LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, Apnl 23, 1996 - 5A No 'ad hominem' 'attacks on the French TO THE DAILY: I read Brent McIntosh's column Confessions of a Francophobe" ,3/15/96) and could not believe The Michigan Daily would approve the printing of such a hateful slander., $Never mind that some University stu- dents (and Michigan Daily readers) are of French descent, or that French exchange students and visiting profes- sors come to Ann Arbor expecting to be received like anyone else. McIntosh starts off in no uncertain terms: "My disdain is nothing but knee-jerk Anglocentricism. "But I don't even think that having no solid reasons to hate France is going to make me despise it the less." How does this sort of language get past the editorial board? Is it inthe name of humor? He then proceeds to attack the French with visceral xenophobia sel- dom tolerated in our campus newspa- pers. Insulting stories, false accusa- tions and stereotypes abound. Is the rationale that no one is likely to be offended and complain? Are some (groups more acceptable targets for public ridicule than others? My point is simply this: If it is wrong to attack any other nation or ethnic group in this manner (as I think it is), it is wrong for The Michigan Daily to publish articles, such as McIntosh's. Otherwise, now that he has started on the French, why should it stop there? Will he or other Michigan Daily writers attack Italians, Mexicans, the Irish, Jews, *Native Americans or African Americans next? Maybe I should just relax and ignore displays of swaggering igno- rance such as this. After all, who can take his comments seriously? Nevertheless, I find his article to be offensive because it is mean-spirited and aimed at a specific group of peo- ple. It is embarrassing that The .Michigan Daily has tacitly approved McIntosh's views by rubber-stamping his work (disclaimer on the editorial page notwithstanding). Besides, the Daily should follow its own rules, as stated on its editorial page, that "no ad hominem attacks will be pub- lished." ERIC ADAMS LAW SCHOOL Kudos to ENACT: for Earthweek To THE DAILY: Not only was Earthweek 1996 a t huge success by itself, but it was much bigger and broader than last year. Our week of speakers, projects, w, events and service activities attracted hundreds and hundreds of people con, cerned about environmental issues. Whereas the Michigan Student Assembly hosted the event alone in previous years, our key to success ttis year was our new partner, Environ- mental Action. Led by such great people as Angie Farleigh, Amy Grace, Joel Hoffmann and tons of others, ENACT has done a terrific job of co-organizing the F. week's activities. F Earthweek 1996 was a huge sucal cess. Thanks, ENACT! BRYAN THEIS MSA ENGINEERING REP. CHAIR, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES COMMISSION 'Cartoonist Jim Lasser needs to get informed To THE DAILY: This letter is directed specifically to your cartoonist, Jim Lasser: Get a life! I often try and avoid letting your ignorance offend me, but this time I just can't resist commenting. It seems that the few times that I actually read your strip, you completely baffle me with your stupidity. Your pot shots on minority stu- dents are far from humorous. In fact, they show the utmost disrespect. I suggest you pick up a book (besides coloring books MD magazines) and just reu. i ,m e you would learn somen. In it your bliga- lion to pr snt some type of intellec- tual viewpoint- i ask ... where the hcl i: if? phas v ou should change your stjp tile imm Sharp as Toast" to "D umb : R k: if you want to continue h your current angle of "humor. I m givin you the benefit of the louhj assuming that perhaps some insi what you need. oCh rwi a: Nursing student, I'd ha.e to say your prognosis looks pretty bleak at being a successful car- tonon ist! Oh. and by thc wty. I guarantee that your presnc in any one of my classes would not even earn you as much attntion as your poor pathetic character received. You also seem to have forgoten that not all Nursing students are female. A nd the only thing I am desperate for is a new artoonit at the Daily! STEPHANIE T. JOHNSON SCHOOL OF NURSING S \ Da 1WIMSATT oaiiy lT D correct to c rack own on TO THE DAILY: Endless thanks should go to ITD for final acting on electronic junk mail. The inial junk mail and count- less responses al recipients" that one has been orced to wade through every ime omeone has had every- thing from a arage le to a political agenda has ben a thorn in the side of many who rely on e-mail on a daily basis. Thak a i the Daily for cover- ing this story lTD Suspends users' accoun," 4/1796) and recognizing its importance. STEVEN SHANNON R ACKHAM Where is the racism that TO THE DAILY: I'm a bit onifused. 1 still don't know why Wayne Wolbert and his ac 'omplhes alegedly stole 8,700 copies of the paper on March 27. 