The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 7, 1996 -3
Assembly's ds for student groups dwindle
Mail bomb sent
to engineering
lecturer at UCB
An unidentified University of Cali-
fornia-Berkeley lecturer recently re-
ceived a mail bomb at his home.
The package he received contained
two cardboard tubes filled with gun-
powder and dipped in wax to look like
candles. A note was enclosed instruct-
ing the lecturer to light the candles with
his family.
The note was signed, "Connie and
The lecturer turned the package over
to police after he could not determine
who "Connie" was.
Postal officials are still investigating
the incident. They said the bomb is not
the work of the Unabomber; who sent
bombs to Berkeley's campus in 1982
Officials also said the mail bomb did
n explode, but contained an amount of
powder equivalent to a quarter-stick
of dynamite.
Winthrop U. employee
took money for grades
An employee of Winthrop University
in Rock Hill, S.C., was recently found
guilty.of grade tampering for money.
Tina Lowery, who worked in a univer-
' ffice, was found guilty ofaltering 65
s s over the past few years. The
Winthrop administration's investigation
found.Lowery and seven students had
been involved in the grade scam.
Only Lowery and one student were
prosecuted by local law enforcement
officials. Both received one year's pro-
Winthrop administrators revoked the
diplqmas of three students involved in
Students win TableTop
Football scholarship
Two sophomores at Olgethorpe Uni-
versity in Tempe, Ariz., recently won
tickets to Super Bowl XXX and $10,000
in scholarship money for their school
by winning the National TableTop Foot-
l Championship.
al Robinson and Patrick Floyd com-
peted in a 200-team tournament'to win
the prize.
'fq two mastered the craft of flicking
a folded-paper triangle through a "goal
post" made by their opponents' hands.
Dance caps WSU spirit
RVashington State University students
were treated to "Residence Hall Week"
last week. The school's residence hall
council offers a week of free activities
encouraging residence hall residents to
in1tra t with each other.
7The activities held last week in-
cluded a bowling tournament, a pool
tournament, movie nights and hall
Olympics. The council also sponsored
a 4ating game much like MTV's
'ged-Out," a Winter Luau dance
and drag dance.
The drag dance did not require at-
t s to be dressed in drag. It in-
ci 'a pageant judged by the Gay,
ian and Bisexual Association. Stu-
d rearned points in the residence
h scompetition by bringing canned
goods for charitable donation to the
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jennfer Harvey.
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
Funding allocations approved at last
night's Michigan Student Assembly
meeting cut its diminishing student
group allocation funds almost in half.
For the second week in a row, assem-
bly members debated the fate of the
Budget Priorities Committee, which
provides money to campus student
groups based on requests and presenta-
tions by the organizations.
"I think we're going to be completely
washed out before the end ofthis year,"
said MSA Vice President Sam
Goodstein said that with just more
than $10,000 left to distribute over the
rest of the semester, MSA may have to
deny funding to student groups request-
J {i
,'x t:
ingfundsat BPC'stworemaininghear-
However, BPC chair Matt Curin said
that although funds are low, the situa-
tion is not devastating.
"I don't see it as a huge problem,"
Curin said.
Curin said the committee may tap
other sources of money - including
leftovers from other MSA committee
and commission budgets. Curin said he
has been in contact with several com-
mittee chairs who have indicated will-
ingness to aid BPC financially.
LSA Rep. Dan Serota suggested
last night that money change hands
between committees immediately. He
proposed transfering $1,875 from the
Central Student Judiciary and Advice
magazine budgets to BPC. The as-
sembly voted to postpone this pro-
posal for one week to gather informa-
tion on the financial status of the maga-
While Goodstein also suggested that
committee chairs consider "how much
money to free up for B PC," he proposed
a 15-percent, across-the-board cut on
last night's allocation recommenda-
Although members defeated the pro-
posal and argued that it was unfair to the
groups in question, Goodstein said the
cut is a valid solution.
"When you're in a budget crisis it's
more fair to do it that way because
you're treating every group the same,"
he said. "Even if we do that we're still
not going to have any money left after
two more hearings."
Low on Funds
MSA's Budget Priorities Committee is charged with funding student groups
through a hearing process. BPC is funded through MSA's internal budget.
Allocation to Budget Priorities Committee: $83,000
Funds requested by student groups: $131,089
Funds allocated to student groups: $71,738
Alocated and paid to student groups (as of Feb. 2): $42,631
Allocated and not claimed: $29,107
'7 '#
Funds remaining: $10,362
Groups funded: 91
Hearings held: 5
Hearings left: 2
Next BPC hearing, Feb. 28
MSA appoints rep.
to GEO baraiin
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly last
night appointed an alternate undergradu-
ate representative to Graduate Employ-
ees Organization contract negotiations
with the University. However, the bar-
gaining sessions are closed to the public
- and to MSA's new representative.
LSA first-year student Pasha
Amanullah will represent the assembly
and University undergraduates when
MSA President Flint Wainess is un-
Campus Governance Committee
chair Probir Mehta said that while out-
siders are banned from table negotia-
tions, representatives should be able to
read resolutions and make statements at
the openings of meetings.
"We could merely introduce that per-
son and give them the floor," said Mike
Sell, a GEO bargaining committee mem-
ber. "Then after they are done, if (Uni-
versity chief negotiator) Dan Gamble
wants them to leave, then they would
have to leave."
Mehta said the selection of a first-
year student is especially significant in
light ofthe administration's alleged tac-
tics to "drive a wedge" between under-
graduates and their teachers.
"This is the wedge group," Mehta
said. "The freshmen usually have GSIs
(Grad. Student Instructors) as their
teachers. I think it sends a clear mess
sage to GEO that we support them."
