Maynard St. Editors can be reached at 764-0552 or by sending e-mail to the above address. VEEWPOINT AIDS is still a campus issue BY TRISHA MILLER National Condom Week, February 12-17, is dedicated to protecting students against AIDS by encouraging condom use and other safer sex alter- natives. The focus of the week of AIDS education is to per- sonalize the issue for students, especially those involved in sexual relationships. Throughout the week, stu- dents from AIDS Education Issues Among Us, AIDS Awareness Group and UHS peer educators will be distrib- uting condoms in the Diag, residence halls and various University building with the theme of safer sex this Valentine's Day. The message is simple - show your loved one that you care about their safety by using a latex barrier during sex. AIDS should not be an afterthought; a disease that is now the No. 1 killer for people between the ages of 25-44 magnifies the risks of ,,nnrotected sex issues, Magic Johnson sent a wake-up call to the American public -no one is immune to HIV. More students today are familiar with the term AIDS, and demonstrate their support for the issue and those affected by wearing the symbolic red ribbon. Is something lost in the symbol? As visible signs of awareness increase on col- lege campuses, AIDS contin- ues to rise at the fastest rate among men and women ages The University campus is using this week to pro- mote safe sex. 18-24. Familiarity with issues of AIDS should not be mis- taken for knowledge. Infor- mation alone is not enough to combat this deadly disease in our community. AIDS educa- speaking out at the Univer- sity. River Huston, a renowned poet and AIDS activist, con- tracted AIDS in 1991, while attending Hunter College in New York. Her compelling story has the potential to posi- tively impact students' lives. River went to have an HIV test, confident that there was no chance of her testing HIV positive. Four years later, she is living with AIDS. Huston is the changing face of AIDS in our community. She is young and active and does not look like someone who has been diagnosed with a terminal ill- ness. Huston knewhvery little about AIDS when she was told she had it. She now shares her story to prevent it from hap- pening to someone else. We are not winning the battle against AIDS. Many stu- dents at the University still don't protect themselves. Washtenaw County has the second highest number of AIDS cases in the state. Col- EDUrORs Nom On Tuesday, a reporter for The Michigan Daily started working on a story about a forged e-mail sent under President James Duderstadt's name. As the story progressed, we were shocked to find out the message originated from our offices. In cooperation with the University's Information Technology Division, we discovered one of the Daily's editors had sent the message. Showing dedication and respect to the Daily and the University community, James Nash tendered his resignation. While we are troubled and saddened by this incident, we