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February 07, 1996 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-02-07

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10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 7, 1996

'Spider' creeps on stage

By Melissa Rose Bemardo
Daily Theater Editor
"Kiss of the Spider Woman" is a
*tory which demands to be told again
and again. In its meager 16-year his-
tory, the tale has taken on the forms of
novel, movie, play and Broadway mu-
sical. Under the auspices of Basement
Arts, RC sophomore Karina Miller this
weekend tackles the least famous ofthe
four incarnations - the play.
BFA musical theater junior T. Adam
1Iess and BFA performance sophomore
.-lex Alioto play, respectively, Molina
and Valentin in Manuel Puig's stage ad-
aptation of his own novel. These are two
prisoners who are stuck in a cell together,
whose violently opposing personalities
send them on a journey out of and into
,hemselves. Molina is a flamboyantly
gay window dresser, who has been im-
'prisoned for "corrupting a minor."
Valentin is a revolutionary whose de-
monstrative political beliefs have landed
}him in prison, where the powers-that-be
try to break him.
4 OriginallypublishedinSpainin 1976
. s "El Beso de la Mujer Arania," the
novel "Kiss of the Spider Woman" has
i ince been translated into 27 languages.
An aspiring director, Puig penned the
novel in a style similar to a screenplay,
made up almost entirely of dialogue

Continued from Page 8
known and respected R&B artists have
brought their talents together in the
spirit of positive father-child relation-
But it seems the two were so busy
loving each other, they forgot how to
make music; "Father& Son" is filled with
too much nonsense. There are a few ex-
ceptions, like the album's first single,
"Already Missing You." This love song
received a lukewarm reception; but it
wasn't enough to propel interest in the
CD as a whole. Thank God, because for
those who bought "Father & Son," the
only other songs worth mentioning are
the decently sung"Don't Make Me Beg,"
"Get Your Thing Off' and their outstand-
ing remake ofthe emotion-packed "Wind
Beneath My Wings."
From there, father and son fail miser-
ably. Two nobodies, Dave Spencer and
Perry "P Funk" Gibson, dropped a truck-
load of wack rap lines on the faster-
paced "I Got You" to match the Leverts'
pathetic vocals. In "You're Hurting Me"
the duo lost all sense of harmony. As for
"For the Love," someone please kill the
man who arranged the earsore music.

While most of the slow songs on this
album have a fairly pleasing sound over-
all, few of the chords stick out as any-
thing worth shelling 15 bucks for. While
I applaud the symbolism of "Father &
Son," I am nevertheless realistic enough
to know that symbols don't sell CDs;
good music does. That's exactly what
"Father & Son" pays minimal attention
to. The nation's dedicated, hard work-
ing, upstanding fathers deserve better
credit than "Father & Son" gives them.
- Eugene Bowen
In the follow-up to their multi-plati-
num debut album, Candlebox has tried
to become something they are not - a
heavy sounding, cutting edge band with
an attitude.
"Lucy," at first listen, appears to be
a mish-mosh of underwritten, overly
produced tracks that didn't make the
cut on the first disc. Yet, on this record,
Candlebox has totally abandoned the
formula of sweet melodies sung over

heavy guitar-laden riffs, which al-
lowed them to become AOR radio
darlings of the past few years. The
album's first cut, "Simple Lessons,"
gives us the impression that "Lucy" is
simply going to pick up where the
first record left off.
The second cut, "Drowned," sounds
suspiciously like a bad copy of the band's
mega-hit "Far Behind." At this point, the
band seems a bit confused as to which
direction they would like the rest of the
album to move toward. It feels like they
want to be heavy and alternative sound-
ing, but they just can't seem to remove
that sugar-candy-coating which is be-
coming the band's trademark.
The remaining songs feel like some
sort of science experiment gone awry
since the band is totally unbelievable at
trying to master the intense vibe cap-
tured by their predecessors. Candlebox,
seems to be trying to gain acceptance
from fans and critics alike who have
dismissed them as simply an updated
version of a metal band. This apparent
quest for self-affirmation may backfire
for the band and alienate Candlebox
from the younger'record buying public
that helped them skyrocket to the top in
the first place.
Candlebox needs to accept their tiny
anecdote in the music industry and re-
turn to the surburban mallrat sound that
is obviously in their blood. Maybe I'm
totally wrong about this album; maybe
it will go on to sell a gazillion copies
like the first one; maybe the band's next
album will be a ground breaking effort
that propels the music industry to new
heights ... well, maybe.
- Tim Furlong

