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February 13, 1996 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-02-13

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Continued from Page 1
bers among the Protestant paramilitaries
issued his own warning. While those
groups do not want to resume their war
with the IRA, said Gary McMichael,
leader of the fringe Ulster Democratic
Party, "it is also recognized" that they
"can't leave their community unde-
fended. It is very much up to how the
IRA reacts now."
That raised the nightmare scenario of
a return to the tit-for-tat sectarian ter-
rorism that claimed more than 3,000
2 lives more than 25 years before the
1994 cease-fire.
"The situation is dreadful," said An-
drew Hunter, a member of Parliament
from Major's Conservative Party who
specializes in Northern Irelandmatters.
In Belfast, Northern Ireland, which has
remained peaceful since the bombing,
several thousand people waving white
paper doves staged a vigil for peace
outside City Hall.
The stated goals of the governments of
Britain and Ireland are to bring together
representatives ofthe majority Protestant
and minority Catholic communities in
Northern Ireland for "all-party" talks on
the future of the province.
Progress toward those talks halted
when Major and the Protestant politi-
cians, known as Ulster unionists, de-
manded as preconditions that the largely
Catholic IRA either begin "decommis-
sioning" its arsenal ofbombs and weap-
ons or, as an alternative, agree to elec-
tions in the British province as a dem-
onstration of commitment to peaceful
means. The IRA and Sinn Fein refused.
-Major and the Unionists declined to
budge and the IRA declared an end to
the cease-fire about an hour before ex-
ploding its bomb.
Adams, stressing that he could not
and would not speak for the IRA, said
the peace process broke down because
Major had "betrayed" promises made
at the time of the cease-fire that talks
could begin within three months. "In 18
months there was not one word of real
negotiation," Adams said. In fact, the
British government has held numerous
high-level meetings with Sinn Fein rep-
resentatives - something unthinkable
prior to the cease-fire. But these have
been described by all sides as "talks
about talks." ,
Yesterday, speaking to the House of
Commons, Majorsaid the bombing "may
not be the last such atrocity. More may
follow,hereonthemainlandandin North-
ern Ireland. Ifweare pushed back, we will
start again. If we are pushed back a sec-
ond time, we will start again."
Major also addressed various alter-
natives to his own preconditions, in-
cluding a proposal from Bruton for
"proximity talks," such as those held in

U.S. brok
on hoidi
Los Angeles Times
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina
~- U.S. officials said yesterday they
had brokered a compromise between
the Bosnian government and Bosnian
Serbs overthe explosive issue ofarrest-
ing war crimes suspects in Bosnia-
They hope the deal will ease mount-
ing tensions over the arrest of two top
Bosnian Serb military commanders last

Above: Workmen clear away debris
from the scene of Friday's IRA bomb
explosion in London's Dockyards
Right: A woman fights back tears,
clutching a paper dove as she attends
a peace vigal in Belfast yesterday after
the latest IRA bombing in London. The
vigil, attended by several thousand
people and organized by "Women
Involved," took place at the spot where
President Bill Clinton addressed
crowds in December 1995.
Dayton last year on the Bosnia conflict,
in which all the parties are essentially
locked in a building, in separate rooms
if necessary, until some agreement
emerges. "I have difficulty with prox-
imity talks," he said. "We would need
to have people in willing to be in prox-
imity and there is a certain disinclina-
tion to do that," he said, referring to the
unionist parties.
At the same time, he said "our minds
are not closed. We must look at other
options if they would make practical
progress. If we see a risk we believe is
appropriate in the cause of peace, we
will take it."
Government sources here said
Major's language did not mean he
was ready to abandon his earlier pre-
conditions. But Irish officials in
Dublin, who asked not to be named,
interpreted his words as an opening
for other options. The twoprime min-
isters have scheduled a meeting, prob-
ably next week.

month by the
Bosnian govern-
ment. In a move
likely to draw fur-
ther ire from the
Bosnian Serb
military, the offic-
ers were flown by
NATO peace-
keeping forces
late yesterday
from Sarajevo to
The Hague for in-
vestigation by the
Crimes Tribunal.

