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April 22, 1996 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-22

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The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, April 22, 1996 - 31

:M water polo women romp in NCAA regional


By Sharat Reju
Daily Sports Writer
There has to be some reason why Michigan water
sports teams are so good. Maybe it's because the state
is surrounded by so many lakes.
. Whateverthe reason is, the No.7 Michigan women's
water polo team, although still a club sport, hopes to
e mentioned in the same breath as the other teams
at perform in the pool at the University.
This weekend's performance at the NCAA regionals
at Canham Natatorium showed just how talented the
team really is.
The Wolverines (16-0 Big Ten, 24-5 overall) won
their NCAA regional this weekend in convincing
fashion. Friday they defeated Bowling Green, 15-2,
and Illinois, 14-1.

On Saturday, Michigan crushed Ohio State with
an 18-0 shutout performance from senior goalie
Justine Sarver.
The Wolverines made Michigan State their final
victim, as they cruised to a 10-3 victory and the
regional championship. Michigan junior Carrie Lilley
scored five goals in the contest.
The high-paced Michigan scoring attack in the
tournament was led by Lilley, who tallied 11 goals
and five assists, freshman Evelyn Baltodano, who
scored six, and senior Julie Chmielewski, who added
five goals and six assists. Heather Staeven's five
assists also contributed to the cause.
The key to the team's success was defense. The
team defense was anchored Molly Farabee,
Chmielewski and Lilly, who held their opponents

to a total of six goals in the tournament. The three
also combined for a total of I1 steals. Sarver was
named MVP of the tournament, due in no small part
to her 28 saves on 34 shots on goal. She also scored
five goals herself.
The Wolverines' strong team performances came
as a result of strong individual performances. Conse-
quently, four players were named to the all-tourna-
ment first team - Sarver, Lilley; Chmielewski and
sophomore Lauren Davis. Staeven and sophomore
Erika Andreasen were both named to the second team.
"As a result of this strong performance, we quali-
fied for the NCAA championships," Michigan coach
Scott Russell said.
The NCAA championships are scheduled for May
10-12 in Davis, Calif.

Black and Whitey

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Scores and more: You can find it here

Avid fans and
casual observers
can get their
sorts fix on-line
By Donald Adamok
Daily Sports Writer
Once upon a time, sports fans turned
to the morning paper for scores. As
technology progressed, there became
faster ways of finding updated scores.
From news radio stations giving scores
every half
hour to
cable tele-.
*ion sta-
tions run-
ning sports on the
"tickers" at
the bottom (I Internet
of the
screen, scores became easier and easier
to get. But with the Internet available,
noothermedium can compete forspeed.
The most popular sports site, and one
he busiest sites on the entire web, is
PN's SportsZone (http://
espnet.sportszone.com/). It was one of
the first sites to give constant updates
on scores, and still does that in addition
to other features.
SportsZone offers constant updates
on not only the four major pro sports in
the United States and some college
sports, but Major League Soccer as
well. In addition to the score updates,
there are feature stories and interviews
*th sports figures. It also has several
user-interactive features, such as con-
tests, chatrooms and space to ask ESPN
celebrities questions. SportsZone also
offers some coverage of foreign sports
and minor college sports.
The only downside to SportsZone is
that it requires a subscription fee for
many of its features. The scores are
free, but many of the articles and nearly
1 of the user-interactive portions re-
ire payment.
No other services compare to
SportsZone in popularity, but several
others offer more for free than
SportsZone will. Two of the fastest are
Yahoo! (http://sports.yahoo.com/
sports/) and USA Today (http://
web. usatoday.com/sports/).
USA Today offers nearly all of the
features SportsZone does, but it is
entirely free. It updates scores con-
uously and gives game summaries
thin half an hour of the game end-
ing. In addition, most of its pages will
reload every two minutes if viewed
on certain web browsers. Using this
feature on a baseball game effectively
provides play-by-play coverage. USA
Today also provides previews of most
games. Like SportsZone, USA Today
provides many statistics in addition
to the stories.
*Yahoo!'s sports coverage is less ex-
tensive. Its scores are updated nearly
instantaneously, but it provides few sto-
ries ,and nothing else.
-Yahoo! is not known for its sports,
though. It is known for being one of the
most comprehensive directories for the
web. This allows a net surfer to find
almost any type of sports home page

