C41W irirn ti Weather Tonight: Cloudy, chance of snow, low 25' Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high around 390. One hundredfive years of editorialfreedom Wednesday February 7, 1996 I , , '~ _ ' . s a . 'I4.: xG 9 ^v (r. y]Y.}p n +4 I Governors adopt welfare reform plan Throwing pots Eight-year-old Nina Felman learns to spin the pottery wheel at the Ann Arbor Art Association yesterday afternoon. The association offers classes for adults as well as for children. WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's governors aaopted by voice vote yesterday a consensus on welfare reform that Gov. John Engler said would allow him to implement Michigan's sweeping welfare proposal if it is enacted by Congress. "I'm delighted," Engler said after the vote."It's a historic change ... that moves us to a system of a block grant to the states where the states have maximum flexibility to imple- ment (welfare) programs." Engler and Democratic Gov. Tom Carper of Delaware took the lead in ham- mering out the compromise framework that all the governors could accept. "What we have here is a compromise i that is consistent with what the president has said must be included in welfare reform," Carper said. Carper said in his discussions with Clinton, the president had specified that . more money was needed for child care if Engler mothers were to work, that children needed to be protected, and that a safety net had to be established with a contingency fund in event of a state's economic downturn. The governors' framework adds $4 billion in federal funding for child care, adds a $1 billion contingency fund for states that go into an economic stall and allows for 20 percent of any state's case load to be exempted from the five-year lifetime limit on welfare benefits, among other provisions. Engler said if Congress formulated legislation based on the governors' framework, Michigan's welfare overhaul passed last December could be "implemented fully." The state's welfare program was passed in December but to be implemented it requires federal legislation allowing the states to run the welfare programs with flexibility through lump sum payments called block grants. Under the Michigan program, welfare recipients would have to spend at least 20 hours a week in job training, at work or volunteering. See WELFARE, Page 2 Mick lawmakers encouraged gov. By Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Staff Reporter Michigan government officials said yesterday that they were encouraged by Gov. John Engler's input on federal Medicaid and welfare reforms, dismissing comments that Engler is more interested in becoming vice president than in helping his own state. In a bipartisan effort with five other governors, Engler worked to shape a proposal on welfare reform that may break the federal gridlock. The National Governors Association agreed to the proposal yesterday in a voice vote at this week's annual convention in Washington. Several state legislators have labeled Engler's actions politically driven in recent months. After his State of the State address in January, state Rep. Mary Schroer (D-Ann Arbor) said Engler could be reaching for the vice presi- dential nomination. Patricia Masserant, an Engler spokesperson, said Engler has been a leading governor "all along," as hechairs task forces on welfare and Medicare reform in addition to serving as president of the Republican Governors Asso- ciation. "Speaker (of the House Newt) Gingrich had asked him a month ago to work on a budget." Masserant said. Officials say Engler's expertise has been sought out because of Michigan's improving economy. "The governor (took) such a large deficit and changed it into a surplus without raising taxes," Masserant said of Engler's term as Michigan's governor. "That's why he was tapped." Kathy McShea, spokesperson for U.S. Sen. Carl Levin See ENGLER, Page 2 KRISTEN SCHAEFER/Daily Filmaer: History 1olds the answer U'ma be able to trc students By Melanie Cohen For the Daily Ken Burns, an award-winning docu- mentarian, spoke to a crowded Michi- an Theater last night as part of his haring the American Experience" tour. Burns, whose most popular works in- clude "The Civil War" and "Baseball," spoke about the importance of history. "What finally does endure?" ** Burns asked. ea "History holds the answer. We as Americans still tend to ignore our st and the connectE cause a tear and rather th gap in who we are." Burns began his lecture with a YOUR discussion of baseball. "The story of baseball reveals e story of America," he said. Burns ade the audience laugh with his Yogi Berrajokes, such as: "Ninety percent of hitting is mental and the other half is physical." Emphasizing the importance of en- dowing the creative arts, Burns criti- cized many members of the industry for believing that "what won't survive in the marketplace won't survive." Bums said he allowed General Motors Corp. - which endows the arts and hu- manities - to sponsor his tour and films because he believes that the industry's common belief must be overcome. "The market- place would not Il produce any of the works that I have when we made,"Burnssaid. Several of hai 1 am Burns' documen- Yotu taries have been supplemented with an di&-educational pro- grams for distribu- od from tion to schools and colleges. Burns said this was im- portant to "make as - Ken Burns many places where Documentarian we can have a dia- logue, as history has had a bad rap for so long." Burns discussed the latest documen- tary he is working on, "The West." He said the program will be a complex story "beyond cowboys fighting Indians." "You're going to be disappointed if ELIZABETH LIPPMAN/Daily Ken Burns, award-winning filmmaker, speaks at the Michigan Theater last night. you're interested in the cowboy men- tality," Burns said. "Instead, it explores women in polygamous relationships (and) individuals that you've never heard of crossing the country." Coming back to his hometown was extremely symbolic for Burns, who graduated from Pioneer High School. "I love it. It's great. It feels like