"It ain't
until it's o
am guarde
Assistant secri
International War

identified by the tribunal as sus
war criminals, though the U;N.
determined that only after th
had been detained.
Holbrooke, the lead negotiator
peace accord, is scheduled to q
Clinton administration this mont
he rushed to the Balkans over the
end for an arm-twisting session
the detentions, coupled with deep
strains in the divided Muslim-Cro
of Mostar, t
ened thecal
since the D
ever, but 1 deal was
two months
It was n
ther the com
mise would
ard Holbrooke pease Mila
retary of state who is bai
from talks
cause of his status as an accused
criminal. But Serbian Presi
Slobodan Milosevic, who has ire
sented the Bosnian Serbs, endo
the deal, officials said.
Holbrooke turned yesterday to
problems in Mostar, where s
Bosnian Croats have violently
posed municipal boundaries dra
by international arbiters. Holbro
has made it clear the United Sta
endorses the boundaries, and he
push Croatian President Fra
Tudjman during a meeting in Zagr
the Croatian capital, to accept them
risk destabilizing the Muslim-Cr
federation in Bosnia.
"We are going to talk about that, a
the whole strengthening of the fede
tion," said Assistant Secretary ofSt
John Shattuck, who has join
Holbrooke in the talks. "It is going to
another series of bumps on the road.

"It ain't over until it's over, but I am
guardedly positive," said U.S. Assis-
tant Secretary of State Richard
Holbrooke in an interview yesterday. "I
think we made some progress today.
We laid down some rules to prevent
Under the arrangement, the Muslim-
led Bosnian government will detainonly
those Bosnian Serbs classified by the
war-crimes tribunal as suspects. Other
Bosnian Serbs, including military offi-
cials, who enter government territory
will not be bothered or apprehended,
thereby guaranteeing freedom ofmove-
ment as required by the Dayton, Ohio,
peace accord.
Bosnian Serb Gen. Djordje Djukic
and Col. Aleksa Krsmanovic, who
were arrested after 'straying from a
Serb suburb of Sarajevo, have been

1-1 Im


Dissidents threaten Persian Gulf states


MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) - Five
years after the Gulf War, the kings and
sheiks who once held absolute power in
the wealthy nations of this oil-rich re-
gion are having trouble maintaining
their tight grip.
Governments across the region are
facing challenges from dissidents agi-
tating either for more democracy or for
a return to stricter Islamic austerity.
The king of Saudi Arabia, sidelined
by a stroke, surrendered power to his
half-brother last month. Qatar's leader-
shipchanged hands last year in a blood-
less palace coup.
With a bombing Sunday, add Bahrain
to the list.
No government in the Gulf appears
lin imminent danger of collapse, but the
recent rumblings have left the region
In the latest disturbance, a bomb in-
jured fourpeople and wrecked the lobby
of Bahrain's plush Diplomat Hotel on
Sunday night, the second blast at a
luxury hotel in less than a month.
The bombing capped weeks of anti-
government protests in the tiny island
tate, a key center for the U.S. Navy.
Spofadic unrest began in December
1994, sending shivers through the
country's local population - and its
indispensable foreign workers.
"People have stopped venturing into
the market" because of the unrest, said

Sunday's bombing caps weeks of anti-
government protests in Bahrain

D'Souza, an Indian storekeeper in
Manama's picturesque bazaar who -
like many people in Bahrain - would
give only his last name to a reporter.
"If it goes on, Lord knows what we'll
do next. We might have to pack our

bags and find a
better place to
start off."
Others were
less worried.
"I think most
people are aware
of what region
they are living in,"
said Michael
Langton, the
American direc-
tor of the Bahrain
Institute of Bank-

