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April 23, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-23

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One hundredfive years of editorilfreedom

April 23, 1996



Report details Matock scuffle

President James Duderstadt has 69
days left as leader of the University.
Though at times he has come un-
der criticism from students, faculty
members and even the Board of Re-
gents, some colleagues say they are
sad to see him go.
"Working with Jim has been the
highest privilege of my career. I will
miss the intel-
lectual excite-
ment and his
inoral convic-
tions," said
W a l t e r
Harrison, vice
president for
University rela-
e "He has
"'taught me more
about leader- Duderstadt
ship and higher education than I will
ever be able to convey."
Provost J. Bernard Machen said
Duderstadt leaves the University pre-
pared for the 21st century.
"He is a visionary. He keeps
pointed toward the year 2010,2017,"

Machen said. "It is so easy to get
focused on what we have to do today.
He didn't allow us to get mired in the
day-to-day activities."
Vice President for Research Homer
Neal, who will take up the reins when
Duderstadt steps down on July 1,
says he hopes to keep the University
moving during the search for the next
Neal said he is "prepared to and
will work to sustain the overall mo-
mentum of the campus."
And Duderstadt said he is pre-
pared to walk out of the Fleming
Building and into his new office in
the newly created Media Union on
North Campus.
"He is a man who, with his wife,
devoted their entire life to this Uni-
versity," Machen said.
For a look into the Duderstadt
presidency, the future ofthe Univer-
sity under Homer Neal, and the con-
tinued searchfor a permanent presi-
dent, read the special eight-page
Michigan Daily supplement included
in today 's newspaper.

DPS, witnesses shed light on
controversial arrest of
top 'U' administrator
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite miscommunications that seem to surround
the investigation into the arrest of top administrator
John Matlock, a Michigan State Police report indi-
cates that witnesses have a clearer picture of what
The lengthy report, obtained by The Michigan
Daily yesterday, includes interviews with University
students and administrators who have been involved
.with the incident.
The report shows that there were miscommunica-
tions from the beginning. At the incident on Feb. 17,
Matlock, director of the Office of Academic and
Multicultural Initiatives, allegedly assaulted police
officers and then resisted arrest. Matlock had been
scheduled to judge a slamdunk contest sponsored by
the Black Volunteer Network.
There was some initial confusion between Matlock
and the two Department of Public Safety officers,
Michael Kelley and Peter Pressley. According to the
report, while Matlock was stuck in a crowd outside
the Central Campus Recreation Building, he attempted

to enter the building through an exit door. Kelley then
"stopped Matlock by placing his right hand on
Matlock's right arm, and instructed him to enter
through the entrance door and not the exit door."
According to Kelley, Matlock then said, "Take
your fucking hands off of me." The report indicates
that Matlock hit Kelley in the chest with both hands;
Kelley lost balance and fell
backwards into Pressley.
Matlock was then handcuffed.
The report also clears up M
some confusion about which
University office firstcontacted'
the state police to request their
involvement. The report shows
that DPS Director Leo Heatley
contacted the Ypsilanti Post of
the state police after Matlock
requested an outside investiga- Matlock
tion into the incident. Heatley
said his request was made under the direction of
President James Duderstadt.
A large portion of the 106-page report focuses on a
letter written from the University to the state police on
Feb. 23, asking them to suspend their investigation.
The report questions whether the letter, which may
have been disseminated to student witnesses, hin-
dered the police investigation and resulted in an

obstruction of justice.
The letter, which was written by Executive Director
of Human Resources and Affirmative Action Jackie
McClain, requested that the investigation "be stopped
immediately" so that the matter could be resolved
through more informal means such as discussions.
"Between 2/26/96 and 2/29/96 investigators con-
tinued to experience a lack of cooperation from (Black
Volunteer Network) members," Sgt. Frederick Farkas
wrote in the report. "Because of the letter from McClain
... this investigation has been substantially hampered
by a lack of cooperation."
Lt. Brit Weber, assistant post commander at the
Ypsilanti branch ofthe state police, said yesterday that
the letter interrupted the investigation for about a
week. The state police were confused, he said, be-
cause the University initially had asked them to get
"When we received the letter, it caught us off-
guard," Weber said. "(Duderstadt) assured us it was
just a miscommunication.
"It had an impact on the investigation. Some of the
students were under the impression that they shouldn't
talk to state police," Weber said.
There are currently no obstruction ofjustice charges
filed against the University for this incident.
See MATLOCK, Page 2A

Groups examine
Law School, racism
committees to issue reports Friday

By Heather Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
In response to student concerns raised
about the University Law School's cli-
mate with respect to race, gender and
sexuality, two committees have been
meeting to address these issues and are
scheduled to report their findings Friday.
The climate committee is charged
with assessing the educational environ-
*ent of the Law School, and the second
committee has been formed to find a
successor to Student Services Associ-
ate Dores McCree.
Law School Dean Jeffrey Lehman
named the two committees on April 4
after the faculty and administration
agreed to create the committees at a
March 22 faculty meeting. Both com-
mittees are composed of student, staff,
culty and administration members. .,
"They're very beneficial," Lehman

said of the committees.
Lehman said the climate committee,
which is chaired by Law Prof. Christina
Whitman, is geared toward "evaluating
the educational environment" and "in-
suring a commitment to diversity." The
committee also acts as a forum to ad-
dress issues relating to race, gender and
"We've been trying to assess the situ-
ation," said Hardy Vieux, a Law sec-
ond-year student who is a member of
the committee. "We've been discuss-
ing a countless numberofissues." Vieux
said most"substantive work" will likely
occur in the fall.
"We have agreed on certain priorities
for the Law School (in regards to hiring
and curriculum diversity);"Vieux said
"We know that the Law School is com-
mitted to these issues."

