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January 11, 1996 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-01-11

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 11, 1996 - 3

Duderstadt's legacy to be marked by construction, social programs


Study: Backseat
passengers safer
car crashes
A new University study found pas-
sengers in the back seat often sustain
less severe injuries during a head-on
crash than those in the front seat.
Researchers Donald Huelke and
Charles Compton of the University's
Transportation Research Institute found
that 21 percent of belted front-seat oc-
cupants suffered greater injuries than
belted rear-seat passengers.
Only 8 percent. of belted rear-seat
occupants fared worse than those in
front, while 71 percent had about the
same level of injury.
For unbelted passengers, 29 percent
in the front seat fared worse than those
in the rear while 11 percent in the back
seat sustained greater injuries. Sixty
percent had the same level of injury.
All injuries were measured using the
Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale.
Orion Nebula is
nursery for stars
The recent discovery of hundreds of
,stars in a glowing cloud ofgases is more
evidence that planets form by the same
process, University astronomer Rich-
ard Teske said.
Astronomers using the Hubble Space
9elescope found the new stars in the
Orion Nebula, located at the midpoint
of the sword in the constellation Orion
the Hunter, marked by three stars at the
Observers who view Orion are look-
ing toward a vast region about 1,500
light-years from Earth where an im-
mense amount of gaseous and dusty
material floats in space between the
Scientists believe the force of
gravity gathers these huge clouds of
gases and dust together to make
groups of stars. The clouds' own
gravity, acting over millions of years,
gradually condenses them, squeez-
ing gas and dust together to form
Teske said about 150 of the 700 new
stars also have disks of enough leftover
Iaterials to create planets.
U' researcher's
new book focuses
on poor families
Although the national debate on
social programs has focused on wel-
fare reform and cutting social spend-
ing, a University researcher believes
iblic policy should focus on an eco-
'omic environment that has lowered
the standard of living for millions of
,families who do not receive welfare.
In hisnew book, "America Unequal ,"
social work and public policy Prof.
Sheldon Danzinger says that supple-
menting the earnings oflow-wage work-
ers and increasing job prospects for the
unemployed are the best ways to reduce
4Powerful economic forces have di-
inished the economic prospects of
millions of Americans and caused ris-
ing hardship and poverty," Danzinger
said in a statement.
Danzinger co-authored the book with
Peter Gottschalk, a professor of eco-
nomics at Boston College.
"Employers have reduced their de-
mand for less-skilled workers and less-
experienced workers. As a result, and

through no fault of their own, millions
workers have more difficulty finding
jobs," Danzinger said.
The authors advocate a transitional
public service employment for those
who want to work, but cannot find regu-
lar jobs.
"America Unequal" is published by
Harvard University Press.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Cathy Boguslaski.

use uj


By Kiran Chaudhri
Daily Staff Reporter
Contract with Nike, students storm-
ing the Fleming Administration Build-
ing, the Code ...
Maybe these will be the things Presi-
dent James J. Duderstadt will be re-
membered for after he retires from his
position at the University in June.
However, there is "a need to separate
how he will be remembered from how
he should be remembered," said history
Prof. Nicholas Steneck, an instructor
for the class "The History of the Uni-
versity of Michigan."
"Duderstadt is the first president who
has articulated and consciously said
that we need to re-invent the Univer-
sity," he said.
"And you don't find that too often,"
added Margaret Steneck, who co-
teaches the course. "As he sees educa-
tion in the future, it will be very differ-
ent than in the past. He came into the job
with a sense of needing to change the
University in a fundamental way."
Nicholas Steneck cited Duderstadt's
"vision" as one of his best qualities
when compared to past presidents.
Thomas Roach, a former University
regent and now president of the
University's Alumni Association, simi-
larly noted how "Duderstadt's plan-
ning horizon is much more out in the
future than we've typically seen before.
"The institutions that he's imple-
mented today are designed to give a
boost into the 21st century."
Others said Duderstadt was not goal-
oriented enough.
"However valuable Mr. Duderstadt's
presidency was for certain activities of
the University, it certainly worked to
the detriment of undergraduate liberal
education," said English Prof. Leo
"He is too into the moment - maybe
for egotistical reasons or for how he
wishes the University tobe viewed from
the outside," said chemistry Prof. Tho-
mas Dunn, who works with McNamara
on the faculty's Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs.
"If you do things too quickly... you
may be mortgaging your future possi-
bilities. (With Duderstadt), we got the
building program and too much action
- indigestible," Dunn said, referring to
the almost $1 billion worth of construc-
tion Duderstadt oversaw. "Building is
important and (Duderstadt) made a great
contribution to building ... but he may
have gone a little too far."
Roach defended construction as one

