4 -- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 14, 1996 atbe £iirn &iilg]D(1 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAlMI Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion ofa majority ofthe Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY The BPC 'non-crisis' MSA's poor planning causes a budget crunch NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'The publishers' insistence for copyright fees amounts to extortion.' - Jim Smith, owner of Michigan Document Services JIM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST LETIERS TO THE EDITOR 'U'fi comntIpi ve AA hre ~ ~ - - - - -- - - - ~ EERs THE EDITOR l1 community split over SAPAC charges Michigan Student Assembly Vice Presi- dent Sam Goodstein predicts before year's end, funds will be "completely washed out." And many student groups will be washed up. MSA's Budget Priorities Committee car- ries out one of MSA's most important func- tions: allocating funds to campus groups and organizations. Last week, members realized they may have promised more than they can deliver - a disappointing, if not dangerous, precedent to set. In all, 91 student organiza- tions rely on BPC for funding through re- quest and presentation. If MSA's budget collapses as predicted, these groups will have nowhere left to turn. MSA must take steps immediately to minimize the imminent dam- age and prevent future fiscal crises. BPC currently holds seven hearings per year to accept presentations from student organizations requesting MSA funds. While the frequency of hearings is convenient for some of the smaller groups, it is economi- cally unwise. Seven hearings will hurt stu- dent groups in the long run: the present budget crunch is a case-in-point example. BPC promised away the bulk of its funds during the first five hearings of the fiscal year. With two scheduled hearings left, BPC members found that they overextended them- selves. Their lack of foresight and planning will leave many groups unfunded. If MSA insists on maintaining a seven-hearing fiscal year, they must hone their arithmetic skills to plan efficiently. Some would call the blunder inexcusable - MSA deals with approxi- LAST-DrrcH APPEwA Clinton poor brave new world mately the same number of organizations and sees many ofthe same monetary requests every year. This year was no different, nor have there been any surprises. A better solution would be to cut the number of hearings to three or four. Quar- terly hearings could decrease or altogether eliminate the instinctual habit of promising large sums too early in the year. Fewer hear- ings may prompt a more even distribution of student group requests, enabling BPC to stick closely to a quarterly budget plan. However, before any plans are made for future reform, MSA must deal with the prob- lem at hand. BPC Chair Matt Curin indicated that supplemental emergency funding may be available from other MSA committee budgets, such as Advice magazine and the Central Student Judiciary. MSA members have yet to reach an agreement on the poten- tial fund transfer -- many feel it would be unfair to penalize these groups to save BPC from its own mistake. To some extent, it's true. MSA cannot make a habit of robbing some groups of funding to cover other groups. BPC runs into a shortage each year; it seems the problem is chronic. However, the current shortage is steep enough that rear- ranging budget allocations might be neces- sary. MSA must learn to plan ahead to avoid future emergencies. Two BPC hearings remain in the fiscal year. It will then be time for MSA members to rethink hearing and allocation policies - student groups cannot be expected to pay for any more of MSA's mistakes. Democracy bypmailn New voting method encourages participation N ot only did the Democratic Party tri- umph in Oregon recently, democracy did as well. Ron Wyden beat Gordon Smith, a Republican, in a special U.S. Senate elec- tion. But the election was notable not be- cause of a Democratic victory. Mail-in vot- ing made Wyden's win special. Voter participation was well above aver- age and election procedures were essentially flawless. While questions remain as to whether mail-in voting will work in each state, it is an innovative way to make democ- racy more accessible to all voters. Other states should follow suit. Oregon has held elections by mail for school bond issues and statewide ballot ini- tiatives for the past 15 years. But the recent Senate election, which filled Bob Packwood's seat, was the first federal mail-in election. Oregon voters received ballots approximately three weeks before the election. Voters could mail ballots or drop them off at a designated location. Voter participation for the Oregon elec- tion was a staggering 66 percent. The elec- tion set an Oregon record for voting in a special election, and was well above the national average. For example, only 38 per- cent of eligible voters nationwide voted in the 1994 Congressional elections. Although turnout may have been unusually high be- cause the mail-in process was novel, it none- theless offers voters easier access to democ- racy. Since voting can be difficult with work commitments and long lines at the polling locations, any secure system that encourages more citizens to participate should be adopted. Opponents of mail-in voting in Oregon and elsewhere claim the long balloting pe- riod makes it necessary for candidates to sustain longer media campaigns to attract both early and late voters. Critics also argue that Oregon saw