1 read the Daily every day. and except for some lapses in tste by editorial cartoonists, and sone reviews in the arts section that are a little more per- sonal th n a professional reviewer should write, I hae yet to find the blatant racism that incited 250 pro- testers to rarch ("251 Protest Against Paper for Racism" '396). Was it the non-endors:ment o1 the United People's Coaliton candidates for the presidency of MSA that caused Kalif Jama, at EM :tudent to say. "St raightn up r u won't have no damn newspaper" Or was it the January 25 editoral on the Dental School Three:("Crying Wolf: Dental School 3 dmg ih against racism") ha n National Women's ihsOraiigCoalition and LSA junior Jessica Curtin so much .htsh emne that the Daily "drop is racist policies and drop all action pursuing students responsible for the removal of the papers or there will be hell to pay on this campus." Or maybe it was the accurate report that an Alianza com- mittee member was involved in the theft of the papers that would anger LSA senor Asha Jefferson to the point of calling the Daily ".. elitist trash. My randmother and my moth- er (I m stll tring to figure what they have to with this) burn trash," while burning a copy. However offensive Wolbert and accomplices found the paper, it does not excuse the criminal act of stealing the papers from distribution sites. By doing so, those responsible have denied the constitutional right of free press to both the publishers and the readers. They have stolen property, in the form of advertisements, from the advertisers. And they have stolen from the students themselves. It is unfortunate that the Washtenaw County Prosecutor's Office refused to press charges for this case, because it gives every dis- gruntled student or group the green light to practice this form of censor- ship whenever they so desire. And if people like Ann Kim Pham, United Asian American Organization's Advocacy chair and an LSA junior, believe this theft was not censorship, but a form of public protest, then I would suggest they sit down with a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and read. To those who believe that the Daily is guilty of "perpetuating insti- tutionalized racism," then why not try to change it from within? The Michigan Daily is a paper written and published by students for the students. It is open to all students. Why not join the staff? At the beginning of each term, there are numerous notices in every issue of the Daily that seek staff members for the paper. If you believe there is a prob- lem, become part of the solution. For my part, there is no problem with the Daily. For what the staff is asked to do on a daily basis, I feel they do an excellent job. They put out a paper far superior to the papers of other colleges and universities. I resent being denied my right to read the paper because four or five individuals felt that it was their job to decide what I should or should not be reading. It is my job to discern what is right or wrong for me. (It is not) the job of a bunch of disgruntled stu- dents parading around campus with puffed-up egos looking for an excuse to hurl unfounded accusations at fel- low students. MICHAEL MILLER LSA JUNIOR Rose defends biannual address TO THE DAILY: While it is my job, as Michigan Student Assembly president, to repre- sent the needs and concerns of my constituents to the administration, it is also my job to address the underlying problems within our university. Further, it is paramount that the MSA presidentset down a vision for an optimal education - one encom- passing academic excellence and stu- dent well-being. The talk that I delivered at the April regents meeting covered topics pertinent to every student's Michigan experience. Undergraduate and graduate cur- ricula, harmony among all ethnicities, support for non-traditional students, affordable tuition: These are the tenets of a quality University education,. tenets that affect all students. These are the issues I will continue to exam- ine as I work to serve my peers. Representing students involves much more than dwelling on past issues or on-going contests over the Code. Bringing a better campus to this university requires courage and vision to question critically the direction of our present efforts. Where the leaders have no vision, the people perish. FIONA ROSE MSA PRESIDENT LSA-SG members deserve thanks TO THE DAILY: I would like to thank all of the members of the LSA-Student Government for their dedication, hard work and friendship during the past year. For the representatives who were not re-elected, including myself, this means the sad end of a significant part of their college careers. It just goes to show that the results of student government elections are by no means a measure of qualifica- tion, dedication and desire to make a difference, but