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January 12, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-01-12

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 12, 1996


Troops anticipate Clinton visit to Bosnia

The Washington Post
TUZLA, Bosnia-Herzegovina - To some, he re-
mains a draft dodger who never served in uniform. To
others, he's just another political candidate looking
for a "photo op" with the troops.
But when President Clinton arrives here tomorrow,
he will find surpri singly strong support. The vast major-
ity of soldiers Clinton dispatched at Christmas to this
unlovely corner of the world have come to accept him
first and foremost as their commander in chief.
His visit is widely viewed as an act of good faith,
further strengthening the bond between leader and led.
His first meeting with servicemen bound for the
Balkans, athree-hourvisit aboard the carrier Theodore
Roosevelt in March 1993, drew jokes about draft-
dodging and gays in the military.
Clinton has not completely overcome his well-
documented image problem with the military, but he
has taken long strides toward repairing it. Conversa-
tions with dozens of soldiers, from private to general,

suggest they have come to view him - sometimes
grudgingly - as their rightful leader, the boss. They
admire the risk he's taking to fly here; a palpable
charge of anticipation has been building all week.
"It's hoo-aah," said Sgt. Roland Baldomero, 33,
a paratroop squad leader from North Miami Beach,
using the all-purpose Army expression of approval.
"It definitely breaks the routine. The guys are pretty
excited. As far as these soldiers are concerned, he's
considered the commander in chief."
Sgt. Robert Dulmage, also 33, a paratrooper from
Atlanta, added: "The President, that's squared away.
That's cool. He's coming to see the men, even though
he doesn't have to come here. He's the one who gave
the execution order to do this, so I think it's great."
A colonel added, "Clinton has worked very hard to
earn the respect of the military, because he knows he
has to earn it and he knows he had an image prob-

Buchanan says he'll revise Challenger 2d
CONCORD, N.H. - Pat Buchanan used a quick image of
the exploding Challenger in a TV ad to show he helped the
country heal after a national crisis. But in Concord, where the
decade-old image is more than a distant news event, it has
opened old wounds, and Buchanan said yesterday he would
change it.
"It looks like we are being used," Michael Garrett, assistant
principal at Concord High School, where astronaut Christa < .
McAuliffe taught, said of the ad.k :
The Republican presidential candidate's ad contains a clip
of the explosion, followed by a photo of Buchanan at Presi-
dent Reagan's side. Buchanan
Buchanan said he will delete images of the explosion "out
of sensitivity" for the family of McAuliffe. She and six other space shuttle cr N
members were killed in the disaster 10 years ago this month.
"We'll change that particular little slide or picture as soon as we can, out f
sensitivity, out of concern forthe family," Buchanan said during a campaign swi g
through Iowa.
"We'll have that changed by Tuesday or Wednesday."

Dignitaes bid
final farewell
to iterrad
PARIS (AP) - Francois Mitterrand
was laid to rest yesterday with his own
thoughts on death ringing in the ears of
the kings, princes and presidents who
came to Notre Dame cathedral to bid
him farewell.
"Why do we live in such times of
spiritual drought, when men, too busy
living, seem to miss the essential mys-
tery?" Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger
said' in a eulogy, quoting Mitterrand's
recently published writings.
Mitterrand, the Socialist who led France
longer than anyone else this century, died
Monday of prostate cancer at 79.
In accordance with his wishes, a si-
multaneous ceremony for relatives and
friends was held in his hometown of
Jarnac, in southwest France. Mitterrand's
body, flown from Paris at dawn, was
placed in his family's tomb there.
In Paris, some 250 world leaders and
dignitaries slowly filed into the packed
cathedral, taking their places in small
wooden and wicker chairs facing
Lustiger's pulpit. African presidents and
Saudi princes arrived in bright, flowing
robes, accompanied by wives and uni-
formed generals.
Mitterrand's longtime friend and
political ally, Chancellor Helmut Kohl
of Germany, shed ters as a choir sang.
The two leaders, who had held hands
during a recent World War commemo-
ration, were together the strongest pro-
moters of the European Union.
Vice President Al Gore sat in the
second row behind the president of
Togo. Russia's Boris Yeltsin, Britain's
Prince Charles, Cuba's Fidel Castro,
Spain's King Juan Carlos, Sweden's
King Carl XVI and Egyptian President

Chechens hold hostages
for third day in standoff

Kings, princes and presidents went to
Notre Dame cathedral yesterday to
witness Francois Mitterrand's funeral.
Hosni Mubarak were among those
seated in the front row reserved for
heads of state.
Barbara Hendricks, the American
opera singer, sang a requiem, Gabriel
Faure's "Pious Jesus."
On the plazaoutside, hundreds watched
a large screen broadcasting the Mass.
"The whole world sent its leaders to
salute Francois Mitterrand," Loic
Ducos, a 19-year-old philosophy stu-
dent, said as he watched the screen
before Mass began. "I'm really very
happy and honored to be here. I'll re-
member this for the rest of my life."
At Mitterrand's birthplace, Jamac, the
service was off-limits to all but about 200
relatives and close friends, but loudspeak-
ers carried the funeral Mass to the crowds
that gathered outside St. Pierre Church.
Mitterrand's parents were married in the
austere 12th-century stone chapel.