excessive amounts of mud- slinging in the recent election. However, negative campaigning and excessive televi- sion advertisements are a common aspect in political campaigns nationwide. Mail-in vot- ing should not be blamed for the rise in campaign spending or an increase of politi- cians' bad manners. While mail-in voting a success in Oregon, potential for corruption lies in this type of system. Officials will need to develop some form of voter verification to prevent fraud. The U.S. Postal Service performed well in the Oregon election; however, with tons of mail each year left undelivered, postal accu- racy could sway an entire election. If other states are considering adopting mail-in vot- ing, they must first investigate these con- cerns. Despite possible loopholes, mail-in vot- ing should be pursued in other areas of the country. While fewer and fewer citizens are making it to the polls, mail-in voting is a creative step toward getting more citizens to vote - although the ultimate responsibility is theirs. Irresponsible reporting on conflict TO THE DAILY: I have been following the Daily's reporting of the controversy involving SAPAC staff and volunteers, and have been concerned by the paper' s approach. I don't think it is responsible; it seems unnecessarily and destructively sensational and inflammatory. A spirit of "public journalism' that works for the good of the community would be more helpful here. Certainly, the Peer Educators who initiated the protest of Janelle White's dismissal and the process surrounding it may have legitimate concerns worth talking to the director and other staff about. Certainly, organizations have to struggle to best understand and serve the needs of a diverse constitu- ency, and often don't do as well as they would like. Certainly, confidentiality is very important to SAPAC's credibility. And certainly, the Daily can and should investigate and report when it learns of a Peer Educators protest. However, the only things that are really known is that there is disagreement between some of the volunteers and the director about the legitimacy of Janelle White's dismissal, and that Debi Cain, in conversation with some of the SAPAC student staff who were meeting with her about concerns, spoke of another SAPAC worker as a "survivor." Confidentiality was broken in that "in- house" context. That doesn't make it OK, but without much more evidence of problems, that one mistake certainly doesn't warrant fanning flames of the assumption that confi- dentiality is a problem at SAPAC and that students on campus might well hesitate to use its services. The issue about serving students of color and gay and lesbian students better doesn't surprise me at all, and I doubt any member or staff person of SAPAC would not agree that they need to work on that. What organization that is mostly white and mostly straight doesn't? (Anti-abuse organizations organized to serve women nationally are only recently realizing they have to learn how to include lesbian victims of same-sex abuse.) The Daily needed to be more cautious than it was in linking this to Janelle White's dismissal because she is African American and lesbian, without further investigation in more depth. Those are very serious charges. (And Cain is at a disadvantage in defending against this - personnel matters can't be divulged to the public.) This is an in- house struggle. Some people are clearly upset with Debi Cain's leadership. Some people clearly do not think Janelle White's dismissal was justified. Obviously, SAPAC has work to do, and the situation is reportable. I urge the Daily to be responsible in educating the community without doing damage to the fine work of the many volunteers and staff. JOAN SCOTT UNIVERSITY STAFF Students must have information TO THE DAILY: In light of recent letters to the editor by SAPAC volunteers, I feel a strong need to clarify my position on the unfortunate contro- versy that has erupted. As a "protesting" SAPAC Peer Educator, I am deeply disappointed, disturbed and sincerely hurt that I am no longer able to trust SAPAC or to do the important work against sexual violence under its name. Over the past two years SAPAC has been a great resource for me, allowing me to learn, deal with personal issues and providing me with a vehicle with which to serve the University community. I have grown to be very committed to the anti- violence movement and I wholeheartedly believe that SAPAC is an invaluable resource on this campus. But no organization is perfect. It's true that I know only one side of the story about Janelle White's termination. But I also know that the way SAPAC staff informed the volunteer groups about the situation gives cause for suspicion. Different staff members told different stories to different groups of volunteers, some of which information was conflicting and contradic- tory. As a volunteer who worked directly for Janelle in the PE program (which none of the other volunteers writing letters this week did), I have seen Janelle (White) work and have known her in a "profes- sional" capacity. None of the explanations I have heard coming from SAPAC staff sound plausible. There is much suspicion around the entire situation. Even this, however, may not be seen by some as justification for a work stoppage. But a blatant breach of client confidential- ity by the organization's director is a clear sign to me that SAPAC is not currently living up to its stated mission or to its potential. I cannot in good conscience give a presentation on