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February 01, 1996 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-02-01

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 1, 1996 - 3A

girls who
watched violent
*TV found to be
"more aggressive
Girls who often copied the big coiffure
of Farrah Fawcett during her days as one
-of "Charlie's Angels" may have picked
.up aggressive behavior by watching the
show, according to a University study.
Women in their early 20s who watched
television shows such as "The Bionic
Woman" and "Wonder Woman" as chil-
dren and identified with aggressive hero-
ines are now more physically aggressive,
according to the study.
The study found that these women
.have more aggressive personalities and
*are more prone to criminal acts than
,women who did not watch much televi-
sion violence as children.
The findings are based on an initial
study of 384 girls in 1977 and a recent
Ofollow-up study of 211 of them.
- "Increasingly, society accepted aggres-
sion in women, and the new acceptance
showed up in television scripts. Televi-
sion heroines began to use guns and muscle
to attain their ends, just like the male
=heroes," said L. Rowell Huesmann, pro-
4essor of psychology and research scien-
tist in the Aggression Research Group at
the Institute for Social Research.
The study will appear in the spring
&ssue of Annals of the New York Acad-
Wemy of Sciences.
Professors to speak on
Galileo spacecraft
Ina free public lecture called "Galileo
Probes Jupiter: Unlocking the Myster-
ies of a Giant Planet," University scien-
tists will relate new findings from the
spacecraft Galileo's Dec. 7 probe of
Jupiter's atmosphere.
The lecture will take place Feb. 7 at 7
p.m. in Rackham Auditorium.
The lecture will include a video and
slides and will be presented by Sushil
Atreya, University professor of atmo-
spheric and space science, and George
Carignan, associate dean for research at
the College of Engineering. The lecture
.will be geared toward high school and
middle school students.
0' The other lectures in the "Evenings at
Rackham" series scheduled fot this term
are "A Visit to the Gallery," a reading of
new poems sponsored by the University
Museum of Art, and "Welfare Reform
and America's Future,"presentedby civil
rights activist Roger Wilkins. "A Visit to
the Gallery" will take place March 19 and
Wilkins' talk is scheduled for April 9.
*'U' epidemiologist
says vaccine trial
should be modified
University epidemiologist James
Koopman says HIV vaccine trials should
be redesigned to also test the vaccine's
effectiveness in reducing contagiousness
in those already infected with the AIDS-
causing virus.
Currently, the trials are only set to test
how effective the vaccine is in preventing
infection in healthy people.
Koopman said a vaccine that protects

;ople from HIV infection only 25 per-
7cent of the time could reduce an infected
person's ability to spread the disease to
bthers by up to 90 percent. Scientists
"Would then have a valuable weapon in the
battle against HIV and AIDS.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Alice Robinson. The Associated Press
contributed to this report.

Week aims to
educate on eating
disorder dangers

Erica Spiegel and Pamela Vachon hand out recycling crates to Bursley residents.

'U' gives crates to increase
recycling in residence ha

By Heather Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
In an attempt to increase recycling
among students, a pilot program is be-
ing offered that distributes recycling
crates to students to keep in their resi-
dence hall rooms.
The residence halls are now equipped
with recycling closets that house bins
for paper, cardboard, mixed containers
and general waste.
With the new program, students are
given a 12 x 12 inch plastic recycling
box to collect recyclable materials.
When the crates are full, students empty
them in the closet down the hall.
The program is funded by University
Housing, and 5,000 crates have already
been purchased for the program.
Grounds and Waste Management Ser-
vices is distributing 500 of the crates
for the pilot.
"We are doing this in hopes of in-
creasing participation in recycling," said
Erica Spiegel, recycling coordinator for
grounds and waste management ser-
Five residence halls have been cho-
sen at random to participate in the pro-
gram. Involvement is voluntary, and
students can receive a crate from a
distribution table located outside the
residence hall cafeterias.
On Monday, 70 crates were distrib-

uted in West Quad, while 100 crates
were distributed in Bursley last night.
The final crates will be distributed to
East Quad, Stockwell and Mosher-Jor-
dan during the week of Feb. 19.

ful, recycling crates will be offered au-
tomatically in all residence hall rooms.
Spiegel said she realizes the partici-
pants are people who are already inter-
ested in recycling, which may skew