- Chechen rebels holding more than
100 exhausted hostages in this bleak
village demanded safe passage home, a
Russian commander called for the rebels
to be annihilated--and what they all got
yesterday was a grueling day of waiting.
The third day of the hostage drama
was a tense standoff on the steppes near
the Chechen border. The fields around
Pervomayskaya were streaked with gray
lines of Russian armor, poised to storm
the town. Military helicopters bristling
with rockets circled low.
Rebels were holding their hostages
-mostly women and children-in the
few dozen houses that make up the
The ordeal in the Dagestan republic
in Russia's far south has reminded the
country of how vulnerable it is to the
separatist rebels the Russian army has
been fighting since December 1994.
At least 40 people have died since
Tuesday, when rebels stormed the city
ofKizlyar, seizing a hospital and taking
as many as 3,000 people hostage. They
demanded that Russian troops pull out
of Chechnya.
After negotiations with officials, the
rebels freed most of their hostages and
were allowed to leave the city; they
took about 160 hostages with them to
guarantee their safe passage back to
But Russian troops drew increasingly
close to them near the border, the rebels
halted their buses and the stalemate
"Our orders are to stand and wait,"
said a young Russian lieutenant wear-
ing white camouflage. He pulled on a
cigarette beside the light tank he com-

"Thoe bandits
must be
- Maj. Gen. Alexander
M1k all ov
Federal Security Service
manded about a half-mile east of the
Maj. Gen. Alexander Mikhailov of
the Federal Security Service said there
were 103 hostages, including 37
Dagestani policemen. The Chechens
had released some others.
Mikhailov said there were 150 gun-
men; earlier reports said 250.
"These bandits must be annihilated,"
Mikhailov said.
The rebels fanned out across the town
in twos and threes on yesterday. Many
villagers have fled.
"We promise you liberation (for the
hostages) and you must provide us safe
passage to Chechnya," a rebel identi-
fied as Hassan, wearing a woolen ski
mask, told Dagestani officials in talks
on an open road in Pervomayskaya.
"Otherwise we will not come to an
Local officials said the dead in Kizlyar
included some 17 rebels, 14 civilians,
and nine police officers and soldiers.
Dozens of people were wounded.
President Boris Yeltsin, in Paris at-
tending the funeral of Francois
Mitterrand, repeated the Kremlin's
longstanding position that Russia will
remove troops from Chechnya only
when the rebels agree to disarm.

Space shuttle leaves
to retrieve satellite
shuttle Endeavour and six astronauts
blasted off in the early morning cold
yesterday on a mission to retrieve a
Japanese science satellite,
Endeavour rose from its seaside pad
at 4:41 a.m., 23 minutes late because of
an assortment of communication-sys-
tem problems.
It was 44 degrees at launch time,
warm enough under the rules estab-
lished after the 1986 Challenger disas-
ter. NASA used heaters to protect cru-
cial shuttle parts.
"Have a smooth ride and a safe land-
ing," a launch controller told
Endeavour's U.S.-Japanese crew.
"Let's get '96 off to a great start,"
said shuttle commander Brian Duffy.
The temperature was 36 degrees,
the coldest ever for a shuttle launch,
when Challenger exploded 10 years
ago this month, killing all seven crew
Investigators found that the cold had
stiffened the 0-rings in the shuttle's
booster rockets, allowing hot gas to seep

After the accident, NASA adopt I
an elaborate formula involving toi
temperature, wind and humidity i1
determining whether it is safe t
Heaters also, were added to prote(
the joints and O-ring seals in the boost
ers and other components.
Arkansas lawyer
testifies on S&L
Firm lawyer who worked with Hillar)
Rodham Clinton representing a sav-
ings and loan during the mid-198C
yesterday disputed her account of how
the firm came to represent the troutbled
H e also said he did not know then
that she was involved in tl
Whitewater land venture with ithe
S&L's owner.
Rose lawyer Richard Massey, testi-
fying before the Senate Whitewaier
committee, generally supported Hillary
Clinton's contention that it was he who
did the substantive legal work on al905
stock plan for Arkansas' MadisonGuar-
anty Savings & Loan.