sadly they are deter- mined by how much you can wallpa- per your name and picture over any- thing and everything not moving in Angell Hall (even then they made exceptions to this ...), and by how many "quarter sheets" you can shove at people while they are standing at a poll site (which is illegal). It is a backward student govern- ment system if 51 students express an interest in working toward making a difference, and yet more than half of them are turned away by the process of elections. Imagine the work that could be accomplished and ideas that could be generated if 51 hardworking individu- als put their heads together. I am not saying that the LSA-SG should be expanded to include 51 rep- resentatives, but that anyone who has a desire to work for the benefit of the students of LSA be allowed and encouraged to do so. I urge everyone that did not win to stick around and participate by going to our general and committee meetings and having your voice heard. If your intentions were beyond simply building up your resume, then this should not be a stretch. If nothing else, you will learn the ins and outs of the student govern- ment and be a more knowledgeable and prepared candidate for the next time around. So the student body does not give you power to vote at general meet- ings, so what? Empower yourself. KELLY KLOUSTIN EXTERNAL AFFAIRS OFFICER, LSA-SG LSA SOPHOMORE Spring fashion photos ignore homosexuality TO THE DAILY: Heterosexism is the assumption that opposite-sex unions are superior to same-sex unions. In the Daily's "Spring Fashion" section (3/21/96) there are pho- tographs of people in intimate embraces suggesting romance and sexuality. I would like to point out that all of these pictures are of a man and a woman together. Usually, this type of homosexual/ bisexual exclusion takes place quite unintentionally. I doubt that the pho- tographer or the person who did the layout consciously decided to exclude representations of same-sex tender- ness.The effect, however, is to subtly portray an exclusively heterosexual world. I request that in the future you be more sensitive to the large number of people on this campus who happen to be bisexual and homosexual. Your shots of these models in exclusively heterosexual-oriented poses is an especially glaring omis- sion because at least three of the models in this section are, in fact, openly homosexual. MICHAEL DUSHANE LSA SOPHOMORE 1~~ MATT WIMSATT/Daiy 'The Brown Slug' TO THE DAILY: I have just now finished reading Jordan Stancil's column "If you're going to the Brown Jug. take Flint or Sam along" (4/17/96). This piece of journalism really struck a nerve with me. I could not agree more. Refer to the Brown Jug as "the Slug." (It has to do with the brownness, as well as the feeling you get after eating that greasy food and imbibing the swill they call "coffee.") Try the Northside Cafe; it's on Plymouth Road. As an engineer. I feel more comfortable there, and that is where Max used to work. TERRY G. LORBER II ENGINEERING SENIOR Jefe and Mesh want to stay involved in 'U' TO THE DAILY: After a long 2 1/2 weeks of cam- paigning, the "Jefe & Mesh" ticket lost. However, I want to congratulate the winners of the Michigan Student Assembly presidential election - Fiona Rose and Probir Mehta of the Michigan Party. They are hard work- ers, good campaigners, and deserve a lot of credit for winning the election. I am still not a party supporter - far from it - but I see its obvious advantages in the MSA elections. Our four- to six-person independent cam- paign organization was unable to effectively contend for the presidency against the well armed and well- manned parties. There are many things I would like to see changed about the MSA elections - how they are run and how they are campaigned for. T he way LSA-SG candidates can campaign within 25 feet of the elec- tion site, while MSA candidates must stand 50 feet away gives parties a tremendous advantage. This allows parties to be able to say, "Just remember to vote all Michigan Party!" That is the biggest asset of the parties, an independent candidate cannot say anything so easy to remember. This is why independent candi- dates are so disadvantaged. There are many more problems with the current state of the student government. I just want to encourage those who won positions in this elec- tion to remember their constituents - the students. Do not forget us now that the elec- tion is done. Do not keep us in the dark on issues students really care about. Do not forget who put you all in office. But again. I would like to fully congratulate the winners of this year's election. I just hope that our candidacy made them realize that there are stu- dents out there who do care, besides those directly involved in MSA. The student government should represent the concerns of the students, not the concerns of those