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or nearly all parties involved, it would've been better if the Michigan
football team's season ended after it beat Ohio State. But not for us.
No, we had to leave in the middle of winter break - on Christmas
Day - to go to a place that wasn't all that warm, all just to see the Wolverines
lose in the Alamo Bowl.
Of course, we didn't mind. That was our job.
Three years ago, the two of us arrived at the Daily wanting to become
journalists. Whether or not we have remains to be seen, but we have learned a
lot about the job trying.
Foremost among our lessons learned is the fact that it's tough covering the
Wolverines when you, yourself, are a Wolverine. Needless to say, it affects
your objectiveness.
Most students probably don't believe us when we say that we didn't feel
anything when Charles Woodson sealed the Ohio State game by intercepting
Bobby Hoying. That's OK; we don't believe it, either. But that's the approach
we had to take in order to cover the Wolverines objectively - in order to be
journalists, in other words.
Not that there weren't times we didn't feel it appropriate to pull for Michi-
gan. When a couple of victories mean the difference between going to Pasa-
dena or going nowhere, rooting for the Wolverines makes sense.
But that's different from what has sometimes been expected of us around ;
this campus. That's to say that there is a large group of people, athletes and '
coaches included, who believe we should be fans.
But what good would that do? If we only wrote when there were good things.
to write, half of the sports section would be empty each day. It's not fun to
write that Michigan didn't play well, that Michigan lost or that Joe (or Jane!)
Athlete was arrested, but it is news and it has to be reported.
It's our job. We're journalists, remember?
And to think we've become so principled without any kind of classroom education!
Not overall, of course -just when it comes to joumalism. (Editor's Note: While
working for the Daily, Darren and Ryan have missed a combined 346 classroom hours
while on assignment. At least they told us they were on assignment.)
But whatever sacrifice we've made, we've done it for you, our readers.
Sometimes this has meant attending Michigan basketball games on school
nights; other times it's meant following the hockey team across the country
instead of following one of those professor-types in lecture.
You haven't always appreciated it, for whatever reason. We haven't exactly
been called racist, but "moron" has been thrown around from time to time. Ant.
one of us had a somewhat frightening run-in with a member of the sailing club:
Given the choice, though, would we do it all again? Absolutely.g$
There is nothing like being the one who tells the story about the Michigan basketball
team ending Indiana's 50-game home winning streak, or about the Wolverines' unlikely
win over the second-ranked and undefeated football Buckeyes.
It's also nice to write about the unheralded member of the tennis team or the:
outgoing gymnastics coach - the stories that aren't usually told.
Coincidentally, those are the kind of stories that true journalists like to tell.
We'll continue to write such stories, if we have our way. At this point, we'd love
nothing more than to make a career of this journalism thing. If we've learned anything
over the past couple of years, it's that this business is a lot of fun.
But we're not kidding ourselves. It'll never get any better than it's been here
- despite the time commitment, the objectivity conflicts and having to write
about the occasional Michigan loss.
It's been fun, and we'll do it for as long as we can.
It's our job.
- Darren Everson and Ryan White can be reached over e-mail ar
evey@uniich.edu and target@umich.edu. This is Darren's final column for the
Daily. Most of you will be forced to suffer through another semester of Ryan 1s
football coverage though.

4 t

Sports-oriented sites pervade the Internet; fans can find everything from Major League Baseball to their local cycling club to
Michael Jordan's fan pages on-line. This particular page provides links to the English Premier League soccer clubs and can
be found at http://www.fa-premier.com/#reports.

With more than 6,700 sports sites
listed, Yahoo! has many different types
of pages. Many are dedicated to spe-
cific teams.
Several teams have official home
pages that the team produced itself.
These pages often look better than any-
thing a fan will produce but are natu-
rally very biased.
Many fans also create pages in hom-
age to their favorite teams. These are a
little more colorful at times, though
they do not often look as professional.
To find any team's home pages there
are two routes. Either go to Yahoo!'s
main sports index page (http://
www.vahoo. com/Recreation/Sports/)
and follow the links by sport, or go to
the same page and type the team's name
in the search box.
Another type of page that fans have
created is dedicated to individual play-
ers. From the famous to the obscure,
many players are represented on the
web. Sure, there are many Michael Jor-
dan pages (http://
www. cs. technion. ac. il/-vvonne/
jordan.html) on the web, but where else
than the Internet could you learn about
Debs Garms (http://www.geocities.com/
TheTropics/2634/debs. htm)?
Speaking of players, one of the best
sites on the web is put out by players.
The National Hockey League Players
Association (http://www.nhlpa.com)
runs a tremendous site, with trivia con-

tests and bios of every NHL player.
And it wouldn't be sports ifthe league
wasn't competing with the players. The
NH L (http://www.nhl.com), NBA
(http://www.nba.com), ML B (http://
www.majorleaguebaseball.com/) and
NFL(http://nflhome.com/)all have their
own home pages with statistics, results
and merchandising.
It isn'tjustpro leaguesgettinginon this
action. Many college conferences have
their own home pages to provide statis-
tics, standings and general information.
The CCHA (http://www.ccha.com) has
one of the best, but the Big Ten has yet to
get in on the action.
That hasn't stopped the schools,
though. Michigan's athletic department

runs a page (http://www.umich.edu/
-mgoblue/) with every varsity team's
record, roster and schedule, and articles
on every game.
Another source for Michigan sports
information is the The Michigan Daily's
own web page (http://
w ww.pub. urnich.eduldaily). Like many
newspapers, the Daily is on-line with
local team coveragethat won'tget news-
print on readers' hands.
All of the strange things in paren-
theses and italics above are URLs
(Universal Resource Locators). To
access a page, open a web browser
and look for a feature called open
location. Select that and then type in
the URL of the page desired.

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