Various Artists
Leaving Las Vegas Origina
Motion Picture Soundtrack
Layered with hiccupy dialogue from
the movie that makes the listener feel as
if they are going to be sick from the
unsteadiness of Nicolas Cage's voice,
this soundtrack is dark.
Consisting largely of score nmsO
created by director/screenwriter/pro-
ducer Mike Figgis, the album, has an
ambient sound akin to that of "Twin
A sort of lounge jazz sound, full of
stand up, plucked basses and saxo-
phones. Altogether understated yet:ex-
tremely painful and fortunately avoid-
ing the streamlined score quality that
this type of music generally suffers
There are some standards ;or the'
CD, though. Three perfoiied; by
Sting, one by Don Henley. Thper-
formances again tend towartjthe
lounge. It is interesting to heat two
such ensconced members of popular
music performing out of genre. These
performances are probably somo of
their best in the last five years. Too
bad all soundtrack performances can't
have the same said of them.
The 25 tracks on the CD goby rather
quickly. It's an interestingjoune1y: You
even get to hear Nicolas Cage sing, and
it is very different from his singing in
"Wild at Heart." It's worth it for tlt, if
nothing else.
- Ted Watts

and police reports, devoid of any sort of
rarrative or description, excepting
Molina's elaborate movie fantasies
which he describes to Valentin.
Very soon after the novel's publica-
tion, numerous film directors began
{ vying for its screen rights. They went to
Hector Babenco, who in 1985 created a
startlingly compassionate and vividly
emotional adaptation starring William
Hurt (who won the Best Actor Acad-
emy Award) as Molina, the late Raul
Julia as Valentin, and Sonia Braga as
- "The Spiderwoman," the woman of
Molina's film fantasies.
Most recently, composer-lyricist team
John Kander and Fred Ebb, along with
playwright Terrence McNally and im-
presario Harold Prince, presented their
musical adaptation of the story. After
nearly five years of development (some
of it under the guidance of Puig), the
musical made it to Broadway in May
1993, where it won seven Tony Awards

T. Adam Hess acts in "Spider Woman."
including Best Musical. They transformed
Molina's fantasies into elaborately dressed
production numbers and the Spider
Woman into a prominent figure.
The popularity of this still relatively
young story in its various forms is a
direct result ofwhat Karina Millercalled
"universality." "It deals with such uni-
versal issues. They're human issues;
they have nothing to do with culture or
male-female," she said of Valentin and
Molina's relationship. "(The two) deal
with a lot of human insecurities, ideas
of relating to people, finding connec-
tions in life, and fear of being alone.
Everyone no matter where they are they
wants to findsomeone. And also it's not
always a matter of finding another per-
son but of finding themselves.",
Because the play only involves the two
men, both on stage for its entirety, Miller
and her cast faced the challenge of bring-
ing all the issues to life without being
crushedby the weight and intensity. "This
is a very intellectual show. There are
really huge issues but there's a lot of
restriction," she said. "There's basically
two men, four walls and that's it."
The journey the two men take - their
changes and evolution - provides the
play with both its thrust and its pallor.
"They go on this insane journey, both
internally and with each other," Miller
said. "The Molina and Valentin who step
on stage in the first scene - by the time
they reach the end of the show, they're
completely different people.
"Because you watch the entire rela-
tionship ofValentin and Molina evolve
from beginning to end, it's exhausting
and exhilarating." No doubt this par-
ticular telling of the story will prove so
for the audience.

Continued from Page 9
with nearly every musical genre in ex-
istence. "The album is a mix of every-
thing mainly because that's what it is ...
that's what we listen to!"
But, even before the release of"Tragic
Kingdom," No Doubt had been noticed
by numerous other bands, mainly due
to their wild live shows. Consequently,
the group was offered the chance to tour
with artists like Bad Religion and Ziggy
Marley. As Kanal stated: "In the early
years it was really cool because we had
the chance to play with bands that we
loved, that we respected and listened to,
like Fishbone and the Chili Peppers. It
was a huge rush. It's especially great
when you're touring with a band and
you're friends with that band, because
it takes things to a whole new level. If
you're friends with them, the tour is
really organic and put together like,
'Hey, let's go touring!' That sort of
thing. You're on tour with your friends
... you can watch each other's bands