The drug is stronger
and more dangerous
now, compared to


President James J. Duderstadt, shown here at football coach Gary Moeller's suspension in May, has provided a lot of material
for the history books - including $1 billion in construction and an increase in women and minority presence on campus.

DETROIT (AP) - For about $, a
person can get enough marijuana to
produce a high and can ingest other
drugs and become addicted, research-
ers and therapists say.
"It's about as easy to come by 4 a
cigarette and a very close second to
alcohol as the drug of choice these
days," said Barry Silverman, an evalu-
ator and outpatient therapist at Henry
Ford Health System's Maple Grove
chemical dependency treatment ceter
in West Bloomfield Township 1iar
"In southeast Michigan, emergercy
room visits for illnesses or injuries In-
volving marijuana use are up 115 per-
cent in the past three years," said Rich-
ard Calkins, chief of evaluation and
data services for Michigan's Center for
Substance Abuse in Lansing.
Silverman said that not only is mAri-
juana stronger today than it was when
many parents used it in the 1960s; it
carries other dangers.
"It now often comes mixed with PCP
(a hallucinogen) or cocaine, and is as
addicting as any other drug. And it can
lead (teen-agers) quickly to cocaine and
heroin," he told The Detroit News for a
story published yesterday.
Dr. Steven Gaynor of the Walled
Lake school district said some children
even admit their parents supply them
with marijuana.
"These parents think, 'If I give it to
(my children), I can control it.' The
trouble is, back when they were using
the drug -- and many still are - there
wasn't as much research on how bad it
really is," he said.
At state-funded drug treatment cen-
ters, the number of admissions for mari-
juana abuse among those 18 and under
were level from 1981 until the early 1990s.
Now they're showing sharp increases:
by 41 percent in 1992-93 from 1991-
92; 46 percent in 1993-94 over 1992-
93; and 56 percent last year over 1993-
94, according to statistics cited by the
"In 1991, those under 18 accounted
for 13 percent of all admissions,"
Calkins said. "Today it's 42 percent."

of the more visible parts of the
president's seven-year tenure.
"We can't do as many things or be as
innovative without the equipment (and)
new facilities," Roach said.
Roach said Duderstadt also will be
remembered for other programs that he
initiated during his administration.
Roach cited the "Campaign for Michi-
gan"- a mass effort to solicit more than $1
billion in private donations over five years.
"It's the largest campaign for gifts that
has ever been mounted by any public
university, ever," Roach said.
Roach also noted the Michigan Man-
date, a program Duderstadt created to in-
crease minority presence at the University.
Dunn said he felt Duderstadt used the
mandate to "have the University reflect
the kinds of people who are in the com-
"But the problem is that the Univer-
sity isn't really ... supposed to reflect
the community - it's meant to be a
resource for the community," he said.
"That's not a popular view these days."
Roach, on the other hand, described
the mandate as the "hallmark" of