home, however, I was devasted when Drake's (Sandwich Shop) closed," Burns said in an interview with The Michigan Daily yesterday. Burns said he has not always aspired to be a documentary film producer. "I started off wanting to be a feature film directorlike Alfred Hitchcock ... which I still may do at some point." He also discussed identity vs. indi- vidualism in historical documentaries. "We are stronger when we realize that I am connected to you rather than dis- connected from you." Members of the audience said Burns' speech was impressive. "I enjoyed that he works in a very highly evolved technical medium and speaking one on one was just as effec- tive," said University alum Al Valusec, of Ann Arbor. Kinesiology senior Danny Schwab, who had seen Burns' "Baseball," said the film was informative. "For a sports fan, I found his baseball film to complete much of the puzzle as to the origins of modern-day athletics," Schwab said. 0 Mcard transactions leave trail of records By Sam T. Dudek Daily Staff Reporter Is Big Brother keeping a watchful eye over our every move? Does the Univer- sity know where students are every wak- ing moment and what they are doing? There may be a small piece of plastic in more than 21,000 pockets around the University that is keeping track ofjust that. The Mcard, the University's student identification card that doubles as a bank card, phone card and cash storage chip, could easily be used to track stu- dents' movements and monitor pur- chases. But according to the University, it rarely is. However, en- try into residence . halls is recorded by University Housing every time an Mcard or student ID is used. "The system that runs the card readers that allow access to the residence halls records the time of entrance and whose card is being used," said Alan Levy, director of Housing public affairs. That information is stored but only retrieved "in the context of security investigations," Levy said. "It is never open to public scrutiny." Levy said information has been re- quested on several occasions by Hous- ing Security, a division of the Depart- ment of Public Safety. Levy and Housing Business Man- ager Larry Durst said the only time information would be released about entrance records would be if a law- enforcement organization - such as DPS, the Ann Arbor Police Depart- ment or the FBI - made a specific request. Even though some residence halls still have key .access, Durst said the card is a safer system for entering the residence halls. pertaining to dining hall transactions, including Entree Plus purchases. Levy said this information is used to map trends in dining hall traffic. "This allows us to see usage based on building, time and meal, to better sched- ule staff to service the students," Levy said. Information about students' transac- tions is also released at the request of the specific student if a card is stolen or not working. "When your card is stolen, we can verify where your card was used," Durst said. "In the case of theft, we would share spending records with the student and from there the student can contact DPS." Durst said cards reported stolen are immediately de- activated. All First of America bank transactions that occur with the r Bosnia presses for war-crimes indictments SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - Pulling the pin on one of the most explosive issues in the Bosnian war, Bosnia's government announced yesterday it would press for war-crimes indictments for two top Serb officers arrested after they made a wrong turn near Sarajevo. Angry Bosnian Serb leaders imme- diately broke off contacts with the *uslim-led government. Even NATO denounced the arrests of the officers, whom Bosnia accused of slaughtering civilians. "The city of Sarajevo has, sadly, be- come the Beirut of Europe ... and has disqualified itself as a possible joint Serb, Muslim and Croat capital," Serb ficer had been indicted by the interna- tional tribunal investigating war crimes in the former Yugoslavia. "It would be a pity if this encouraged a retaliatory reaction," Cumming said. "Everything is very fragile." Bosnia claimed Gen. Djordje Djukic and Col. Aleksa Krsmanovic bear re- sponsibility for mass killings of civil- ians around Sarajevo. The pursuit of war criminals is one of the touchiest issues in bringing peace to Yugoslavia. The Dayton peace accord requires all sides to cooperate in bring- ing war criminals to justice, but appears to speak mainly of those labeled as criminals by the international tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. Only one of eight Serbs over the past three weeks, and is holding five on suspicion of war crimes. Djukic, Krsmanovic and their driver were arrested Jan. 30 after taking a wrong turn onto government territory near Sarajevo, Cumming said. The driver and two other Serbs being questioned as witnesses will soon be freed, said the chief of Bosnia's secu- rity service, Bakir Alispahic. Djukic, in his seventies, is the high- est-ranking Serb detained by the gov- ernment. He was a logistics specialist and close aide to Bosnian Serb military commander Gen. Ratko Mladic during the war. Djukic and Krsmanovic "were re- Mcard are re- corded .and stored by the bank, which is tied into the Mcard system. "The University does not know where students have activated their bank card (option on the Mcard)," said Robert Russell, the University's assistant di- rector of financial operations. "The University has no right to look at bank- ing activities." Russell also said First of America has limited access to information about Mcard holders. "We provide no information to the bank such as students' addresses or phone numbers," Russell said. With access to information from all areas of the,Mcard, such as purchase, banking, meal, residence hall and com- puting site records, a student's move- ment over any period of time could be tracked. Communication studies lecturer Joan Lowenstein, a lawyer, said that since the card holder is not ensuredconfiden- tiality, the University has a legal right to review Mcard records. M ] Ki