play every night. It makes it so much
more fulfilling."
Fortunately for No Doubt, over t
next few weeks they will be touri
with Everclear. "They're really nice
guys. We've done some shows with
them in the past, so that's going to be a
lot of fun." In any case, the upcoming
show at St. Andrew's should be excel-
lent, further proved by the fact that it
sold out weeks ago.
And;despite the name that seems a bit
too "valley-girl" for us Michiganders, No
Doubt promises that they don't folle
that stereotype. Truthfully, Kanal tel ,
"... it was one of the things that a guy in
the band used to say. People who aren't
from California will always say that it's
that 'valley-girl' thing. It was just like,
'Hey, wanna call the band No Doubt?'
And then it was too late, we had already
printed up stickers. The name has stuck
for a long time but now I don't think of it
as 'No doubt!' (valley-girl style)." In-
stead Tony Kanal thinks of their nam
liketherest ofthepopulation should...
in there's "no doubt" this band will con-
tinue its success in the future.

Candlebox has been boxed in by their own shameless medlocracy.

Course Descriptions

a -

Winter '96


Registration Dauts
Registration Site
classes Boetin
For more information

January 29- Febuary 9
Michigan Union Ticket Office @ 763-TKTS
No mail-in registration
Refunds will only be given if the course is canceled
Use your Entrc Plus or Mcard
Week of Fehimiry 12
Call UAC @763-1,107



Section I
Section II
Herman Humes
Section I
Section II
Section III
Scot Oreig
Intro to
Ann Flora

Mondays Anderson Rm-Union 7:40-9:00 2/12-4/1 (no class 3/11)
Thursdays Anderson Rm-Union 8:00-10:00 2/22-4/25 coo a... 43241)
Put on your dancing shoes) in this course for beginners and intermediates, you'll lean various
dances such as the Rumba, Fox Trot, Cha-Cha, Swing, Waltz and the expressive Tango.
Mondays U-Club-Union 6:00-8:00 2/12-3/25
Wednesdays U-Club-Union 6:00-8:00 214-3/27
Thursdays U-Club-Union 6:00-8:00 2/15-3/28
Amaze your friends, annoy your parents? Learn how to mix over 100 drinks. A certificate of
graduation will be awarded upon completion of the course. *Last nights of each class will be
at The Nectarine Ballroom.
Mondays U-Club-Union 7:00-10:00 2/19-3/25
Wake up yopr tastebuds and learn to cook dishes from around the world. Regions such Italy,
the Mediterranean,.France (pastries) and more will be explored through the culinary arts.
**Note: the 1st class will meet until 10:30 and will include a kitchen safety discussion and a waiver
of liability will be presented. **A $15 lab fee will be collected on the first night of class.
***Students are asked to bring their own pairing knife and peelers to class.


Classes will not meet during the week of March 4 - 8 due to Spring Break,
Register for UnCommon Courses at the North Campus Commons Administration
Office (Mezzanine Level). Registration will be accepted until 4:30 pm on the day of
the first class. No refunds after the second class meeting.
Registration deadline for Languages for Travel is Friday, February 16 at 4:30 pm. Cash
or personal checks (payable to University of Michigan) are accepted. Call Jennifer at
764-7544 for more information.
Section I: NCC Boulevard Room
Mondays, February 12 - March 25, 6-8pm
Section II: NCC Boulevard Room
Wednesdays, February 14 - March 27, 6-8pm
Learn how to make over 100 drinks! Former Nectarine Ballroom bartender Ken
Mallwitz returns to teach this popular course. Students will receive a certificate of
graduation upon completion. Colored water, not alcohol is used,
Instructor: Ken Mallwitz

Session I: NCC North East Room
Tuesdays, February 13 - March 12, 6:30-8:30pm
Session 11: Bursley Hall MGS Lounge
Tuesdays, March 19 - April 9, 6:30-8:30pm
Enhance your self-esteem and learn how to protect yourself. Become more
comfortable with your body and build assertiveness, awareness, self-confidence, and
flexibility. Learn self-defense skills in a safe environment.
Instructor: MariStenger

NCC East Room
Thursdays, February 15 - March 28, 7-9pm
Open to all skill levels, this class will teach a comprehensive style of self-defense,
building upon a solid foundation of traditional Te-Kwon do. Learn a variety of self-
defense techniques which borrow from Aikido, Judo and police defensive tactics. Tae-
Kwon do emphasizes personal development, self-defense, and harmonization of the
mind, body and spirit,
Instructor: To be announced


