Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, chance of snow, low 20. Tomorrow: Cloudy, chance of snow, high 31 . It "Ul One hundredfve years of editorialfreedom Tuesday February 6, 1996 5 ro 'Vik " w?-s., °u v:f, a R.*" -:.., , ': :'^.,s x 9.:.. k v 1 ."a~ 5 +. ," b +5 h : ;!. r%". u"EC -,x,. . a, 10 I Judge orders president to testify in bank fmud trials The Washington Post WASHINGTON - A federal judge in Little Rock yesterday ordered President Clinton to provide testimony under subpoena in the bank fraud and conspiracy trial of a couple who had been the Clintons' partners in the failed itewater land development. .S. District Judge George Howard Jr. issued the order yesterday directing the Arkansas court to issue a subpoena for the president. Susan McDougal and her former husband, James B. McDougal, who were business partners of the president and first lady in the Ozarks real estate venture, had sought the president's testimony in connection with their trial scheduled to open on March 4. Judge Howard, in his order, said lawyers for the McDougals and for Clinton should work out the logistics of obtaining the testimony and decide whether the president should appear in person, on videotape or by satellite transmission from the White House. Mrs. McDougal is accused of fraudulently receiving a $300,000 loan that David Hale, a former Little Rock banker, says Clinton and others pressured him to make to her in 1986. Clinton, who has not been charged, has denied Hale's accusation. Mrs. McDougal had sought the president's testimony to bolster her conten- tion that Hale is lying about the circumstances of the loan, which was backed by the federal Small Business Administration. The McDougals and Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker were accused by Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr with obtaining $3 million in loans from federally backed lenders to benefit themselves illegally. The three were indicted last year by a federal grand jury underStarr's direction. They were named in a 21-count indictment that alleged that a string of transactions made through McDougal's failed savings and loan, Madison Guaranty, and Hale's now-defunct loan company, Capital Management Services, were designed to defraud federal regulators. Madison eventually failed, costing taxpayers as much as $65 million. Hale has said his small business loan company, which received federal backing to make loans to disadvantaged borrowers, was improperly used by prominent members of the Arkansas Democratic "political family" in the 1980s to help them with financial problems. Hale made the accusations after being indicted for defrauding the SBA and has since become a princi- pal cooperating witness in 4 the Whitewater probe. Howard, who was ap- pointed to the bench by President Carter in 1980, said in his order that "after cautiously and heedfully reviewing the defendants' request, the court is per- Clinton suaded that the request is made in good faith and is reasonable." Rep. faces S0 crticism from two newspapers B" Stephanie Jo Klein V Staff Reporter Due to reports of mistreating office employees and news of her low con- gressional attendance records, U.S. Rep. Barbara-Rose Collins (D-Detroit) has been under fire from both daily Detroit newspapers this week. Collins' Chief of Staff Meredith Cooper called the allegations reported in both newspapers "ridiculous," sug- ting the coverage was revenge for d ins' support of striking newspaper workers. Cooper would not comment on fed- eral grand jury subpoenas recently is- sued to office employees. "It's really difficult for me to believe people are still dredging this stuff up," Cooper said in an interview with The Michigan Daily yesterday. "She supported the strikers in the Free Press and the News," Cooper *ed. "Maybe (the negative cover- age) is retaliation." She further addedthat Collins is "em- powering people." "Maybe she's informing her con- stituents more than the media want them to be informed," she said. Officials from both the Detroit Free Press and The Detroit News denied Cooper's insinuations. "Ourcoverage has been based on com- Ants raised by people who worked for (Collins) and thought they had been mis- treated," said Bob McGruder, executive editor of the Free Press. Robert Giles, publisher of the News, said Collins was one of several Demo- cratic officeholders to refuse to talk to the paperthroughoutthe seven-month strike. "It's hypocritical to complain about information in a story when Congress- See COLLINS, Page 2 'HOOTI Controversk Ann Arbor I By Will Weissert Daily Staff Reporter Hooters, the restaurant chain known nationally for waitresses in skimpy outfits, wants to expand in Michigan and is considering Ann Arbor as a possible site. The company is considering the city, but officials for the restaurant said it is not interested in the Univer- and its students. Tad Dixon, public relations direc- tor for the Atlanta-based Hooters, said the company was scouting all the major cities in the state and that Ann Arbor was just one of those possibili- ties. He did not, however, believe that Hooters would be attracted to Ann Arbor because of the potential Uni- versity market. SOur market has been between the ages of 21 to 35," Dixon said. "We target male clients who are those ages. Most students are not 21." However, some students believe that, like it or not, a Hooters in Ann Arbor would attract students. "I don't Clinton forms '97 balanced budget plan SARA STILLMAN/Daily Alliance Four Justice members Sherise Steele, Wayne Alejandro Wolbert, Ziehyun Huh and Andrew Adams Ill discuss ways to Improve the group during a public forum yesterday. Aliance holds forum; students 11 Mask questions gve feedback The Washington Post WASHINGTON - President Clinton yesterday dressed up his last budget offer to Republicans in new rhetoric and submitted it as his 1997 proposal to balance the budget, holding off until the turn of the century the bulk of his spending cuts. Clinton's budget proposal, required by a legal deadline, gives new meaning to the "dead-on-arrival" budget cliche from the years Republican presidents submitted doomed proposals to Demo- cratic Congresses. With the White House and Congress