in power. GEOFF TUDISCO LSA JUNIOR is NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'School days are the unhappiest in the whole span of human existence. They are full of dull, unintelligible tasks, new and unpleasant ordi- nances, with brutal violations of common sense and common decency.' H L Mencken ..:. :. ,., . S M S A v o i n needs reformn TO THE DAILY I was rather unimpressed with the organisation of the voting booths this year for the Michigan Student Assembly elections. This is my third year voting, and I was particularly disappointed with the voting site at Angell Hall First, after the first day of running out of ballots, it seems only logical that those in charge of the booths would ensure that ballots would not be scarce the following day. But again the ballot supply ran dry. Secondly the table appeared very sloppily organized. Papers were in disarray on the table. Student ID cards were not taken with care they were scattered on the table with not much regard to possible loss or theft. Thirdly, and this may seem overly critical but nonetheless significant, the workers at the booth were crabby. They were not well informedof elec- tion processes. For example, one worker did not know when more bal- lots would be arriving and at what time the voting site would be closing. The poor attitude in which the person responded to questions casted an unsophisticated light on proceedings., Finally, and most importantly, I was not given all the ballots available. The worker at the booth failed to give me the ballot for candidates running for LSA-SG. This worried me other students may not have received equal opportunity to choose from all slated candidates, not to mention the fact that it may have hurt certain candi- dates' number of votes. I needed t request the ballot that I did not receive, and the worker brushed it off as a minor overlook. Perhaps next time the ballots and papers should be packaged together for the voter prioi- to the election days. With such low voter-turnout each year, it surprises me that the booths are not more voter-friendly. Three types of people vote each year: Those who sincerely care about legis- lation, those who simply want to get involved with campus elections and those who have a friend who is run- ning for a position. These are the same people that vote every time, and it accounts for a very low percentage of the entire student population. In order to help expand the popularity of MSA elections. the election sites need to be better organized so students can he assured that their vote will not be lost and that their participation in the voting process is serious, not for a careless cause. ToM YOUNG LSA JUNIOR Secret societies 'shame' cornunity TO THE DAILY: It has been found that three secret societies exist in the tower of the Michigan Union. I hope to convey to the University community that the existence of these societies shames the University and eviscerates fundamental values of humanity. "Michiguama" claim themselves to be the top 25 men on campus, "Adara" the top 25 women on campus, and the Vulcans to be the top 25 engineers. These groups have a rich history of racism, sexism and elitism. They use Michigan facilities, are secretive, claim to be the creme de la creme of the University, and are supported by the administration of the University.A man 1s Considering that the roots of racism, sexism and other genocidal tendencies What hec are born when a group or an individual what he's think themselves better than the next, the implications of the existence of these does noti groups are frightening. The University's an lessc support for these groups is inexcusable The history of various oppressive lead- not make him any less of a man. An athlete can be a bet- ter athlete than another, but not a better man by virtue of being an athlete. A scholar can be a better scholar, but not a better woman by virtue of being a scholar. All men and women are morally equal. This process of understanding the equal moral worth of individuals, called the "Enlightenment." occurred sev- eral centuries ago. Unfortunately, the imbecilic idea that certain people are better than others as human beings has trickled down despite great leaps in knowledge, under- standing, and education. The explanation for this lies in the feeble minds of the few who have formed and participate in these secret Sman. societies. They have a cavernous need to feel like they are better, because their oes, or lives are run by feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. These same people walk good at' around campus, looking for people to lake him admire them. These few people are the a man same people who read Nietszche and _______ think every sentence applies to them. The same mentality, if you look back in JIM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST - f - 3 a do s, m of