New Ja e prime Ministry, which is pushing the bailQut
eplanbry amigarovesnenne-
# e ln ynming ovrmetter ciaengea phyte, Wataru Kubo, as finance minis-
ter.h hleg rmbutsoce

Read the Daily.
Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELCA)
801 S. Forest (at Hill), 668-7622.
Sunday Worship 10 a.m.
Wednesday Evening Prayer 7 p.m.
Thurs. Study/Discussion 7 p.m.
Friday Free Movies 7 p.m
Christian Reformed Campus Ministry
1236 Washtenaw Ct. 668-74211662-2404
Pastor: Rev. Don Postema
SUNDAY: 10 a.m. Morning Worship
WEDNESDAYS: 9:30-10:45 p.m.
University Student Group
Join us for conversation, fun, snacks
1511 Washtenaw, near Hill
SATURDAY:, Worship 6:30 p.m.
SUNDAY Worship 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Ed Krauss 663-5560

Continued from Page 1.
company or think tank, but it would not
help journalists.
"If you want to be journalist, you
would definitely not come to Michi-
gan," said Kubit, who has both under-
graduate and graduate degrees from the
"To me, communication is the ability
to tell a story," he said. "Communica-
tion studies is the ability to accumulate
Price said students can still receive
writing experience through internships,
the sole pre-professional course offered
in the new department.
Helen Pasakarnis, news director of
WKBD-TV (Channel 50 in Detroit),
said she places the most emphasis on
internship experience. "When I am look-
ing at hiring someone, I am looking at
their experience,- if that person had
some practical experience with intern-
Pasakarnis said internships are what
sets apart candidates. "We will look at
those people before others," she said,

WI you want to
be a journalist,
you would
definitely not
come to
- Don Kubit
Communication lecturer
adding that in the competitive broad-
cast journalism career, one of every 10-
15 applicants is hired.
In the absence of writing classes,
some faculty, including Kubit, will not
teach classes after this semester.
"A lot of faculty will not return after
this academic year," said Price, who
would not elaborate.
The new curriculum requires stu-
dents to take two introductory courses:
Communication Studies 101 and 102.
The former curriculum only had one
introductory class, Communication

Another prerequisite, a one-credit
workshop course, trains students to
use the Internet and other new me-
The concentration also requires that
a student take 24 credits within the
department and six credits in a cog-
Some of the 24 credits must be ful-
filled in specific ways, including two
300-level courses.
The department will not include
classes in film and video studies, which
now have their own department.
Price said the changes in require-
ments should not delay any student's
graduation. "We're taking great care
that all students can finish degrees on
time," he said. "We're trying to mini-
mize the number of complications stu-
dents we'll have."
He said decisions on the curriculum a
student follows will be made depend-
ing on an individual's situation, within
some general guidelines based on their
year in school.
Price said he did not know which
classes would be offered next fall.

TOKYO - Almost as soon as law-
makers voted him prime minister yes-
terday, Ryutaro Hashimoto faced achal-
lenge from a fellow conservative, who
wasted no time in attacking the former
trade minister.
Calling Hashimoto's coalition an
"illicit cohabitation," New Frontier
Party leader Ichiro Ozawa said the
new government should immediately
call elections to put itself to a popular
Hashimoto, 58, who took a hard-line
stand at auto trade talks last year with
the United States, defeated Ozawa 287
to 166 in the parliamentary vote for
prime minister.
The two men's clashes are expected
to dominate Japanese politics, at least
for the next half-year, beginning with
the dispute over the government's plan
to use $6.5 billion in taxpayer money to
rescue failed housing lenders.
Ozawa has blasted the unpopular
Hashimoto has sought to deflect criti-
cism of the scandal-plagued Finance

The challenge from blunt-spoken
Ozawa reflects a gradual shuffling-of
Israeli court allows
force in interrogation
JERUSALEM - Israel's supreme
court ruled Thursday to allow physical
force in the interrogation of a suspected
The High Court of Justice said Israel's
security service, Shin Bet, can use vio-
lent shaking in the questioning of Abed
Belbaysi, a Palestinian from the Jabaliya
refugee camp in the Gaza Strip,
cause it is convinced he has info
tion about future terrorist attacks.
Human rights groups consider vio-
lent shaking a life-threatening form of
In a six-page ruling, the court said it
does not intend Thursday's decision as
a precedent. But Belbaysi's attorney,
Andre Rosenthal, said he fears the rul-
ing will encourage interrogators to shake
- From Daily wire servi

students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term. starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $165. On-campus
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