acquaintance rape to a class and tell them that SAPAC is a great place to go for help. I'd be thinking in the back of my mind that client confi- dentiality is not always a number one priority with the staff, as it should be. Sexual violence is an area where confidentiality in counseling is extremely important. Many women don't report the crimes to the police or even tell their families, so it's especially important to provide a safe, confidential atmosphere in which they can obtain the help that they need in a time of crisis and healing. I'm unsure whether SAPAC is currently living up to this. I also want to point out that the Daily's reporting of the controversy is essential to the correction of SAPAC's problems. The University community needs to know, so that people can make educated decisions about whether to go to SAPAC for help or whether to become (or remain) a SAPAC volunteer. And the administration needs to know that students find this behavior by SAPAC staff unacceptable. JENN RUMISEK LSA SENIOR I think that-Bill Clinton will win re-election in November. How- ever, I am worried about the manner in which Clinton will win. I'm wor- ried that the issues on which Clinton campaigns will be the wrong issue I'm worried that Clinton will win without addressing the most impor- tant issues we face. He may do this because it seems he can, because it seems theelecc- tion will be his to lose. Clinton may, in fact, be able ' l to win by en- c o u r a g i n g Americans, as he did in the State of the Union Address, JORDAN to watch less television and STANCIL spend time with their children. But for him to do so would be to let America down. In doing so he would neglect the mo important issue of our time: The fact that most people don't make as much money as they used to make. Inci- dentally, this is also the reason that people spend less time than before with their children. We know that theliving standards of most Americans are falling. As Bill Clinton so articulately explained in 1992, people are working harder for less money. Increasingly, both parents work, but this has not led to more prosperous lifestyles. This has weakened families-notjust among the very poor, but also among the middle class and even the upper middle class, where people must work harder than ever to keep a tenuous grip on an insecure pros- perity. These economic problems have changed the substance of American life. As is widely known, the connota@ tions of words like 'job" and "ca- reer" have changed, perhaps for- ever. I use the passive voice because no one knows exactly who's re- sponsible, although there are plenty oftheories. Perhaps Corporate Greed did it, or Healthy Competition, or" Free Trade or the Decline of Unions. Or maybe it was History. Inevita- bly, the search for an agent is fruit- less. The central experience of adult life - work - is different, and change is cloaked in the sterile eu- phemisms ofcorporate America. We have a whole lexicon of words like "outsource" and "outplace," and, of course, "downsize," although I'm told by a B-school friend that the term currently en vogue is "rightsize." The new ideal is not a loyal en* ployee married for life to an equally loyal employer. The new ideal is the rugged individual, a kind of self- contained work unit who sells his or her skills to the highest bidder, who cringes at the thought of lifetime employment with one company, and who brooks no fear of change. The Economy, that most inscru- table god, wants everyone to be an independent contractor, and I sa "Great." After all, it would be th height of hypocrisy for liberals who complained so strenuously about the ennui of the corporate lifestlye to lament that very lifestyle's collapse. It would be almost as bad as conser- vatives who long for the return of the Cold War. But even if this particular brave new world isn't so bad, we still have a problem. Where is all the mone. going? Why do CEO's make hun- dreds of times more than the salary of the lowest paid worker? Would it be so bad if they only made 50 times more? If the American Century was made possible by the growth of an upwardly mobile middle class, what happens when we have downward mobility? We hear from all direc- tions that education is more neces- sary than ever, and yet educatioh becomes ever more expensive an less accessible for most of the na- tion. In 1992, Bill Clinton had answers to these questions. His success was due to his ability to define the prob- lem of declining wages and living standards and to propose solutions. When a member of the audience at one of the 1992 presidential debates asked the candidates how the receg sion had affected them personally, Clinton was the only one who un- derstood. His campaign was based on the idea that the economy does affect people personally. It affects what they do every day. It affects how they raise their children. How TO CONTACT EM FLINT WAINESS MICHIGAN STUDENT ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT 3909 MICHIGAN UNION ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 763-3241 Alliance's demands justified TO THE DAILY: the attack on the Alliance revolves around one quote made by speaker of the Black Student Union, Sherise Steele (which given the Daily's record may have very well been misquoted). To those who readily shun legitimate. I support the Alliance Four Justice because minority services do need to be re-evaluated if they are to properly serve students of color. Who are the most qualified people to do this other than the FJAWA@UMICH.EDU