Bursicy to celebrate
with afternoon bash

f Spring Street Party to
feature performances,
By Alice Robinson
Daily Staff Reporter
Students will finally get a chance to
get back at their resident advisers to-
A dunking tank for RAs will be just.
ne of the many creative offerings at
e Bursley Hall Spring Street Party,
expected to draw hundreds of people to
Bursley's front lawn from 3-9 p.m. to-
"It started out as kind ofan idea to get
students outside," said Engineering
sophomore Graham Mills, a vice chair
on Bursley's government council. "We
decided to charge 25 cents a ball and
donate it to Bursley Community Vol-

The end-of-the-year bash, sponsored
by Bursley Hall government council,
brings together local and national per-
formers - offering students a short
reprieve between the end of classes and
the start of cramming.
The celebration includes perfor-
mances by student a cappella groups
The Gentlemen and Amazin' Blue, a
visit by Bursley's own in-house com-
edy troupe, Home lmprov-ment, and an
appearance by nationally renowned
magician Aaron Radatz.
In addition, visitors will have the
opportunity to jump on an inflated
moonwalk, sumo-wrestle and climb a
Velcro wall.
Organizers hope students will take
advantage of the opportunity to relieve
See BURSLEY, Page 2A

Making a forest
of tiny trees
Above: Warren Hill gives a
demonstration on yose-ue forest
planting at a special meeting of
the Ann Arbor Bonsai Society last
Right: Hill explains his ideas of
height and girth when planting
Bonsai forests yesterday. He
spoke to about 50 members of the
Ann Arbor Bonsai Society. The
society has met once a month for
the past 26Nears. Members share
Bonsai crafting tips, hold special
lectures and put on exhibitions of
their work.
Photos by

'U moves
to new
By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
The University is scheduled to enter
a new phase on July 1 in the way it
allocates funding.
Known as Value-Centered Manage-
ment, the new method is intended to
provide more openness and visibility in
the budgeting process.
But some at the University are ex-
pressing concerns that VCM will put
more emphasis on economics than edu-
cation and that students might suffer in
the proces.
Provost J. Bernard Machen, whose
office plays a significant role in the
budgeting process, said VCM will make
the University more responsible in its
use of money.
"We think that having VCM will put
a better relationship together with an
academic unit and a budget," Machen
said. "We will be more prudent in man-
aging our revenue and more prudent in
managing our costs."
The current budgeting system re-
quires the central administration to col-
lect all funds - including tuition and
state appropriations-and divide them
among the University's assorted aca-
demic units.
Under both the old and new system,
the central administration collects
funds. But in VCM, tuition will go
directly to the units, instead of being
filtered through the central adminis-
The units will pay for facility costs
and administration expenses, putting
more responsibility in the hands of the
deans. The provost will allocate state
funding to the University's academic
Machen said VCM's arrival comes
amidst "limited state support, tuition
maxed, (and) federal research dollars in
great jeopardy."
Tuition funds will be distributed
based on what courses students take, in
addition to what school or college the
student is enrolled in.
John Cross, LSA associate dean for
budget and administration, said he is
concerned that VCM might cause stu-
dents to be viewed as potentials for
"A student all of a sudden becomes a
revenue source," Cross said. "VCM
tells colleges they should do that. It
monetizes the student body."
In a report that circulated earlier this
month, Cross outlined potential prob-
lems with VCM. Along with the view
that students may be treated as sources
of profit, Cross also expressed concern
that VCM may cause units to compete
against one another and may impede
inter-unit cooperation.
"We all know about classes that at-
tract large numbers ofpeople, butaren't
particularly challenging," Cross said.
"Under VCM, that would be an im-


Talks fail to stop bombings

The Baltimore Sun
BEIRUT, Lebanon - A diplomatic solution to
the conflict in Lebanon remained elusive yester-
day, as the fighting's victims were mourned, Is-
raeli planes bombed new targets south of the
capital and Hezbollah guerrillas fired rockets into
Israel, wounding two Israelis.
U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher
held five hours of talks in Damascus, Syria -
his second trip there in two days - and then
returned to Jerusalem. But so far he has failed to
achieve a cease-fire in the battle that has raged
for 12 days.
"Our noal is to seek an early cease-fire and a

expressed a desire for a cease fire, but Christopher
was having difficulty negotiating the details of an
Yesterday afternoon, Israeli jets bombed con-
crete bunkers of a Palestinian organization, the
Popular Front for the Liberation Qf Palestine-
General Command, a Syrian-backed group that is
opposed to the Palestinian-Israeli peace process.
The attack raised huge plumes of smoke over a
neighborhood south of Beirut, but there was no
report of casualties.
Generally, the 12th day of Israel's bombard-
ment showed a slackening of the war effort on
both sides, an indication perhaps that neither


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