Duderstadt's term and added that
Duderstadt's "top-down," highly cen-
tralized management style was essen-
tial in pushing the program forward.
"Without that kind of decision-mak-
ing," Roach said, "the issue could have
been talked to death and never have
moved forward."
While Roach saw this leadership style
as an asset, Dunn said it caused a neglect
of faculty input. "They were frequently
ignored on too many issues," he said.
He also implied that Duderstadt's pro-
fessional background, first as a professor
and later as the dean in the College of
Engineering, was a disadvantage.
"I think his view was directed from a
professional school's point of view - he
has a parody that there is a technological
solution to every problem," Dunn said.
But Nicholas Steneck attributed
Duderstadt's engineering background
as an advantage in carrying out his
long-term goals: "Engineers are future-
Steneck said that from the students'
perspective, "there's no doubt that the
students will remember ... the Code" as

the biggest issue of Duderstadt's reign.
Yet Steneck was quick to point out that
it was not Duderstadt who initiated pro-
ceedings on a student code of conduct.
"That code has been in process since
Fleming," he said, in reference to Robben
Fleming, who served as University presi-
dent from 1968-1979 and again in an
interim rolein 1988."ButitisDuderstadt
who will be remembered for that."
Roach expressed a positive view of
the relationship between Duderstadt and
students. "I don't remember any stu-
dent complaints about isolation or inac-
cessibility," he said. "Now, the rela-
tionshipbetween the administration and
(the Michigan Student Assembly) is as
good as ever.
"But people are always going to com-
plain that they're not getting enough. I
don't think there's anything to be gained
by criticizing," Roach said.
Looking back on the overall adminis-
tration, Margaret Steneck said, "whether
he has succeeded or not, only time can
tell. Only the future can tell if he's one of
the University's great presidents. Ask
someone 50 years from now."

'U' aids inweather
forecasting research

Hot or Cold?
Determining the weather outlook

Dems court seniors as

each week is an
ongoing process at
National Weather
Service. The
operation includes
several steps.
Research stations
across the countryI

launch weather

By Will Weissert
Daily Staff Reporter
Accurate forecasting, like that done
every day in the University and sur-
rounding area, allowed East Coast resi-
dents to prepare for one of the largest
storms of the century.
Because modern weather forecasting
involves the use of super-computers,
computer-generated models and hun-
dreds of complicated graphs and charts
-it is a high-tech operation.
The entire weather-forecasting pro-
cess begins around 6 a.m. every morn-
ing when National Weather Service sta-
tions all over the country and the North-
ern Hemisphere simultaneously launch
data-collecting weather balloons, said
Brian Tilley, a meteorologist at the
South-Eastern Michigan NWS Station
in White Lake.
The balloons are in the air for an hour
and travel to altitudes of 100,000 feet,
collecting data including temperature and
humidity, at various altitudes, he said.
The NWS takes the information col-
lected by the balloons and combines it
with ground observations. After work-
ers collect all of the data, they send it to
a super-computer in Washington, D.C.,
that produces everything from a 24-hour
forecast to a I 0-day forecast, Tilley said.

It is then the task of meteorologists to sit
down and interpret all of that data and
produce a plain-language forecast.
Once meteorologists have produced a
forecast, it is placed in a computer data-
base that uses satellite links to send the
forecast to subscribers nationwide. "All
of this is pretty routine," Tilley said.
Today, most of the weather forecasts
on the radio are not produced by the
radio station but instead come directly
from the National Weather Service, said
Gordon Evans, news director at WAAM
radio in Ann Arbor.
"We don't have our own meteorologist
or weather department," he said. "Weuse
National Weather Service reports."
In addition to forecasting the weather
nationwide, theNWS hasbegun to work
closely with universities across the
country who are researching weather
"We are working to reestablish a
connection with day-to-day weather
forecasting," said assistant Prof. Peter
Sousounis, a University meteorologist.
"Our final goal is to have our research
be used in forecasting the weather."
The University's meteorology depart-
ment receives the same data generated
by the National Weather Service and
then runs research models. The depart-