With Clay
Section I
Section II
May Oppenheim
Section I
Jane Siera
Section I
Section II
Kapila Castoldi
Beginning (sew)
Interm (nAw)
Garin iiomer
Session I
Session II
Aaron Toth
Jane Bunge Nofftke
Sign Language
I (Beginner)
11 (Intermediatt)

Mondays Watts Rm(1209)-Union 8:00-10:00 2/12-2/19
This course taught by The American Red Cross will cover basic CPR. A great skill for lifeguards,
people at the beach and everyone else to know. A certificate will be awarded upon completion of the course.
Mondays Artspace-Union, 6:06-9:00 2/19-4/1
Wenesdays Artspace-Union 6:00-9:00 2/21-4/3
Lean to use ceramics as a vehicle for both personal and artistic expression. Techniques include
throwing, hand building, mold and tile making. Creativity and desire is a must.
*A $15 dollar lab fee will be collected by instnuctor on the 1st night of class.
Mondays Pond Room-Union 7:00-10:00 2/12-3/25
Ahh... RELAX...and forget about your worries. Learn the secrets to giving and receiving massges.
Each session, students will practice their techniques. Bring a towel. (2/19 class will be in the Anderson rm)
Wednesdays Parker Rm-Union 7:00-8:30 2/14-2/28
Wednesdays Parker Rm- Union 7:00-8:30 , 3/13-3/27
This is an introduction to meditation. Registration will be held at the UAC office, 2105 Michigan Union
Mondays Artspace-Union 6:30-9:30 2/19-4/1
Thursdays Artspace-Union 6:30-9:30 2/22-4/4
Learn how to use your own 35mm camera, while discovering the excitement and magic of printing your
own photos in the Beginning class. Techniques, lighting, and posing will be explored in the Interm. class.
* A S15 lab tee for each class will be collected on the 1st night of class.
Tuesdays Union Games Room 7:00-9:00 2/13-3/26
Tuesdays Union Games Room 9:00-11:00 2/13-3/26
Explore the fundamentals of billiards. Sessions include handouts, demos, and practice time.
Tuesdays Artspace-Union 6:30-9:30 2/20-4/2
Use clay to mold objects and the human form to the pinnacle of your artistic endeavor.
*A $30 model and lab fee will be collected on the first night of class.
Mondays Welker Rm-Union 6:00-7:00 2/12-3/25
Mondays Welker Rm-Union 7:00-8:00 2/12-3/25


NCC Center Room
Thursdays, February 15 - March 21, 6:30-9pm .
Informative and fun, this hands-on course will cover benefits, contraindictions, basic
strokes, body mechanics, seated massage, face, neck, shoulders, back, foot & hand1
reflexology, shiatsu, accupressure, and full-body massage (clothed). Wear loose-fitting j
clothing and bring a pillow and a mat or blanket to lie on,
Instructor: Marianne Nardinif
Session I: NCC Valley RoomI
Tuesdays, March 12. 26, 7:00-9:00pm
Session 11: NCC Valley Rooml
Saturday, February 10, 9:30am-3:30pm'
Session Ill: Bursley Hall MGS LoungeI
Saturday, March 30, 10am - 3:30pm'
'"Bring a lunch to Saturday session.
Meditation is a simple and direct practice - the moment-to-moment investigation of
R the mind body process through calm, focused awareness. No special religious beliefs
are required; this is a spiritual process. Each class meeting includes sitting time,
instruction, and group discussion. Bring a cushion or blanket to sit on,
Instructor: Carl Christoff

scottisb, country Dancing $0
NCC East Room
Mondays, February 12 - April 8, 7.9pm
Learn the basic steps and formations of Scottish Country Dancing and dance reels and
jigs to the lively music of fiddles, piano, and accordion! Great exercise and lots d fun!
No partner necessary.
Instructor: Helen Welford
NCC Center Room
Wednesdays, February 14 - March 27, 8.9:30pm
Reflect on the meaning of yoga and meditation. This
class teaches the Iyengar style of yoga which
emphasizes alignment, strength, and flexibility to perform beginning yoga poses.
Explore the benefits of this ancient tradition and discover what it can do for you in
everyday life, Wear comfortable attire: shorts and t-shirts are recommended.
Instructor:,DavidRosenberg & Laurie Blakeney



Going abroad? Want to learn a new skill? Languages for liavel offers instruction in
basic conversation, culture and useful travel information taught by graduate students
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