I think
people are
of what re
they are 1i
Bahrain Institu

of Bahrain's population, but Sheik Isa
Bin Salman Al Khalifa and his family
dynasty, which dominate the govern-
ment, are from Islam's Sunni sect.
The government accuses Iran, a
mostly Shiite country, of orchestrating
the unrest. The
Bahraini leader-
most ship has re-
sponded by crack-
1 aware ing down, arrest-
ing prominent
!ion Shiite preachers
and hundreds of
1ving jn other people.
While the
;hael Langton streets of down-
te of Banking town Manama are
and Finance dominated by
gleaming tower
blocks that house international banks,

Bahrain, the first Gulfnation to strike
oil in the 1930s, will also be the first to
run out of the black gold. Output is
down to a trickle and the spigots will be
dry by around the year 2000.
The nation of 500,000 has turned to
banking, services and subsidies from
Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi kingdom has its own wor-
ries these days.
A car-bombing at a joint American-
Saudi military headquarters in the capi-
tal, Riyadh, killed five Americans and
two Indians on Nov. 13.
Authorities have yet to determine who
is responsible, but suspicion has focused
on Saudi dissidents seeking to drive
American forces out of the kingdom.
Some 20,000 American soldiers,
sailors and airmen are stationed in the
region, a legacy of the Gulf War and
the American commitment to keep oil
flowing freely to the industrialized
The conservative Gulf leaders see
the Americans as a shield against radi-
cal regimes in Iran and Iraq, but some
citizens oppose U.S. presence in Arab

Clinton hosts anti-
smokfing telen-ag
WASHINGTON (AP)-President asked us our age we had to say 17.
Clinton discussed smoking with an Without that, she said, "probably alo
activist group of anti-smoking teen- more would have sold it to us."
agers yesterday and told how his She said she went to about 20 store
daughter's pleadings caused his in one day, gasoline stations and con
mother to quit. venience stores, and asked for ciga
When Chelsea was in grade school, rettes.
the president said, she was impressed "If they sold it to us, like if the
with the message conveyed in films actually rung it up and everything,.w
that showed the deterioration of smok- gave them a 'gotcha' card," Chris
ers' lungs. said. Those who refused to sell the
"My mother had smoked all her life, cigarettes get a thank-you card.
practically, since she was a teen-ager," The youngsters also tested 12 vend-
the president told seven students and ing machines; Ricky Lovelace, a stu-
three adults in the Oval Office. dent at Robinson Secondary School, in
"My daughter kept telling her what Fairfax, Va.,said they would have been
her lungs looked like, this 8-year-old able to get cigarettes from I1 without
beating up on hergrandmother," Clinton anyone stopping them.
said. "And for her eighth birthday, my Last August, the president declared
mother stopped smoking. That was her nicotine to be a drug and gave the Food
gift to her granddaughter." and Drug Administration authority to
The president's mother, Virginia regulate the sales,promotion anddistri-
Kelley, died two years ago. bution of cigarettes. He also ordered a
The 20-minute discussion in the Oval crackdown on cigarette machines and
Office was held to underscore the on cigarette advertising to protect chil-
president's driveagainst teen-agesmok- dren.
ing. Clinton was told of a hands-on "One of the proposals that we are
survey conducted by three of the teen- considering is the question of whether
agers, testing how often stores were thereshouldbenovendingmachinesin
willing to tell them cigarettes. any place that children have access to,"
"More than half actually would sell Clinton said. "If you're going to have
to us," said Christy Franco, 17, a stu- vending machines, then maybe they
dent at Oakton High School in Vienna, should just be where only adults can
Va. "We couldn't lie, so when they come in."

ing and Finance. "The Middle East is a
volatile place, and people know that
when they come here."
The anti-government violence began
after Shiite Muslim opposition leaders
began calling for the release of political
prisoners, betterjob opportunities and a
restoration of parliament, which was
dissolved 20 years ago.
Shiites account for about 60 percent


the picture is different in the Shiite
Muslim villages, the heartland of the
Children play on unpaved streets.
People live in simple concrete or mud-
lined houses. Slogans spray-painted on
walls denounce the ruling Al Khalifa
dynasty -but are quickly painted over
by police.






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Tuesday, February 13,
Wednesday, February 14, 1996
9:00am, 12:00pm, 3:00pm


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