By Carrie Keller
For the Daily
In recognition of National Eating
Disorders Awareness Week, which be-
gins Feb. 5, the University's Eating
Issues Network is planning discussions
and workshops to educate students on
the symptoms and dangers of eating
A network of University doctors,
nutritionists and psychologists was cre-
ated in 1994 to improve treatment for
eating disorders. The organization will
conduct free health screenings next
Featuring topics such as "Getting
Better: What to Expect From Treat-
ment for an Eating Disorder," and "Body
Image in an Unaccepting Culture," the
organization aims to inform students
about the dangers of eating disorders
through question and answer sessions.
Laurie Fortlage, a University Health
Service peer advising coordinator, said
the week will try to "raise awareness of
physical and emotional effects of eat-
ing disorders, what can be done, and
how to help a friend with an eating
Marcella Raimondo, spokesperson
for Eating Disorders Awareness Week,
encouraged students to understand eat-
ing disorders.
"It is important for people to realize
that eating disorders are not weird and
people should not be afraid of them,"
she said.
The program will also try to reach
students in residence halls. Housing
Nutritionist Paula Herzog will lead small
group discussions and post information
on bulletin boards and in residence hall
Herzog will be promoting an "inter-
active nutrition station," which will be
available to students in all dining halls.
Students can use a laptop computer to,
determine individual metabolism and
the efficiency of one's diet.
Kim Resnick, an LSA first-year stu-
dent, said she knows many girls with
eating disorders. "Girls need to be se-
cure with themselves. They need to eat
healthy and exercise, but know they can
put food in their bodies and still look
good," she said.
Herzog said she hopes to facilitate
referrals and help people who do not
have eating disorders to prevent what
she calls a "contagious" disease. She
said people pick up eating habits from
their peers, so eating disorders can eas-
ily spread among friends.
Inability to communicate feelings
effectively, low self-esteem and soci-

Eating Disorders
Week Highlights
Monday, noon - 1p.m.
"Getting better: What to expect
from treatment for an eating
Pond Room A,M ichigan Union
Tuesday, noon -1 p.m.
Brown Bag Discussion: "Body Image in
an Unaccepting Culture"
School of Public Health I, Room 3001
Tuesday, 8 p.m.
Discussion for Men: The Battle
With Your Body
West Quad, Osafin Room
Thursday, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Eating Issues Resource Center
with Eating Disorders Screening,
helping a friend, and campus
Michigan Union Anderson Room
etal expectations of physical shape are
just some of the contributing factors in
the development of eating disorders.
Herzog said the University needs to
be concerned about eating disorders
because of the age of students.
"Eating disorders most commonly
develop at the start of puberty or dur-
ing transitions," Herzog said. Leav-
ing home for the first time causes
stress for most first-year students,
putting them at risk for developing an
eating disorder.
Janette Luu, an LSA sophomore,"said
she noticed changes in eating habits
during sorority rush. "Girls were very
concerned with their appearances be-
cause it was stressed so much," sbe
Recognizing eating disorders is not
only a women's issue - the organiza-
tion will sponsor "A Discussion for
Men: The Battle With Your Body," led
by School of Social Work graduate
student Michael Del Negro.
Physical effects of eating disorders
include loss of muscle, decreased heart
and organ size, poor functioning of the
stomach and intestinal tract, and an
increased risk for osteoporosis.
Fortlage said the psychological ef-
fects are a "vicious cycle."
"As a result of starving oneself, the
lack of glucose to the brain can cause
distortion in the usual thinking process
which can lead to depression, irritabil-
ity, sleep disturbances, mood swingsand
obsessive thinking and behaviors,'
Fortlage said.

Students who
volunteered to
participate in the
program filled out
a registration card
so they can be
contacted for a
survey later in the
semester on
whether the crates
proved to be use-
"We're doing
spot tests now,"
said Jeff
Schroeder, coor-
dinator of man-
agement systems

"We are doing
this in hopes of
participation in
- Erica Spiegel
Recycling coordinator for
grounds and waste
management services

survey results.
"The only bad
thing (about the
pilot) is the self-
selecting nature of
the study group,"
she said.
Still, she said
she believes the
program will
prove to be suc-
cessful. "We're
pretty sure it'll
work," she said.
Ifthe survey re-
sults prove posi-
tive, Schroeder
recommend that the


within the Depart-

said he plans to

ment of Housing Facilities.
"I think this will incite a lot more
people to do more recycling," said En-
gineering sophomore Simon Palko.
Engineering senior Chiwei Lee said
the crates will be more convenient than
carrying recyclables in his arms.
"It's so easy. Why not (participate)?"
he said. "I always recycle my cans any-
If the program proves to be success-

crates become part of the items all stu-
dents receive in their rooms. "The like-
lihood is good (that crates will be avail-
able)," he said.
Larry LaTarte, co-chair of Bursley
Environmentally Aware and Respon-
sible, helped to distribute the crates.
"I think recycling is something ev-
erybody needs to do," he said. "Even
little things like this make people