deadlocked over this year's budget and the government running on temporary spending measures, the outline for the next fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, a month before the presidential and con- gressional elections, has little to do with policy and everything to do with politics. The proposal presents a bare-bones outline of a $1.64 trillion budget for 1997 that offers modest reforms in en- titlement programs, large cuts in do- mestic programs and small tax breaks for the middle-class. The 20-page outline released yester- day - compared to the usual 2,000- page plus budget submission in a nor- mal budget year-was nearly identical to the offer Clinton put on the table the first week of January when he and GOP congressional leaders were still negoti- ating. Republicans charged the White House refused to make serious offers on the most contentious issues- Medi- care savings and tax cuts - and called off the talks. The outline projects the 1997 deficit By Katie Wang Daily Staff Reporter More than 50 students gathered in the Union last night to learn more about the Alliance Four Justice - a coalition of major campus minority student groups - and to offer feedback about the group's recent demands. Emphasizing that the forum was not a time to debate the demands the Alli- ance made to the University two weeks ago, but instead an opportunity to offer support for the group, members of the Alliance fielded questions and sugges- tions from the audience. Many of the students expressed in- terest in knowing more about the Alli- ance and how to contribute to its cause. Wayne Alejandro Wolbert, co-chair ofAlianza, suggested that students "read the demands and have an open dialogue about them with friends or classmates." The Alliance, which is composed of Alianza, the Black Student Union, the National Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People, the Native American Students Association and the United Asian American Organizations, first made their list of demands public two weeks ago in an open letter to the University community. Focusing more attention on the re- tention of students of color and the "immediate establishment of ethnic specific cultural centers" were just two of their many demands. LSA senior Sherise Steele, speaker for the BSU, said the cultural centers are necessary because the "Trotter House, which was once considered the 'black' house on campus, no longer suited the needs of the minority student population." "As the black population doubled (from 4 percent to 8 percent) the house has not gotten larger," she said. Although Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford, Vice Pro- vost for Academic and Multicultural Affairs Lester Monts and two other administrators requested to meet with the group, Alliance members declined the offers, saying that they wanted to See ALLIANCE, Page 2 Clinton's 1997 budget U The proposed 1997 budget, required by a legal deadline yis slated to cover the next fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1. r A "bare-bones" outline, the budget is set forth on 20 pages. In a usual budget year, the proposal would cover more than 2,000 pages. Clinton's $1.64 trillion budget offers modest reforms in entitlement programs, cuts in in domestic programs and small tax breaks for the middle class. will be $160.6 billion, up slightly from this year's estimated $154.4 billion shortfall. Beginning in 1998, the presi- dent foresees declining red ink until 2002 when he projects a $3.7 billion surplus. As he did in his last offer, Clinton proposed to trim growth in Medicare by $124 billion, compared to $168 billion in the last GOP plan. He would save $59 billion in Medicaid, compared to $85 billion in the GOP plan. Domestic spending other than entitlement pro- grams would be trimmed by $297 bil- lion, about $51 billion less than the GOP would. LSA faculty OKs new requirements By Anupama Reddy Daily Staff Reporter LSA faculty members met yesterday and approved a plan to adopt new re- quirements on undergraduate admis- sions for the 2000-2001 academic year. Students of the 2000-2001 entering class will be expected to complete 15 units ofminimum requirements, includ- ing four years of English, two years of a specific foreign language, three years of mathematics, two years of science and three years of history. Addressing the faculty members yes- terday, LSA Associate Dean Lincoln Faller said, "The impetus behind the motion is to clarify the admission re- quirements, so that they're clearer to the University and the schools." Faller, chair of the LSA Curriculum Committee, said the emphasis of the new motion was to define the kinds of mathematics and science courses re- quired and to add a foreign language requirement. He also said the proposal followed the recommendations ofthe Presidents' Council of the State Universities of Michigan to set a common set ofadmis- sions for all universities in the state. University Director of Undergradu- ERS' IN ANN AroR? al chain may open new ocation; reaction mixed I A,, "Michigan has been a great state for us" -- Tad Dixon Hooters public relations director I I hire male wait staff. Dixon said the controversy sur- rounding Hooters would not affect the company's decision about an ex- pansion site. Oplira Edut, publisher of the Ann Arbor-based Hear Us Emerging Sis- ters (HUES) Magazine, said she was disappointed to hear of the possibility of an Ann Arbor Hooters. "It goes to show that even in a college town where women try to edu- cate themselves without taking their shirts off, there's more money to be made if women carry cocktails and show off their bodies," she said. Edut said she did not want to say that women shouldn't work in places like Hooters, but that there are better options available. "I don't want to take jobs away from women and say it's not good to work in those kind of places," Edut said. "I think women have the right to work wherever they want, but it's sad to see them work at those places." She said HUES, which has a large other Hooters branch scheduled to open this March in Taylor. Dixon said that the company is plan- ning to wait until the Taylor store is "settled into the community" before expanding further. II= Mol