balloons to gather data.
Balloons hover for an hour collecting
temperature and humidity readings.
Balloon data is compared to ground
level observations.
A supercomputer then compiles the
ment compares its results with those
produced by actual NWS operating
models, Sousounis said.
The University's department looks
at trends in its models in an attempt to
forecast the weather. "The models aren't
always going to be right, but you can,
look at trends," Sousounis said.
Today, five-day forecasts are as ac-
curate as two- or three-day forecasts
produced 10 years ago, Tilley said. Both
he and Sousounis attributed the in-
creased forecast accuracy to improved
technology, such as Doppler radar and
faster computer speeds.
"Computer technology has been a
real factor in this field," Tilley said.
"The balloons I mentioned we've been
using for 50 years, but a lot of the
advancements have had to do with in-
creased technology."

state House
LANSING (AP) - House Demo-
crats made a play for the senior citizen
vote yesterday by pledging to fight cuts
in health care for the elderly, even as
they acknowledged their proposals have
almost no chance of success.
Gathering nearly two-thirds of House
Democrats for a news conference just
prior to the kickoff of the 1996 legisla-
tive session, the caucus fired its first
major volley in its bid to regain the
majority in the 1996 elections. Demo-
crats, who in the last session shared
power with the Republicans, have been
in a slim 54-56 disadvantage since a
year ago.

Thirty-four Democrats signed a"g4ar-
antee to Michigan seniors and families."
Later yesterday, the Legislature;re-
turned for its first - albeit brief|,-
session of 1996. House members con-
ducted business for about 45 minutes,
while senators met for about 30 minutes.
Continuing the breakneck speed
which marked the first half of the two-
year legislative session, the House ap-
proved, by a 77-26 vote, new high-tech
driver's licenses.
A companion bill allowing similar
new identification cards for state em-
ployees also passed, 79-25, and was
sent to the Senate.

A tellers face charges of theft

The Associated Press
Two former Ann Arbor Comerica
Bank tellers were charged with embez-
zling more than $800,000 and indict-
ments against two other former tellers
are expected within two months, au-
thorities said.
After all the charges are filed, the
total allegedly embezzled could exceed
$1 million, investigators said.
Marilyn Watson, who worked at an
Ann Arbor branch for six years, ap-
peared Tuesday in federal court in De-
troit on charges she embezzled $127,000

in 1994 and 1995, said Assistant U.S.
Attorney Jennifer Gorland.
A federal grandjury indicted a former
teller at another Ann Arbor branch,
Christine Draffen, onDec. 14. She was
charged with embezzling $696,000 from
April 1991 to October 1995.
Both could face up to 30 years in
prison if convicted.
No depositor funds were affected,
Comerica spokeswoman Kathy Pitton
said. The bank's losses were covered
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

U AIESEC Michigan, International
Student Happy Hour, 662-1690,
Ann Arbor Brewing Company, 9
U Campus Crusade for Christ, Real
Life, 930-9269, Dental Building,
Kello gg Auditorium, 7-8:15 p.m.
U Reform Chavurah, weekly meeting,
Hillel Building, HillI Street, 7 p.m.
U Volunteers in Action, dinner for the
homeless, First Methodist Church,

Dow Chemical," physic al/ana-
lytical seminar, Dr. Simon Bare,
sponsored by Department of
Chemistry, Chemistry Building,
Room 1640, 4 p.m.
U "Messiah Bible Study," spon-
sored by Lutheran Campus Min-
istry, Lord of Light Lutheran
Church, 801 South Forest Ave.,
7 p.m.
U "Sex, Power, and Resources:
The Ecological Background of
Mating Systems." Bobbi Low,

Q Campus information Centers, Michi-
gan Union and North Campus Com-
mons, 763-INFO, info@umich.edu,
UM .Events on GOpherBLUE, and
http://www.umich.edu/-info on
the World Wide Web
Q English Composition Board Peer Tu-
toring, Mason Hall, Room 444C, 7-
11 p.m.
Q North Campus information Center,


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