New study shows state doctors,
citizens support assisted suicide

By Alice Robinson
Daily StaffrReporter
In a study published in the New En-
gland Journal of Medicine today, a
majority of Michigan citizens and doc-
tors said they oppose a ban on physi-
cian-assisted suicide.
The study, conducted by University
research scientist Jerald Bachman and
his colleagues, asked respondents
whether the Michigan Legislature
should ban all physician-assisted sui-
cide or legalize it under a number of
The other participating researchers
were Kirsten Alcser, David Doukas,
Richard Lichenstein and Amy Corn-
ing, all of the Institute for Social Re-
"Clearly the issue of assisted suicide

was on the table in Michigan because of
(Dr. Jack) Kevorkian," Lichtenstein
said. "What we were trying to do was
develop reasonably good information
on what citizens and physicians
When participants were asked to
choose between allowing physician-
assisted suicide and a complete ban, 56
percent of physicians and 60 percent of
the general public supported legaliza-
tion of assisted suicide. Thirty-seven
percent of physicians and 26 percent of
the public supported a ban.
"Physicians are often found to be
much more strongly opposed,"
Bachman said. "(In pop-quiz polls,
they often) wind up calling people
on the phone and asking for imme-
diate reactions to complex issues."

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

He said researchers included litera-
ture with the mail surveys so that
the participants would be well-in-
Mail responses were collected in
1994 and 1995 from 1,.119 physicians
and 998 members of the general public.
"The mail questionnaires produced
over 70-percent response rates,"
Bachman said.
Lichtenstein is also affiliated with
the School of Public Health, and
Doukas is a member of the University
Medical School Department of Fam-
ily Practice. Another co-investigator,
Howard Brody of Michigan State
University, is a professor of family
practice and former chair of the Michi-
gan Commission on Death and Dy-
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Q AIESEC Michigan, International
Student Happy Hour, 662-1690,
Arbor Brewing Company, 9 p.m.
Q Campus Crusade for Christ, Real
Life, 930-9269, Dental Building,
Kellogg Auditorium, 7-8:15 p.m.
Q Caribbean People's Association,
meeting, 668-6783, Michigan
Union, Watts Room, 7 p.m.
Q Homeless Action Committee, 930-
0601, Guild House, Main Room,
5:30 p.m.
Q Tau Kappa Omicron - Women's
Service Sorority, mass meeting,
995-2632, South Quad, Ambatana
Lounge, 6 p.m.
Q~ Third Wave Writers' Group, Third
Wave Magazine, Gratzi Caffe, cor-
ner of State and Liberty, 9 p.m., e-
mail- third wavAeditorsfrumich.edu

J "Intro to CP&P Services and
Resources," sponsored by Ca-
reer Planning and Placement,
3200 Student Activities Build-
ing, 12:10 p.m.
Q "Japan's Imperial Diet Building
and the Construction of a Na-
tional Identity," Jonathan
Reynolds, noon lecture series,
sponsored by Center for Japa-
nese Studies, Lane Hall Com-
mons Room, 12 noon
J "Michigan LeaderShape 1996
Informational Meeting," spon-
sored by LeaderShape, Michi-
gan League, Henderson Room,
7 p.m.
0 "Opening Reception for Chicano His-
tory Week," sponsored by La Voz
Mexicana, Michigan Union, Art

sored by Department of Near East-
ern Studies, Tappan Hall, Room 180,
4 p.m.
U "Using Molecular Orbital Calculations
to Explore Energy Surfaces for Chemi-
cal Reactions," physical/analytical
seminar, Bernhard Schlegel, sponsored
by Department of Chemistry, Chemis-
try Building, Room 1640, 4 p.m.
Q Campus Information Centers, Michi-

gan Union and North Campus Com-
mons, 763-INFO, info@umich.edu,
UMoEvents on GOpherBLUE, and
http://www.umich.edu/-info on
the World Wide Web
U English Composition Board Peer Tu-

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