"If we put the full undergraduate
support behind G EO, I think the admin-
istration will do much more in expedit-
ing the negotiations," Amanullah said.
Sell said that while G EO understands
the negotiations are not designated as a
public hearing, it disagrees with the
administration's tally of who should be
allowed in the meetings. However, Sell
said, the fight for access would have to
be advanced by the students.
Gamble said that if GEO feels it neces-
sary for students to be informed, the union
should make it a priority to disseminate
information to the assembly, instead of
introducing a student representative.
"GEO then has a responsibility to
keep them informed," Gamble said.
A student representative can be help-
ful outside the bargaining room, Mehta
said. He suggested that MSA and GEO
work together to develop campaigns
and pamphlets to educate students on
GEO's role at the University.
"We can make an extra effort to get
students involved - not just MSA,"
Mehta said.
Sell said that while GEO was aware of
MSA's support through specific propos-
als, the appointment of an additional rep-
resentative "came as a pleasant surprise."
"What MSA can do," Sell said, "is
serve in a very public way."
Comedy night
Lalo Lopez, part of Poncho Productions Comedy Duo, reads from Poncho magazine to a full house of University
students last night at Trotter House as part of Chicano History Week.
SACUA members re;quest slr
finI" ading ASfrom- provost's office
By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs have
asked the Office of the Provost to pay a
quarter of their salaries, citing diffi-
culty in recruiting new SACUA mem-
Committee members said heavy time
committments to SACUA and a recent
decline by eligible faculty in accepting
SACUA nominations have compelled
them to request funding from the ad-
Unlike the chair of SACUA, who
currently receives funding from the pro-
vost for half of his salary, the rest of the
nine-member board relies solely on their
respective college or school to fund
their salaries.
SACUA Chair George Brewer said
departments are reluctant to encourage
some of their professors to run for a
three-year term as a SACUA member
because of the extensive time
"We calculate that SACUA mem-
bers spend 20 to 25 percent of their time
on faculty governance business,"
Brewer said. "That's a lot of service ...
for three years."
Brewer said SACUA nominations are
often declined.
"Out of 23 (nominations), only four
We calculate that SACUA members
spend 20 to 25 percent of their time on
faculty governance business."
- George Brewer
SACUA chair
accepted. (This) emphasized the prob-
lem of getting people to run," Brewer
Provost J. Bernard Machen said lie
understood SACUA's dilemma, but said
the money that SACUA requested was
more than the committee's current bud-
"I'm not capable of doubling any
unit's budget," Machen said. "Even if I
thought it was the right thing to do, I
couldn't afford it."
Machen instead advocated increas-
ing faculty involvement in the Senate
"More money is not a viable an-
swer," Machen said. "If you had more
faculty involved, interest in running for
SACUA would be greater and more
candidates would run."
But SACUA members said that many
issues are not under the Senate
Assembly's jurisdiction and would
eventually end up on SACUA's table.
'Machen says SACUA focuses too
much (on issues) and more should be
distributed out to Senate Assembly,"
Brewer said. "Eventually everything
comes back to SACUA."
SACUA member Thomas Dunn said
the original intent of SACUA's request
for more funds was to receive some
written acknowledgement from the
University regarding SACUA's impor-
tance, but lie wanted the words to be
"Words are cheap," Dunn said. "lf a
provost writes a letter does he mean
this ? (There's more guarantee) if he
gives some money."
SACUA member Valerie Lee ques-
tioned the University's focus.
"It is hard to get people to run. It's
hard to make time (committments) less,"
Lee said. "Does the administration care
about this?"
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What's happening in Ann Arbor today
AIESEC Michigan, general member
-meeting, 662-1690, Business
Administration Building, Room
1276, 6 p.m.
Q American Baptist Student Fellow-
ship, free meal, meeting, 663-
9376, First Baptist Church, 512
E. Huron, 5:30-7 p.m.
Q Environmental Justice Group, meet-
ing, 668-1378, Dana Building,
Room 2046, 5 p.m.
3.-Hindu Students Council, Yoga/
Meditation Session With Ema
Stefanova, 764-2671, Michigan
Union, Pond Room, 8 p.m.
Q LaVozMexicana, meeting, 994-9139,
Michigan League, Room D, 7 p.m.
Q Ninjutsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, Intramural Sports
Building, Room G-21, 7:30-9 p.m.
Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, men and
women, beginners welcome, 994-
Placement, EECS, Room 1200,
6:30-8 p.m.
J "Dental School Application Pro-
cess," sponsored by Career Plan-
ning and Placement, Dental
School, Kellogg Auditorium, 6:10-
7:30 p.m.
J "Galileo Probes Jupiter," Evenings
At Rackham Series, sponsored by
Rackham School of Graduate Stud-
ies, Rackham Amphitheatre, 7
J "International Opportunities for
Engineering PhDs," sponsored by
American Society for Engineering
Education, North Campus, GG
Brown Building, Iacocca Room,
4:30 p.m.
J "Marketing Your Graduate Degree,"
sponsored by Career Planning and
Placement, 3200 Student Activi-
ties Building, 5:30-8 p.m.
J "Preparing for an International Ca-
roar 11cn nnrnr h, b r gre, OPan-
"The December '95 Elections in
Russia: Domestic and Interna-
tional implications," Nikita
Lomagin, brown bag lecture se-
ries, sponsored by Center for
Russian and East European Stud-
ies, Lane Hall Commons Room,
12 noon
J "UNUM Life insurance Company
Information Session," sponsored
by Career Planning and Place-
ment, Michigan Union, Watts
Room, 7-8 p.m.
J Campus Information Centers,
Michigan Union and North Cam-
pus Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UMeEvents on
GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/-info on the
World Wide Web